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Plot with any of my babies? - Printable Version

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Plot with any of my babies? - miss ririchiyo - 07-30-2019

HEYOOO. Time to do some plotting with my kiddos.

So basically, I currently play Owen, Tsuyu, Adrien, and Delilah. Some basic information as well as plot interests will be below. Thanks for looking.~

owen, the typhoon:
delilah, tanglewood:
tsuyu, the pitt:
adrien, the blackguard/travelling:

Re: Plot with any of my babies? - Crackers - 07-30-2019

What are Adrien and Tsuyu like personality wise? I have Fourthwall over in The Pitt that we could do some plotting with if your up for it Smile

Re: Plot with any of my babies? - miss ririchiyo - 07-30-2019


Tsuyu is extremely unstable, has a childish-like personality, and has mild psychotic tendencies. It was mainly caused from trauma in the past. She becomes quickly attached to people who show the smallest amount of kindness to her, and cling to that kindness obsessively.

Adrien, however, has two personalities. Adrien being the original one before he split, and Chat Noir (Chat) being the newer, more confident "alter ego" type of personality. Adrien is the more untrusting one, he just tolerates everyone. Chat is the more outgoing, cheerful, flirty personality. They both have their own bodies/forms, with Chat being a black panther, and Adrien being a cream feline.

Re: Plot with any of my babies? - Crackers - 07-30-2019

Since Adrien/Chat is travelling right now maybe he could stop in Tanglewood and meet my boy, Damian? Ive been trying to find some potential romantic interests for him, so maybe the cheerful and optimistic Chat  could decide to befriend my stubborn boy and force him into a friendship that leads to romance?

Damian is my newest boy and i have a ton of muse for him now that i'm back full time to RP. He was sent to Tanglewood by his estranged father, Malakai, leader of a small group known as Greenside. His goal is to win the trust of the Leaders there and then offer up the clan to his father to 'save', since Greenside is actually a militia themes clan that plans to do a mass takeover that will bring about an era of peace on the land.

So basically, Damian is a sharp-tongued, intelligent, independant guy that was trained most of his life to be an unstoppable weapon, meaning he's very capable and has a short fuse, but generally believes in doing good and seeing justice served, even if justice is breaking some assholes legs because he tortured a kid for fun. He's a realist, practical, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, a good guy who gets the job done by any means necessary. But he's also extremely loyal to his friends and protects those he knows deserve it. He works hard, has a sense of humor, and secretly loves attention and affection if it's from the right person.

Id love to plot if your up for it. Ive been wanting someone with a more upbeat and tamer personality to sort of balance his stubborn grumpiness out, and since Chat is suffering from the loss of his old mate maybe he can subconsiously be seeking a connection with someone now that he's alone again, prompting him to befriend the super complex/difficult Damian?

If not that's totally fine! Just thought I'd suggest it Smile



Re: Plot with any of my babies? - miss ririchiyo - 07-31-2019

That sounds wonderful, actually! I was looking for a plot similar to that for Adrien/Chat, since Chat is REALLY struggling right now. Especially since he discovered that his mate is no longer his mate. I'd love to try that out!! I'll make a visitation thread soon, then.

Do you have a separate account that you use for his character, or is it this one?

Re: Plot with any of my babies? - Crackers - 07-31-2019

I just use this account right now Smile