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typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - Printable Version

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typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - raziel - 07-31-2019

The massive faerie disliked this greatly.  Morally, he disagreed, but as a father, he saw the logic.  You live among pirates but you still don't think like one.  Hardly a bad thing, in his opinion, until matters of gray morality decided to rear their ugly heads.  He doubted either of his younger brothers would face the amount of hesitation yanking against his heart and soul.

He wanted his daughter back.  Raziel took care to practice patience, even when it seemed strange to others.  Living as long as he did, the dire wolf often saw little reason for haste.  Time gave time to think, strategize, and act with measured care if action -- should action be required.  "Cuimhnigh ar an bplean," he advised quietly.

He'd seen his younger brother act impulsively enough before.  Fortunately, he trusted Kian to keep his cool in this sort of situation for it clearly called for caution and patience.  Unfortunately, he did not have such faith in their little companion, Aine.  She had a habit of wandering off track.  Luckily he kept her job simple; stay by his side, even if her father showed up.

Neither Raziel nor Kian had any intention to harm the child.  She was blood, albeit somewhat distantly, and a child moreover.

If the Pittians decided to act rashly and attack the two, he would not retaliate.  He suspected Kian might, and he knew his younger brother looked like an easier target, but he would not envy the fool his brother might end up drowning for such.  Consequently, he kept them close to the river that snaked through the Pitt's desert, offering Kian some dangerous ammo (he'd heard the water to be terribly unsafe).

He imagined the three of them an interesting sight.  A massive dire wolf, a tiny wild cat with matching sea-green eyes, and the little fox.  The latter of which Raziel had to throw a paw in front of every few seconds to keep her from chasing a random insect.  Ideally, they would meet her father on the border, someone Raziel felt confident in reasoning with.

Jervis was a proud tyrant -- the faerie king doubted he'd simply hand Suvi over for Aine without issue.  If he was smart, however, he ought to come to the conclusion denying such a trade would cost him both a child among the Pitt and her father. Gael's still like us in that sense.

Now the waiting game began.

// [member=4817]aine.[/member] [member=267]Kian.[/member] [member=4836]gael[/member]

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - aine. - 07-31-2019

[align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
In a child's mind, this seemed more an odd game at this point.  After finding herself lost, the petite vixen managed to follow a newfound friend to his home among the pirates.  Once there, family found her instead of him, but Aine quite happily seemed to win them over.  They took her home, so she was no longer lost.

She supposed she didn't mind sticking by her father's cousins for the time being.  A beetle nearly drove her off as they finally reached the border.  Then a lizard.  She pouted quietly, rocking on her charcoal colored paws as she discovered herself a little too slow to avoid Raziel's gentle encouragements back.

Waiting certainly lacked the same element of fun as exploring did.  Or chasing butterflies.  Or lizards and beetles in this case.  She swiped her paw down once, almost catching a beetle that ran under her 'Uncle Raz's paws, only she misaimed and soon resumed her restless fidgeting.

Hopefully her da would show up, but then she remembered the 'plan'.  Aine bit the inside of her cheek, growing ever more bored and antsy.  The 'plan' supposedly ended in her extended family parting ways with a missing youth of their own and her back home.  No drama.  No conflict.  She didn't truly understand but it seemed simple enough.

She wished she could do something more than just sit and wait in the meantime.  At least Raziel more than kept the sun off of her.
I'll come back when you call me

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - gael - 07-31-2019

Aine. The black and red fox halted his patrol the split second he spotted three figures in the distance.  Stubborn to wait until some sign of his daughter's return, the faerie had paced the invisible lines all night.  His golden-hazel eyes glinted red, but brightened with alertness and focus.

As the lean vulpine quickly scaled the distance in between, his eyes narrowed on the trio's obvious leader.  Even as a massive wolf, Gael knew his cousin, Raziel.  The rusty spotted cat at his side must be Kian, since the other brother lurked among the Pitt, hidden under a false guise.

He only cared about Aine.  The child seemed unhurt to him, displaying her usual restlessness in his cousin's care.  Regardless, he threw the pirates a measured glare, suspicious.  "Col ceathrar." The elegant fox refused anything short of politeness at the first words, inclining his head to Raziel specifically as he spoke.  "Mo rí."

His paws dug into the sand, firmly, his shoulders rolling back loosely.  He told Seamus he desired no family feuds and he meant it, but it became clear to him that his cousins would not simply hand his only living child back to him.  For that he began taking carefully stock of every detail.

Beneath the sun with his dark, multi-colored coat, he'd began suffering beneath the heat.  Worse, he felt tired, but the trio must've embarked immediately whenever they found Aine.  Strange.  They must not have told their crew then.  He'd put himself on par with Kian then perhaps, but not Raziel.  Never Raziel, who found an intelligent place to hold with the only resource his brother required to wreak havoc.  But not with Aine between them.

