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do we have a taker? [open/border skirmish rally] - Printable Version

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do we have a taker? [open/border skirmish rally] - Crackers - 07-11-2019


Call him inspired. While he still had yet to change his mind on anything, he had to admit that seeing Jervis spiral into a violent frenzy was a bit of a turn on, and a hell of a motivater. Who knew the arrogant ardent had a temper he was willing to back up with his fangs? And Fourthwall could appreciate that, could appreciate the aggression and hostility he was encouraging from his members. And while the hellhound may have been a docile-enough creature among his clanmates it remained unchanged that he was a weapon of war craving just that. With the foxes approval for open attacks on their enemies, Fourth intended to take full advantage by spilling the blood of those who'd wronged them.

"Pittians! I'm taking out a patrol to jump a few Tanglers, I need some able bodies to come along! he'd call, voice ringing out into the camp in hopes of attracting a few comrades over. He'd need at least two others to come with him if they wanted to make things fun, just enough people to fuck with a patrol or to break into the enemies camp to cause a ruckes and leave a few scars behind.


Re: do we have a taker? [open/border skirmish rally] - | RK515 | - 07-15-2019

RK515 had memorized every different police callout and what each term meant. If someone was using a police term, RK515 would be able to identify what they meant and react accordingly. Due to the many years that the android had spent in the field, it also got used to using the languages that gangs used, whether it was codenames or shortened phrases. This also meant that it and the Lieutenant had managed to go undercover here and there, although it was incredibly difficult as humans were suspicious of canines that were around medium in sizes. It was understandable as there were still cases of humans being a victim to a dog attack in their neighborhood and a dog could do major damage to a human and could kill them single-handedly. RK515 was usually fitted with a disguise, as it was capable of changing the appearance of its body later on down the line with a couple of upgrades that its creators gave it. The ability to do exactly that was taxing and exhausting, but it just needed to hold it well enough through a conversation. The Eurasian timber wolf rarely worked in undercover work, and it was more than likely that it would be around the area for an undercover cop for backup once the bust was made. Either way, RK515 wasn't making any progress in finding an answer to how it and the Lieutenant arrived in this strange place. It put pressure on the android's coding to come across something that it had no knowledge of or something that was illogical. Luckily the AI in its head, Maria, was managing the errors that were popping up in its code like she always did. The dynamics of a large group such as this still evaded RK515 as it really never had a chance to ask questions how a big group such as this managed to stay together.

The android didn't consider itself to be part of the group as it knew that its stay was only temporary. It spent most of its time in the camp, reading up on books that were left behind by the humans that once existed in the temples. It was there that its audio receptors caught a slightly familiar voice. Fourthwall. It turned its head and looked in the larger wolf's direction. The android didn't need to scan the canine as it had done so in their previous interaction. It did not believe that it would acquire any more information upon a second scan. What the creature said proved to be of interest of the android, but not in the way some would think. It didn't have any intention of joining the attack that Fourthwall was planning. It had heard plenty of times over the radio listening into gangs about the idea of jumping someone, and it wasn't going to be taken in the literal sense. White legs carried it over toward the larger animal, stopping a small distance in front of Fourthwall. As usual, it had an emotionless expression, and its right eye swirled a blue color. RK515 had knowledge of the 'war' that the fox had talked about, although the android did not believe it was possible for animals to wage war and took the word of the creature with a grain of salt. "Hello, Fourthwall." RK515 greeted in its usual matter but did not introduce itself as Fourthwall had already heard its designation number. There was a small pause before the machine spoke again. "What is the point?" RK515 did not see the reason to go after another group of animals with the fear of injury being apparent. After all, in the wild, it was all about survival and picking the right fights. This just seemed careless. It sounded as if this was just a gang just trying to start fights, but it wanted to listen to Fourthwall's reasoning for what he wanted to do. When the question was asked, it almost seemed to be of childlike innocence. The android knew nothing about animals.

Re: do we have a taker? [open/border skirmish rally] - teef - 07-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


bai shi would come over silently, their blind gaze full of interest that spoke for them. "the point is making war and spreading our influence. not really much of a point otherwise.", the melanistic jaguar responded, knowing that they were likely interrupting but not really caring about it.

swinging their head in fourthwall's direction, they simply gave him a nod, "count me in." they rumbled, needing to get their worked up energy out.

Re: do we have a taker? [open/border skirmish rally] - Crackers - 07-21-2019


Fourth would grin as RK515 appeared, a smirk settling on his lips at the canines words. He knew by know to expect endless questions from the ever curious robot- maybe not curiosity, then, since machines couldn't think like that could they? It was a quest, none the less, for the mechanical canine to always be looking for answers, and so the hellhound wasn't put off by their question. "Clans are a complicated thing, bud. We have something called 'pride' and often that pride outweighs a desire for peace or other paths that may seem more logical. The Pitt has been wronged, and a border skirmish will help remind our enemies that we aren't to be underestimated. They burned down our territory last time they forgot that, and so we have to make an effort to remind them that there are consequences to their actions." he would reply, trying his best to explain it in terms the other could understand. He knew that RK probably had a mindset that was more commonly searching for logical outcomes, like how to avoid losses or to thrive in the best way possible, and going to war likely wasn't something they could understand when the reasoning for it was more emotional and metaphorical than logically driven by facts.

"Are you a fighter? You could come along if you want. You might be able to learn some thing or question any captives we might take. ould be fuuuuun." he'd tempt, knowing the other had no concept of fun but figuring he might be temted at the idea of gathering information. After all, machines couldn't feel things like sympathy or regret, could they? If RK was trained in combat they might as well try to take advantage of it.

He was glad to see bai shi making her way over, and would pause to offer the female a nod of greeting. Hopefully they could get a couple more people to show up to go with them, but if not Fourth was sure he could come up with some ways to make it fun anyways.
