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BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - Printable Version

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BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - bubblegum - 07-25-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
It was afternoon by now, she did not want to leave the scene just sitting there for anyone to find. It was gross, and she likely still reeked of the dead, had blood on her fur, but she did not bother to clean herself before immediately going to the swamp, pawsteps furious and quick. "Hey!" the captain would scream impatiently as she stepped onto the border, clearly ticked off. It's plenty fair, too. Her heterochromatic eyes are tired as she peers into the territory, frown present on her expression. She'd been reasonable so far - she hadn't even really been upset about the fact Beck spread her fuckin' corpse across the fuckin' trees, but this was most certainly uncalled for. This was genuine murder, and she was not going to stand around idle for even one second. They would find the culprit and they would punish them. The female was not exactly looking forward to any sort of investigation revolving around this, but it wasn't something to put off. The Rosebloods, when they'd been around, had done this to them - not long after they split their ties. They burnt them down in response.

However, unlike Sephiroth, Goldie respects Crow. She trusts he would not willingly let this happen, and she hopes she is correct. She have dealt with too many bad allies before. She is tired of it. "Can anyone tell me why I found two dead, mangled crewmates this mornin' wit' the smell o' Tanglewood all over 'em?" she wastes no time getting straight to the point. There are no presents, no conversation. It is possible somehow a Pittian was trying to frame them, but she would need to get through this to find out, now wouldn't she?

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - deimos - 07-25-2019

It seemed that recently, Sam had been taking more naps. Maybe it was the depression setting in from not having enough cigarettes. She couldn't tell, despite Leroy trying to supply her. Bags were under her eyes as she was awoken by a howl- not one of pain, or a wolf, but rather a really, really pissed off pirate princess. Sam yawned, sitting all the way up before making her way towards Goldie. It had to be important if there was no 'hello', just a blaring scream.

However, as Sam approached, she heard this situation was a little more dire then Goldie being pissed off. Murder? Sam's ears flattened as she showed herself, padding quickly towards Goldie. Reaching reasonable talking distance, she paused in her pawsteps. "I might not be the best to be answering this question, but this shit wasn't us. We wouldn't mess up the ties with the Typhoon, especially now with the Pitt going all out."

Of course, Sam was a little offended that someone was trying to mess up the alliance. It wasn't easy to make these things, yknow? "I really doubt Beck would take it that far and.. you say there was two of them? The only person big enough to do that well around here is Leroy. And you know Leroy." It wasn't hard to figure out what Leroy was doing with Goldie at the festival. Sam had felt sick to her stomach when she saw it, but she didn't comment towards Leroy, of course.



Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - trojan g. - 07-25-2019

[div style="width:150px; height: 175px; background: url(; float:left;"]
This was the second time someone had come to the borders asking about dead bodies and the scent of Tanglewood on them, and it was throwing Moth off. Her promise to herself wouldn't really be able to be held if this kept up. It messed with her head, and made the fox paranoid to stay here much longer. She would try to get through the paranoia for the best of her ability - it seemed safe here for the most part, and she liked it here. It was home, no matter how little she had been here - but she just hoped that it wouldn't get too terribly bad.

Walking over to the Typhoon leader and Sam, Moth would think for a moment, trying to remember the words that she had been told at the border a couple moments before, further down. "You said two bodies were found? The Elysium found a body as well, and they said that the word 'Anti' was carved into it, were the bodies in the Typhoon the same way?"

Moth wasn't sure if that was something she was hoping for in order to have ease of catching whoever it was that was killing others, or if she didn't want that to be the case, so that they wouldn't have to try and pin it down on one individual that seemed to be dangerous so far. "And I'm in the same boat as Sam, I can't think of anyone who would do something like that here in Tanglewood."

