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[ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - Printable Version

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[ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - gregory - 07-30-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

tw: gore, death, sport hunting, violence, animal abuse

nothing ever felt right. he always felt like he was watched- like he was a spectacle for anyone to be be shown off to in front of massive crowds, a show to be enjoyed. a deadly creature reduced to nothing but a play-thing for the humans that kept him in that cage. hoping around on his hind-legs like a clown, dancing around without a choice in the world. if his performance wasn't enough, he didn't get to eat. he had gotten so tired of being watched. tired of being a slave to the humans that kept him there.

he heard the cage door rattle as he was poked and prodded towards the tunnel that led to the cage where he would "perform" with the three other tigers he was raised with. he hadn't been fed that morning- he had growled at his trainer, his master. finally, he was done being pushed around. he would slowly crawl through the tunnel, the dark tunnel he crawled through every day to get to what would be his platform.


here was his call, his moment.



oh, monstrous was right, and the ringmaster was about to find out just how much of a monster he could be.


the gate holding him back slowly rolled away from the exit of the tunnel, the bright lights nearly blinding the massive tiger. slinking from the opening of the tunnel, he would keep low to the ground.


the ringmaster wouldn't be allowed to finish his sentence before he pounced, knocking the man down to the dirt floor, clouds of dust flying up around them. the crowd seemed to thing this was part of the act from how much they cheered- yes, part of his act. it wasn't until they realised the ring master was screaming that their cheers turned to screams of horror.

"GET HIM OFF, PLEASE GET HIM-" massive jaws closed around the mans head, long fangs puncturing into the skull, and soon enough the sound of bone cracking rang through the tigers ears, and he felt his blood rushing through his veins- damn did it feel good. a little more force and the struggling underneath him ceased, blood pooling under his paws and the taste flooded over his tongue.

he was so hungry.

slowly, he released his hold on the human's head, letting it fall with a thud, and he was so close to finally eating when he felt a sharp stab in his side. then another, and another, and another. rolling is head to the side, he could see the red feathers of the tranquilizer darts they used when they wouldn't sleep. his body had grown so used to them that it would take more then just four measly pricks.


another prick.

so hungry.

he turned slowly, head low to the ground as he stared at the three smaller tigers, all of which were trying to back away from him but their cage was too small.

"draekon, buddy! come one, you wouldn't hurt us!"


"draekon, pal! we've never hurt you!"



everything was fuzzy. something felt wrong, he couldn't figure out what. but it was something.

"cant blame.. instinct.. wild animal.. hungry."

he didn't recognise that voice. why didn't he recognise that voice? his fur felt glued to his skin, tacky from drying blood. his vision blurred around the edges.. he couldn't make anything out, everything tasted like blood. something held his maw closed, it was hard to breathe-

"put down.. money?"

one of the handlers. he was an old human, skin wrinkly and hairless. draekon hated him.

"abuse.. charged.. fine.. give.. six million."

they just kept talking. he tried to growl, get their attention. get them to feed him. then, he saw a new face. thin, pale, freckled.. this one had hair on his face, a thin coat of hair dark along his lower face. he reached a slim, odd paw towards his mouth, pulling off the iron cage holding it closed. he was holding a fish in the other hand.


without hesitation, draekon struck, grabbing the fish between strong jaws and gulping it down- hardly taking the time to chew. once it was down, the cage was put back on and an iron collar snapped around his neck, a long chain attached to that. he was being pulled, dragged along to another cage. maybe this cage would be nice. he hoped so, but he was too tired to move. why was he so tired?

"you'll be.. home."

home sounded nice.

the first thing he registered was the wind. it felt so nice, brushing its way through his fur and bringing him back to consciousness. then he felt the grass tickling his nose, and all of his senses began returning to him. he would lazily open icy blue orbs, letting them focus on.. paws. large, beige paws. certainly not as large as his, however.

"he's awake!" the paws soon became a face, a rounded face with beige fur to match the paws. a puma, he realised, knowing he had preformed with one once before. this one was a female, however. the one he had performed with had been a male. "welcome to the land of the living, bud!"

"be nice, taima." came a deeper voice, followed by black paws, a face of black fur. a leopard, maybe. "shame he's got a cage on his face."

did he?

"real shame. woulda loved to hear you roar, love!" another voice. he was becoming overwhelmed, and a growl left his throat and he moved his paws to cover his ears.

"damn shame. would've loved to hear him cry during the hunt."

the hunt? what were they talking about? why would he, the monstrous beast of a tiger, cry over it? glaring daggers at the puma, he would swipe a paw out, scratching his cheek and causing her to jump back. a laugh erupted from deep in her chest, but the leopard only watched in amusement.

"good. you still have some life in you. you wont have it long."

why? he wanted to ask why, but the metal muzzle kept his mouth firmly closed.

"the hunt will start soon, love! i wouldn't go making enemies!" chirped the voice from behind him. turning, he would see a cheetah, thin and nimble- as most were. that still didn't answer what the hunt was. he was starting to get angry, starting to get hungry again, oh so hungry-

"try and sleep while you can, big man. youre going to have a hell of a time."

they had all been released into a jungle. never in his life had he actually been in the wild, but he wasn't given the chance to enjoy it. the sound of a gun going off sent all the big cats running through the trees. now he knew what the hunt was- they were the hunt. their paws were beating against the jungle floor, him and the puma keeping at the same speed.

"split up. taima, new guy, stick tog-"

before the leopard could finish his sentence, the crack of a gunshot rang through the air and send the leopard tumbling, dropping dead the second the bullet had slid through his ribcage and into his heart. a lucky shot. this only made the cheetah shoot off, leaving draekon and the tiger. they needed to pick up their pace or they'd die too.

the anger was bubbling in his chest, the urge to roar blocked out by the cage.

another deafening explosion rang through the air and there was a pained cry from in front of them- then taima was gone. he couldn't see her anymore, nor the cheetah. but he didn't care. he kept running. he kept running until his legs ached, until night turned to day and then back to night again, across a road and into another jungle.

he kept running,

and running,

and running,

until finally..

he was so hungry. starving. the cage kept him from eating, the clacking of the chain that held it in pace on the iron band around his neck scared away any chance he had of eating anyways. it had been five days since his last meal, since he had been hunted- he still didn't know what happened to taima, but he didn't much care. he just wanted food.

he had found a pond and had resorted to dipping his head into the water and parting his jaws inside the metal cage that help them shut to suck in water and little tadpoles, hoping they would hold him over until someone could help him- god he hoped someone would help him. he was so hungry.

he was so hopeless.

so afraid.



a twig broke behind him and he pulled his head from the water, staring into the trees behind him, blue eyes wide. all he could do was let out a pained whimper, slowly lowering himself to the ground and trying to back away, only to find that he was cornered. he'd fall into the lake if he moved back any further. all his could do was hope it wasn't some predator come to kill him


Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - teef - 07-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


the lake was merely a water source, an area to be patrolled, an area to protect from outside influence. keep those who had been prisoned in and discourage any attempts to escape. that was just one of their duties as a pittian, and they were happy to fulfill it.

the living organisms within the lake sustained no other purpose but to give themselves to further the life of other, bigger beings who needed the nutrition from them. that was the designated purpose of every living creature. only the strong survived the struggle that was life. the tiger by the lake was no different, seeking nutrition from the waters. what did surprise them, was the whimper that had escaped the bound tiger. they could not see what held him captive, but they knew that noise was not one a mighty predator should be making unless he had been beaten and broken by those around him.

the jungle around them hid them from sight, until their heavy paw landed on a twig and snapped it in half, giving away their position. he didn't smell of the pitt, no, not much of the scent clung to his fur. "...", the melanistic cobweb jaguar would emerge from the jungle slowly snd surely, their blind eyes following the sounds and finally landing somewhere near him, the massive scar across their eyes being the cause of their blindness.

"i'm not going to take a bite out of you.", their voice rumbled out in a low growling tone as they approached the strange tiger, sniffing the air as they moved, nose wrinkling. the scent of gunpowder, blood, death, fear, hunger and humans clung to the male's pelt in front of them and the stench of fear was rank, sour on their tongue.

"you've run far, drink some more. you smell of metal, hunger, and blood, but i would assume the metal is what hurts you. i know a few people who would be willing to help you remove that metal thing without hurting you." they would speak once more, sitting just out of swiping range. if he took the time to attack them, they would return the favor.

"i will let you know that this land is inhabited by a group of mixed animals, and not all are so welcoming. this group is called the pitt, and frankly, your best bet at getting free of that metal contraption, so long as you can give us something in return for freeing you. that is the rule here.", now they would fall silent, merely observing him mutely and letting their mind wander to consider what all could have happened to him to have driven him to these lands,  and why he smelt of humans.

sorry a little rushed -- omw to work //

Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - gregory - 07-30-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

they were his only hope of getting out of this think. he could hardly open his mouth enough to drink, much less speak to the stranger that had come up to him. the stranger was a jaguar, he observed, one with a very odd pelt. then again, his own pelt would probably be viewed as strange- the thick black stripes that nearly hid all the orange that coated his body wasn’t a normal sight by any means.

all he could muster was a growl, as if to show he still had some life in him, even if it was the littlest sliver of a will to live, to keep going, the keep pushing forward, to push his hunger down and show he was worthy of the help they were offering him. he needed to eat, his stomach felt like it was being clawed out, he was so, so desperate-

he could take a beating, he’d been on the business end of a whip many times in his life, pelted with tranquilzer darts, poked and prodded with hot metal so he’d roar to the cheering crowd around him. he didn’t care if it would hurt to get off but the clip holding the chain to the metal collar could easily be undone, just not by him. he rose a paw to his own neck and onto the chain, pulling at it with his claws and staring the stranger down, staring right into their blind eyes and knowing they probably couldn’t help him.

so all he mustered was a growl.


Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - teef - 07-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


good, he had a will. not everyone had the guts to get back up and keep fighting after everything that happened to them. they personally didn't have a clue of what had happened, but their nose told them it was a long and painful journey. "don't look at me as if i am so miserable of a choice for aid. i might be blind, but it doesn't hinder me that much.", they would laugh, muzzle wrinkling in deep seated humor.

"just move around enough for me to hear you and the metal that binds you.", they would ask of him, getting to their feet. this body would be a bit more mobile than either of their other two forms, but to break anything else, they would have to be in their strongest body.

stepping closer to the male, they analyzed the surroundings with their nose and ears, drawing in a lungful of breath. reaching their paws out, they would come into contact with the chain, their ears flicking at the cool touch of the metal against their pawpads. they would follow it past his paws and up to his throat, where the chain turned taught, their paws fumbling for a moment as their toes figured the mechanism, causing them to make a soft sound of humored annoyance. finally getting their toes to apply the right amount of pressure, they freed the clip from the metal collar and dropped the free chain more than happily. they could remember being bound by chains before, and the pain that had followed.

shaking their head softly, they stepped back, "a collar and a cage on the mouth.", they mused softly, considering the risks of taking their most recognizable body, and what it could mean if they didnt catch the metal just right in their talons or fangs. "i will take the rest of the metal off if you give me permission. do i have your permission to crush the metal? just growl or make a sound.", their tone turned from serious to humored. they could crush massive trees within their jaws, metal shouldn't be too much harder.

Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - gregory - 07-30-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

as the metal cage was finally removed from mouth, he realised it wasn’t the mask that caused the most trouble. the band hadn’t been compressing his sinuses, but the metal band around his neck was too tight, pressing at his trachea and making it impossible to get full breaths. the other seemed to understand that. before the other could fully finish his last sentence, a short grunt left the tiger. growling hurt his throat.

maybe after this he’d be able to get a a full meal. one twice his size and ready for the taking, one that would actually hold him over.. maybe not. it didn’t seem lianything bigger then him existed- maybe there was, he wouldn’t know.

/ oof mobile


Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - Crackers - 07-30-2019


It was the scent of a frantic, desperate something that had drawn him in, like a shark to blood in the water. He followed the trail left by them, and it was easy to follow. They seemed to have just been running blindly, as if being chased. But there was no scent here aside from the intruders, a large male feline from what he could tell. Swift, eager steps carried the massive wolf-lion hybrid, the chance to fight and defend his home or to at the very least, satisfy his bordom by confronting this person, driving him onward. The Pitt had been too quiet lately, and the black and gold mottled creature was quick to come upon the scene of Bai Shi freeing the tiger from his binds.

"Pick up a stray, Bai Shi?" he would ask, wine red eyes settling on the large but severely underfed cat she was standing with. Jervis hadn't been to kind toward newcomers lately, and so the beast wasn't going to go making friends with anyone prematurely. Still, he would take what he could from the encounter, be it some words or a fight, He didn't care. Interaction was interaction, be it negative or positive.

