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kill this love / visiting - Character Graveyard. - 07-04-2019

After several days of thinking, Ada had decided to leave the territory of the Pitt. The days were long and hot in the desert, and the nights were the same. The black jaguar was relieved that she had left the barren desert and finally made it to the observatory. She glanced up, feeling nostalgic from the sight of the observatory. The memories of her and Leon were slowly coming back. Ada sat down, curling her tail over her paws and she began to softly hum to herself.

Re: kill this love / visiting - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 07-05-2019

Killua didn't know all that much about the Pitt. He had visited them once and actually found Argus again. However, he didn't exactly get a great vibe from them and knew from rumors that they were just like any other warbound group that was out there. If anything, they were considered to be a threat in Killua's mind, especially since London had just recently joined the clans again and could be in danger at a moments notice. It was going to be his job to make sure that none of those that he cared about ended up getting hurt. This was certainly a hard task to do anyway. The albino serval constantly kept watch of the borders and that he would know about anything that entered the border. The wildcat constantly liked to be in control of situations, and having a lot of knowledge of this place certainly helped him feel like he was in control. They were at peace now, but he knew that peace would not last and end up disappearing. It always did in places like this. It's what happened to Snowbound, although the group had never wanted to physically attack Typhoon while Killua had wanted to take their heads off as soon as they had injured one of them. His enhanced senses allowed him to hear any sounds near the borders, or listen for sounds that did not belong there. He flicked his large white ears when he heard the sound of humming near the border, probably a newcomer of some sort. He wasn't the greatest welcoming community, and in fact, he wasn't entirely a true resident of Elysium as he didn't say that strange oath at the last meeting.

He was fine with that though as he didn't necessarily call this place his home. Deciding to investigate the sound, the assassin used his air elementals to completely hide his scent and keep his movements completely silently by manipulating the air underneath his paws. Koru, an albino black mamba, was wrapped around his throat. His companion constantly at his side, ready to attack anyone that would dare to attack the serval in a vicious bite. Killua would leap from tree branch to tree branch, keeping well above the ground at the edges of the border had a forest. Eventually, he found him over a black jaguar, at least he believed that to be the species that he was looking at. The female sat there calmly and didn't seem to cross the border. How nice of her. His stark white coat certainly made it easier to be seen in the trees, but that was only if she was looking up to see him. He was around 15ft off the ground and laid himself down on a tree where he opened his mouth and conjured up a lollipop. His metal claws stayed unsheathed and he checked the surrounding area to make sure that she was the only one in the area, as the Pitt scent that came off of the jaguar made him uneasy, but his body language did not show it. After swirling the lollipop in his mouth for a couple of moments, the former Snowbound deputy would begin to speak. "What do you want?" Killua asked calmly, but there was a small edge to the assassin's voice. His voice also had a small hit of his Japanese accent when he spoke.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: kill this love / visiting - Character Graveyard. - 07-06-2019

Out of her curiosity, Ada lifted her head and she studied her surroundings warily. Among the trees, Ada quickly spotted the snowy-pelted male jumping from tree to tree. Brown hues watched him, slowly narrowing. She anticipated an attack, but none never came, so the black jaguar forced herself to relax. Her stiff muscles loosened and her tensed shoulders dropped and her unsheathed claws were sheathed, to make herself not seem like a threat to any of the Elysites that might arrive on the scene. The Pittian female stopped humming and a small frown tugged at the corners of her maw as she looked up at Killua. "My name is Ada Wong. I am here, looking for Leon Kennedy. I was a resident here when this place was known as the Ascendants." She spoke quietly though her words were still audible, especially to those who had enhanced senses.

Re: kill this love / visiting - Hope Arcanium - 07-06-2019

White dainty paws were ever so swift in movement, on a mission, as many others seemed to call it. Light green-gray eyes looked forward, left and right, searching the borders for anyone or anything suspicious. A certain scent made the hybrid stop in her tracks, right before she was able to see her.


Calmly raising her speed a little Playerone bounded over to meet up with the large feline. However, Killua got to her first, and seemed to be on edge perhaps. Maybe if she talked to Ada normally that would be more assuring. The feline-fox hybrid’s presence alone was more than enough sometimes to show she meant business.

Ada! Took you a while.” A chuckle left Play before she continued, “...Why do you smell like the Pitt? I hope you plan on leaving that place, because Elysium aren’t exactly... friends with them.” Her tone changed to serious, especially with the topic of the Pitt.

Re: kill this love / visiting - Character Graveyard. - 07-06-2019

As soon as a familiar scent hit her nostrils, Ada became tense once more. Butterflies flew around in the large female's stomach and a anxious expression could be seen on her face. Dark hues landed on Playerone and Ada fought back the urge to run over to her beloved, to embrace her and to promise her that she wouldn't leave ever again. She shook her head and a cold look replaced the anxious one in her eyes. "Leon." She greeted, unsheathing and sheathing her claws every few seconds, unaffected by her serious tone. "My loyalty is to the Pitt now. I do not plan on leaving until it is no longer safe in the Pitt for me. I mean no threat right now, but the next time we meet, it is likely we will be enemies. I know this is difficult to hear, but please don't get in my way." Ada sheathed her claws and she sat there, looking at Leon with a serious expression on her face.

