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MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - Printable Version

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MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - bubblegum - 07-21-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Strange strategy for the Pittians to focus on someone who hadn't proven to be a threat to them, but the captain would take advantage of the situation nonetheless. War was clear, and they'd all been burned. In the beginning of Elysium's existence, Goldie herself had come to demand retributions for the bad allies Sunhaven had been, and then mentioned the Pittians going against their outlooks for fairness - she expected to see more from them, but she supposes it's better late than never, so long as they go along with her propositions. Her offers are fair, after all, and something that would be in all of their favors. She saw little reason for them to refuse.

The tigress approaches the recently burnt territory with her head held high, her harpy eagle perched upon her back. She carries a basket in her jaws, the contents of it including herbs, food, seeds, and various supplies that'd hopefully aid with rebuilding the group's territory. The pirate captain sets it down as she stands just behind the border mark, feathered ears perked upward. "Oi!" she calls out sharply, her heterochromatic eyes focused as she peers out into the territory. "'ve got some things y'all might be interested in."

Re: MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - Straw - 07-21-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The Pitt raid had been unexpected, but not as costly to deal with as Straw had feared. By the time she'd arrived at the raid, ready to help, the raiders had already dispersed; those who had arrived early enough to fend them off had some scratches, but were otherwise still in one piece. The loss of the observatory, though, had shaken the rest of the clan. She had no history with the building, but seeing others hit so hard by its destruction ensnared her with guilt. She should've responded more quickly, or been on patrol that night. There had only been two raiders anyway, she could've handled them long enough to stop them from setting the observatory on fire until help arrived.

  Now wasn't the time to wallow in self-pity, but the thoughts remained in the back of her mind as she approached the stranger at the border. She smelled of a different clan, not one Straw had encountered before- but she had a gift basket, so she probably wasn't here to attack. "Uh, thanks," Straw murmured, adjusting her mask with one paw. Did this person want something in return? Twitching her ears, she asked, "Any... uh... conditions?"

Re: MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - Tena M. - 07-21-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Salt in the breeze.  The petite sand cat soon appeared beside Straw, unusual blue hues locking on the visiting tigress.  Goldenluxury. Tena had made the trip to the Typhoon once as Magna, though not much came of it; the visit was meant simply to inform them that someone new was commanding Elysium.  The Demdji knew little of the political difficulties with the Typhoon prior to her leadership and honestly felt minimal interest.  The present had enough problems to deal with, and the Elysium was home to different faces than then.

The Pitt had indeed surprised them with their raid, but Tena had always known a fight would present itself to them one day.  No one was safe from bloodshed.  We'll hit them harder and see how they like it. But even though she was furious at the gall the depurs had to attack them -- shouldn't they focus on their longer-standing foes? -- she wouldn't rush this.

The loss of the observatory moved her less than others, but she grit her teeth in rage whenever she saw the hurt on a clanmate's face.  Those who'd been members of the Ascendants prior to the merge had just lost a piece of home.  She knew better than some how that felt.

Tena flicked her tail as she regarded the tigress thoughtfully, only semi-intrigued by the basket.  The supplies would be put to good use for sure, but no doubt Goldie had other thoughts in mind than simply offering them a little aid.  Her whiskers twitched in wry amusement as Straw inquired on conditions.

"Hey," her greeting came out light and friendly.  Tena did not smile like she usually did however.  She's interested because we have a common enemy now.  "We've met before, but either way, I'm Tena."

"News gets around fast, I guess.  Thank you for the supplies," politics or not, it was a nice gesture.  "Though I imagine you're more interested in talking about the Pitt." Well.  She'd listen, if that was the case, but with a wary mind.  She would not jump into any agreements without careful consideration, especially with pirates who only bothered to show up after an attack by their enemy.  She knew they were a quiet group, but... Well.  If whatever the captain had in mind didn't suit them, they could each fight their own battles after all.  Tena wouldn't be hasty in either direction. 
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - bubblegum - 07-21-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
She did not recognize the first to arrive, which wasn't really surprising. She didn't consider herself knowing more Elysiums than their leader, who she only barely would recognize when the female would later arrive. The tigress would nod to the thanks, and then smile, slightly amused, at the question of conditions. She'd open her mouth to respond before being interrupted by the approach of their leader. The captain's eyes lock onto the smaller female, tail tip twitching. "I remember. Pirate capt'n Goldenluxury Roux," she would return the greet, introducing herself, though she's confident the leader remembered her name. More folks than she'd realize ended up being able to recognize her solely based off her appearance.

"I have a faster source than most to these sorts of news," it was partially hinting towards the fact she had a spy in the Pitt, but still vague enough that she wasn't outright revealing it. Not even her crew knows of this - only the few she selected to. It would be foolish to spread the news of a spy in the Pitt. For now, they didn't suspect anything. Nonetheless, that wasn't the point, and Tena was quick to figure out what was. Good to see she's not working with any dumbasses. "Was it that obvious? 'm glad we can get t' the point then." She lets out a chuckle, flashing a quick grin to them both before settling into a more neutral expression. To be honest, she didn't see much need to fall heavily onto any persuasion or manipulation tactics for this - it was pretty straight-forward, and she saw no downfalls for any of them. "Is' no secret we've all got our reasons for hatin' the slave-holdin' assholes." Oh, she had more reasons than most.

"N', 'm not really lookin' to form any sort of ever-lastin' alliance bullshit out of this," there was no need to set up false hope. Besides, they probably weren't too keen on allying a bunch of pirates, seeming to be a more docile, noble type. "But, Tanglewood n' the Typhoon have already burned 'em t' mark our message: We will fight. Whatever outcomes anyone desires out of this war, I don' really care, I intend to achieve m' goals by m' own means. I am simply offerin' an easier time for everyone to, at the very leas', beat the Pitt." It's a simple idea, and it was a bad move on Jervis' part to make enemies with more folks than he needed to, as far as she saw it. It just meant more eyes locked onto him, in a very negative light. Fighting eyes. "There's strength in numbers, n' 'm jus' here to invite y'all t' work wit' Tanglewood n' the Typhoon t' win this war. Nothin' more."

She cocks her head to the side slightly, shrugging her shoulders once. "I didn' come here t' trick anyone or make 'em work for me. I saw an opportunity with this recent attack, n' 'm sure y'all wouldn' mind takin' it. 'Course, you can always deny. Either way, they'll end up losin' eventually." Goldenluxury Roux was not a liar, in most situations, and she certainly remained genuine now.

Re: MEET ME AT THE OVERPASS / typhoon visitor - Tena M. - 07-28-2019

Tena Moonspinner
A joint front.  A sure victory for their side of the battle.  Tena flicked her ear and nodded, leaving out her own reasons for hating the Pitt besides their sudden attack on the observatory.  The petite cat grew up in chains, though not the Pitt's.  Regardless, any depur deserved nothing short of justice in her eyes.  No one possessed the right to own another sentient creature.  No one.

The Demdji seemed satisfied with Goldie's simple answer; she didn't want to work for anyone and she certainly didn't want to start a long-term alliance with anyone simply due to a common enemy.  No.  That's not how Elysium made alliances.  So she hummed thoughtfully, glancing at Straw as if wondering what the red panda may think.  All in all, it was her decision, she supposed.  Yet community mattered here and she wanted to know everyone agreed with the course of action.

"I'll be hosting an assembly soon," she decided, flicking her tail.  "Elysium is community based, and I'd like to make sure everyone is on the same page, but I agree that a united front is a solid strategy and you can count on us to join you in battle.  The Pitt is trying to bite off more than they can chew."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free