Gael bit back a frustrated sneer.  He suspected Raziel alone might return Aine without any issue.  "Cad ba mhaith leat?" Despite his irritation, he spoke softly as a gentle breeze.  He knew he lost this game of chess the second he rushed over; Raziel knew he'd do anything for Aine.  But he'd do the same for Suvi...
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - Kian. - 08-02-2019

KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
If the Irishman seemed on edge, he may be.  The small feline kept twitching his ears, and tail, a restless glint in his stormy eyes.  A deep hatred of the Pitt had rooted itself in the pirate's soul long ago, moons before Jervis' reign when they took Keona from him.  The rift between himself and Seamus suffered for it then, too, as his twin went and spied on the Pitt in an attempt to return her home safely.

They both came back battered, although not from the Pitt evidently.  An attack from someone gone rogue.  Regardless, the faerie held only contempt for the desert-jungle clan.  He hardly believed returning Aine did the child any favors, but he lacked the heart to keep her from her father entirely.

The Pitt still had Suvi though, and Kian saw an opportunity.  He knew Raziel hated it, but he felt confident this plan worked for them in the end.  Either they left with Suvi, or they ruined Gael's loyalty to Jervis.

Seeing his cousin for the first time in years honestly shook him a little.  It brought to mind his first interaction with Seamus when his twin joined the Typhoon.  Distrust and wariness invaded his mind, but he opted to hope.  This was still Gael, who'd he grown up alongside.  Gael, who'd he fought beside.

"Col ceathrar." He flashed a friendly smile, despite the less than ideal circumstances.  "Nílimid ag iarraidh trioblóide."

"Ba mhaith linn ach Suvi." A more than fair bargain, as far as pirate felt.

Heavily, he sighed, tilting his head.  "I don' know how you ended up 'ere of all places, Gael.  I won' question your decision." And I hope we do not meet in battle, old friend.  "It is good to see you." Despite all of the mess between their chosen homes.

"Ach le do thoil. Suvi."

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - beatae - 08-04-2019

fortunately, august was a complete stranger to whatever transaction was about to go on here. he was unamused by family drama, considering he never had one. whatever mixed up fucked up plan the fae had were beyond him and, honestly, it was out of his paygrade to deal with.

not that he was paid in any sort of way.

there seemed to be no sign of jervis or fourthwall or any of the pittian slaveholders around, so august assumed he had some free reign to stand around and watch. the curly hair canine eased slowly to the ground with an audible, obnoxious groan as he stretched down.

"don't mind me. just watchin'." he grinned, resting his chin on his paws.

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - SÉAMUS - 08-06-2019

'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
It seemed to Embry he chose the perfect day to pull Suvi out for herb gathering.  A simple pretense to look somewhat convincing.  He considered gouging Gael's eyes out for suggesting she work for him given her healer status.  While it made sense he knew the other did it to test him.

Gritting his teeth, he decided to roll with it, to the point where he found a basket and the child early in the morning with the intent to actually do something with the day.  Had she said a word against the idea he would've let her be, but there they were.  His fur pricked awkwardly, ever-conscious of the burn on her flank.

The faerie fully intended to maintain his cover as long as possible.  His niece wasn't gravely injured, though he doubted she appreciated it in any way.  Indeed, he kept his eyes on the ground and firmly away from Suvi.  A few herbs had grown back since the jungle burning and they sat in the little basket he carried in his jaws.

He might've kept on going had he not caught the slightest hint of salt in the breeze, carried from the border.  The swift fox faltered and raised his snout. An interesting turn of events.  With a glance at [member=2344]suvi k.[/member] to follow him, he trotted towards the smell of the Typhoon, raising his brow at the gathering on the border.

"Hold up, kid," the Scott muttered quietly, setting his basket down.  He raised a paw to hold her back just in case, intently studying Raziel and Gael's daughter, Aine.  Now this is a very interesting turn of events.  "Gael?" He called out, ear flicking.

He cocked a head lightly, gesturing to Suvi in inquiry. "Trádáil chothrom?" I suppose it is, for the most part. Aine did not look hurt from where he stood though, and Suvi certainly felt her share of pain during her stay.  Regardless, he saw this as an ideal opportunity to be rid of the complication of his niece.  Sure, Embry would be down an assistant but he hadn't asked for one in the first place.

As far as he knew, neither of his brothers would recognize him.  Only Goldie and Keona knew he was even out here.  Better that way.  He bet they'd be mad when they found out though, but he could deal with that.  Hopefully, they found out after Jervis was taken care of.

The fox glanced at August briefly, taking note of his presence but realizing the canine hardly offered any sort of trouble.  He doubted he'd call Jervis or the others over either.  As for whoever gets in trouble for this, I hope it's Gael.  Not Aine, himself or the observer.  Though I suppose it's Aine's doing for getting found by them.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - suvi. - 08-06-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | sawbone —
The petite vixen felt hopeful enough about Embry she didn't flee the second he asked her to gather herbs with him.  Vaguely, she remembers Gael suggesting she work for the other fox, but she feels inclined to ignore the recollection.  Instead, she quietly trots at the other vulpine's side, wondering if he may have something new to teach her on healing if she asked, but finding him somewhat unapproachable.

