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regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

It was out of the sand. RK515 was relieved with the new predicament of entering the jungle. Its mechanical legs did not work at optimal performance in the presence of sand. The small gaps between the pieces of white metal that made up the legs could easily be filled with sand. Despite the small weight that the Eurasian timber wolf did have, the metal parts certainly did add more weight to the rest of its body. The model itself was specifically designed to be able to roam around in a city, not specifically in the wild. However, its creators did make it so that if it did need it, it would be capable of running through forests and other terrains, but it did not work well in severely cold areas and it did not work well in desert conditions. There was a possibility that the unit itself could start to overheat, but thanks to its mutation of a slow metabolism, the body of the model remained fairly cool and it took a large extent of heat to be able to overheat the android. The issue was that it was no longer around humans, and that meant if any portion of its limbs became damaged, it would mean that it would not be able to get any form of replacement for the part and would somehow have to make due. The canine needed to be cautious in the terrain that it was going to walk through, as wild animals were commonly known to be territorial and violent all at the same time. RK515 was not created to help protect the lives of animals and therefore would not fight with this group in whatever their 'war' was. The only instances of war that Rk515 had any knowledge of were humans wars, and those wars conducted mass genocide. Either way, it needed to gather more data and this was the first civilization that he and the Lieutenant had come across. If they wanted to learn more about the strange place they found themselves in, it was his job to be able to find those answers and report back. Its main goal was to protect the Lieutenant at all costs, but that did not mean that the android could not stray away from its owner. If it needed to gather data to help further the objective, that goal would override its current objective and it would be able to venture away. Just because it was small though, the former K9 unit was far from weak and was designed for combat, which is explained the metal claws of its white mechanical legs that were attached to its body. If it was asked for a preference, RK515 would say that it would prefer to be around humans than animals. Its database had more information humans than it did animals, and it was never created to interact with other animals meaning it had little knowledge on being able to read body language and other social cues. However, it was designed to be able to learn and adapt to new situations accordingly. In the field of working with a police department, this made police officer's lives easier and safer.

Currently, the K9 vest wearing lupine entered the forest. The android's head seemed to remain on a swivel as its right eye swirled yellow and mechanical looking. At the moment, the unit was scanning vegetation and identifying all the species that were in the area so that it would be able to catalog the possible species of animals that would live in the current environment. The movements that RK515 sounded like that of a regular animal walking around instead of a large robot stomping through the forest. An expressionless look was spread across its facial features as it wasn't capable of expressing emotions or feeling anything. The humans that had created it, designed it so that it would be perfect under human control, but now there were no humans around to control it. This did not mean that the android was going to be capable of thinking for itself anytime soon, and there was still the brainwashing that had been conducted years ago. 5 years in service was all that RK515 had ever known and didn't know anything else. The scents in the area were slightly harder to get used to, as the wolf did have somewhat of a sensitive nose and there were far too many scents to be able to identify individuals. The only organics that it ever had to track were humans, and the scents that that species carried were easier to identify. Its senses remained on high alert as it walked through the jungle in case an animal grew territorial and attacked it. By its coding, it was allowed to perform physical actions in a means of self-defense. What interested RK515 was not the jungle, but instead was inside of the jungle. Temples. In human history, certain races had built temples long ago, most of which had been destroyed or not even discovered as they were built in secluded spots. RK515's knowledge of human history architecture was not that extensive, and so it was going to need to ask the locals how the temples ended up coming to be. The android took several minutes to meet the three temples that were in the depths of the territory. As it stood, it took note of what seemed to be a marketplace that was placed in between all of the temples, again more remnants of human actions, as it did not believe that animals were not capable of building such things, always believing that humans are superior. It did not step into the marketplace and instead started to scan the surrounding area and download the information it acquired.

Commencing Scan.....

Scan Complete ... Primary Structure Component: Sandstone, Brick, & Stone

Age of Structure: Centuries Old

Built By Humans

No Sign Of Recent Human Activity

Possible Traces Of Humans Within Structures

New Objective: Explore Temple Structures And Conclude How Human Population Died

Humans often times left hieroglyphics of documents of some sort left behind. There was a possibility that the android was not capable of deciphering such documents depending on what language they were written in, but that did not mean that it wouldn't be capable of learning a new language. The black canine did not move immediately and instead began to think about the data that it was able to uncover.
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .

Re: STUCK IN THE MIDDLE | INTRODUCTION - Crackers - 07-09-2019

Fourthwall had been around for a while now. At first his efforts had been visible to anyone when it came to his activity and participation, but it was true that those had died don in the last few weeks. He knew that this would not be the case for long- he was to impulsive and social to remain withdrawn for any extended period of time, and sure enough the canine felt that old itch coming back to urge him into action. As of late the young males days had been spent in seclusion, either patrolling the borders on his own or training in the secondary hut attached to his treehouse, and for a good while he'd been happy to be on his own. But idle hands were the devils playground, and with an immaturity that bordered on childish it was really no surprise that his fickle nature would change from wanting to be alone to wanting to socialise so quickly. And it was an odd looking canine that would first draw him out of his self imposed solitude.

The large canine- unnaturally large to be just a normal wolf- was lounging in a lazy, cat-like fashion atop the roof of his wooden treehouse, red wine eyes half-lidded to watch the bustling going on a short distance below where the three temples stood. Boredom had been gnawing away at him for the last hour or so and he found himself growing steadily impatient. It had never been in his nature to lay about or waste his time sitting still. He was a creature of endless energy and movement, the sort of person who was always doing something weather that be patrolling, cleaning, raiding, or whatever. Usually he could be found harassing some unsuspecting person or forcing a clanmate into chatting by following them around without their permission, and to see him just sitting about was an unusual sight indeed. Luckily for him, his curiosity was about to lead him into greener pastures. RK515 was nobody Fourthwall had met before, and so the sight of the cyborg canine was enough to lift the males chin from his paws and open his eyes fully. In terms of similarities between the two there weren't very many- while both appeared to be canines of darker coloration, Fourthwall was much, much bigger in terms of size, something gained from the lion genetics that were mixed in with his wolf ones. Muscles and scars lined his body and if he were to flex the claws at the end of his feet you'd find they were retractable like his feline counterpart. This strangers legs were interesting as well, born of a white metal hat was a stark contrast from his darker fur. Something about the one eye was off as well, and after a moment Fourth realised that it, too, was mechanical in nature. The odd monstrosity was simply standing there and staring out into the market, and Fourth found them interesting enough to raise to his paws, drop down to the ground, and make his way over.

"Did your batteries run out, or something?" the canine would inquire, the tone casual and nothing more than friendly jest. One would learn quickly that he was a male with little shame and no filter- he said and did what he wanted, which had the habit of making him appear blunt or cruel at times- and maybe he was. That wasn't to say he didn't have his morals though, and what one person perceived as evil another might see as simply misguided. Whatever the case was, there was no formality or hesitance about him as he strolled over and came to a stop before the other, and from his tone and relaxed body language it would have been easy for someone to assume that the two had met before on several different occasions. That was just how Fourth was, though. He didn't care enough to put on masks for others or to hide his true intentions and feelings. He was a creature of impulse and wants, and seldom did he neglect these things. So, if he wanted to talk to a stranger he would, and he wouldn't pussyfoot around the subject either.


Re: STUCK IN THE MIDDLE | INTRODUCTION - | RK515 | - 07-09-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

//God I love Fourth

Always on call. RK515 was rarely ever given time to rest, especially on the designated times that it was supposed to have time off to be able to charge and enter stasis to commence any repairs that it may have acquired while in the field. The android was part of the police department and was treated like an officer that was on all. It would oftentimes have to wake up its owner in the middle of the night when it was called to arrive at a crime scene to figure out where the criminal could have gone. The wolf was constantly on the move and it was eventually that it was welcomed to a routine. After working five years with the police force, it was only called if the job was too difficult for regular humans to accomplish. The routine usually consisted of waking up at 0600 hours to get ready for the morning work and to make sure that they would arrive on work on time. Which, normally didn't happen no matter how many times RK515 tried to get the scheduling right because the Lieutenant didn't exactly enjoy getting out of bed on most days. It would take several attempts to wake up the police officer, which usually consisted of him nudging the man with his nose as using his paws were out of the question with its metal calls. The android would then wait for its owner to wake up, and it would consume some water but rarely any food as its slower metabolism allowed it to have fewer and fewer meals. Its metabolism was similar to that of a reptile rather than that of a regular canine. The Lieutenant would realistically wake up nearly around 0640 hours and get ready for the day while RK515 waited near the garage door for the drive down to the precinct. Around 0715 hours the Lieutenant would grab something small to eat from the toaster and immediately head toward the car. As the man would pass by it, he would make sure to pat the android on the head as it opened the door leading to the garage. RK515 was quick to follow and jump into the cop car that had 'K9 Unit' detailed on the side. From there, they would take a drive through the city, and they usually hit some form of traffic that would always end up making them late. Since it could not speak to its owner, it simply meant that the android would have to follow whatever schedule that the Lieutenant had. They would arrive at the police department at 0813 hours. A whole 13 minutes after when they were supposed to clock in. It seemed the rest of the officers and chief were used to the Lieutenant arriving late for most of his shifts, which RK515 constantly had to remind itself of. They would sit down at the man's desk for around an hour until they were eventually called out to either provide backup or if the K9 unit was needed during a traffic stop. RK515 would then jump back into the cop car, and on most days it was normal stops and raids against humans that had warrants for their arrest. Most of the time RK515 ended the day without any malfunctions or injuries that it acquired in the field, and at around 2000 hours they would begin to head back toward the Lieutenants household. Once they arrived, RK515 would stop next to its charging station where it charged the batteries that kept the android active. It could not say that the charging kept it alive, because it was, in fact, a machine and wasn't alive.

