Beasts of Beyond
Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - Printable Version

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Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - Ubbe - 07-30-2019

Ubbe had been traveling alone for quite some time now. Ever since he had a falling out with his brothers, he had left the only home he had ever known. He had no where specific in mind to go to. He just wandered wherever his paws took him. In doing so, he found himself stumbling upon a swamp. He had never seen one before, so it was all new to him. And travelling through it was proving difficult for the canine.

He didn't know how long he had been making his way through the muddy and wet lands, but he knew he had to take a break soon. The wolf lifted his head, his eyes scanning his surroundings. Seemed safe at least. He continued on to find a more firm spot of land, stopping once he found a spot. It would do for now. Ubbe glanced himself over. He was covered in mud. The wolf let out a slight annoyed huff at the thought of cleaning it all off. He soon settled down onto the ground, stretching out a bit to just relax and give his aching paws a break.

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - wormwood. - 07-30-2019

Wormwood had had a similar falling out with his brother at one point not that long ago, but instead of moving as far away as possible from the other lion, Worm had decided to change his ways and continue watching over Poetking, which had been what led to Worm claiming this swampland as his new home. Well, that among... other things. Still, he didn't think he regretted his decision. Despite the fact he greatly disliked the marshy lands this group made their home, he was starting to like the people here, and it seemed like being here was helping him get a bit more emotional... especially after Arrow's recent death.

The large lion had been out for a walk through the territory, slowly stepping from log to log to try and keep himself above the swampy earth beneath him. He had been out just to have some time to think for himself, but then he had ended up stumbling upon someone new. Pausing in his lengthy step from log to log, Wormwood blinked slowly before sighing and clearing his throat. He mumbled in his deep and slightly raspy voice as he inspected the canine, who seemed perfectly happy stretching himself out on land owned by a group he wasn't a part of, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Hey, wolf. What are you doing here? You're on the land of a group, you know, so can I have your name, and why you're here?"[/glow] He was beginning to become accustomed to the pattern of finding unfamiliar faces and asking them what the hell they were doing there, just for them to inevitably join. Which was pretty funny, considering apparently before he and his brother had gotten here, joiners weren't nearly as frequent.

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - Ubbe - 07-30-2019

Ubbe's ears swiveled forward at the sound of the lion speaking. He shifted his gaze up to see who had spoke. He hadn't expected to see a lion of all things here. He had never seen a lion before, but the sight of him was enough to terrify the canine even if the other didn't have any intention of harming him. Ubbe quickly rose to his paws, lowering himself slightly as his tail tucked between his hind legs, his ears pinning back.

"I am sorry. I was not aware anyone was living here." the wolf said. He certainly didn't expect anyone to live here. The swamps didn't seem like an appealing place to make home. But hey, if it worked, why complain? If a group lived here it couldn't be too horrible.

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - wormwood. - 07-30-2019

Worm blinked in surprise and slight confusion as the male got up only to lower himself in clear submission. It didn't quite occur to him just how scary he was at a first glance, considering he had been around an entire pride of lions for so long. Now everybody looked at him like he was out of place, and most of them seemed sort of intimidated, or terrified by him. And this wolf seemed like he was no exception, which was surprising, since Worm knew of wolves as vicious predators as well.

Sighing a bit, the lion rumbled softly as he sat down on the log he had been standing on, being careful not to apply all of his weight to it, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Well, there are people living here, in a group called Tanglewood, which I... happen to be a part of. So can you tell me what your name is, and whether or not I've gotta run you outta here? Cause you can join if you want, but if not you can't just go napping on our land, muddy as that land may be."[/glow] He sighed, as if remembering himself just how dirty he was once again, and he flicked his paw to get rid of some of it, and shook out his long and wild mane.

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - MERGED - 07-30-2019

[div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 13px;"]"be nice, brother." poet felt like he said that phrase a lot. moving to stand beside his big brother (both in height and age), he offered the stranger a smile, dipping his head. "dont mind him. he’s always looked for a fight and.. ny the looks of it, you’d be able to give him a good challenge." he chuckled out, shaking his head as he gently bumped his brother’s shoulder. "im poetking. everyone calls me poet."

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - Ubbe - 07-30-2019

He eyed the lion a bit warily, relaxing a bit when the other sat down. He then tilted his head. "My name is Ubbe. I was only passing through here. I don't mean you or your group any harm." he said. He then shifted, sitting down as well. He was welcomed to join, huh? Maybe that wouldn't be so bad, being around a group again. It did get lonely traveling the world without people to share the experience with. The wolf looked down as he thought before looking back towards the lion. "If it is alright with you and your group, I would be grateful if you would allow me to join." the wolf said.

Ubbe shifted his gaze over to the other lion that had approached. Poet wasn't as large as Wormwood. It didn't make him any less intimidating though. He seemed friendlier though. Ubbe lowered his head in greeting towards the other. "Hello Poet. It is nice to meet you." he murmured.

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - wormwood. - 07-30-2019

Wormwood let out a soft snort as his brother came over and scolded him, and he flicked his tail at the other with a little smile, chuckling. He hadn't actually been looking for a fight this time, but he had been willing to defend Tanglewood's territory if it had come to it, since this place was now his home, at least for now. Speaking of which, when Ubbe spoke, the lion blinked before rumbling softly, his whiskers twitching in thought, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I believe it would be alright for you to join. We can lead you further into the territory so that you can pick out a home, if you want. The houses here are... slightly less muddy."[/glow] Then, upon realizing that his brother had introduced himself rather nicely, Wormwood let out a little sigh, and realized that he should probably introduce himself as well, if this guy really was a new member, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"My name is Wormwood, by the way..."[/glow]

Re: Waving Through A Window // Open, Joining - Ubbe - 07-30-2019

Ubbe flicked an ear, watching the older lion as he spoke. Wormwood? Interesting name. He then nodded, slowly rising to his paws. "I would like that, if you don't mind." Ubbe said, eyeing Wormwood and Poet. He still seemed uncomfortable around them, but they didn't attack yet. So that was a good sign.