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set a war down ● weekly tasks - Printable Version

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set a war down ● weekly tasks - teef - 07-03-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


time had come to pass and the silence bothered their senses, driving the jaguar to wander about the desert city, reminded of their first home, tail twitching in annoyance. there were memories that they wanted to keep hidden but the things kept unearthing from their conscious and making them relive them. standing before the temple, their eyes narrowed as they breathed out, remembering being held in the ardent's area so long ago, the scars that ravaged their left side aching up in a flare of pain.

"pittians. gather for your weekly tasks.", they boomed as they turned away from the temples, a look of disgust on their maw. they were changing from the person that those that knew them as, and they enjoyed it. this change was welcome.

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - Crackers - 07-11-2019


He was surprised to see that Jervis himself wasn't hosting the weekly tasks seeing as how he refused to promote anyone to help him with stuff, but it wasn't an unwelcomed sight. Hell, it would be nice to have something to do other than patrol or train on his own, and the hellhound was quick to climb down from the tree he was perched in and make his way over. "I'll take one." he'd say as he came to a stop before the golden jaguar, win red eyes settling on her as he waited for her to come up with a task for him. He wasn't picky, whatever she wanted him to do he'd find a way to make amusing for himself.


Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - Kydobi - 07-16-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile]

”I’d be happy to undergo a task.”

Whatever it was, he would be grateful to have something to do other than lounge. Besides maintaining his home was what he did best

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - teef - 07-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


"make a mess for one of the other groups to clean up on their border or set up traps around our current territory. have some fun either way." they responded, licking their maw as they soundlessly observed fourth, sighing comfortably.

their posture changed a bit as kydobi spoke, "kydobi. take a hunting patrol and make a border patrol out of it, reinstate the group's claim on this land." they decided, whiskers twitching.

//sorry its short//

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - gael - 07-16-2019

Hazel eyes gleamed thoughtfully at the call.  Tasks -- given by another face than prior, but such made little difference to Gael.  The vulpine stretched out his limbs absently, ear flicking.  To be productive, work must be done.  A convenience rested in someone dishing the tasks out -- less time deciding and more time moving.  The faerie inclined his head towards Bai Shi, the apparent task-giver.

"I'll take one," the Irishman spoke, blinking.  He saw no sign of Aine, but certainly she may be up and about.  God bless the Pittian who managed to put his daughter to an actual, productive task.  Too ADD...
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - teef - 07-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


their head swiveled in the direction of the fae male, tail twitching the slightest. a reminder of home, certainly within his presence. he was willing to take a task, and work came before play or talk. "good to hear you about, gael. we need to clean out the burnt jungle around our camp. none of the youth need to be hurt by the ash and whatever it may carry with it. start by clearing the pathways and I will help move the fallen trees. once done with your tasks, everyone, feel free to help.", not really an option to feel like helping, more of a demanding suggestion.

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - Kydobi - 07-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile ]

An odd look would be given to Bai when Kydobi heard their task for fourth. How easily they assimilated. It bothered him. What was happening to the former dragon?

But to his relief, the task given to him was more mundane and much more purposeful.

”Yea, I’ll do that.”, besides he hadn’t checked the borders in a while. So much had occurred that he forgot his regular schedule.

Re: set a war down ● weekly tasks - gael - 07-17-2019

A practical task -- the fox could tell the other paid attention to the values of those around.  While Gael would certainly work wherever he was needed, this task centered around protecting what mattered most to him: Aine.  With the flick of an ear, he dipped his head once again, the traces of a grateful gleam in his eyes.  "Consider it done."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby