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PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - Printable Version

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PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - Crow Roux - 07-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Something seemed wrong in the regard that Crow was actually in a decent mood when he walked with a bit of spring in his step to the base of the statue and called for a meeting. This, however, was actually very normal for the feline; bad and good days came and went, and this day happened to be a good one. He had actually managed to get some sleep the night before.

"A'ight," he chirped as his eyes trailed to the last to gather. Beside him rested a bag full of masks, and it was obvious what his first move would be. "A little overdue, but all of you that actually showed up to the mask vigil from last month get a nice an' shiny new mask. Congrats to Sam, Selby, Mikolaj and Moth for not gettin' your asses bitten by me an' Arrow," the tabby continued, then gestured a paw toward the sack of masks to signal that those called were free to dig through the sack, but he would not give them enough time to do so until the end of his little oration, quickly jumping to the next topic. "An' Sam, you're a guardsman now. Congrats. That bein' said, higher ups, if you could all come see me after, it'd be nice to discuss some stuff we could do to spice this place up a little."

"Jervis decided to be a shithead again an' set fire to Elysium," he would say next with a bored relax of his eyebrows at the expected mention of politics, and he paused for a moment to let the brief chatter that commenced from the news to die down. "So watch out for that. Chances are we'll be gettin' them on board for some much needed extermination duty soon." The action itself had been a bit of a shocker for Crow, because Elysium tended to stay on the down-low. What could the Pitt possibly want with them?

"Welcome Mae, Aziraphale, Damian and Isaac. It's nice to have y'all on board. An' lastly I wanna give everyone a shoutout for bein' so awesome lately." Crow spoke with an impish grin on his lips as he began to pace slightly, then jeered, "Especially Beck, even though he can't be here right now, for bein' such a precious, little angel. Meeting is dismissed."

- Sam, Selby, Mikolaj and Moth have all earned masks from the previous vigil
- Sam is now a Guardsman!
- a warm welcome to Mae, Aziraphale, Damian and Isaac <3

                            ...good job this month, guys

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - toboggan - 07-22-2019

Leroy was there, which made things awesome.

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - selby roux ! - 07-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby listened to the meeting, nodding along to the various announcements. He reminded himself to introduce himself to newcomers. When his father had finished, Selby came forward and carefully sifted through the masks in the sack, settling on a mostly plain one. Though normally he would have taken his leave by now, he instead approached the statue, keeping a respectful distance.

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - deimos - 07-25-2019

Sam was there. She listened, and stood when her name was called, dipping her head. "Thank you." Sam, once the meat of the meeting passed, slid up to the pile of masks. She pulled one out, hiding what its appearance was as she skiddled back to the majority who sat below.



Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - Crow Roux - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow stepped away from the statue that doubled as a soapbox, then gestured toward Leroy and Sam, who still sat within the crowd, to approach him; he did say he wanted to have an open discussion, after all. He would be slightly wary at this action though, taking note of the current unease between the two, and he wondered if getting them together in such close proximity would end disastrously before any real conversation ever happened, but it was a hurdle that had to be jumped. If they were going to be on the same team, they would soon learn they had to act like one.

"Y-yeah, any ideas? I think maybe it'd be cute to invite the Typhoon to some sort of dock party," the feline said as he lowered himself onto his haunches. "Since we've been nothin' but trouble to 'em lately..."

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - deimos - 07-27-2019

A sigh exited Sam's mouth. She twitched her ears, stepping closer. Leroy and her had.. a discusison, per say. They were working on it, was a better way to look at it, but she didn't want to go and assume everything would be okay. Sam couldn't blame Crow for being wary. Sam sat, inclining her head as her antlers shimmered. "A dock party sounds good. Maybe a few party games or somethin'. Food?" She spoke, idly looking at Crow.



Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - toboggan - 07-27-2019


Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - selby roux ! - 07-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby listened thoughtfully to the others, nodding in agreement. "Inviting the Typhoon is a good idea. Maybe we could decorate with the shells and such we got in that gift basket. As for food, maybe a barbecue? It is summer," he said.

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - Perseus - 07-30-2019

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[glow=#6D6D6D,2,300]Ω —[/glow] Interesting. A new guardsman was within their ranks. Someone unfamiliar to him, but still it was a nice addition. Perseus merely smiled. "Congratulations," he rumbled from afar. The blind canine couldn't tell where their novel guard was, so he spoke rather loudly. Even enhanced senses couldn't help him in these 'trying times.'

Head shifting towards Selby, he gave a stiff nod. "That does sound nice... The barbecue would overwhelm his sense of smell, but in a good way.

Re: PARALYZE MY PSYCHE // meeting 7/22 - Crackers - 07-31-2019


While he hadn't spent any time with him after those few short moments of his joining, Crows voice and face where the first he'd been exposed to here, and so he'd remembered them easily. Since joining he'd been laying low and keeping an eye on things, getting a firsthand look at how life here actually worked. It seemed simple enough, and he'd probably start making an actual effort around camp after today.

Making his way over to where the group was gathering at the base of a stature in camp, the large maned feline would take a seat toward the back, rounded ears standing toward the slender feline as they began to speak. He took note of the things said and watched as the meeting ended and everyone sort of gathered around the leader to start discussing other matters of the clan. Since he really didnt know anything about the groups business there wasn't anything he ocould usefully contribute here, and so he'd pad away to find something else to do.
