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CAW // joining(?), injured - Printable Version

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CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 07-31-2019

//oh boy, here we go again
he has an injury on the back of his head, and it's bleeding - he's not in danger of dying of blood loss tho
also he's not wearing a button hat yet that'll come later

A rough ride didn't begin to describe it. Everything hurt, from his- um... t-to his... what? What happened? No, nevermind, he couldn't remember. It hurt really bad, though. A skinny neck trembled with a swallow. Dark, beady eyes cracked open, squinting against the harsh invasion of filtered sunlight and blurred, swaying surroundings. Ugh. The room refused to fall still, and it was making him nauseas. Eyelids squeezed shut again.

The small dark form waited silently for his senses to pull themselves out from the murky darkness. He could feel grass underneath him, tickling his face and feet. A breeze tugged gently at him and chilled the back of his head. Various creatures chirped and chittered around him. Daringly, he opened his eyes again. Blurry shapes began to settle into focus. Forest...? When did he go into the forest?

Rolling onto his belly, he pushed himself up onto spindly gray legs, stumbled, then fell back down. A hiss of breath escaped his mouth. Something didn't feel right. His body didn't feel right. But he couldn't place what was off. Attempt number two. Legs straightened and his body rose from the ground. Swaying in an almost comical, drunken way, he fell back onto his butt. His feet. He stared at his feet, still squinting as if he had just woken from a deep sleep. They didn't look right. But they didn't look wrong, either. What was wrong?

He tried to rub the back of his head, which throbbed with a painful headache. Wait, no, he can't reach. Why did he try? Dark, glossy feathers unfolded as he spread one of his wings. Yeah, wings. Wings... He blinked. Yeah, yeah- wings. That was fine. Wasn't it? He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, but he was really, really sleepy. There wasn't enough energy for him to care. Feathery chest puffing out with a breath, he settled back into the grass and let his eyes slip shut again.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - trojan g. - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth was not normally one to go an see what was going on when noise or creatures came her way, but, today was the day that she was feeling adventurous while out looking at the sticks that fell from the trees, so when Bink started moving around and standing up, it caught the eye of the small fox, and her ears pricked before she pad over to the other, head tilting slightly as she did so, debating. This was a bird - something she had seen her fellow group mates eat plenty of times before - but it was cute, and it seemed to be hurt. She didn't want something bad to happen to it.

"H-hello?" Moth spoke, looking down at the bird as she got down onto it's level. "Are you okay little guy? You look hurt, and I don't want you to get more hurt."

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Wormwood had been on one of his usual daily walks around the Wormwood territory, wondering if he would take the walk further out to where he could find Draekon, when he - very nearly - ran into Bink. Looking down at the bird in surprise, he contemplated how the thing would taste, exactly. He couldn't help it. After all, he was a carnivore, and he had no idea if this crow was a feral, or someone who actually needed help. He didn't look great, given the wound on the back of his head and the bleeding, so Wormwood decided that he would do a bit of asking before he decided to just go gobbling the very small bird down. Besides, he probably wouldn't make a great meal anyways, since he was pretty tiny.

Looking over at Moth, the large lion noticed that she was probably having the about same thoughts as he was. Was this guy prey, or did he need some legit help? Clearing his throat, the lion cautiously reached out to nudge the crow with his paw, mumbling gruffly as he looked the small male over, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Hey bird buddy, can you wake up and tell us if you need help? Cause we've got medical people here and you look it, but if all you're gonna do is caw at us, it uh, might not be that great.[/glow] He then glanced around the forest area before calling out in a roar, flicking his paw away from the crow and stepping back so that he wouldn't think he was about to crush him or something. He knew just how much some creatures were intimidated by him, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Anybody else around? We've got somebody injured here... I think..."[/glow]

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - RED - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Red's pretty sure that there are quite a few animals that would very literally kill for a quick bite to eat like this one. He doesn't happen to be one of them, but he wouldn't be surprised if somebody came barreling out of the woods to make prey of the injured bird. He wasn't even sure if this one was feral or not; he hadn't spoken thus far.

"D'aw. Hey, little guy." Hopefully the bird wouldn't die or anything - he looked pretty beat up. Maybe someone had already tried to make him into lunch. "Where's he hurt? We could probably patch him up or make a splint right here if it's not too bad."

ooc. hm.. muse death ._.

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 07-31-2019


Despite the noises of wildlife around him, giving him an anxious feeling, he couldn't bring himself to get up and go home. Which way was home from here? Why couldn't he remember? He felt like crying, but no tears would come. Eyes blinked open again just in time to see an orange shape come closer and closer. The sense of danger didn't register until he heard the voice, clear as day. There was hardly a pause before a much larger creature followed, and his eyes widened in horror. Unable to form words, the only sound to escape his body was a harsh caw. His feet scraped at the ground as he tried to scoot away.

The bird trembled and his chest quivered with quick breaths. His sluggish mind was struggling to process the words being spoken to him. They were so big- he was scared... he didn't want to die. Fear was swamping his confusion. Animals don't speak. Do they? Was this normal? It had to be- he couldn't see why it wouldn't be. "I-I-" Words struggled to form a sentence as they slipped from his beak. A third creature joined the party, but his eyes were still locked on the lion, who made him flinch as he roared. He was going to die- he was going to die-

"D-don't," he whimpered softly, cowering into his wings. Tears finally began to well and spill. "I-I-I don't want to d-die," he hiccuped hoarsely. His head was throbbing, he was scared, he was dizzy- why wouldn't it stop?
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - Vathmos - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Vathmos is one of those animals that would have killed for a quick bite to eat. If this animal was sentient and they were seeing if it needed help, then where was the line? What was she allowed to eat? What or who should she kill?  Was it just animals you thought didn't act right? Was it lower class? Vathmos was used to a simple system- if it wasn't your brother, it was food. If your brother died, he was food. She came out of the surroundings, that little hyena laugh coming from her throat as a way to tell her clanmates it was her. She approached now, black eyes looking over the bird, a little bit of drool falling out of her mouth.

It spoke. Perhaps that was the line. She would have just attacked it already. She imagined, briefly, leaping forward and biting down on it, its bones crunching and snapping like celery in her mouth. Mmmmm Tarseteeya. Her lips turned upwards as it begged for its life, cringing.
Itee winowpulide boet etarseitetru jepusetee teeow etartee ittee.

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - deimos - 07-31-2019

What kind of group did Sam live in?

Oh, right, one full of savages it seemed.

The guardsmen swept her way over, strutting with her antlers held high. Being renewed by the visit to Goldie, she was a feeling a lot better. She opened her mouth, shouting at the people there. "Alright, alright, back off a bit! The dude is scared n' shit, lets give em' space." She huffed with a roll of her green eyes. She barely glanced at Vathmos, before looking back towards the crow.

The relatively shorter housecat sat. Her doe-like tail twitched behind her, flashing white from time to time. "Look. You won't die. What's your name, then?" Sam's ears were perked as she almost seemed to take up a defense closest to the crow. Sam's disposition seemed really relaxed and easy-going, so she hoped he would open up to it.



Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Noticing the fearful look in the crow's eyes as he focused on him, Wormwood sighed and did as he was told, stepping back so that Sam would have plenty of room, and so that the poor thing wouldn't pass out. He ended up settling into a sit a few feet away, focusing his gaze on Sam instead of Bink so that he wouldn't feel so threatened. He shot a disapproving look in Vathmos' direction, shaking his head a bit. He could understand the desire to take advantage of the situation and just go to town on snapping up a quick little treat, but this guy was obvious sentient and in a panic, so it wasn't really appropriate to go around salivating over him.

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - bink. - 07-31-2019


More and more animals were showing up, crowding around him and looking down at him, some hungrily. He couldn't stop shaking. That was a hyena, and he watched the drool dripping from its mouth. They all wanted to eat him. Such a thought was foreign in his mind, but at the same time, it made sense. Confusion continued to rack his mind. Why didn't anything make sense?

Another forest dweller approached the scene, increasing the dread that sat heavily in his belly. He had almost come to terms with the fact that he was about to die, despite the persistent fear. But- this cat was telling them to back off. How- how would that work? They were all so much bigger than her. And how does a cat have antlers?

A moment of silence passed, and he was still alive. To his surprise, the lion obeyed the newcomer and moved back. The crow looked around at the overbearing animals again, the movement making his vision swim. He swallowed again and scooted a little closer to the antler-cat. "My... name?" he spoke pitifully. Another lapse of silence. It was then that it clicked, everything that was wrong. That was the problem. He didn't know. "I-I don't know," he whimpered. Another tear fell on the grass. "I can't remember." Did he ever have a name?
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: CAW // joining(?), injured - selby roux ! - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At the cry for help, Selby was immediately in action. There seemed to be a lot of these cries lately, and he refused to let another one end like the last one had. He scooped up his medical bag and speedily ran off to the source of the sound.

When he got there, he saw a freaked out little bird. He approached slowly, pausing when he was a little bit behind Sam. "Hey, it’ll be alright," he said soothingly. "I’m Selby. Do you mind if I take a look?" He showed the little bird his medical bag from where he was standing as non threateningly as possible.