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Returning, I suppose? - Printable Version

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Returning, I suppose? - miss ririchiyo - 07-27-2019

This is really temporary, but I suppose that my return will be a bit delayed due to working more often.

Hiya guys, it's Ririchiyo. Now known as Rhyland, or Ry/Rhy. A lot has changed since I've been gone?? It's been pretty great, yet stressful at the same time.

I'd love to find out any juicy IC drama going on? I played Delilah from Tanglewood, Onision from.. I forgotthenamecrap-
And then Tsuyu from the.. Uh.. Forgot the name again-
Excuse my bad memory. Ack.

Anyways, I also played Owen, from the Typhoon. I might be bringing him back? Unsure, as I'll probably have him return with no memories of who he was. We always love us a fresh start, hm? Despite him having kids, huffs.

If there any adoptions going on, I'd love to take a look at them? I'm dumping a few old characters and making new ones to get better muse.

Anyways, hiya guys. I miss y'all.

Re: Returning, I suppose? - Orion - 07-28-2019

Ahh Riri! I missed you <333
Welcome back bro.