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FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - Printable Version

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FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - bubblegum - 07-31-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The captain had heard of the loss of Arrow, and, to be honest, she personally could not feel so much pity over the female. After all, they'd only interacted a few times, and last time they did, it had not gone over so well. But, she knew better than to spit on the grave of someone who'd done nothing truly wrong, aside from maybe insult her once, especially given they're allies. Sam's visit to her home was proof enough that the female had a great impact on her groupmates and she would feel dirty not doing something to hopefully ease any grief they may be experiencing now. So, she'd gone out of her way to make presents - it was the easiest thing she could think of right now. And, what was better than stuffing one's face with delicious treats? So, the female had taken the past few days to gather ingredients, recipes, and begin the cooking.

The tigress had to carry two large gift baskets filled with desserts in order to deliver the amount she'd created. Candy, cookies, pie, cheesecake, tarts, coconut cake, and one specific treat for Sam - Irish apple cake, and it had a note labeling it so. Truly, she was her fathers combined. Her very first interaction with Jacob being very young, surrounded by foreign scents, but declaring that his bakery he'd delivered as gifts smelled pretty. The soft, scarred husky who just liked to knit sweaters and eat pasta and her rugged, charismatic papa as a strong captain. The female would set the baskets down gently, many of the desserts still warm and filling the air with delicious scents.

"Uh, hey," the captain would call out, eyes tired but still focused. Goldie would sigh silently to herself, blinking at the swamp's territory. "Made y'all some stuff!"

Re: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

While Wormwood had never known Arrow for very long, her death had still had a profound impact on him. It wasn't often where someone just walked up and saw someone else die in front of them without even a second thought where they were just completely unaffected. He had seen how much Arrow had meant to the group as a whole, and he and Poet had even ended up having a long night where they just stayed in Poet's house and contemplated mortality while crying occasionally. It had been a while since Worm had cried, but Arrow's sudden death had been enough to rock him to his core, even if it was only for a couple of days, even though it still had some longer lasting more subtle effects that were wearing on his psyche.

For the second time in just a couple of days, Worm found himself face to face with a tiger, although this one wasn't threatening him and then giving him funny feelings in his chest when they left. No, rather than any of that nonsense, Goldie was offering the group some delicious snacks, evidently to cheer them all up a bit given recent events. Slowly ambling his way over, Wormwood slowly dipped his head down as a sign of respect before rumbling softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Hello there, this is very kind of you. I dont think we've met properly, but I've heard about you before. Goldenluxury, right? I'm Wormwood. All of this looks very delicious, and I'm sure that everybody will appreciate it. [/glow]" He found himself wanting to be polite, given that he was in the presence of a leader that wasn't just Crow.

Re: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - deimos - 07-31-2019

After Arrow had died, Sam took a lot to heart. She took the fact that a pillar of their family in Tanglewood was gone. She took the fact that someone strong, and with the right thoughts in mind, was absolutely gone. Sam had run from it all. She found Goldie, confounded in her- hid at her place, ate her food. Sam had gotten comfortable there so quickly without knowing it. And being around the demigoddess really caused her a big amount of comfort. With Arrow gone, either her or Leroy would have to step up.

And Sam had a feeling who would step up next.

Sam's ears perked at the sound of the pirate princess. She padded over quickly, seemingly with a goal in mind before reminding herself not to act super interested. Her nose twitched at the scent of the cakes, a tinge of apple and cinnamon mixing in. Sam arrived at the scene to see Wormwood. She nodded to him, before addressing Goldie. "Is this what you were doing all that time? I.. it smells so good.." Sam hadn't eaten a lot in recent days. Mixing up dropping cigarettes and a death was hard on Sam's body.



Re: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - bubblegum - 08-01-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The tigress would be greeted by a face she would not recognize, and her heterochromatic gaze fell upon him quietly. She always thought it funny when someone dipped their head towards her. It was something she never really did herself, she was simply too casual for it most of the time, but she would offer one in return, as always. No need to seem disrespectful just because she thought an action was a little silly. Her feathered ear tips twitched as he began to speak, flashing a teasing grin as he mentions her name. It wasn't hard to figure out that she was Goldenluxury Roux once you know there is a Goldenluxury Roux. Her fur wasn't exactly hiding it by any means, and she wasn't going to complain too much. Being an easily recognizable face was something she'd been used to since she began to make her face present in the world, which has certainly been over a year by now. It made introductions easier, at least. "Is' nice t' meetcha', Wormwood. 'm sure you'll like 'em, I learned from one of the best when I was lil'." Her tone is friendly, pleasant. She was confident Crow was taking care of the problem she had last visited for, so she didn't really care to be pissed towards them anymore.

Next to arrive would be the individual she'd made sure to make something special for, and her ears would perk towards her as soon as she noticed. The female found a deeper connection towards her new friend after all of this, which is a feeling she hasn't been able to experience in a very long time. Stepping up as captain also meant she had to cut out several things in order to both perform better, as well as to simply manage her time, and one of those things was her old habit of befriending each and every crewmate she had on a very personal level. It was better for her energy, being introverted, but it still did feel so lonely a lot of the time, so this was a nice change of pace.

Goldie nods towards the familiar female, gesturing towards the cake labelled just for Sam. "Is' the least I can do," she responds in a light manner. "'d never made Irish apple cake before, but I think it turned out nice. Is' good t' try new recipes."

Re: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - Vathmos - 08-01-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"] Vathmos hadn't seen something like her before. Was she beautiful? Was she dangerous? She was an outsider, that was sure. She smelled different. The tribe would have tried to overpower her or run her away from their home. She had the shape of a lion or a leopard, but she was huge and her fur was an impossible color. How did she look so well?

Vathmos didn't know Arrow, she had not even met her fellow clanmate before she met her end. So, she did not feel much of anything. No worries- Arrow was just another number to her. It did enlighten her, however, learning that they did not their dead here. Food was food to Vathmos, it was how you paid respect to Lamashtu.

Vathmos came out of the underbrush, wet mud on her paws and dried blood on her muzzle. There were patches on her torso, medicine applied to still-healing bite wounds from her own kind. That hideous laughter came from her throat as she put herself behind Wormwood, her head bobbing out from behind him. Maybe it was her way of investigating the stranger. She finally looks at the baskets, head lowered to stare from under Wormwood. Okay, well, everyone else seemed to be fine with the stranger. That meant it was safe for her to approach too, right? She took a more confident posture, ears up and head high, walking out from behind Worm and approaching her.

"What are you? Where are you from?" This stranger's scent was unfamiliar to her, as Vathmos was unaware of the other groups. She trodded forward lightly, smelling the baskets with some amount of caution.  Whowartee arruet teehowetseet?

Re: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO / gifts - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"You have cake?" Feza asked, her wings fluttering as she came rapidly bounding over. The sound of strangers was more enticing than the sound of the people that she had been steadily growing used to hanging around. Her blue eyes squinted, and an experimental sniff followed. If the other's weren't acting hostile then she certainly wasn't. Leave the hostility for other's to have, her mind had one vibe and it was party. "You made stuff? Cake? I heard cake and so, so, so I came right on over. What sort of stuff? Party favors?" She asked, her fluffy tail rapidly swinging back and forth behind her. Oh, she desperately needed party favors, her claws itched in order to throw some party and she needed stuff to do that!