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sunday lunch xx sparring session - Printable Version

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sunday lunch xx sparring session - deimos - 07-07-2019

weekly tasskkk

Sam didn't want to do this. The last time she had gotten pushed wasn't a good memory for her. Throwing Beck, then getting pushed by some manhandling dog. She rolled her eyes, stepping into the common in front of the mess hall. She sighed, sitting back on her haunches before opening her mouth, yowling out to the camp. "Sparring session! First come, first served!" Leroy wasn't wrong with what he said. They did need to brawn up, and soon.

It was like what Goldie said to her- We're in a war with the Pitt now. We're allies.



Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - arrow - 07-08-2019

"Shit, I still have to do my task for Leroy." Arrow let out a sigh, guilt creeping into her voice for a moment. The session here had just made her realize that she had forgotten, the forgetting things was really starting to cause her problems.

Fangs peeked out from her lips as the feline offered Sam a friendly smile, rolling her shoulders back in anticipation. She was always up to spar someone, she didn't think she was too bad a combatant after all. Been around here long enough to be toughened up, yeah? "Guess I'm first."

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - deimos - 07-09-2019

She supposed that here and Arrow had grown a little closer, especially after what happened with the Campfire. She dipped her head to her gently. "I figured getting it over with quicker would be, better, yknow?" Her paws fidgeted gently, her ears twitching and pressing flat more often. The side effects of not having a favorable amount of cigarettes at her paws were getting to her. Anger flashes, cold shivers, anxiety- they came in waves, but not rotations. They were random.

Sam, honestly, hadn't fought in a while, despite the few tussles her and her clanmates had recently. She nodded gently, before settling down into a fighting stance- it was going to be strange, in this body. Boxing as a human and fighting as a doecat were.. two very, very different things in the least. "You can strike first." She grinned a tiny bit.



Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - Crow Roux - 07-12-2019

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At Sam's call, the feline ambled over, his eyes blinking against the harsh light outside of his home. He had been keeping to himself more since his injury, substituting wandering around for reading to rest. Even now, weeks later, he winced when the scabs on his flank stretched as he walked, and his joints ached from a lack of usage. Crow sighed to himself. It was about time he got out again.

He sat nearby and gazed out at the pair that readied themselves for a spar, his feathery tail pulled tightly against his body. He was not sure if he himself would be able to comfortably tussle just yet, but perhaps it was worth a try.

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - toboggan - 07-19-2019

Induced by Sam’s summoning yawp, the salt 'n pepper hairs resting along his spine sprang to a standing position, as brainwaves of unease made rounds within the system of a rather gaunt Leroy. Her tone crept up the canine’s craning back, coming to a halt at his fatigued shoulders - applying its mass to an area which felt no weight before. All efforts going into discovering the incentive behind the doecat’s recent contentious attitude towards him came back with negative results, and the reason as to why he felt so heavy because of it was about as clear as a spring morning. Flashbacks of the prior weeks’ events were set to repeat in his mind, as he carefully dissected each scene in an attempt to identify a Sam-souring occurrence, unfortunately to no avail. However she thought he saw her, Leroy couldn’t comprehend - truthfully, the guardsman believed her to be one of Tanglewood’s strongest. But something had happened, and it horribly contorted whatever trust the chaser had for him. To feel guilt as a result of an action you weren’t aware of committing, it couldn’t be described as the best feeling in the world.

Lethargic pawsteps maneuvered the towering hound in the direction of his tribemate’s voice, his pace quickening once the faint outlines of more individuals came into view. A sniff from a set of wet nostrils revealed the identities of his general, his captain, and, of course, she who had been assigned the task in the first place.

Once present, a hearty, albeit awkward ahem declared his presence to the group. His golden gaze discerned that Arrow and Sam were already partnered up, leaving Crow - who sat at possibly a quarter of the wolfhound’s height - without a client to spar with. Brows playfully flaring, Leroy sauntered on over to Tanglewood’s leader, haphazardly plopping himself into a seated position upon arrival, before finally mouthing "You wanna fucking go?"

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - Crow Roux - 07-19-2019

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A snide voice interrupted Crow from his daze, and he blinked up at the figure that towered over him and startled slightly. There sat Leroy, grinning at him with that asshole grin, and as much as he hated to admit it, the hound's presence flustered him. Made his stomach feel as if it was inhabited by a horde of butterflies. He felt his face grow hot at the invitation to spar, and he begrudgingly stood and braced himself, clearly giving the hound the initiative. "You're gonna crush me," the tabby muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - arrow - 07-19-2019

// me, late? yes

"Right!" Arrow squared her shoulders back, tail twitching in what could be taken as anticipation or just a lot of pent up energy. Been a while since she sparred, let alone actually wrestled or fought with anything or anyone. She wasn't even really sure how to start when it wasn't a brawl started in spite or by a threat. Not to mention there was the looming anxiety of actually injuring Sam.

She paced back and forth a little bit before jumping forward, aiming to tackle Sam and knock her off balance. Normally she'd go straight to trying to get a hold of 'em with her teeth or something but this was not one of those times that required it.

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - toboggan - 07-23-2019

A slow, somewhat perturbed nod was the most he could muster in response to the alabaster pussycat’s unconventional willingness to spar. It wasn’t in his initial intentions to contend against the general, as he believed Crow to be wiser than clashing with an individual of the hound’s stature. However, not at all did Leroy complain - it was an opportunity he had long awaited, to legally put Tanglewood’s cowhearted headman in his place.

"Probably will," he’d retort, nonchalantly cracking at Crow’s doubtful remark.

A runt in comparison to the guardsman, it was quite easy to knock the gaunt feline off his paws. Utilizing a mere portion of his strength, Leroy swung forearm into his target’s midsection, sending the poor guy barreling into the dirt below. A chorus of harsh haw haws would then erupt from his tight throat, intermittent hacks and coughs interrupting his fit of cynical laughter.

//powerplay allowed by stygian 

Re: sunday lunch xx sparring session - Crow Roux - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
The feline had expected to taste defeat, but not quite as fast as it had happened. One second he was standing, the next, he was not, and he spat dirt from his mouth with a cough and a pout on his face—he must have been more absent in the head than he thought he was, because in any normal situation, he would have been able to react faster. He was still recovering from a concussion, after all. Maybe he should have stayed home.

A barely audible, embarrassed whine escaped his throat as he wobbled to his feet and scrambled back several yards, and he took a moment to inspect his flank. His head pounded after the impact jostled his brain about again, and he realized a bit too late that it was stupid to even try to fight in his current state. "Y-yeah, you win," he mumbled as he rubbed his face with his paw as if it would cure his ailment. "My head's hurtin' like a bitch, an' I can't focus like this."