Re: kill this love / visiting - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 07-06-2019

His presence usually made those that encountered him for the first time uneasy. It was common to find him in elevated positions, as it allowed him to get a better of what he would end up dealing with. It also allowed him to have a quicker reaction time in case someone tried to teleport up to his position or try to attack anyone that approached them. Another factor that made others uneasy were his metal claws that were longer than that of a regular serval's claws, and the fact that he can't be heard or smelled. Animals are used to having some sort of smell to associate an object or another animal with. Without that, it makes an animal uncomfortable, as he had seen with many animals that he 'greeted' on the border of Snowbound when he was the deputy there before it ended up getting destroyed. All of these factors always came back to the way that he was raised by his family to become the perfect assassin that they wanted him to be, and they were damn near close to molding him to be just that. It was only when he ended up having a mind of his own that he drifted from the path that they had created for him, not wanting to already have his future planned out and growing bored with killing over and over again from how easy it became. Killua wanted to see what the enjoyment was in becoming normal and how it differed from the way that he was raised. He could name a couple of moments where he did feel actual happiness in living in the clans and even Snowbound. Sure, there were times where it was easy to piss him off and when his older brother started to manipulate his mind he became a lot more aggressive to those around him. Yet, he still believed that he had made the right choice of leaving his family to pursue what he wanted. Although his family didn't exactly appreciate the heir of the family name to go off on his own. Not that Killua cared all that much and he usually did what he wanted anyway.

Killua's eyes analyzed everything about the jaguar. His family made him an expert in reading body language in an effort to increase his reaction time in case of an attack. He noticed the tense shoulders, and that she looked ready to fight on his approach. Killua was not all concerned about the jaguar herself and believed that she would be an easy target to get rid of if she wanted to start trouble. Killua didn't trust any warbound groups because most of the creatures that lived there believed that they could get away with anything and not have any reprocutions. Well, Killua didn't follow the rules and would gladly beat someone to an inch of their life if they thought that they could mess with Elysium in any way. Part of him that London wasn't here at the moment in case a fight did break out because with his temper it was entirely possible for that to happen. Koru's red eyes remained trained on the heat signature of the black jaguar and did not seem to move, its black tongue slithering out of its mouth tasting the scent of the animal. Killua's eyes narrowed as she spoke. She used to live here, and yet she decided to join a place like the Pitt. A poor choice in Killua's mind. The creature that they spoke of he did not know, but if he did he certainly wouldn't tell someone of the likes of a Pitt member on their whereabouts. It was not for his information to give. "Never heard of them. You also picked a shit place to stay if you used to live here." Killua said with venom in his voice. Just because the creature used to live here did not mean that he would welcome them with open arms. Although, he was being hypocritical as an assassin most likely would not have been accepted into Elysium if he openly said that to those that had approached him when he was joining. His large ears picked up movement that he didn't recognize coming from the depths of Elysium territory.

He didn't turn his head in the direction that his enhanced senses were picking up until he saw the figure coming forth. A white domestic cat. But not entirely so. Some aspects of the anatomy of the white animal were not normal of that of a regular domestic cat, so there were probably some mutations in play with the other animal. Well, it seemed like this stranger knew of this Ada that Killua didn't care about. Killua didn't say anything but instead agreed with the domestic cat's statement about the Pitt. Sapphire blue eyes turned to look at the black jaguar to hear how she would answer her. The answer that Ada gave, was the wrong one. Killua's eyes immediately became significantly darker, and the air around the group would drop by several degrees and grow cold with the change of his personality. Getting up onto his paws onto the branch, the assassin would let himself drop down onto the ground below, the impact of his paws making no noise. His metal claws were commonly unsheathed, but what Ada said basically made her a threat and that no information should be given to her about Elysium in case the Pitt wanted to raid them. "Then it would be beneficial for you to leave then. We aren't going to share information with a potential enemy, and the Pitt are not wanted here." Killua stated in a serious tone. His body language during the exchange, however, remained calm and did not show any form of aggression. The albino black mamba around his throat and chest could feel the change in the atmosphere and started to slowly hiss in Ada's direction.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: kill this love / visiting - Hope Arcanium - 07-06-2019

Why did she put up with Ada constantly leaving her and going under the radar only to come back and love her again? She got that it was part of the jaguar’s job, but couldn’t she just settle down and live with the hybrid on the same grounds so they can actually have a life together?

Just like the old days...” Player muttered under her breath, almost in a hiss. A sudden change in atmosphere had matched the hybrid’s shift in tone as well as body language. She became stiff, her tone cold and unforgiving.

Then this is enemy territory and I suggest you leave. Watch your back.” Cold as ice, the once soft and welcoming Leon Kennedy was gone from the Elysite’s light green-gray hues. Everything about this encounter spelt betrayal all over again and it was wearing down on her.

She tried to get through to Ada using telepathy, or in this case mental manipulation, to send a grave message;

I hope you know what you’re doing...” And then she herself then blocked any incoming communication to her own mind.

She was done.