So far, RK515 had yet to come into contact with something that it did not know. There were several recognizable species that it could see roaming the marketplace and in the trees above it. For all that it knew about animals, each of the 'houses' were small portions of each animals territory and they would most likely not enjoy having their territory invaded in some way. This was one of the reasons why the Eurasian timber wolf did not explore that area, as despite the area obviously having been created by humans as they were treehouses, the temples were more of a lead of where it could find nearby humans and probably fix the situation that they currently found themselves in. The extensive knowledge that RK515 was certainly vast, as most of all that it learned about animals were from the documentaries that it had watched. The android had more knowledge of human behavior, culture, and religion than it did with any sort of animal. For five years, the android was not allowed to interact with other animals as it was just supposed to serve humans and nothing else. Being a machine meant that it wasn't capable of arguing and wasn't something that would seek out social interactions as a means just to socialize. If the unit sought someone to talk to, it would mean that it had questions that needed to be answered or it needed to collect data on a certain topic. Its creators had never intended it to communicate with other animals in fear of influences that would steer the android to become more animalistic instead of robotic. RK515 could feel the static started to sound in the back of its head, signaling that Maria was about to punish him for standing in one place for too long. The small Eurasian timber wolf raised one of its paws and was about to take a step forward when it heard a voice coming from behind it. It didn't immediately respond to the question as it put its mechanical paw back down on the ground, un-retractable claws digging into the earth. The android turned its head and had to crane it upward as a larger canine approached it. As soon as its eyes locked onto the hellhound's form, its right eye immediately began to swirl a yellow color as it scanned the creature in front of it.

Scanning Organism.... Scan Complete

Species: Northwestern Wolf [?] ERROR Size Does Not Match Records ... Error Anatomy Does Not Match Records
      Scientific Name: Canis lupus occidentalis

Organism Age: 1 year [?]

Sex: Male

Unknown Origin ... Further Data Is Required

Behavior: Passive
  No Threat Detected

This was strange. RK515 never had a lapse in being able to identify the animals that it had come across before. Belonging to one of the largest subspecies of wolves in existence, this creature in front of it was too larger to belong to the largest subspecies, that being the Northwestern wolf, AKA Mackenzie Valley wolf. This wasn't a means for concern, however, as it was more adapted to scanning human technology and to humans rather than animals. Maybe there was simply a rarer species of wolf that were not in its records that it could have missed. But, it never missed anything, it was far too observant and meticulous to let a small detail like that slip by. Maybe it was a glitch, or malfunction that it was going through. There was an obvious pause as RK515 tried to understand the creature in front of it before Maria ended up intervening, causing the thoughts to immediately disappear. This allowed the android to concentrate on the question that it was asked before. Since it was a prototype, this meant it wasn't really capable of understanding jokes and what they meant. Instead, the android took all jokes completely seriously and answered them truthfully. "[glow=#212121,2,200]No. I am running at 73% efficiency. I was simply scanning the material of the temples.[/glow]" RK515 answered in a methodical manner as it was deemed by the protocol in its head. There was no tone to its voice, and there was no emotion that was spread across its facial features either. It was entirely a machine, and nothing more. There was a small pause before the android turned itself to look at the unidentified creature next to it. The right eye that was mechanical did not seem to return to its normal color and remained yellow as it tried to process information. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Hello. I am Unit RK515, an advanced K9 prototype. [/glow]" It was protocol to introduce itself to any sentient creature that approached it, and it almost sounded like RK515 has been saying exactly this for years now and one may think it was simply out of habit. "[glow=#212121,2,200]May I ask, what subspecies of Canis Lupus do you belong to? There does not seem to be data in my memory that would place you into any of the subspecies categories.[/glow]" Mythical creatures did not exist, and RK515 did not believe that the existence of such would be anything logical either.
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .

Re: STUCK IN THE MIDDLE | INTRODUCTION - Crackers - 07-10-2019

Ooc- thank you!! I love RK515 too, he's so interesting,  Fourths gonna love just explaining stuff to him and bother in him with his randomness xD

​Their response to his half-hearted question was enough of a glimpse into the odd canines personality for Fourth. Stiff, apathetic, informative, but not impolite, he seemed to be more machine than man, so to speak. A wiser person might have summed the encounter up as pointless given these facts. After all, this wasn't the sort of creature that would humour him or have things like'fun' on the brain, if that was even a concept they could understand. Fourth, however, wasn't discouraged by this discovery. Rather, he found a single brow quirking upward in amusement at the others answer, wondering how they 'recharged'. He had a momentary vision of the canine with a charging cord coming out of his ass but he was quick to shrug the notion off- it was impractical and, more importantly, impossible. No wall sockets here, or anywhere, for that matter.

To his surprise though the other continued speaking, showing off a bit more intelligence than a simple machine would. I mean, a toaster wasn't going to introduce itself to you, was it? And if they were smart enough to answer and inquire on their own then that meant that he could probably kill some time talking to them. They went on to introduce themselves as RK515, an odd name if ever he'd heard on. Then again he supposed it made sense if the creature was more mechanical than flesh and blood. 

"That's a mouthful for a name. I'm Fouthwall, but you can call me Fourth if you want." the large canid would reply, taking a seat to lazily scratch under his chin with a hind paw. As the other went on to speak Fourth would let a momentary look of confusion settle on his features as the others words sunk in. It wasn't that Fourth was dumb- by most accounts his intelligence was unmistakable and he was equally as clever and adaptable, but the other spoke with such formal and scientific terms where he himself was so casual and careless that it took a second for him to catch on.

"Um, i'm not really sure." he'd say as he straightened up and gave his shoulders a dismissive shrug. "All of the bodies I've ever used have been Mackenzie wolves hybridized with some sort of large cat. The last one was a jaguar mix, but I'm pretty sure this ones part lion."  he'd reply, though the only real evidence he had that it was a lion this time around was the fact that he was pretty large in stature and that the fur around his neck was a bit thicker than the rest of the fur that covered his body- nowhere near as thick or pronounced as a lions mane, but it was more than he had in his previous body. 

"What about you? Where'd you get the fancy legs and eye? Must have been a real pain in the ass crossing the desert without getting sand in your circuts, or whatever it is you've got." he'd say, leaning down to inspect the metal joints without any real care for just how badly he was invading the others personal bubble. 


Re: STUCK IN THE MIDDLE | INTRODUCTION - | RK515 | - 07-13-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

//Apologies for any misspellings and short post! Currently on vacation and I'm using a broken keyboard

It did not have an actual name. It would not consider what it introduced itself as to be considered a name. A name was given to a creature that had a personality or was alive. RK515 was neither of these things, although one may think that it was capable of having some sort of personality. Instead, what it introduced itself as was a simple series of numbers that were generated from the scientists that created it. The number 515 showed how many different prototypes were created unsuccessfully. The production of the current unit went into several years until it would end up being fully functional. The difference between RK515 and its failed predecessors was that it was the first prototype that didn't use a regular domesticated canine and instead, a tougher wolf body that could handle the extreme stress done to it. This allowed scientists to experiment more on the animal, allowing for more upgrades as it began to develop in the field. The scientists also knew the damages that could be done to the overall health of the body and could decrease its overall lifespan, but they had kept close monitoring of the android. Keeping track of its heart rate, vitals, and other functions that it was capable of doing as well. The RK series was created in order to help law enforcement and assist in investigative work in the future. RK wasn't immediately released with all of its features upon release, so while the scientists continued to test different functions, they would then experiment on the android to figure out what upgrades would prove to be beneficial. When an unnamed animal was usually given to a new owner, the owner would simply give it a new name that they thought was appropriate based on their personality or looks. Most interestingly enough, Lieutenant Hal never gave the android any name. It was not allowed to question the actions of its owner as to why it would not give it a name, and creating such a question was not appropriate to its coding either. The former police officer simply didn't name the android because it was simply a robot and not something that was capable of showing emotion and did not need to be named. RK515 did not have its knowledge, and so it did not introduce itself by name and simply by identification.

The Eurasian timber wolf seemed to tilt its head slightly at the comment about it's 'name'. However, the android made sure to document the canine's name into its databanks so that it could not forget. "[glow=#212121,2,200]I think you misunderstand Fourthwall, RK515 is a simple identification number and not a name. I do not have a designated 'name' for I am an android. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance regardless.[/glow]" A programmed greeting and response. The explanation wasn't entirely pre-coded, but it was fairly close to it. So far, the android had yet to really need to explain its identification number to any animal that it came across. The likelihood that an animal would be able to understand what that even meant was slim, but once it started to explaining it seemed to not realize exactly what it was talking to. Its eyes watched as the slightly larger animal took a seat in front of it. RK515 seemed to remain standing, for reasons unknown, but kept its attention directed toward the larger animal. Its right eye had started to swirl to the normal blue color before Fourthwall began talking about something that did not simply make sense. Hybridization with a lion was not possible. RK515 did not have knowledge of this world, and having multiple bodies was something that wasn't logical and went against its very coding. There seemed to be a second where its right eye flashed from yellow to red as it tried to figure out if any of what Fourthwall said was possible, but with the simulations it ran, it wasn't. "[glow=#212121,2,200]I am sorry Fourthwall, but having multiple bodies is not logically possible. An organism only has one existence before it reaches the end of its lifespan in which its corpse will then begin to decompose. Unless you acquired these bodies in a dream, or have recently received some blunt trauma to your cranial area.[/glow]" RK515 seemed to believe that everything that Fourthwall said was wrong. However, after scanning the animal's vitals, and with a normal heart rate, it did not seem like the creature was lying either. Testing a heart rate to tell whether or not someone was lying wasn't always true, but it was a useful tool that RK515 had.

"[glow=#212121,2,200]Also, hybridization of a Canis lupus and Panthera leo is not possible as both of their genes are not compatible. The two species will also never meet in the wild or captivity and would therefore not be able to breed. If for any reason they were capable of breeding, they would produce no offspring.[/glow]" RK515 explained the meaning of hybridization to the wolf in front of it, as it did not seem to believe that regular animals seemed to grasp the concept of hybridization in the wild. After all, there was no technology other than itself that was around. When Fourthwall leaned forward to inspect its legs, RK515 did not seem bothered. It did not have a means of personal space, and in fact, it was more common for the K9 unit to invade the personal space of other organisms if it wanted to investigate them further. It was used to humans looking at its mechanical limbs and the scientists that created it opening up the limbs to make repairs while it remained unmoving. The unit raised its limb and turned it over for Fourthwall to get a closer inspection of the different colors of grey and white metals that made up its front limbs and it's metal claws that worked basically like knives. "[glow=#212121,2,200] am from a city designed at the coordinates 42.3314° N, 83.0458° W. I am an advanced K9 prototype created by Cyberlife, its headquarters located inside the city limits.[/glow]" RK515 answered the questions in almost a rhythm as if it was programmed to give that exact response. It was not against giving any information on its function or what it was. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Indeed, traversing the large mass of sand was certainly... unpleasant. It required me to stop regularly to clear out any sand that could potentially damage the inner components.[/glow]" RK515 explained yet again, and it certainly did not want to have to go out across the desert again. It would much prefer the inner territory of this area so that it didn't have to worry about cleaning outs its legs so much. Its attention had been drawn toward its raised leg before its right eye, that had changed back to yellow, looked at the larger canine in front of it. The black and silver wolf seemed to tilt its head slightly to the right, in almost a curious manner. Whether or not the machine was capable of feeling such an emotion depended on what organic animals thought of machines. "[glow=#212121,2,200]My current mission is looking for signs of human activity so that I may continue on completing the objectives I was meant to fill. Do you know of any human cities in this nearby area?[/glow]" RK515 would question Fourthwall in its regular monotone and expressionless manner.
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .