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PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - Printable Version

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PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - beck. - 04-29-2018

    The cycle continued and it was Beck's turn again for handing out pointless jobs to his clan -- how many times had he done this again? He was already losing track. The mangy feline shook out his pelt with contempt marring his face, freckles and scars crinkling as he grimaced. He never was the creative type, but as long as they had something to busy themselves with, they would be happy, right? Scrambling onto the pile of rubble claimed as his perch for announcements with noticeable difficulty thanks to his mutilated paw, his lantern-like eyes scanned across the empty town square, searching for any signs of life. A ragged huff escaped his burnt snout, and Beck slumped on his statue's ledge, dusting away grit with a faint grumble. "Anybody who wants a task, y'all get over here!" the poltergeist breathlessly croaked, words cracking as he failed to raise his voice into a shout. A couple of hoarse coughs tumbled from his mouth, accompanied by droplets of electric blue spattering the aged rock beneath his paws. He didn't seem to be bothered much by his brief coughing fit, wiping away the toxic drool with the back of his bandaged paw and scowling at the approaching crowd that managed to hear him.

Re: PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - ▷killian◁ - 04-29-2018

The demon had been moping for a little while, upset that so far he hadn't seemed to get in any actual fights. Although, he hadn't got in very many before joining, either, so maybe it just meant he wasn't ever going to get in any more. Either way, it upset him and led to a very bored doberman.

It was lucky he'd been near enough to hear Beck's croaked out words; Killian wondered why he couldn't seem to shout. Shouldn't that be something a leader could do? He didn't let it bother him for very long, as it wasn't his problem.

"Gimme a good, not boring task, okay?"


Re: PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - Morgan - 04-30-2018

Morgan followed Killian, waiting for the other dog to finish speaking before adding, "I want a task." The samoyed wished to help its comrades however it could, regardless of who gave the task. Having only provided passive assistance in the past, it wondered what it could possibly do for the others. Regardless, it sat down in front of the poltergeist, remaining silent after making its request.

Re: PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - COSMIIX - 04-30-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
Trotting over, the golden jaguar would blink for a moment staring momentarily at those there with pupiless eyes only to twitch her whiskers briefly and take a seat. Her curved ears angled forward listening in silence only to let out a soft breath recalling that she wasn't the best when it came to these tasks but, she supposed that she was happier that she wasn't the one giving out tasks. She knew that eventually she would volunteer herself to give some tasks to lighten Beck's load, her whiskers twitched briefly and let her feathers brush against her slender body. A smile tugging at her lips as she would then mew with a slow nod "A task if you will, Beck." She uttered in that usual gentle tone of hers and would curl her fuzzy tail around her forepaws whilst her talons dug into the ground in a moment of brief thought.

Re: PSYLLA / weekly tasks 4.29 - beck. - 05-01-2018

      Three volunteers wouldn't have been bad if Beck had actually managed to brainstorm tasks to give out. Jagged teeth gnawing on the inside of an ashen lip as he fumbled, the poltergeist glanced up at the dusty sky, freckled snout wrinkling at the request for something "not boring." Killian seemed to be the brutish type, right? "A'ight, Kill-y, would it be borin' if I asked ya to set up some type of, uh, what's the word, trainin' thing? Where ya, like, spar or whatever. And anythin' can go, I 'spose. Just don't kill anyone, 'kay?" It was one thing he could anticipate over the next few days, and his notched ear twitched dismissively as he finished rambling.

      Beck was trying to ignore Morgan after the dog stabbed an icicle through his paw for no reason at all -- well, he probably deserved it. Either way, he wasn't keen on forgiving all too quickly, even if outwardly his scowl didn't darken and he brushed aside thoughts clambering for cruel revenge. Instead, he forced a tense grin that looked more like a pained grimace than anything else, and wheezed, "Ya can do cool water tricks, right, Morgan? Ya think ya can go out and, uh, clean some of the swamp water? So people can actually, ya know, drink it." Not that he, a perpetually dead entity, minded the irradiated wetlands, but hydration was a key factor in living, so it was kind of necessary to have a bit more safe drinking water than the few streams and waterholes they had.

      He had to think longer for Amunet's, split brow creasing and hackles impatiently trembling, before he finally addressed her. "Well, the whole territory is gettin' hotter 'cause of summer, so, uh..." The boy trailed into silence, bloodless lips mouthing words as he attempted to construct a sentence. Hotter season meant drier plants, and drier plants meant a higher risk of fires. Which was a concern considering the number of apparent pyromaniacs running loose. "Uh, go out, and gather a bunch of bushes and weeds and all the dry stuff, then burn it in camp. It's, um, a controlled burn, I think, least that's what I remember. To stop forest fires and all that." Beck breathlessly explained, punctured lungs straining to move enough stale air for him to speak. Amunet could even make it a lame little bonfire if she really wanted to, he didn't care.