Beasts of Beyond
Application - Printable Version

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Application - Sorrel - 07-19-2019

Ranks interested in: All/any of them
Discord Username: Aleox#8886
Time Zone: Mountain Time
Any qualifications or previous experience?: I was once staff on BB for a while and helped them with that, and only became former staff due to lack of time. I've run several sites before that lasted several months and I am accustomed to advertising and managing several sites over the years. I can provide links to the sites that I was in charge of but they were abandoned long ago. I have also been in the roleplaying field for 11+ years, meaning that I have plenty of experience with dealing with different types of people and keeping a cool head, and not showing favoritism when making decisions. I've been a group leader on FF several times and revived groups.
Why would you like to be staff?: I feel like I could provide better communication and activity to help promote the site. I have also created several events and listen to the opinion of what people want and not keeping them in the dark. I've always kept an open mind in making decisions and know that people just want to have fun on the site. I can also provide extra staff services if there is no one available to do so.
Got any fun facts about yourself?: Currently going into my senior year of college studying wildlife biology. I'm somewhat of an artist but not the best. I'm also 22.
Questions?: Nope