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I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - Printable Version

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I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - TSUYU. - 07-27-2019

She's not stable enough! She'll only cause more trouble!

Those voices, ever so annoying, rang in the memories that she kept stored in her head. It was odd, to remember people of her past- her fathers- Jikai, Chat. They were of the past- her beloved Stryker gone- Even if her love for him was never returned, she'd win his affection one day. She belonged to him, after all. She was his slave.

Over the past few months, Tsuyu had been in some kind of drugged state- someone had been working on her, she knew that. Fixing her injured spine- someone who knew what they were doing, apparently. She remembered prodding, poking- Something being attached to her spine- Someone speaking about how stable she was- An emotion reader, maybe?

Tsuyu was already hopping over to the burnt smell of the Pitt, head tilting to the side as her tongue hung from her jaws idly. Would papa be here? No, she'd heard rumors that he had died. Chat, too.

"Hello? My name is Tsuyu. I'm.. Here to rejoin? Tsuyu was once a member of the Pitt-"


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - aine. - 07-28-2019

[align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
The petite vixen bit the inside of her cheek as she trotted forward, hazel hues locked on the strange new feline ahead of her.  Why's her tongue so long?  Aine shuffled her charcoal paws, glancing behind her with a frown.  "H-hi.  I don't... I don' thin' I 'ave... A-a say in that?" The Pitt had a strange policy at the moment; no one in, no one out, though she'd seen exceptions such as her and her father.  She'd leave them to their Ardent, Jervis, though, since she figured it made sense he was the one who knew why to let someone in.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Tsuyu, 'm Aine.  'm sure Jervis will be here soon; h-he's our Ardent."
I'll come back when you call me

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - Jervis - 07-28-2019

Tsuyu... Where had he heard that name before? If she had managed to bring up Stryker, then his memory would be successfully jogged. After all, Stryker had been his prisoner for quite awhile and still assumed that the former leader was lurking in the caves... for now at least. Even so, would Jervis necessarily care? Surely having a slave of an enemy would be gratifying, but would there be a prominent impact? Who knew. The time would have to come eventually. The real question was if he would take advantage of her.

The fox wandered up to Aine's side. At least someone was following his policy, so he shot the female an appreciative smile. His gaze returned to the stranger quickly though. "Oh?" he cockily spoke up. "And what makes you think you can come back?" They were returning... from where? A traitor seemed to be in their midst from what he could tell, but that was his self-serving paranoia speaking.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - teef - 07-29-2019

jerisidie - the king !
his movements were more awkward and a bit more careful but the white hellhound still approached the voice of the youth he hadn't heard in quite some time. "tsuyu?", he would ask, the two legged hound would ask his daughter in surprise, stepping beside aine and jervis, his gaze blank and empty.

sorry, rushed//
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - TSUYU. - 07-30-2019

"Tsuyu was exiled by Stryker for attacking a trespasser."

It was the truth, but not the whole truth. In reality, she had fought back against Stryker when he scolded her- in the process, he had damaged her spine as punishment. Then, she had tried to attack him at a meeting for making her a slave again. She had bad blood for Stryker, but her obsession with him was stronger.

"Tsuyu is here to be with her father again. She heard that he lived here once more- Her exile was idiotic, useless. She was only protecting her clan's territory, ribbit.." She croaked, her head lifting up when she heard her father call out to her. A smile carved its way onto her face, bobbed tail wagging behind her as she shuffled her paws happily.

"Papa! Tsuyu was wrongly exiled, wasn't she? She was only doing her job." She meowed towards the white furred male, tilting her head to the side as her tongue slid back out of her mouth, long and creepy in a way. "Tsuyu's a good girl, and useful too, mister."


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - teef - 07-30-2019

jerisidie - the king !
his expression would soften the slightest, dipping his head to account for her words, "yes, tsuyu, you were protecting the lands.", he responds to his daughter, stepping forward to smell her, his gaze softening further, "somebody fixed what the brute did, Im glad.", he would murmur softly, investigating her curiously and attempting to lick her ear in warm greeting.

sorry on the way to work sksksks //
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - Crackers - 07-30-2019


Another happy little reunion? Was Jerisidie even allowed to partake in them? Fourth hadn't seen the injured canine since Jervis had publically crippled them for causing a ruckus on the border the day they'd joined, and so the large hellhound was surprised to see the blind hound out on the borders with the Ardent and Aine. Fourth would offer the tiny fox cub a smile as he came to a stop beside her, having been totally won out by her adorableness on day one. Even Jervis would earn a silent nod of greeting as wine red eyes glanced their way, having earned at least a bit of respect from Fourth after finally turning things around for the clan. They still had a ways to go, but at least they were on the right track now.

As for the newcomer themselves, Fourth was curious. They were some weird hybrid -though he wasn't really one to talk, seeing as he was one himself- and the way they spoke gave them an almost childish edge. She was obviously closer to him in age though, and so she either had a few screws loose or had been dropped on her head a few times as a kid. The hound would have spoken to her if he'd seen any point in it, but since Jervis was as likely to keep her as he was toss her out on her ass, the brindle hellhound instead chose to wait. If she stuck around he'd speak up, and if not then at least he'd get to chase someone out.


Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - Jervis - 08-02-2019

Exiled for attacking a trespasser? Now wasn't that interesting. Jervis knew that Stryker was a pussy, but not to the point of being a pacifist. The fox snorted. Unfortunately, the newest ardent was unknowing of the full truth. Tsuyu had truly been exiled for killing The Pitt's own Dabi, attacking the leader himself, and proceeding to run after being demoted to a rightful slave. In truth, they deserved to be exiled. He wasn't smart enough to put all the pieces together though. Instead he blamed the mistake on Stryker's failure. That was Jervis' ignorance.

Still, something didn't add up. The hybrid's mere appearance threw him off and made him feel uneasy. Their way of speaking in third person was... odd. Plus seeing that their main supporter was Jeriside, someone who recently got their leg removed as a punishment, Jervis wasn't going to take their word into account. He felt as if he needed to ask further.

A sharp growl of warning was shot in Jeriside's direction as he limped over to give the presumed stranger an acknowledging lick. That white wolf was really pushing it. Nevertheless, he kept his golden eye upon the frog girl. "And you think it's rightful that you come back, yes?" he questioned. "What makes you think that?" She truthfully shouldn't of mentioned her exile. That damned her chances.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: I'M THE BAD GUY | Returning. - TSUYU. - 08-04-2019

"Because Tsuyu is nothing without the Pitt. Tsuyu.. Felt empty- She always feels empty when she isn't here. Pitt is Home."

Tsuyu was also incredibly unstable, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to join other clans- if she were to snap again.. Tsuyu didn't know what she'd do. Fight for her life? Her bloodbending could do her some good, but against multiple people it was impossible to win.

Stryker hadn't just crippled her spine. He'd crippled her sense of self-confidence as well.

"Tsuyu could be useful- She wouldn't cause any unnecessary trouble again, she promises! Cross her heart, ribbit!"

The frog-manx hybrid croaked, pushing close against her father's snow white fur, her small form curled against his large body.

"Whatever leader wants, Tsuyu will get- does she need to prove herself? She'll do that-" She was bordering on hysterical, needy, greedy to please those around her. She remembered when she had been the one that her friends looked up to before she snapped.. Such a blunt girl, always being asked for advice by her classmates.

Now she couldn't even stop herself- the urge to kill, to see blood.. It overcame her primal desire to have friends. She just wanted to please her superiors. She just wanted the sick praise.