Beasts of Beyond
bro, hold my drink [epic ropeswing/open] - Printable Version

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bro, hold my drink [epic ropeswing/open] - Crackers - 07-30-2019


Finally, it was finished. Sure, his time and efforts probably could have been spent on other things that were more productive, but they couldn't expect him to be a killing machine all the time. Most of the time he was a good boy and did his fair share, patrolling, hunting, cleaning up the shitstorm that had been left in the wake of the fire. But it was the middle of summer and they were in the middle of a desert jungle, so it seamed reasonable that they should have some time to enjoy themselves.

It was with that mindset that the massive young canine had gone about his work, using his elemental powers to grow a sturdy tree on the steep bank of a near by lake. A long, thick limb hung out over the water, and from it a heavy rope knotted at various lengths hung, swaying in the the breeze above the water.  It was an intimidating drop from where the rope ended to the waters of the lake below, and if you swung out on it from the bank with force you could gain quite a distance. This, of course, was Fourthwalls intentions entirely. While those who weren't as brave were welcome to enter the water from the bank below, anyone who was a thrill seeker could follow after the black and gold hellhound as an npc babboon travelled out onto the branch, grabbed the rope, and carried the loose end over to Fourth.

He flashed the animal a thankful grin as he grasped the thick cord in his jaws, teetering on his hind legs to grab it as high up as he could before pulling back and lifting his legs. The rope launched foreward, swinging out over the lake and arcing upwards. At it's peak the canine would let go with a howl and do a cannonball into the water below. When he resurfaced it was with a laugh that gave away just how much fun it had been, and he flipped onto his back to float and wait to see if anyone would come join him. It was hot as hell out anyways, so they could use another cool down.


Re: bro, hold my drink [epic ropeswing/open] - gregory - 07-30-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

draekon was no good at fishing, it seemed. he had been trying over and over again so catch some sort of fish as a small meal for an hour now and he was just about to give up when a splash sent a small school farting away from the middle of the body of water to the edge and a swipe of his paw set two fish towards the shore. what luck he had, and what a nice snack, too.

letting his blue gaze scan the water, he would see a head break the surface and hear the eruption of laughter that left the canine. he’d never really gotten to have fun like that. never got to swim around.. he didn’t know how he would fare in the water but.. it wouldn’t hurt to try going out a bit. making sure to quickly eat his fish, he slowly stepped into the water, moving further and further into the middle but stopping when the water came to his shoulders.

from there, he refused to move, grunting in fourthwall’s direction for confirmation that he was doing something right. everything was so.. new.


Re: bro, hold my drink [epic ropeswing/open] - Crackers - 07-30-2019


As he settled onto his back, floating in a cradle of waves, he let his red eyes gaze up at the sky overhead. The sky was clear and blue, nice to look at but no help in obscuring the bright rays of the sun. Luckily now that he was soaked from head to tail he could farther appreciate the gentle breeze that had been trying to ruffle his fur earlier, and where it had only succeeded in pushing around the humid air then, he found that now it had the intended cooling effect as it brushed along the tips of his toes, chest, and face- any part that wasn't submerged in the cool waters of the lake, really.

It was when he heard the sound of someone.. grunting? That he flipped over and glanced around. Closer to the shore, chest deep in water, stood the emaciated lion that had 'joined' them just a few hours ago. There was a curious, almost desperate look on his face, as if he wished to also float but wasn't sure how. Fourth would let a grin slip onto his lips, not a mmalicious one, but one that was much closer to a child who had just discovered that the other kid in the playground wanted to play as well. With strong kicks of his legs the lion-wolf would paddle over until he, too, was also where his paws could reach the ground.

"Kick. Like this." he'd instruct, unsure if the feline understood actual language or not, and so he'd gesture to himself as he spoke, lifting his paws and churning them ryhthmically to swim in a graceful circle around the black banded feline.


Re: bro, hold my drink [epic ropeswing/open] - beatae - 08-04-2019

oh... oh no. august was not looking to become some little play toy to be launched off a cliff in the name of entertainment. it may have looked fun for fourthwall, hell it may be fun for anyone who may be four times the slave's size and weight, but he was not about it. at first he simply watched fourthwall assemble it all, sure to be out of his sight so he didn't have to help. then he simply observed with a horrid fascination as he simply... swung off the cliff.

"did he just die." he spoke to the babboon who only shrugged in response. august rolled his eyes and peered over the cliff to see the hound floating below. "dammit."

maybe next time someone decided to go cliff jumping a little freak accident would occur. it looked like draekon could be that very one.

"maybe he just can't swim." august piped up, eyeing the beast. he seemed confused on a lot of things... maybe it was just the curse of being the 'new guy'.