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I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - Printable Version

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I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - bubblegum - 07-29-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
"I have some more big shit t' say!" Didn't she always these days? There is high pride in the way the captain carried herself most days. Still, she would wait for crewmates to file in and make themselves comfortable, just as always.

Her main focus is currently on the war, but she will set aside some time for her crewmates. She always would, of course, and she'd hate to leave them feeling neglected. The pirates are more than just a group in a war, after all. Still, there are a lot of violent things to address here, and it's incredibly important that they would be addressed quickly and correctly. She didn't intend on keeping them in the dark on her plans for this war. "We've a few new and returnin' members, and t' that, 'd like t' give a warm welcome. Please do be sure t' take care o' your charm bracelets and entrance rituals when you get the time, if ya haven' already." She'd offer a warm smile to the crowd, nodding slightly. It did feel a little awkward to be speaking in such a pleasant manner about things in this meeting, but she didn't want to give off the wrong message to anyone, especially if they're a newer crewmate.

However, it was time to get focused again. And, she intended to remain on this focus demeanor for the rest of the meeting. She sighs silently, her head raising higher. "'ve invited Elysium's forces to join Tanglewood n' ours in takin' down the Pitt. We will not be allyin' them or any bullshit like that - jus' workin' together to take down a common enemy. The Blackguard has been taken over by the Pitt." Tena seemed keen to accept her invitation towards joining them, so she's pretty confident the female will end up agreeing in joining them. Especially now, given their enemy has hostilely taken over the Blackguard. "When we take down Jervis - an' I promise you this - we will - I intend t' do somethin' a lil' crazy, so bear wit' me here, won't y'all?" The female seems to stiffen up slightly over this announcement, as if she is not even so sure in herself, but her gaze remains just as concentrated and intense. She just wants this to go away. It is so unjust, and she has had to step in for karma for far too long. This would be the best opportunity to let this concept of slaves either disappear with the Pitt remaining or the concept of both being erased entirely. She is tired of letting it go by.

"I will personally takeover the Pitt. Temporarily, only t' monitor their activities an' enforce them t' remove slaves completely. If they do not oblige, then I will personally keep sure it will be their end. There are no more chances left, n' this is my mercy t' them, which none of 'em deserve, but 'm a generous pirate." Her words flow through easily, words holding a piercing seriousness to them. Burning down an entire group would not be ideal, but she will not sit by and let a group take slaves. It went against everything the pirates believed in and she held a very personal vendetta against them, having much more reason than most to hate the group of assholes. "Because o' this, 'm gonna need t' make sure y'all are taken care of while I make trips back n' forth between the ugly ass desert t' our home. I won' make any announcements over who may do so yet, but if anyone is interested, feel free to let me know. I trust y'all either way." Once again, not ideal, but she's left with little choice. It likely would not result in much responsibility being left on whoever took it up - mostly just a temporary face of  power when she is not around. If this is what kills her, then so be it, at least she can die knowing that the idea of slaves would be erased.

There is one more smaller, though just as important, announcement to be made, and that was regarding the dead crewmates found on the beach. "In the meantime, an investigation is currently underway in Tanglewood. Crow has made it clear towards me whoever murdered our members will be punished severely an' accordingly." Frankly, she's still a little pissed about the whole interaction she had over in Tanglewood. If she wasn't so patient (which, to be fair, she's really not), she would have hit the member who had the nerve to call her a bitch for simply trying to address the fact her crewmates were found dead. But, Crow delivered the promise she desired, and that's what mattered.

"That's all 've got for now."

- Welcome (back) to new/returning members!! <3 Make sure to get your charm bracelets made and do your entrance rituals if you haven't already.
- Elysium has been invited to join them in taking down the Pitt, there will be no planned alliances attached to this.
- The Blackguard has been taken over by the Pitt in a hostile attack.
- Goldie intends to takeover the Pitt herself when they take down Jervis to give them one last chance: either get rid of slavery or be destroyed. There are no more warnings. This is their mercy.
- Because of this, she'll be looking for someone to help watch over the Typhoon while she's monitoring the Pitt. She will not be announcing anyone for this role just yet, but if anyone is interested, feel free to let her know now or soon.
- Regarding the dead crewmates found with Tanglewood scent on them, Crow has promised punishment will come to the member that committed the murders.
- Have a nice day!! <33

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - Splitvisage - 08-04-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The captain had some more... important things to say. Yes, a lot had happened in the past few weeks. Murders, newcomers, deals made with Tanglewood and Elysium; Darksouls figured he should be informed on it all, in order to best serve his home.