He didn't seem happy with this at all.  Biting the inside of her cheek, she mimicked his quiet attitude, unmatched hues dancing around for signs of growing plants.  The fire took out quite a bit she realized with a frown.  The idea the Typhoon and Tanglewood chose to burn everything before trying to rescue her made her stomach tighten into a knot.  Surely, they had some other plan.

Her attention snaps back to Embry sharply, almost missing his silent command.  The second she registered the smell herself, she brightened.  Salt.  The Typhoon.  Da.  The youth practically ran on the older medic's heels, skidding to a stop when he did.  A whine of protest built in her throat when he held up a paw.  The memory of lightning flashes behind her eyes, halting her for a second.

Her flank still hurt from the burn, though she'd treated it soon as she could.  He wouldn't attack her with her family so close though, would he?  No.  He can't.  A naïve decision perhaps, but her paw's tingled with the desperation to race to her father and uncle.  She barely noticed Gael, nor the little fox that must be his daughter, locked behind Raziel safely.

No.  Words were being traded.  Gaelic.  Her family's native tongue.  They floated through one ear and out the other.  She only had eyes for the dire wolf waiting by the water.  He came.  Just like she kept telling herself.

Finally, frustrated with Embry holding her back and the concept of waiting now she moved.  She moved the way she did unintentionally, de-materializing from one location and rematerializing in another, practically barreling into her father and barely missing Aine.  The latter of the two would take the opportunity to attempt slipping by the wolf, happily returning to Gael, albeit with a bemused expression on her face.

She lacked words, or cared to try.  She wanted to go home.  She missed her father, burying her face in his fur with watering eyes.

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - gael - 08-06-2019

Rage unfurls its wings as Kian steps forward, playing diplomat instead of soldier.  The wind picks up around him, a gentle warning of what he was capable of.  As sure as his cousin could drown his enemies, he could take oxygen away from them.  Briefly he remembers how he attempted that on the child they sought -- not that it did anything to the glitching girl.

He tries not to seethe, focusing on Kian's efforts to be polite.  Politeness did not win wars, contrary to what Raziel likely believed.  "I don' imagine anyone wants trouble, Kian," he snapped.  Typically he tried to maintain his patience, but the game ran thin.  Get to the point, cousin.  You're not your brother.  "Ná déan tástáil orm."

This circled around to the children as he knew it was.  If life was chess, then a parent's children were the kings and queens -- the most important and vital to protect pieces they had.  The second they lost them, the game crumbled.  Nothing truly mattered without them.  When someone lost their parents they were an orphan, but when they lost a child... There was no word for that kind of pain.

He already lost one.  To the fire that took their home, he lost Alaire.  He lost Salome.  He would not lose Aine.  He would not lose her to his extended family, especially.  He stood at check-mate, and he knew he'd surrender this game, this round.  They just want Suvi.  "Tá a fhios agam."

Gael was prepared to speak to Raziel, biting words on his tongue.  Typically children was where the vulpine drew the line himself -- he knew Suvi was an exception when he tried to hurt her in anger.  He found himself interrupted however, head turning at the sound of a Scottish voice.  Seamus.

'Embry' stood away with the youth demanded, unsurprisingly.  Gael had been the one to suggest he keep an eye on her after all.  He growled low in frustration, shaking his head at first.  He needed time to think, but time seemed to turn without him.  Fair trade?  Yes, for the most part.

He lacks the time warning to remind Embry the child glitches, watching as she's there one second, then gone the next.  The vulpine regards her silently, resigned -- not completely unhappily -- to the course of events as follows.  Assuming Raziel let her go, he'd aim to pull Aine closer with a gentle paw.

"Go then," he huffed.  The faerie wanted nothing more to do with the others.  It was not good to see them again, not when they pulled Aine into things she had nothing to do with.  "You have what you came for."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: typhoon visitors, returning aine? ✦ close to me - raziel - 08-07-2019

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Kian catches him off-guard, albiet not unpleasently.  While he certainly had came upon the same idea as his brother, the former captain took charge of it and owned it rather quickly.  He decides to make a mental note to say thank you later.  Raziel bites his tongue as Gael replies, understandably ire.

Of course he's mad.  In these cases, it made sense to get to the point rather than waste time on pleasantries.  He withheld a deep sigh.  Once the three had been friends.  Good friends, he liked to think, and recall.  He knows the road they all walked diverged long ago, but he missed his cousin from that time.

He takes a breath, hopeful that he may smooth tensions down himself.  "Gael..." He frowns at more voices, other Pittians.  One of which, possessing a heavier accent, had someone with them.  Someone small and clearly distressed as a paw held her back.

"Suvi," he breathes sharply, releasing Aine without a second thought.  Just in time to essentially be tackled.  Small as she was, he barely felt the impact, but quickly pulled her closer, sharp anger piercing his sea-green eyes to see her so upset.  She's hurt too.  Not bad, but enough for his brows to furrow. "A leanbh, it's okay."

He takes a second to breathe the fury out of him, head lifting sharply at Gael's words.  "Col ceathrar..."  Hurt replaces the anger he felt briefly, but he does not offer any further protest.  Hopefully, they could mend this bridge one day.

"Suvi, Kian, come on." It's not safe out here anyway.  "Let's go home."