With an almost feline-like flick of his canine tail he would come to stand beside the shecat, muscles relaxed beneath a scar strewn coat. He was a fighter, a killer, but he didn't boast these things in snide jeers or bravado. No. Fourth was a doer, a male who acted when he wanted to - usually severely- and remained otherwise casual and aloof the rest of the time. Like now. "Has he said what he was running from?" he asked his fellow Pittian, though his gaze was busy studying the other. Their coloring was odd and their neck and muzzle were raw in the areas the metal had rubbed them. He was large for a tiger with unusually striped fur, but he was half starved and his coat luckluster. Someone had obviously been keeping him as a prisoner, and Fourth coukldn't help but wonder why.

What was most strange though, was that the obvious prisoner lacked any clan scent. Whoever had been keeping him locked up and starving was a loner or a group that existed outside of the typical groups. Fun.


Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - teef - 07-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


a grumble left the jaguar, turning their blind gaze to fourth, snorting, "well, he's not much of a catch for food.", they responded blankly before their head turned back to the task at hand. "he is unable to speak at the moment." they would comment, answering the question that had been extended.

separating from the hybrid, they stepped out into the lake, creating enough spsce to fluidly transform without accidentally knocking into either male. taking a breath, they let the change take over their body, shimmering golden scales appearing in place of fur, legs and paws changing, talons growing from claws and a long sinuous serpentine body appearing. their change would finish rather quickly with a deep booming growl, the golden oriental dragon swooping down, their long whiskers twitching and moving about as if of their own accord.

treading back onto the less soaked ground, bai shi would yawn, showing off sharp fangs as they flicked their tail. "try not to move too much.", they advised draekon before they swooped their scarred head low, silvery saliva stringing between their jaws as they first opened them to try and fit a fang behind the metal collar and bring their jaws down around the metal band. hopefully, it would give way with a resounding crack, falling from his neck and into their maw. if it didn't, they would attempt to fit their fang a bit better and continue to chew on the metal band.

Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - gael - 07-31-2019

Big stray.  The sleek vulpine flicked an ear as he melted out of the jungle.  Hazel eyes, gleaming a deep gold, measured the tiger curiously.  Fourthwall's inquiry marked his own; black tipped ears perking with immense curiosity.

The cross fox stepped back to grant Bai Shi and the tiger some space, intently interested to see the tiger's actions following the release of his metal impairments.  Along the way, he stored Bai Shi's second form in his memory as well.  Likely the other preferred something easier to traverse the jungle as.

Gael remained quiet and still, taking a seat to observe the situation without drawing too much attention onto himself.  A predator caught desperate might lash out on instinct, and he hardly wanted to throw himself into a fight for no reason.  He kept part of his attention on his surroundings, conscious of his ever-wandering daughter; she ought to stay clear of a strange tiger until they knew who they were dealing with.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - gregory - 07-31-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

the cracking of the metal was practically deafening in his ears, causing them to pin back as he let out a growl. at first, it just melt like the metal was getting tighter and he felt panic build in his chest- only for the metal to fall from his neck. almost immediately, he ducked away from the jaws near his neck and gave a slightly breathless grunt.


now, he just needed food. he doubted any of the animals around him would become his prey, all things considered. he looked to the water, watching as fish swam along and then back to the others. would they attack if he tried to catch one? it was a possibility. he let out a soft chuff, a thank you aimed at bai before he turned to the water and looked at bai once more, then over his shoulders at the others.

hopefully they’d understand.


Re: [ I MOSTLY SPOKE INSIDE MY HEAD ] joining, help needed - Jervis - 07-31-2019

//oh my this blew up quick

No one in. No one out. What did they not fucking understand?

The fox, per usual, had to find his groupmates going against his orders and assisting a mere stranger. He admired their willingness to help, but this thing was not one of them. Unless they could benefit The Pitt somewhat, Jervis wished to continue their suffering. The thought of removing the metal contraption, which would allow them to speak their mind in the first place, did not cross his mind. Thankfully, Bai Shi was smart enough to think ahead.

He let out a disgruntled growl as he strutted over to Gael's side. Jervis' nose was upturned cockily. "Should of kept him locked up," the vulpine snorted in Bai Shi's direction. The action was done though. A single golden eye shifted over towards the tiger's now long-forgotten cage, only to turn back onto the tiger seconds later.

Ignorant and always focused on his own being, the ardent hadn't seen the tiger's gestures towards the water. With an eye roll, he spoke up towards Draekon. "Well?" he contested. "What's your name and why are you here?" They better speak up or else he'd be disappointed. Ignorance wasn't always bliss, unfortunately.
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