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uhhhh howdy!! - Printable Version

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uhhhh howdy!! - stilly. - 07-26-2019

hey everybody I'm new here!! I was on ff for like,,, 6 or 7 years maybe?? Idk exactly, but I was on there for a long time under the names Stilly and Peri, and I played lots of different characters, but my most noteworthy ones were Musicbox, Mari, Darlingdemons, and Bottlefairy. I've been on various sites ever since I left ff, but this is the first where I've really seen a bunch of people I recognized and liked roleplaying with, and I wanted to give it a shot!!

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - tricky - 07-26-2019

howdy howdy!! i'm from ff as well lmao
if you've got any questions, feel free to ask and i hope you like it here ;0

o heck my only memorable character on ff would be beck, and he's still around on bob over in tangle
hmu if you ever wanna plot :eyes:

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - spacexual - 07-26-2019

heyo!! welcome to BoB, i'm reagan (formerly went by spacexual for a while).
i was on ff for a while too, although my only notable character would probably be royalguard lol.
right now i spend most of my focus on my character goldenluxury roux, who's been around almost as long as this site (aka a little longer than a year) and i'm always open to plots!
i was one of the og admins when the site was just starting up, stepped down due to busyness, and then got more time to be a mod again, so i'm more than happy to chat and answer any questions. hope you have a nice time here! <3

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - toboggan - 07-26-2019

heyo!! i, too, was a member on feralfront - from 2014-2018, under names like gnome, burrito, bolide, and toboggan Wink). rn i mainly play my boi leroy, who lives in tanglewood.

honestly, i was so shook when i first logged on to this site bc of all the faces that i recognized. the community here is super kind, i hope you'll find! make sure to join the official discords for an even better level of communication with BoB's lovely memberbase <33

if you have any questions at all, staff will gladly answer.

can't wait to see what you bring to the site!

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - stilly. - 07-27-2019

thanks for all the warm replies all of you!!! I believe that I recognize a few names of both people and characters in your introductions, but tbh my memory is awful so nothing immediately comes to mind cx

I'm super excited to start roleplaying and doing other stuff on here, and while I don't think I have any questions rn, I'll be sure to remember offers to plot with people and everything!! I'm really excited for an animal game to play in again

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - Orion - 07-28-2019

Hello hello! I remember you! Welcome to the site dude <3333

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - COSMIIX - 07-28-2019

hiiii, long time no see!!! it's lewis roleplayer aaa

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - stilly. - 07-28-2019

Ajfjgkdjd holy shit hey to both of you!! I definitely remember you and Lewis, Hellbent, and I'm p sure I remember you Orion, but I can't remember exactly how bc my memory sucks lmao
But it's awesome to see the both of you!! I remember loving playing Nine and Lewis together sm ajfkgsjg

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - COSMIIX - 07-28-2019

it's so gr8 and refreshing to you and salem/greg again!! it's been such a long ass time ajsndndn

Re: uhhhh howdy!! - stilly. - 07-28-2019

Ahfjgjfjjgd yeah I know!! I'm so glad I found this place when i was trying to get back into group rp stuff it seems so nice