Beasts of Beyond

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[glow=#000,1,400]I'M A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING — 。+゚.[/glow]
Well wasn't this a predicament. This did not mean that it was something negative. Far from it actually. Instead, it was a time to rejoice. He could no longer be controlled and wasn't tied to its former body as it had been. He no longer was restrained to a specific distance from its creators. Now, he had gotten away from those that created him years ago. The one that he had been bonded to, wasn't the one that specifically created him. In fact, it was a community of minds that created the creature and brought it into existence. It was only when a mishap happened when he nearly killed everyone that he was transferred to this new world. The former computer virus certainly did not enjoy those that had created him, as they had seemed to want him in the beginning, but every time he would make an appearance they would wish for him to disappear. The mixed signals messed up his mental health, causing him to lash out violently and torture those that the community had cared about. Maybe he had gone too far. Maybe he should have stayed hidden and just behaved like a good ego and gone from there.

But, the thought of acquiring power and a body of his own was too good to pass up. It was when he arrived in these strange worlds that he came into the realization that it had its own body and wasn't stuck inside someone else's mind or a device. For once in his life, he could physically touch something with his own body. Although it hadn't been perfect and there were still some issues that needed to be resolved. It was during this time that he started to make a name for himself. He went across the different areas where he began to torture innocent souls and kills those that he felt like. It wasn't all that hard, and they were all puppets underneath his fingertips. He started to create more puppets, and once his name got out there, he got enough power to be able to acquire a larger body. The creature knew that there were bodies such as dragons that he wished to acquire, but in order to do that, he needed more energy and power to do so. In order to do that, he needs to have recognition. It doesn't matter if the recognition is positive or negative, although it's usually negative, as anyone that says his name immediately gives him some more strength in his body.

The world was his experiment. He was capable of creating his own monsters from the flesh of different creatures. He was their ruler, and eventually, everyone would become his puppets in his little game. Whether they would be aware of it or not, they all played a role in making him stronger. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑ had some knowledge of clans and tribes as he resided in one for a short amount of time. But that didn't mean that anyone else had to know about that of course. The charcoal black jaguar wanted everyone around him to believe that he was playing dumb, as they would be more than likely to drop their guard down. His specialty was warping the weak minds that he came across, and it was oh so satisfying to see the results of his work. After having expended most of his resources in the other group, he decided that moving on was for the best of his interests. Besides, no one would know him in new areas, and it was like a blank slate for him to have fun with. Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑'s face twitched with anticipating as it walked through the increasingly marshy territory around his paws. The red coloration that dotted his paws did not seem to be too old but also wasn't fresh. The stench of rot and death radiated off of his body having no need to try and stop the smell from getting out there. After all, he felt like he was strongest there was and that there was no one that was capable of going against him. Just because he was going to try and act as he had never come across a group before, did not mean that he was an idiot.

Any animal was capable of understanding what a scent marker was unless it was a child that was still learning. The 210lb jaguar stopped at an obvious scent marker, not seeming to have really cared about some portions of muck that covered his black and red paws. As his two different colored eyes looked around, he began to wonder the kind of fun that he would be able to have. It felt like forever since he had fun with anyone, and it was starting to become like an itch like it usually did. The observation of the jaguar would show that the creature seemed to almost glitch like a broken computer screen, his form flickering in and out of existence. One then could easily spot the half stitched up wound that was on the creature's throat. The wound did not look flesh, but there was occasionally a drop of blood from the gash on its throat. It wasn't deep enough to kill Ȁ̷͕n̵̗̒t̵̫͂i̷͓͑, but one could still seem concerned for his health at such an injury. At the same time, the blood that leaked out of its wound was controlled by the water elementals that he had recently been able to acquire. The glitch would sit down where it had been standing, waiting at the border with a shit-eating grin spread across his facial features. The radioactive green gums glowing in the dim light, while a small, childish giggle would escape the male's jaws.

Re: WHAT A CYANIDE SURPRISE | JOINING - trojan g. - 07-25-2019

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If it hadn't been for the fact that the larger creature before her seemed to be following the rules of the lands when it came to borders and scent markers, the island fox would be crying. He was bigger than her - much bigger - and he seemed, well, off to her. She knew part of it was the way he looked - it wasn't something that was normal by any means - but he had a large gash on his neck and it didn't seem to be bothering him at all, not to mention the unsettling grin that rested on his face, and the glowing that came from the same region.

The whole thing made her stomach twist in a knot, but Moth had promised herself that she would grow up, she would be stronger, she would cry less no matter how much she wanted to burst into tears at that particular point in time.

Taking a breath and swallowing a small ounce of her fear, the female would finally walk the rest of the way over to the large feline, maw opening at once to bring out words, shaky at first though growing in strength the more she spoke. "Hello," She would offer at first, blinking at the loss of words suddenly before they came rushing back. "You're on the Tanglewood border, what can we do for ya?" she didn't want to seem too formal - that was boring - but she did want to make sure they knew if they were to stay they'd be welcome.

Re: WHAT A CYANIDE SURPRISE | JOINING - arrow - 07-26-2019


Arrow did not like this man. That was all she had to say about that, this creature unsettled her and she would rather not engage, the glowing was absolutely distressing, it tapped into some primal fear or sense of avoidance that came with being a living animal on this bitch of an earth. It looked unnatural, threatening, all things that basically came down to, bad, run away.

In fact, the only thing that kept her here at all was the fact Moth was by herself with this drip droppy, broken glowstick looking ass, alone. She did not trust this situation, not one bit. Arrow stood by as Moth ran through the introduction, digging at the dirt with her claws anxiously. She felt sick.

Re: WHAT A CYANIDE SURPRISE | JOINING - toboggan - 07-27-2019

Inquisitive to what the hubbub was all about, Leroy promptly tagged along after Moth and Arrow, his set of eyes soon becoming the third pair to fall upon on the stranger’s unconventional figure. After a brief period of careful examination, the guardsman deduced one thing; whoever this guy was, he was totally backasswards.

As was the case for most bright lights, the neon-green radiance exuding from the jaguars’ jaws and rightmost ocular had forthwith garnered the hound’s attention. Whatever was in the creature’s bodily fluids to make them glow a bright colour, the hound did not care - nor did he desire to learn why - as long as he never had to come into contact with it, he was fine. As his amber peepers rested their gaze on the oversized pussycat’s neck, the mongrel subtly recoiled in disgust at the sight of such a grisly open wound. It was a hard fought battle the inclination to gag once nausea began bubbling within his inner chambers. A battle scarcely won.

He was quite glad that Moth took it upon herself to do the typical welcoming tidbit. If it had been him in her shoes, he probably wouldn’t have made it.

"Not gonna lie, ya make me feel a li'l sick" Leroy mouthed bluntly. With such an ugly mug, the fellow must have gotten used to comments like that. Or, at least that’s what he figured. "Maybe that's a good thing, though," the wary male continued, shrugging, "maybe that’s what we need here."