  Approaching Goldenluxury, Darksouls listened in, with Inkquill perched on his antlers. The mention of the Blackguard caused a frown to split his face. The Pitt couldn't be satisfied with just causing chaos, but had moved on to capturing entire populations, was that it? They would have to pay. Even Goldenluxury's total takeover sounded reasonable, if the Pitt couldn't quit their anti-freedom ways on their own.

  Part of him wondered if it was right to completely annihilate another group of people for any reason... but then he shook his head. These people had chosen their path, and that path involved trampling on the rights of others. That could not stand.

  Someone would need to watch the Typhoon as she did so. That someone wasn't him, Darksouls already knew; it would be best for him to go with the captain, in case the Pitt tried anything. He was good for combat, if nothing else, so he ought to use his power in the service of his allies. The murders were also being investigated, for which Darksouls was grateful. Tanglewood had proven that they had some sense.

  With a small nod to avoid startling his avian companion, Darksouls said, "Understood, Captain."

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - idyllfields - 08-04-2019

stars did fall
idyll quickly arrived to the meeting as soon as it was called. the coyote stood, front and center, looking up to the captain. they nodded slowly at the greeting to members, both new and returning. the news of elysium joining their cause gave them hope of the outcome.

the odd appearance of bodies... their short time in tanglewood from beck's chaotic breakdown. crow's insistence that whoever was responsible for it all would be taken care of did very little to comfort them, but they trusted goldie's judgement. she had yet to ever guide them wrong.

they raised a brow slightly, wondering how handling the desert would be like. they were used to the tropical heat... the dryness of that place sounded agonizing. it was a wonderful thing for goldie to be so generous and help them all readjust to the new way of life. they lifted their tail at the proposition of a "look-over" leader. "i am always available to you." they piped up with a nod.

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - Keona. - 08-04-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
The petite privateer flicked her ears as she trotted towards the sound of Goldie's voice.  Her pale hues flickered with curiosity as the captain began to speak, tugging almost sub-consciously on her connection to her father, hidden in the Pitt with only a few in the know.

Good to hear they had more allies in the fight, though they wouldn't be committed.  Keona hummed softly, the tip of her tail twitching.  Pissing off Elysium made little sense on the Pitt's part, but their loss became the Typhoon's gain.  Soon the slavers would suffer the wrath of three joined clans.  As they deserve.

Taking over the Pitt caught her off-guard.  She blinked, then relayed the message to [member=483]EMBRY[/member] , but otherwise only offered a short nod in understanding.  Along that trial of thought, someone had to watch over the Typhoon.  Regardless of who, it'd be important.

"'m available to ya," the privateer called, dipping her head.

[ Mobile ]
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - elijah - 08-05-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Oh, a meeting so soon. He used to be so in tuned with time, so sensitive to the brief shifts of momentum. Nowadays, everything simply existed for the sake of existing. Time was present without Elijah having to acknowledge it, the world still breathed without Elijah having to watch it. It all felt overwhelmingly surreal. Dreamlike, fleeting, intangible. At any moment, the veil that covered his eyes would drop and shatter. The boy shudders a breath, focusing his sight towards the Captain's imposing presence. He had no problems with foul language, he heard it all the time as a child, yet it carried an unfamiliarity to him. It was as if her voice were alien to him. She was supposed to be the same, wasn't she? The shining constant of The Typhoon, the one who made it feel like home. Elijah bites his bottom lip. More welcomes, more trouble with The Pitt, temporary alliances and punishments. Temporary this, temporary that. He doesn't want to think about it. Not even the gods are eternal. Everything was too frail.

'Temporary leadership', someone who would look after the island in Goldenluxury's absence. Elijah doesn't move an inch, uninterested in the reach for responsibility. Despite everything, he still felt like a stranger to this land. He was born here and yet everything to him was alien. Intriguing.

Re: I'LL SHOW YOU A GOD / meeting 7/29 - Luciferr - 08-11-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
he takes one nap and suddenly its a month and a half later, mortal timespans are so fast moving.

he's fairly confident they won't recognise the 5 foot hellion lurking in the corner, but then again the scar gives him away either way - still the once and always dragon shadow sits quietly and listens attentively, that the pitt is causing strife is no new news but ah, seems he awoke at the perfect time to join the fun.
