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AM I GETTING IN YOUR HEAD? | CORPSE, TW GORE - Sorrel - 07-24-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I'M A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING — 。+゚.[/glow]
(Please note that there is scent of Tanglewood, and Anti has carved his name into the corpse. But, he is no longer on the scene and has teleported away. No one could have seen him in the act.)

He was getting back into the groove of things. He knew that he had missed it, and was sad that when he was traveling there was nothing to entertain him. His puppets were long gone from the place that he came from, so now he was seeking new puppets. He planned on having his influence across the entire area, and that included any groups that lived in it. The glitch had no intention of leaving anyone out, although children were hard for him to try and control since he wasn't a complete monster, he tries to be. The creature knows what will get their attention, and has resorted back to his old habits. He was told long ago that he should stop being violent and work with others to work out their problems. He tried. Once. Then he promptly gave up because it was a waste of his time and he wanted to do something else instead. He had used the same tactic that he was using now previously. It took some time for a name to spread around between the groups. He had to show that he was an actual threat to them or they wouldn't take him seriously. Once he started killing their leaders they would probably realize that he wasn't someone that could be messed with.  Just because he wasn't the largest thing out there, didn't mean that he wasn't powerful. He had tactics of his sleeve, and his silver tongue could easily get him out of trouble as long as he said the right words. Mental manipulation was his specialty rather than fighting. He enjoyed torturing most of his victims that he did come across, but there were times where he got busy and needed to hurry up. Now, he was starting to exhaust his energy reserves from using his powers too much and then fighting the several creatures that he had come across when looking at the different groups. They all seemed to be very similar to the last group that he sheltered in with a couple of his puppets. He needed to start amassing those that would be willing to lay their life down for him if he commanded it.

His main goal was to acquire a larger body. The more powerful he got, the stronger his possession became. This means that he is capable of taking over larger creatures and destroy their souls so that he can take over their body as the new host. There were some similar traits between all the different bodies that he has up till now, which hasn't been very much, as a jaguar and leopard being the only two bodies. All of them had the same eye color and the same wound on their necks. This made it nearly impossible for Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ to disguise himself by taking over different bodies to try and stay hidden. If anyone recognized the traits, they would easily be able to figure out that it was him, and him alone. Once he got accomplices though, they would help with the spreading of his name and not worry about their own recognition. They only worked for him, and if they started to become selfish then he would punish them. But if anyone messed with his puppets, that is one thing that he can't stand to have done, and would promptly intervene. The glitch can easily do all of this his own, but it would be easier for the clans to see that he has followers that believe in him. More often than not, he doesn't offer his puppets anything in return for their services. He guesses that not killing them is enough of a gift that they shouldn't complain. Pledging loyalty to him means that he can corrupt those and instill some of his powers into his puppets. He wasn't going to kill everything that he saw, however, and instead would look at those to see if they would be useful to him. He was particularly interested in those that could possess larger bodies because it also meant that he would have a large body to possess once he was strong enough. If that meant destroying one of his puppets, so be it, as it was his goal to acquire a larger body. He knew dragons existed, and he wanted one. With a body like that, he couldn't be stopped.

He was becoming exhausted. Maybe he wasn't as skilled with his powers as he thought he was. It would definitely be upsetting if someone were capable of killing his current body. Sure, he could just possess another one, but he had some attachment to his current body. Either way, the glitch had managed to make another kill. He had no idea where he was, just that there was a group that lived here, and that's all that mattered. The more that knew his name, the more power that he acquired. Even simply saying his name is enough to give him a small bit of power, and that's all he needed to get the ball rolling. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ could easily play the card and say that he had no idea what the relations were between the groups because he didn't even know their name. The black jaguar wasn't against killing innocents either, although killing children was a bit much for him. This time though, the victim managed to give him a small injury, which was annoying. But, he would live as it wasn't something major. If only there was the doctor that was still around willing to patch him up. The large wildcat looked at the corpse that was on the ground and flicked one of his ears as blood dripped out from the wound on his neck, while at the same time dripping from his right arm. He was looking over the form of a dead Elysium member, a sabertooth tiger from the looks of it. One of the larger creatures he had managed to kill since he had arrived in the nearby area. The extinct animal had managed to sink their incisors almost all the way through his arm, but he had managed to teleport away before they had managed to do more damage. His water elementals were useful in keeping his blood in his body, but it was becoming exhausting to use so many powers at once. Even someone as strong as him had his limits on how long he could keep going. The sabertooth tiger had several knives coming out of different parts of their body, showing that the other had been stabbed to death.

The kill was far from clean, and Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ always made sure that his victims screamed for help. It gave him a small adrenaline rush knowing that calvary would be on the way and he was short on time before he would be seen. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ left the knives in the sabertooth tiger's body, and instead only did small marks on the body. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ removed the creature's eyes, shoving them down the sabertooth's throat in case anyone was going to do an autopsy and would find the eyes down the throat of the large animal. Using his claws rather than his kitchen knife, Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ would begin to carve his name in massive letters on the side of the predator, making the letters easily seen at a distance. What had caught his eye though, was the ruins of a building not too far from where he was at. In fact, it was in view. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ couldn't exactly tell what it was, but it seemed like the building had collapsed on itself. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ immediately came up with an idea, and a shit-eating grin spread across his facial features. Simply placing his paw onto the victim's body, he would teleport himself onto a pillar of the destroyed observatory. He noticed that there were indeed some components of rebar that were poking out in certain directions. He raised one of his paws and tapped the bottom of his chin as he began to think of where to put the corpse. Finally, he saw rebar sticking out at probably the highest point of the destroyed observatory. Teleporting the corpse with him above the rebar, but kept the body floating using several of his powers, despite how heavy it was. It only took him a second to rotate the body so that it was vertical, and from that height, he was at, Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ dropped the corpse and watched as the rebar impaled it, the tip of it coming out of the animal's mouth. It was almost like a flag. A corpse flag. Finally, he dropped himself down onto the ground and began to pant heavily. That took a lot more work than he intended it too. Well, he certainly deserved a nap at least. The black jaguar seemed to disappear from existence as he teleported away from the scene, leaving the hanging corpse in the observatory.

Re: AM I GETTING IN YOUR HEAD? | CORPSE, TW GORE - Warringkingdoms - 07-25-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin would have given everything she still owned, up to and including her soul, to not have to hear an ally’s screams again.

  She had been halfway across town, when she heard the unholy screeching that she knew could only belong to a severely injured or dying victim. Her paws carried her to the scene faster than she would have expected, considering her physical state, but it still wasn’t fast enough. It took her a moment to locate the body, but a tilt of the head and a crane of the neck finally revealed the gruesome scene.

  Spiderwebs covered most of the corpse, sealing up the holes where vital organs had once been, leaving only the hospital mask visible to identify the slain innocent.

  She screamed.

  She said nothing, but there was no hiding the nauseated grimace that slipped onto her features.

  Well, that was one more person’s blood on her conscience. Shaking her head, she levitated herself up to the pillar where the unfortunate victim had (presumably) been stuck on the rebar from. They stunk of Tanglewood, strangely enough. The carved letters in their side, spelling “Anti,” suggested it was just one member wanting to wreak havoc. Tanglewood would have had no motive to go against Elysium, other than boredom.

  Still, alliances had been betrayed over less than that.

  She could investigate later. If Tanglewood did want to start a war on two fronts, they stood no chance. Right now, she had to remove the saber tooth from this... undignified resting place. She recognized them as the one who had helped her bandage herself up, following the Pitt raid. They deserved, at least, a proper burial. There wasn’t any way she saw to get them down without causing further damage to the corpse, but better a few shattered bones or torn bits of flesh than rotting atop a pole.

  Levitating herself into the air again, she pulled the corpse by the scruff up the pole, until it came free. Though she tried to maintain her grip on their fur, their weight was too large, and they fell from her jaws towards the ground below, landing with a sickening thud. With a heavy sigh, she lowered herself down to the ground, landing at the corpse’s side.

  They had no pendant to speak of, so she ought to just bury them and leave something as a marker. Beginning to dig a hole large enough to fit a saber tooth, Rin wearily called out, ”I’m going out to Tanglewood later. One of theirs just murdered one of ours.”

  /3 AM mobile post, yey

Re: AM I GETTING IN YOUR HEAD? | CORPSE, TW GORE - Tena M. - 07-25-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Sad to say, Tena grew up surrounded by... Pain.  Eventually hearing screams became normal.  No matter how angry it made her every time, trying in vein to protect her friends.  Nobody stays, what's the point? They get taken.  They get killed.  Sometimes a scream is the last sound she hears from the ones she cared about, until the little Demdji had enough.  No one has the right to own another sentient creature. Rebel and runner -- she had not heard a friend scream in... Moons.

So the sound brought her to an abrupt stop in her path, patrolling the mountain side.  For a split second she didn't breathe.  Then she ran, towards the sound, just as fast as she ran when the smell of smoke hit her the day the Pitt decided to attack.  Again?  No.  Evidently not.

The petite sand cat flicked her tail to and fro, agitated as she examined the scene.  She could taste Tanglewood scent in the air, as Rin said, but she managed to breathe before jumping to conclusions.  Tena knew that Tanglewood had the Pitt to deal with, so it made no sense for them to start violence here.  Unless they're as kriffing dumb as the Pitt too.

Nonetheless, one of theirs did kill one of hers.  Not acceptable.  "I'll get to the bottom of this." Another narrowed look at the poor saber tooth and she knew she had a name too, cruelly carved into their body.  Whoever this is, they're just as bad as a depur.  "One of theirs has to answer."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free