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - Crow Roux - 07-25-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
When Crow heard, his stomach dropped and his blood went cold—two dead and covered in the scent of his own. What in the hell..? Never had he imagined that such a situation would ever happen while he was in charge, and the fact that it did made him feel as if he failed somehow. The feline’s jade eyes narrowed sharply as he made his presence known with a sharp yell, his voice rasping from the extreme volume that he stretched his vocals to. "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE, NOW! And you all better have good alibis, because you're all suspect!"

"What happened to 'em?" he would ask with a subtle cough as he turned to Goldie, his voice going quiet once more as he awaited for the rest of his comrades to appear.

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - arrow - 07-25-2019

"Oh my fucking god."

Arrow groaned rather loudly, trudging her way over to assess the situation, already on the way when Crow decided that more yelling was the best next step for the situation. Her head pounded, the lights seemed way too bright. It burned her eyes. She would have rather been at home, tossing about in a cold sweat, but this was rather important and her rank meant she needed to be up and at em in times of crisis. Like this. This was a crisis, pirate princesses threw nasty fits when they were upset, and finding your crewmates slaughtered and spread around like road kill was definitely something to be upset over. She'd be pretty pissy too.

Squinting green eyes as she replayed the words over a few times, Arrow's first thought was that this was a set up. Beck was in time out, and no one else was going to take a murder vacation as far as she knew. It was just stupid. "Maybe another serial killer is on the loose. Some dickheads really love trying to cause a fuss for no good reason. They coulda rolled around in the swamp for a bit to get that authentic Tanglewood disguise. Some bitch needs attention out there, that's my guess." She scowled, rubbing one side of her head. This was all getting stupid. Murder this, desecration that. Bet it was some large ass too, big scary thing. Why couldn't it at least be different, like a raccoon with a knife? That would have been fucking amazing.

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - bubblegum - 07-26-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The first to arrive was a face she recognized, one she pleasured a nice chat with a few nights ago. This still would not warrant any friendly smiles, it simply was not appropriate for the occasion, and she wasn't about to hide the fact she was pissed about this. Her crew is her family and she has always lived by the motivation that she would do anything to keep her family happy - they always come first, and to wake up to find family members dead, disrespected was not something to just brush off. Her head tilts back slightly from Sam's response, already quite aware of the things she was telling the captain. She opens her mouth to speak, frown present on her features. "I already knew it wasn't really y'all," she assures, though her tone is flat, words coming out like ice. "There's lil' reason t' assume a true Tanglewood member would jus' pull shit like that." It still smelled of Tanglewood - nothing but it, though, and that demands explanation, for both of their sakes. "But, is' important we find out who that fake member is, whether they be an enemy tryin' some trickery or an actual traitor."

Her attention breaks from Sam now, though, as another arrives. She does not recognize this member. Her slit pupils peer towards the stranger expectantly, metaphorical eyebrows raising once she spoke. The tigress didn't really care to explain the details of the bodies - it was quite nasty, but she supposes that there must be some sort of signature the culprit is leaving. That's a stupid move if they were trying not to get caught. "Sure was. Some edgy shit." Goldenluxury huffs, tail twitching impatiently. They would figure out who did it - clearly there is already a pattern. She is about to open her mouth to say more when the leader himself arrives and she focuses onto Crow, feathered ears perking upward. As he shouts out, the captain sits down, her tail wrapping around her paws.

Everyone suspect? She isn't sure she'd go to that extent, but she was not unhappy with his conclusion. This is what she came here for - to figure out who the fuck did it and what the Hell they were gonna do about it. Clearly, Crow understood that and took action immediately, and she would let some frustration exit her because of it. Once he turned towards her and asked her for the details, her nose would scrunch slightly. "We'll jus' say that it was nastier than what Beck left behind, and includes a serval n' a jaguar," the female would respond, sparing him the details. He could imagine, seeing as he'd seen the ghost's work. A head placed where a heart would go. That was fucked up.

One more arrives, though Goldenluxury was not too interested to hear her theory, once it was declared. "I don' really give a fuck what they want, they still smelled like Tanglewood, doesn' really matter whether they're from here or not. They still smelled like it, n' I don' think any of us want that kinda asshole smellin' like y'all, so 'is important we figure out who the fuck it is." It was a bad look, and clearly lead to more trouble than any of them wanted.

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - MYERS - 07-26-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:65%;font-family:verdana;"]Oh. This was a bad thing.

Perhaps it was a bad place and a bad time to show up to this gathering. He was a new member, he'd spent the past few days trespassing on their territory, he refused to speak when spoken to - anyone present with half a brain and enough preexisting suspicions could put the pieces together.

Michael flexes his paws in the dirt, a mild comfort in an otherwise tenuous situation. Uncertainty clings to the edges of his neutral expression as he looks from Goldenluxury, to Crow as he shouts, then to Arrow as he listens to her reasoning. He eventually falls upon Goldenluxury again, and at the bitterness of her words he takes a careful step back. He doesn't like this. He doesn't like being called a suspect - he doesn't like Crow, he decides all at once, because there's too many variables to all of this and yet he wants everyone to be able to explain themselves without flaw. And Michael can't explain himself, he didn't do anything, but he was told he was bad and the memory of bad things makes him think that maybe part of this was his fault. His mind rapid cycles between worry and anger. He doesn't like Goldenluxury's clan, wherever she's from, he doesn't like the words she uses and the anger that flits from one mouth to another and -

He's breathing too hard. Hyperventilating, almost. Black spots dance in the corners of his eyes and he clenches his jaw to settle himself, tail lashing but still working to keep him steady. Michael feels his jaw click and he thinks that he's probably drawing attention to his own condition, but he doesn't care right now - he just wants all of this to stop.

ooc. lmao feel free to mistake michael as the perpetrator and blame him.. why not

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - arrow - 07-27-2019

Hello? Hello?

Arrow's eyes widened when Goldie snapped back, a few irritated blinks following soon after. Now she understood that Goldenluxury was in a bit of a cranky state, so was she, but to accuse her Tanglers with such disrespectful air about her was something that the brown feline was not about to take with her tail between her legs. Typhoon official, pirate princess or not. Goldie, in her own defense, had never had an actual conversation with Arrow and was soon to find out that a mature and professional filter had not come installed in this one.

So sorry, Crow. Is it demotion time yet?

"I dOn'T rEaLlY gIvE a FuCk WhAt ThEy WaNt- bitch." Her long tail thrashed about as she mimicked Goldie's words in a mocking tone, all desire to at least try and keep a mature front tossed aside as something about the response just pushed her buttons a little too hard. It could have been that being sick left her a little more mean, with no fucks left to give and no shits given about this being an ally. She'd just fall back on the argument that Goldie started it by dragging them all out here. Crow didn't scare her, and neither did Goldie. "Girl, girl, motive is everything, even if it's just for fun. There's a pattern goin' on, dude's doing it for the hell of it, you stompin' up in my god damn swamp demandin' answers won't make em magically appear. Sit down and let's fucking figure it out one step at a time, princess." Her tone dripped with previously suppressed sass, an attitude towards the Typhoon girl spiraling out of her immediate control.

Arrow buried her face into her shoulder and let out a muffled cough, that stupid metallic taste ruining her mood further. She caught sight of Michael out the corner of her eye in the process, tilting her head. Her tone relaxed, softened. "You don't gotta stay here, man. You can go if you don't wanna be here."

// this is just ooc just in case i love goldie pls

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - bubblegum - 07-27-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
//rushed af also love arrow too dw

Her metaphorical eyebrows raised, eyes widening at Arrow's outburst. "Excuse me?" her words come quick and cold, her body raising as she moves to stand once more. Did she really just call her bitch? Did this member think she was in a position to disrespect the captain right now? "I'm here 'cause my crewmates are fuckin' dead - killed, disrespected, an' your scent is on them. Stompin' in your swamp? Sorry, is that inconvenient for ya?" again, her words are fast, with an icy, slicing tone within them. She's run out of patience, and if she were to be met with any other bullshit, she wouldn't hesitate to just fuckin' hit them - it's sincerely lucky she wasn't doing so right now. "Motive matters, sure, but it doesn' change anythin' right now. They're a serial killer? Cool! Now the fuck what? They carved a God damn signature into their 'work', so I suggest the firs' step bein' focusin' on that." It wasn't rocket science. The female said herself - one step at a time, and that "anti" shit seemed to be a pretty big clue.

The tigress doesn't know who the Hell this member thinks she is, but she doesn't care to find out. She would be met with something much sharper than the captain's words if this shit were to continue - she didn't have the time nor patience to humor something like that, and she imagines no one else would either.

Although, this stranger that's appeared and began to hyperventilate - that was something weird, unexpected. "Breathe, man, lay down." Funny how they both came to the same conclusion of first off calming the male, given everything. Goldenluxury was not one to just assume, though, and she didn't bother to accuse the male of anything for now. She doesn't know who he is and will not pretend to.

Re: BANG BANG SHOT DEAD / typhoon visitor - toboggan - 07-27-2019

Crow was shouting again. Off in the distance, most likely near the border. Something on the topic of everybody being suspects, inexplicably making mention of alibis in the process. Perhaps, if Crow’s voice was not so croaky and thin, Leroy would take take him a tad more seriously whenever the feline made an effort to be austere. But, given the ludicrous subject matter, the hound sharply snorted as the general’s panicked tone met his folded ears.

Once making the scene, just in time to witness Arrow and Goldenluxury get in each other’s hair, his humorous standpoint soon faded. The desire to make fun of his leader for his questionable phrasing would disappear almost entirely. In comparison to Tena, who appeared at the swamp’s border to discuss the exact same ordeal, Goldenluxury’s arraigning approach proved to be much more hostile than the demdji’s. Arrow’s quips certainly did not soothe the tigress’ attitude. Both of the females’ tones were heavily laced with pride, inappropriate for the current situation - with levels of emotion running high, poor decisions were bound to occur. Now was not the time for animosity - the best possible route would be to remain levelheaded and factual, rather than accusing.

A few pawsteps brought him forward. Brushing past Crow, briefly glancing towards the fellow who was breathing funny, he’d use his presence as an attempt to garner the attention of the pointlessly bickering duo.

"I-I mean this in the best way," Leroy spoke up, his voice uncharacteristically lopsided and uncertain, "but we all ought to fuckin' shut up, okay? Gettin' on each other's asses ain't gonna solve our li'l murder myster, so stop it". The guardsman accepted that his hasty upheaval wouldn’t make him the most popular face in the gathering - it usually wasn’t anyways. Sighing, the mongrel considered his next few words with great care, for he wished not to upset anybody any further. "Two pirates're dead, with 'Anti' carved into 'em like they're some sorta flesh-o-lantern. This happened over in Elysium, too - swamp scent an' all. This shit, we know." His words are soberly spoken through his frowned maw, an amber gaze mainly - though not solely - fixated on the Captain.

He hated this. He didn’t like his current role. But, if nobody else was going to put on their big boy pants and act mature, it was his responsibility to keep things level. "A Tangler ended up dead in the same way," he persists, "a li'l under a year ago, I think. What happened then, and what prob'ly happened now, was some attention-seekin' nutcase thought it'd be funny to off someone without no forewarning."

"Problem is I don't know no attention-seekin' nutcases around here - 'cept for me."

The theory stating that a new member was committing crimes seemed the most probable. If it was someone from the Pitt or Blackguard who was fucking around, then their scent would have at least lingered on Tanglewood turf.

There was one face in the group’s ranks that he didn't initially trust. A face that only recently joined their ranks.