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missing [★] THE WANDERER - Printable Version

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missing [★] THE WANDERER - aine. - 07-29-2019

[align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Adventure called the little druid.  A moth to the flame.  As it was, the petite vixen managed to find herself a little too far from home without a clear picture in her mind where she'd been and how to get back.  She'd left early, with the sun barely peeking over the horizon, intent on exploring before anyone truly noticed her gone.

Growing too lost to retrace her steps, it so happened the sun soon rose over the horizon and sank back down without a sign of the child's return.  Anyone following the trail would find she simply disappeared over the border.  Likely they also came to the rather easy conclusion, she'd wandered off as she was prone to do, without much thinking to where she was going.

Finding her however, may be a more difficult task, for after a day of exploring, she set to following a new friend, farther and farther away from the desert marking the Pitt's border.
I'll come back when you call me

Re: missing [★] THE WANDERER - gregory - 07-30-2019

draekon - the pitt - member / burn it all down

draekon was no hunter. he was no form of tracker in any shape or form, being raised in cages his entire lifetime, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t learn now that he was free. wandering the jungle had become a beloved pastime in the few hours he had been here, and the few meals he had brought down and gorged himself on. these footprints he found said that whoever left them was too tiny to be a meal for a beast like him-

but tracking whatever it was wouldn’t hurt.

he had started following those tiny paw prints in the dirt, his own massive paws leaving prints of their own, documentation that had been there, that this hunt was his and he would be the one to make it successful.. until he came across what seemed to be the end of the territory. nothing but more and more endless world and tiny paw prints that had been scuttling over the earth that went on for as far as he could see.

when the hunt came to an end and he found nothing but sand, a gave a grunt of disappointment, dipping his own paw into one of the much tinier paw prints.

/edited, sorry didn't see the missing,,, h


Re: missing [★] THE WANDERER - gael - 07-31-2019

Inevitability yielded little acceptance.  His wife once called it parents' intuition.  Regardless, as the sky grew darker without the typical sight of a tiny fox scrambling around the jungle, Gael knew the child must've found some form of trouble.  Soon the black and red vulpine joined the 'hunt', a frown quickly marking his maw as he discovered the tracks continued beyond the desert.

A frustrated huff escaped his chest, heavy with a myriad of possibilities running through his mind.  Only Aine's scent left the border, suggesting she simply wandered too far -- no one took her.  The fact he found no sign of her return suggested she'd truly wandered far, grown lost, or both.  Worse, it may be she'd gotten into trouble beyond the Pitt's borders.

A hurt child unlikely returned on their own and soon the faerie began pacing the length of the border.  In the darkness his hazel eyes shone like golden disks, intense with a fierce fire.  In that second, he took notice of Draekon, the newcomer found by Bai Shi.  "..." Damn Jervis' rules, I don't care.  This is my daughter. "The tracks are Aine's," he explained gruffly.  "I'm going to stand vigil until tomorrow.  If she's not back, I'm lookin' for her.'
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: missing [★] THE WANDERER - Jervis - 07-31-2019

Among spotting the two ahead, the vulpine wandered over. Jervis' golden eye scanned the floor curiously, finding nothing but the end of the tracks near the border. The vulpine found himself at a loss. A frustrated growl left him. "Well," he muttered, "Either she's a lost cause or she's been captured, but this looks rather willing." 'Friend or foe?' Seeing that he couldn't do much besides play the waiting game or allow someone to go after them, the fox remained silent past that. The paranoia of having a traitor in their midst was too strong, even if it was a mere child.

That said, he wandered off. Jervis had no sympathy whatsoever.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism