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PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Printable Version

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PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-05-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

Time to get this guy out and about! Meet RK515, a former K9 unit for humans that was killed in the line of duty and was reincarnated into this world. He is almost in every aspect an android, especially mentally. He does not feel pain, and he is incapable of feeling emotions. His current goal is attempting to find any sign of humans so that him, and his partner, can return back to their world. Due to the way that he was built, he is interested in learning, and has never interacted with other animals before, and is more adept to dealing with humans. So, he can be incredibly awkward, and he also refers to himself as 'it', despite inhabiting a male body as it does not believe that its alive in any way.
Open to:
Acquaintances (easy)
Friends (Takes some time, as an android it doesn't believe it can make friends)
Conversing about technology
Learning about animal body language/culture of the groups that live in the area
Simple conversation
Finding a mechanic or one that can conduct repairs in case of emergency
A character attempting to get it to have emotions
One-sided crushes (on him)

Closed to:

If you have a plot in mind that is not listed here, feel free to post below!
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - stella - 07-07-2019

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]stella and rk are pretty similar to each other in the fact that they see loyalty in individuals rather than in groups and i think they could get along with each other really well! its 11pm rn and i have all of 0 interesting plot ideas atm but stella only really came to the pitt because she wanted to protect her sibling and feels really out of place here so going out of her way to talk to someone like rk would be something she would probably do since he seems like a more passive individual in the pitt. stella is the child of a demon, mortal and angel and is more metaphysical in her thinking so meeting an android would be really confusing and interesting to her. shed probably ask rk a billion questions about what its like.


Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-07-2019

(07-07-2019, 09:15 AM)stella link Wrote: [align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]stella and rk are pretty similar to each other in the fact that they see loyalty in individuals rather than in groups and i think they could get along with each other really well! its 11pm rn and i have all of 0 interesting plot ideas atm but stella only really came to the pitt because she wanted to protect her sibling and feels really out of place here so going out of her way to talk to someone like rk would be something she would probably do since he seems like a more passive individual in the pitt. stella is the child of a demon, mortal and angel and is more metaphysical in her thinking so meeting an android would be really confusing and interesting to her. shed probably ask rk a billion questions about what its like.


Hey there Cougar! Nice to see you again!

That would honestly be really cool! I think that they can easily get along with one another because RK is also really interested in learning about animals and what kind of place they are in, so as soon as Stella starts asking him a bunch of questions RK honestly will as well. He is perfectly fine with talking about his mechanical components and how he was created, but more important details that could result in destruction or manipulation he will not openly talk about either. RK also definitely does not believe that angels and demons actually exist. He knows about human religions that do talk about such things, but there was never sufficient evidence conducted by humans where he's from that proves that they are real. If she told him that, he most likely would not believe her and probably think she was telling some kind of joke haha. Who makes? : D

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Crackers - 07-11-2019

Maybe he and Fourth can develop a symbiotic relationship of sorts? Fourth likes having someone around to talk to even if it's an emotionless android xD Maybe RK515 could decide to use 'pack instinct' to study Fourth while simultaneous using him as an information outlet- Fourths been around the block a few times so he'd be good for questioning about a lot of things pertaining to cultures, politics, and things of that nature, and in return Fourth would be able to have someone around to bug every now and then. Since RK515 is using a canine body as a host, it would be fair for him to assume that he could use his information on canine hierarchy to appeal more to Fourth by becoming his 'packmate', thus giving him access to someone with information regarding the new world they're trapped in?

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-11-2019

(07-11-2019, 01:16 PM)Crackers link Wrote: Maybe he and Fourth can develop a symbiotic relationship of sorts? Fourth likes having someone around to talk to even if it's an emotionless android xD Maybe RK515 could decide to use 'pack instinct' to study Fourth while simultaneous using him as an information outlet- Fourths been around the block a few times so he'd be good for questioning about a lot of things pertaining to cultures, politics, and things of that nature, and in return Fourth would be able to have someone around to bug every now and then. Since RK515 is using a canine body as a host, it would be fair for him to assume that he could use his information on canine hierarchy to appeal more to Fourth by becoming his 'packmate', thus giving him access to someone with information regarding the new world they're trapped in?
I actually quite like this idea! The only change is that because of the modifications done to RK, he no longer has any instincts whatsoever, so he doesn't feel the mentality of 'pack' just yet. But he can definitely analyze Fourth's behavior fromĀ  distance when he's alone and when he's with someone and figure out the difference between the way that Fourth acts and then go from there. He could definitely use Fourth, and potentially 'manipulate' him to get as much information as possible because everything about this world is completely illogical and makes no sense and he still doesn't know powers exist either. But once he figures out that Fourth can be used by using pack dynamics (which RK does know from like documentaries that he watched when he was with humans), he will definitely do exactly thatĀ  : o Depending on how long it goes for, Fourth will certainly become an asset.

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Jervis - 07-28-2019

I'd love to have a thread with you! After all, your muse is astounding and quite impressive. I think it would be some good practice for the both of us...

So seeing that Jervis emotes quite a lot and runs more on emotional than intelligence (the opposite of RK515 here), I think their dynamic would be rather complicated. In your list you say something about having your character emote, which could be an interesting thread for the both of them. Conversely, you also note something about RK515 being extremely aware of his environment due to his vast knowledge. That aspect of the character could be used by Jervis', almost intel-like or even as a nonchalant weapon.

These are just my ideas though! What else do you think would be neat?
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism