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AMONG THE ASHES | jungle cleaning, weekly task - Printable Version

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AMONG THE ASHES | jungle cleaning, weekly task - gael - 07-21-2019

A fire roars in the back of the fox's mind.  Blazing so bright he's left blinded.  The smoke too thick to breathe and yet he stands there, gritting his teeth against the roar of flames, desperately searching for signs of life within, desperately wondering if someone would find their way out on their own, least he leave behind Aine.  But nobody came.

He left behind ashes and dust.  He left behind most of himself.  As the faerie regarded the burned jungle, he exhaled slowly to prevent his teeth catching on his cheek and biting.  The image still haunted him.  He considered setting a fire in his new home an act of war -- not just on the Pitt, but on him specifically, on his family.

Fact of the matter, Gael knew he possessed kin among the pirates -- a piece of information he kept to himself, naturally.  His business with the fae royal family had nothing to do with anyone else.  More to it, did they even know about him and his?  Seamus did, certainly, but the cross fox still knew little of his cousin's method of sending information.  That won't do.

With flicking ears, the vulpine focused on the task at hand.  He scowled at the ash, then breathed out, relaxing.  With the simple exhale, he began gently pushing ash away from the pathways with soft drafts of wind.  Clearing the main pathways through the jungle made for the best productive start, though he did focus more on the places close to camp, Aine in mind.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: AMONG THE ASHES | jungle cleaning, weekly task - beatae - 08-05-2019

had he been asked to clean up the jungle? no, surprisingly. would he do so anyway so that he wasn't smacked around for it? well... maybe. this was a bit more to prevent boredom and because the smell of smoky, burnt foliage was giving him a headache. august had heard of some sort of gathering to clean up the mess they had been left with and the terrier followed the general direction pittians were going to participate.

the piles of ashes made his typically white curly fur stained grey. it felt odd and grainy between his toes. the terrier's tail wagged behind him as he used his front paws to push crisped wood chunks and broken branches out of the pathways. not really paying attention to where he was going exactly, august ended up accidentally tripping over himself, sending the ashen wood and dust all over gael's direction.

Re: AMONG THE ASHES | jungle cleaning, weekly task - teef - 08-10-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


the ash bothered their sense of smell, the dragon stepping carefully, their long body arched to avoid making too much of the ash fall and drift. their main duty today in helping clean up the camp, was moving the fallen lumber that hadn't burned. they could liekly use the fallen logs to add a defensive ring around the camp that the pitt called home.

the golden dragon came to a stop, bending their neck and head in order to grasp one of the burnt trees in their jaws, lifting it off of the ground with only the crackling of wood, setting it off to the side. they had been the one to assign the task and they were damned if they weren't going to show up and help.