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BOW DOWN | ANTI BIO/TAGS (wip) - Printable Version

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BOW DOWN | ANTI BIO/TAGS (wip) - Sorrel - 07-20-2019

✧ Anti | 'Glitch Bitch'
✧ physically hard, mentally extreme | Created in December 2016 | zodiac
✧ Male | He/Him
✧ Multiple groups | No rank | No titles
notes maybe (optional)

✧ black jaguar (ref.) | health: Constant 85% | current body?
— 210 lbs A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is a full-grown male melanistic jaguar with a shoulder height of 3ft. His fur sports the usual charcoal hue of the melanistic mutation, the spots only becoming visible depending on how the light is hitting his body. He has more of a lean build compared to being built like a tank, he isn't incredibly muscular, but he's muscular enough to be considered a threat in battle. There are a couple of interesting features of the wildcat, one of which being the large wound that is around his neck. The wound isn't enough to kill him, and the outer edges almost seem to be stitched up. Despite all this, blood constantly seems to be leaking out of said neck would, and despite this, it doesn't bother A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ at all and doesn't seem to really affect his health in any shape or form. If A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ becomes excited or is overcome with emotions, what looks like blood will soon begin to gush out from the wound, and if he remains in that state for a very long duration, it could end up weakening him if he is not careful. Looking down toward his paws, the theme of blood seems to continue as his black paws are stained a deep crimson and give off the smell of blood. The color is stained entirely into his fur, meaning that it cannot be washed off or cleaned. Along with this, the smell of death travels along with A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ no matter where he goes, carrying the smell of rot. Moving toward his face, A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ has heterochromic eyes, his left eye looks completely normal, the iris a baby blue color, while his right eye, the sclera glows almost a radioactive green and the iris itself is a deeper green compared to the lighter green hue. Looking into the inside of his mouth, the jaguar seems to have gums that glow the same radioactive green, and along with that all of his bodily fluids except for his blood. Due to the fact that he acts more like a computer virus than an actual being, he tends to possess different bodies, and the constant traits that carry over to said body are his eye color and the wound on his neck. As well of him acting more like a piece of technology, A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is known to be glitching even while he is standing still. When he glitches, his body movements are completely random and quick, usually causing uncertainty into those that encounter him. The glitches can be described as small afterimages or simple twitches of his body. The wildcat can often be seen twirling his favorite kitchen knife, that he often uses in battle.
— Blood can be green or black depending on the situation
— He is often seen brandishing a kitchen knife
— current injuries

✧ (positives)
✧ (neutral)
✧ (negatives)
— Destructive. Manipulating. Just a couple words to describe A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕. He is essentially a virus that attempts to manipulate others around him. The more he manipulates the stronger he becomes. He doesn't have any morals when it comes to certain subjects and is more of a loose canon as he just wants to do whatever the hell he wants. He doesn't follow anything the clans tell him too, and is quite cocky with his own abilities. Just because he is destructive doesn't mean he isn't smart. He is capable of reading body language quite easily and able to tell what other creatures are feeling by the vibe that they give off. He doesn't bother to hide that he is a killer, and will openly make threats to those that he is around. A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is indeed a sociopath that only has one goal in mind, and anyone that gets in the way of that goal will immediately be punished by his powers. There are however times where A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is somewhat passive, and that's if he's in a good mood or not. A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is known for going around toward the other clans to simply cause trouble so that he will gain more recognition among the clans. The more recognition that he ends up getting, and the more creatures that end up saying his name, the more powerful that he is able to get. The more powerful that A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ is able to become, the bigger forms he is able to possess, making more of a threat.

✧ N/A | any extra info
adopted by
✧ N/A
✧ no sexual orientation | not looking | 1/2 of nothing
✧ No friends | No best friends | Befriending the glitch is basically impossible. If he is being friendly, he is using that person as a pawn

✧ physically hard | mentally extreme | All powers | Kitchen Knife
✧ will start fights, easy provoke | will kill
✧ No mentor | No apprentice | Strange fighting style makes it hard to predict his attacks
✧ not allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded COLOR | mention [member=184]Sorrel[/member]

✧ As anyone can probably guess, A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ having a wound on the front of his neck doesn't exactly help in any way. If that area is attacked with a lot of force, it is quite easy to kill the current body that he is in. It's also easy for someone to try and sever his head in that area.

✧ He is extremely cocky when it comes to thinking that he is stronger than those that he comes across. This means that there might be a chance that he could bite off more than he can chew when it comes to battling creatures that are much larger than he is. Doesn't matter, he'll try to fight them.

✧ A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ has an energy quota when it comes to what powers he can use on a daily basis, the more powers he uses the more power that he ultimately drains from himself. In his current state, it's very easy for him to get tired, and once most of his energy is drained, he will practically collapse not being able to use any of his powers.

✧ One true way that he can be damaged is if the body he is possessing is killed and he's forced into his 'soul' form. Which is mostly him being that of a spirit and attacks can hit him in this state. Electrical attacks do the most damage and this is one way to make sure that he's stays injured and out of commission. If enough damage is done to him in this state, it can kill him.

✧ Despite him being great at mentally manipulating others, he can be mentally manipulated himself albeit quite hard. Putting thoughts into his head to where he's being left to die alone, no one knowing about him, or that he was a failed creation and his creators no longer care about him are a couple of ways for him to become mentally unstable. Him being mentally unstable though will probably make him become more of a threat, since his powers will start to go off randomly and his movements will become extremely glitchy.

✧ Smells of death and rotting carcasses
✧ Faceclaim and voiceclaim are Antisepticeye
✧ A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ will not befriend your character unless he wants to manipulate them to help get him stronger. The more characters he is able to manipulate, the stronger he is able to become. His only goal is to grow in power to be able to possess bigger bodies.
✧ He can often being seen having his body glitch when he is just standing around. Jerky body movements usually means that he makes others feel uncomfortable. A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ almost seems to glitch like a broken computer screen. This comes from a mixture of intangibility, invisibility, and his elemental powers going off at the same time.
✧ A̙͘n͏t̼̙̺͉̟ͅi̪͕ always has blood covering his front paws no matter what kind of day it is. The blood is practically stained to his body and cannot be washed off. The smell of death usually comes off of his body.
✧ His weapon of choice is usually a large cutting knife that he is able to grab and wield in his mouth. He doesn't mind using his claws to kill someone, but its more fun when he can drag a knife across someone's flesh.
✧ Anti is actually cannibalistic. He doesn't really openly show it, but he isn't against it either. To him, it's more like a special treat more than anything. He usually won't show this openly to everyone, but there are times where he just won't care
✧ Depending on the situation depends on how much Anti ends up glitching. The more excited/angry he is, the more the glitching intensifies. The glitching is the worst when he is going through emotions that he doesn't usually go through, such as fear and confusion.
✧ Anti isn't nice, far from it. If Anti is being nice to someone, it only means that in the future he plans on using them for something and wants to keep you around to mess with them a bit longer. Nothing more and nothing less. He's a lunatic, and only wants to have fun torturing others.
✧ Unpredictable, Anti goes through a lot of mood swings. If he becomes bored with someone for one second, he is more than likely to try and slit their throat for the fun of it. He can immediately change moods out of nowhere, making him even more dangerous
✧ Despite everything, Anti can become quite protective of the more important puppets that he is manipulating. He believes that he is the only one allowed to use and manipulate them. So if anyone touches one of his precious puppets, he will go after the one that did so and try to dispose of them. This way he won't have to worry about it happening again.
✧ He acts almost animalistic in some regards. He uses body language quite a lot and forces dominance on others despite him not really being a dog. He demands respect, and for those that tease him in any sort of manner, he is quick to turn the situation dark.
✧ He is power-hungry. Not in the sense that he wants to become powerful in the clans, such as possibly leading one in the future. Instead, he just wants to make everyone in the clans know his name. Fear him. He wants to take control over several other people's lives and manipulate them in the way that he sees fit. The more he manipulates, the stronger that he ultimately becomes. Essentially, he wants to become the ultimate being.
✧ Despite his insane tendencies, Anti can actually be quite patient. He looks for openings in the minds of others so that he can exploit those weaknesses. He is patient enough to buy himself time to make his final strike.