Beasts of Beyond
What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Printable Version

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What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Sorrel - 07-25-2019

Simply posting this so we can all brainstorm ideas of what will keep people coming back and possibly some fun events that could potentially happen!! I know some people don't prefer events that require their characters fighting, and prefer something story-based, so maybe we can discuss that as well! These events can either be clanwide or site wide, depends on what we end up coming up with!

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Whisper - 07-26-2019

smol track for now , might edit post with ideas l8r

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Grey - 07-27-2019

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"]personally i'd like to see some kind of event that forces the groups to work together for survival. not all the groups have to come to a temporary truce as some can have tensions or resort to stealing, but frankly i'm a little bored of site-wide plots and the like where groups/characters just dump corpses at borders and/or murder members to create dramas (as in, i feel like fighting gets boring). i want to see something like a much bigger, dramatic problem perhaps? a problem that makes everyone go "oh fuck we actually can't do this alone" and the groups end up assisting each other with their own strengths.

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - musey - 07-27-2019

personally, i really want to find a way to boost activity. coming back from a very long period of inactivity, ive recognized that bob runs at a very relaxed pace, but maybe there's something we can do to work with our sister sites to increase activity. off the top of my head, i can think of maybe an event where if you sign up you get to choose a power for free/you get powers for bringing in new members, a "trade" event where everybody posts in another board for a few days or even on a sister site that agrees to it, etc etc. something that gets people from other places to go "hey! i can belong to more than one site and have fun with all of them, and i even know people who are on both sites!" might help encourage activity!

i also had a lot of ideas for reviving the human rp and reforming its structure, but idk if it would get a lot of traction so i'd rather check interest and talk with staff privately about those ideas first :^) just a thought!

@ grey i was Just thinking of an idea for that the other day.... if staff are ok with it i could share, it involves an epidemic that spreads between allies and then ends up going sitewide as groups come into contact with each other regardless of ally/enemy status :0

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - gregory - 07-28-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]let me tell you guys one thing: i was on a site that did the whole “the groups have to help each other to survive” and it absolutely killed the activity. meaning it got more inactive then before because no one was interested in the groups being friends, even temporarily. it got so dead that after the plot was canclrd by staff, no one wanted to be a part of it anymore. everyone moved onto the second main game we had, which had previously been inactive before the animal game became inactive. so from experience the whole “bring the clans together” might not be a good tactic to bring more activity- but i’m not sure how this site would react to it.

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Verdigris - 07-28-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]I have also had experiences with sites where groups were forced to work together, and the plots didn’t necessarily turn out well
  in the case of one, there were so many different groups that managing the plot was hard to do, so ultimately the plot was scrapped
  in the case of the other, the reasons for the plot’s failure were a) all groups that existed prior to the plot were forcibly disbanded, b) staff took forever to actually bring the plot to its intended conclusion, and c) some of the sitewide votes and discussions on the matter suffered from shenanigans

  since BoB has relatively few groups, and since they wouldn’t have to be disbanded for a plot like this, the first two problems probably wouldn’t be an issue- and I doubt votes will be involved either
  so long as staff does good about not stalling on their end of the plot (whatever that end may be, whether declaring environmental conditions or spawning raid bosses or what have you), the plot probably wouldn’t stall out
  still, caution should be taken

  (mobile post)

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - Crackers - 07-30-2019

An advertising contests could be helpful where members are given gems for each board they post in.

I really like the idea of a member exchange with a sister site as well, that could be really good for us.

And I know that we are working on getting the 4 main clans active, which is why the Blackguard is being absorbed into the Pitt, but maybe another board or two in unrelated areas would help- like a board outside of the main game that offered Roleplays in a savannah hsetting for lion prides, or an abandoned city where stray dogs roam (also seperate from the main game). A lot of our sister sites focus on animal roleplay thats not just specific to one species, but that has its oown lore/territory, so having a board that appeals to that may help with keeping members once they click over to check us out. I know we have a generic board for random animal roleplays but it isn't structured and is open to really anything, where as these boards could have a little backstory, different places in the territory to roleplay (we could use the custom thread header things to mark out a couple random places like 'the river', 'the plains', etc for people to specify where their characters are, which would work especially well in the city of dogs thing i mentioned, which could be an abandoned island town thats over run by stray packs fighting for survival or something).

And I like the idea of doing something with the groups, but maybe instead of a controlled plot or something that forces groups to work together, the staff could regularly include 'natural events' in the monthly announcements that would effect things in the land- for example, maybe one month there's a food shortage in The Pitt, causing them to hunt in other clans territories, and then another month The Typhoon could be taken over by gulls that cause havoc in the camp, and so on. It could create some atmosphere and allow for a bit of unpredictability on the site.

Ultimately I think we should focus on things to help activity and advertising. We can draw people in all we want but if they see dead boards they won't want to stay.

I think monthly activity contests could be really helpful too. Limited-time powers, custom art, and gem rewards could go to the top 3-5 posters on the site every month, encouraging people to be active and post.

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - fluffy - 08-27-2019


Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - galexiux - 10-13-2019

i know this is old thread and old news but

ngl a map would be nice-

like. any sort of. "this is world! Have fun!" would be fantastic. I am very lost here are we on a island? Idk dsgadsf

Re: What would you guys like to see on BoB? - body - 10-13-2019

[size=10pt]also jumps onto the old thread train

i also like the idea of a map, but we'd probably have to be careful with it. if i remember what went down on FF, the staff basically changed around territories to fit a map they created without much member input, and many people were upset over it. but it is a good idea, and it's got my vote *flushed emoji*