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plot w/ my kiddos - Printable Version

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plot w/ my kiddos - raiden - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:10.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;"]aaa so it's been a hot minute since i last made one of these oof
these are my kiddos and they're up for some plotting~

cronas ; seven months ; loner (typoon's ex-privateer) ; emotionless doll:
renegadeanthem ; twenty-three months ; loner (soon to rejoin tanglewood) ; broken demon:
zebulon ; fourteen months ; loner (soon to join the greenside/conquest) ; insecure angel:

Re: plot w/ my kiddos - stilly. - 07-29-2019

asjsjdg maybe a thread between renegade and my character wormwood?? wormwood has some issues with trust of his own bc he has a bad track record with his family, and he's still trying to regain his brother's trust after becoming bitter enough to attempt a coup against him. he's still kinda trying to do good again and to prove to himself that his wrongdoings were just a lapse in judgement, so it feels like he and renegade could v slowly become friends while working out their issues with themselves

Re: plot w/ my kiddos - raiden - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:10.5px;text-align:justify;line-height:150%;text-transform:lowercase;"]that sounds lovely~ aaaa he doesn’t make friends easily so i’m looking forward to him finally having one lmao. i can make the thread if you like?

Re: plot w/ my kiddos - stilly. - 07-29-2019

yeah that would be great if you could ajdjgdj!! I'm a bit out of it rn from just waking up

Re: plot w/ my kiddos - bubblegum - 07-31-2019

goldie and cronas should def have a thread...they accidentally run into one another and she's like "omg it's you"