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How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - Printable Version

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How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - jacob w.c. - 04-29-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — This was the second visit Jacob had paid to the Typhoon in less than a week. When he'd first advocated for their alliance, he had expected to visit frequently but not this frequently and not with news this important. He still wasn't sure how he felt about all of it. Well, he sort of was. He was anxious. Incredibly anxious, though that was nothing new. Today, the wolfdog arrived at Typhoon's border with more worry in his clear blue gaze than before and he had only brought a single rubber duck this time. He'd told himself he was going to bring Pincher a duck every time he came to make up for him saving his life and this was no reason to stop that, even if it was a tradition only set by one time right now. He had to show dedication in everything he did, especially now. Even if it was something silly, like a rubber duck. He set it down and settled by the border. He waited for a few minutes before he could hardly stand the silence and called, Hello? Is anyone 'ere? I got some real important news from Snowbound n' an invite for ya'll." He just hoped he wouldn't have to wait too long. After everything that happened, he'd want to be back to Snowbound as soon as possible. Thankfully, he'd taken care of the most important matters before leaving but he didn't feel comfortable leaving his tribe for too long. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - lilyspoise - 04-29-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
The call of a voice caused Lil to quickly abandon her search for prey and pursue the voice instead. She definitely recognized the source, too-- it was the voice of the Snowbound healer, a sweet, shy husky by the name of Jacob. She remembered that things seemed rather tense between him and Guru, so she did her best to locate him as soon as she could, not wanting a tense situation to arise from the two being alone.

It wasn't long before the cream tabby appeared from the brush, shaking out her fur before she approached Jacob, smiling.
"Hello, Jacob!" Lil greeted, taking a seat before the other. He said he had important news and Lil noted that he looked rather anxious. Was everything okay? He mentioned an invite, too, so things couldn't be a disaster, right? "Is everything well? You look worried. If there is anything the Snowbound needs -- if there is any trouble, especially -- please know that the Typhoon will lend a hand." She knew she shouldn't be making such grand promises, especially seeing as she wasn't anything special position wise, but Snowbound was an ally of theirs (albeit a trial one, but an ally nonetheless) and she doubted the Typhoon would simply abandon them in a time of need.

Re: How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - jacob w.c. - 04-29-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —It wasn't Guru. Thank goodness. "Hello, Lily, i's good ta' see ya' again," he spoke quickly and let out deep breaths. "We're doin' alrigh'. I don' think i's anythin' you could 'elp with. Leigh, our chief, went missin'. Awhile ago, he n' I talked about what ta' do if anythin' like this 'appened 'cause our snowseeker, Killua, is still real young ta' be leadin' n' he's real, um... aggressive. Leigh wanted me ta' take over if anythin' happened so... so I'm chief now," he explained, inhaling deeply once again before shaking his head. "I'll be fine. Jus' a lot ta' get used to." He found himself wishing Pincher were here. He would tell him how he hadn't slept and how he'd ate three pizzas last night. Pincher would understand more than anyone after all he'd seen Jacob do when Guru had tortured him. He knew it was ridiculous, how much he longed for the other man's companionship when they hadn't known each other for a particularly long time. Still, Pincher was the only one with no expectations of him. He'd seen him at his worst and he'd still taken care of him. Jacob couldn't understand that because when he saw the worst parts of himself, he just wanted to get rid of it. He wanted to cut his mind open and remove the parts he didn't like but he couldn't do that. Yet Pincher had showed none of that same disgust, he hadn't even flinched when he'd-

He was getting off topic. His thoughts were wandering again. He needed to focus. He just needed to give this news. "Anyway, I also wanted ta' invite Typhoon ta' a sorta' meet n' greet n' blind datin' event. It ain't strictly romantic n' there's a central party if ya' wanna' mingle with more people but... uh, yeah, so 'ere's the invite I guess," he stated, pushing forward a piece of paper with directions on it. He then paused a moment before also pushing forward the rubber duck. "Uh, also, if Pinch don' come 'round, could ya' give this to 'im?" He felt his face growing warm but he wasn't sure why. It was just a gift for someone he owed his life to, the least he could do was get him a rubber duck. Still, even knowing the context of the situation that prompted such a gift, Jacob could still tell this was weird and he was sure Lilyspoise would think the same thing.



Re: How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - Luciferr - 04-30-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"I suppose congratulations are in order - even if the circumstances are not ideal" the dark dragon rumbled as he joined the two with a sip of the head to lily and an inclination to Jacob - he was of course meaning the disappearance of a former leader never really being a great set of circumstances to ascend the throne so to speak.

Lucifer blinked at the invite - ha, blind date events? It'd been an age since he'd been to one of those - but his eyes refocused on the gift for their erstwhile leader and he nodded "if Pinch doesn't come by to collect it, I'll see to it he gets it"

//forgive me I'm museless today.


Re: How to evoke // Snowbound important news+invite // some empathy - Guru - 05-02-2018


The screech came from the female in the distance upon hearing the news, who promptly scoffed after her obnoxious yell. Her green eyes were looking at Jacob from afar with widened pupils, finding little enjoyment in seeing him around her one more time, especially after his last (and recent) visit to the Typhoon. Instead of bothering to walk over, Guru just walked away. She wasn't needed.
