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ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - Printable Version

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ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - trojan g. - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]It was hard for the three legged feline to walk the distance that he had walked, but he had done it, he had made it, and whether or not he would ever make a journey like that again was not up for debate - he detested the idea. Roman had been walking for a while, and he had not been fond of it, but he missed his home, he missed those that he left behind, though whether or not they would remember him or even still be where he left them was something that he was scared to know. It had been so long since he'd been gone - almost a year now if he had kept track of time correctly - and he knew that more often than not, many that one knew were gone within a year, having either moved on, or changed so drastically they were unrecognizable. They could have died, or they could just have forgotten about him to the point of not caring whether he was dead or alive - and he wouldn't blame them, he had left in such a hurry that he didn't even stay to say goodbye to anyone that was there at the time.

Having followed the scent of his old home, Roman was surprised to find out that it was different somehow. He could still smell the scent of the old group that he used to call home, but it was mingled with others, making a new scent of what seemed to be a new group. That was something that he was also used to, having his own places in the past merge with others right before his eyes.

Hoping that he would be accepted back - and that this was, indeed the proper place - the domestic feline would sit down, eyes overlooking the place before him before he finally decided to speak. "Hello?" He would call out, thinking for a moment before speaking once more, "Is this the Ascendants? Or uh, what was of it I guess? It smells different now."

Re: ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - Warringkingdoms - 07-27-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin was hard-pressed to really forget anyone from the Ascendants; much as she sometimes thought losing her memories of them would make things easier, she knew she owed it to them to remember.

  Most of her clanmates were gone, that was true. Playerone was here, but everyone else had long since left, probably forgetting about Rin while they were at it. Not that she blamed them. Those who did get close to her tended to die violently. The observatory was gone too, burnt down by a few Pittians who couldn’t leave well enough alone, but instead felt the need to destroy a piece of history for no other reason than because they could.

  Rin tried not to think about it, but that was growing harder and harder nowadays, when everything reminded her of the past. Indeed, another reminder had quite literally come knocking on her door, she could see from Roman’s arrival on the border. If his appearance hadn’t been familiar to her, his open declaration that the Ascendants smelled different would’ve done it.

  ”It’s merged with Sunhaven,” Rin stated as she arrived at the border, ”and calls itself Elysium now.” Best to start with the facts. With a heavy sigh, she continued, ”Player’s really the only one left of the old Ascendants.” And herself, but to say aloud that she was one of them after what she had brought upon them seemed wrong.

  /awkward mobile post

Re: ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - Tena M. - 07-27-2019

Tena Moonspinner
"Hey," the friendly Demdji called, tail flicking as she joined Warringkingdoms.  Her unusual blue eyes locked curiously on Romanempire, blinking as she let Rin speak.  Indeed, not many of the Ascendants stuck around... Though many Sunhaveners disappeared over time too.  Tena herself had left for a short period before the merge, but she stuck around.

The petite sand cat smiled, dipping her head.  "I'm Tena, Elysium's Magna.  I know it's different now, but you're welcome to a home here."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - musey - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:georgia;"]It was as though the presence of old souls led to a sort of magnetism, drawing out old faces from the depths and bringing them together. A former Ascendant, searching for peers from days past. Cav supposed he counted as someone Roman might recognize - he spent very little time here before his second disappearance, but he witnessed the beginning of the former clan all the same.

"I am as confused as you are." There's a chuckle there, half of a friendly smile. He was attracted to the sound of an unfamiliar voice, like any other - it was rare, he'd come to realize, to meet new faces around here, to catch a glimpse of excitement or change. He supposed that was part of the reason why he chose this place: it was quiet. "Do let me know if you ever figure out those tunnels."

They were both lost, in a sense, behind on the times and still struggling to realize that many, many things could change in the span of four seasons. Cav has disappeared around the same time, his stint in the Beyond rather unproductive; though in the meantime, clans had merged, familiar faces had vanished, and the world as they knew it had been turned on its head. The tiger offers a sympathetic look in Romanempire's direction. "Cavalrychoirs, though I believe we may have already met. It's just Cav, now."

Re: ICE BE ON MY BODY -- open; return-ish - trojan g. - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]At the site of the first there, Roman would shift his eyes over to the other, squinting for a moment as a small flicker of a memory crossed his mind. He felt as though he knew the other but couldn't say for sure, likely having only met them once in passing, not learning their name before he left. It must have been that, or something of the sort. Listening to the words that were spoken, the old soul would simply nod his head, thinking as he did so. He didn't really remember Player, and wasn't sure if it was actually someone he'd met before. Names were unfamiliar to him, but faces were the thing he remembered most. So they had merged with another group? That made sense with the scent markers. "Thank you for telling me." The male would speak towards Rin before Tena showed up, looking over towards her as well.

She was small. That was the first impression that Ro had on the other, was that she was small and child like, and he was surprised that she was the one that introduced herself as magna - the role he could only assume was meant to be like leader with the way she said it. He wouldn't let that stop him from joining, however, she was the leader for a reason, and he was guessing with the way she held herself that she had been leader for a while now, or, at least, that's what it appeared to be. So he needn't worry about whether or not his old home was in good hands while he had been gone. "It's nice to meet you," The male would speak, head dipping slightly as he did so, "My name is Romanempire, though I used to go by Romancolosseum and now just Roman or Ro." There were other names he had gone by as well, but he was sure that there was no one here at this point in time that would remember those names, considering Rin hadn't mentioned Bastille or Hazel when saying who else was left from the old Ascendants.

Head turned at last to Cav as he pad over, a slight smile forming on his maw. This was a face that he was sure that he recognized, though they hadn't met too often before he left, Roman did know Cav, and had thought of making a friendship with the other before things changed and he had to leave. "It's good to see you again Cav." He would speak, "Good to know someone else is just as confused as myself. And I will let you know, hopefully it won't be too long before we both do." He said that, yet Ro wasn't the biggest fan of tunnels. He could only hope that they would be something that he wouldn't have to go into too much, or that he'd eventually get used to them.