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oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Printable Version

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oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Margaery - 04-29-2018

When Margaery stirred that morning, she was met with an intense, borderline ravenous hunger. Though not something she was unfamiliar with (there had been many times on her travels that she had nearly starved simply from lack of prey), there was something unsettling in both the strange feeling that accompanied her need for food and the fact that she had eaten well last night. Where food had once been a rare commodity, it was now plentiful and good. She shouldn't be feeling like this, she decided, something was wrong.

A chill ran down her spine but she managed to ignore it, abandoning her room in search of something she could devour quickly and effortlessly so she could go about her day. Paranoid thoughts tugged at the back of her mind but she dismissed them as quickly as they came, refusing to give into her fears, her sneaking suspicions, as to what truly was transpiring. It had been a long time since she felt this familiar burn...

Was she being doomed to the same fate as before?

[color=#b14767]"Don't be silly!" She exclaimed aloud, though there were no denying the notes of worry that laced her tone. She needed to locate something to eat and fast- the sooner that these troubled theories were put to rest the better. 

Before long, she stumbled upon an unlucky songbird and, without even so much as hesitating, killed it. She was panicking at this point, her breathing short and irregular and her eyes wide, she didn't have time to waste over contemplating whether the pretty thing with its soft, dappled feathers deserved a chance at life. No, those feathers were gone now, ripped away as she literally tore into her prey. She had managed but one mouthful when she felt the vile taste rise, forcing her to literally spit out the half-chewed bird and stagger backwards. No.



This was not happening.

This could not be happening.

The only refuge she had been granted when her powers had been stripped away was the welcomed loss of vampirism. She no longer had to fear that part of herself and, though tempted by other forms of darkness, still possessed half the danger she once had. Why did it have to return? She was getting adjusting  too, finding some shreds of happiness amidst the Ascendants and the friends (it felt nice to say that) she was making.

"Always and Forever," her mother's voice rang in her ears, "our family will be bound by our curse forever. I've tried to escape it before, we all have. It's impossible. Margaery, darling, it's our fate."

[color=#b14767]"I refuse... I refuse to live like this again, to be this person again. Please... Please..." She whimpered, not caring who heard her. She needed blood and soon- her aggression and distress would continue to build and build until her thirst was sated, tempting the monster that lurked beneath her skin to make its grand arrival into the Ascendants and take things into its own hands.

But how would she go about getting blood? She couldn't kill someone... she refused. She refused.

[color=#b14767]"Why... Why me...I don't want blood, not really."

"But I need it... don't I?"

The tears came after that and Margaery fell, a sobbing, hungry mess.

(tl;dr margaery's vampirism comes back and she has a very bad time. side note this thread sucks and i didn't proofread so i'm sorry about that)

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Things were good.

... Scratch that.

Despite wanting to desperately believe things were good and whole in her new world, they were not. Bad things continued to happen, and Suiteheart was unable to do anything to stop it. It hurt her. It hurt her more than words could describe. She wanted to keep her family safe, to make it complete again. She wanted to stop living a lie, but that was harder still. She just wanted things to be normal again. She wanted to wake up one day and feel no regret or remorse for her actions. But she did not get a soft epilogue; she was doomed to a story of unhappy endings it seemed.

And so was her wife.

Vampirism was not uncommon to Suiteheart. She had dealt with it in their past, and should it ever return, she would deal with it again. It no longer frightened her, even if it scared Margaery to death. She would help her love defeat this curse again, or she would at least try until her last breath.

"Margy?" the white feline inquired in a gentle tone as she arrived on scene. Worry burned brightly in her baby blues. Something was very wrong. It took only a few moments for Suite to see the blood around Margaery's maw to realize what had happened. "I'm so sorry," she breathed, shaking her head, watching her dearest love weep.

She padded forward, stopping beside her. She knew Margaery would recoil, disgusted with herself, but Suiteheart would stay. Always. [color=#73B1B7][b]"We'll be okay. You'll be okay. Just breathe, love."

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Character Graveyard. - 04-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had two mutations of her own- two ram horns and a pair of fluffy white wings. But vampirism was different. It sounded odd- drinking another's blood to satisfy your hunger and Luna knew she wouldn't have the heart to drain blood from any sort of creature.

The snowy serval had come across Hotelsuites and Margaret, noticing the blood around Margy's maw. Concern filled the female's blue eyes and she asked. "Is she alright?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - BASTILLEPAW - 05-01-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille himself had no real experience for vampirism, but Grimm had encountered several tales in his time and befriended some. Hell, even Echo had stumbled upon a little clan of them in his travels, but overall Bast had never really given them much thought. He just didn't really care about them, frankly, nor did the "beasts" particularly worry him. Sure, he supposed the bloodlust might get out of hand for some, but it wasn't like vampirism demanded death for every meal. In the grand scheme of things, who really cared if someone was taking a little snack from someone else, if everyone lived and nobody gave a fuck about the exchange? Bastille certainly didn't.

Thus, it was a bit hard for him to grasp Margy's despair as he gravitated in her direction, his routinely irritable demeanor dimming slightly as the turmoil of her aura drew him. He caught a few of her muttered words before Suite arrived, and as his gaze flickered from one to the other he drew a few conclusions. Eating one tasteless bird wasn't going to reduce someone to that state unless something larger was going on, and Margy's insistence that she didn't want blood left few other options. Still, though -- what was the big fucking deal?

At a loss for why she was acting like she was dying, Bastille decided to keep his damn mouth shut. Instead he simply settled on Suite's other side, opting to simply listen and see if there was something more than a particular diet preference at play, here. Somehow, he had a feeling that "so what?" wasn't exactly what Margy wanted to hear just then.

(He distress made him uncomfortable, and he shifted slightly, looking vaguely distraught himself with this situation.)

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Luciferr - 05-01-2018

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Margaery - 05-02-2018

She did not want their sympathy, their questions, their puzzled stares. She did not want what she perceived in her disillusioned state as their judgement. She just wanted to disappear, to escape the hunger that had all but smothered her. She needed to eat but to eat would mean to kill and she couldn't fall down that path again. She was already struggling for control, this would surely be the catalyst that threw her from her path of her so called self-righteousness. But her only other option was to die and she was all but certain that nobody here would prefer that alternative. Then what? Would could she do to fix this?

Running wasn't the answer but her muscles still tensed and she halfway turned to leave, panic flaring in her chest. Usually such a calm and collected individual, this event had triggered within her another person- one almost tempted to completely cave into the beast that it truly was. She could feel it now, straining underneath her control... control that was wavering, control that could not be held unless she had the strength to.

There was no strength without blood.

Margaery knew that much.

Still in a state of hysteria, the shaking chocolate point looked from clanmate to clanmate, not knowing what to say. She was a monster, that much must have been known, but she was about to be a dead monster if she didn't eat. [color=#b14767]"I need blood," She finally managed, though her voice was distant, a barely inaudible cry for help.

[color=#b14767]"Please... I'm sorry..."

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Luciferr - 05-02-2018

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - BASTILLEPAW - 05-02-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
There was no question as to what Bast was going to do. Margy was struggling, and while he didn't think that it was that big of a fucking deal, he understood why someone might be upset about such a development. He could understand feeling like a goddamn degenerate for something that you couldn't control. Bastille had to live with the knowledge that he was damned from birth because of the shitty ass souls he'd been given; the turmoil rolling off of Margy felt like a similar darkness.

The second the words were out of her mouth, Bast was inspecting his forearm and picking out where he was going to make a cut. He was not quite familiar with vampires in this lifetime, but he found that as he dug a claw into his flesh that there was a memory there, swimming to the surface. Echo, he would have thought, but no -- it was Zaniel. It was a brief, fleeting impression -- the haze of alcohol in his veins, the laughter and noise of a party as he offered his blood up for the pretty vampire across from him -- and gone almost immediately as Bast tore his skin open with swift, clean cut. It stung a bit as fresh air hit, but the corporal looked unbothered as he looked back up at the others, tuning in to the end of Eternal's offer. Oops.

Oh well. Bastille cared less for his own well-being than for Eternal's, so he'd rather risk himself, anyway. Besides -- it wasn't like he couldn't get Margy off of him if he needed to.

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Character Graveyard. - 05-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Margaery was a vampire. Somehow unphased by her sudden question, the Starstruck Guardian would open her maw to offer giving up some blood for her Clanmate's sake, but Eternal beat her to it. "Eternal, eat something before. It'll help you feel better afterward- I think."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: oh, my heart, it became so hardened / open, mutation - Margaery - 05-03-2018

It was their acceptance that calmed Margaery's frazzled nerves, her tears temporarily ceasing in their flow as the realization struck her that they were okay with it- hell, they wanted to help her manage it. Nobody had ever offered her their own blood as Eternalwar had and, struck momentarily by the generosity of the other girl, Marg was forced to weigh her options. She had never been successful in stopping once she began to feed and, unless she was physically fought off, would stay attached to whatever poor soul had been selected as her victim until death claimed them. Eternal was a large cat though and, should she need, she was certain that she had the ability to overpower the chocolate point. Regardless, the idea of placing the blood in a cup was much more comforting.


Curse Bastillepaw and his reckless decision to simply offer her his blood right then and there, straight from the vein. The scent nearly claimed the rest of her conscious mind, her ability to rationally think fading faster and faster with every passing second. Her typically gray eyes faded into a deep red color and she, unable to keep control, attempted to lunge at him. No. No. No. No. No. This was wrong, she knew that much... but her hunger, her insatiable, blood driven hunger was all that mattered right now. Nothing else. Nothing else. She was small, but she was fast, and, if she had been successful in her initial lunge, would attempt to dig her teeth into his arm.