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where we came from — return - Printable Version

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where we came from — return - Ebra M. - 07-01-2019

EBRA MOONSPINNER — hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder?
The clock ticked on endlessly, the instrument of a mortal construct with real damages.  Ebra Moonspinner regarded the passage of time passively, with sharp but sad blue eyes.  Flowers flourished, then withered and died.  Faces came and went; mortals passed away into whatever lay beyond.  A cycle he found growingly painful.

At least some things remained constant.  Others with immortality in their blood.  The cycle itself.  Yet even the land changed if one lived long enough in one place, as the sand cat had yet to do so.  They seemed to move all the time, chasing something just out of reach.

They knew these lands now.  The fresh mountain air down one side and the salty ocean air from the other.  The grass beneath their paws grew lush green, flourishing in the summer warmth that would fade away at the turn of the seasons as the cycle continued.  Ebra cocked their head lightly as they found the scent markers, taking a quiet seat.  Patiently, their tail curled neatly over their paws.

Word in the area, Elysium, no longer Sunhaven, called Tena Moonspinner their leader.  I wouldn't have guessed.  They found themself smiling with amusement, wondering if she came up with that idea herself.  Ar-Amu knows she had the guts to take charge, but sometimes she had too much of that daring in her.  Mother also knew they had to stop chasing after her one day, always a few paw-steps behind.  She took care of herself quite well.

They made a promise, however.  They intended to keep it.  Family stuck together because sometimes family became the one remaining thing while the clock kept ticking.

Re: where we came from — return - Warringkingdoms - 07-02-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had observed a cycle of sorts in her life, having attributed it to many different causes before finally settling on the explanation that it was inherent to the universe. Even if the constant cycle of life and death was natural, however, it repeated far more quickly and far more often around her than it did elsewhere. Lively, healthy individuals were brought to ruin in the blink of an eye, sturdy buildings collapsed in freak accidents, clans that should by all rights have survived decades instead faded within two or three years.

  She didn't believe she was truly immortal, the kind of immortal that nothing and no one could remove from the mortal plane. Still, compared to her family, she was absurdly long-lived, having remained on this earth for more than four years where the others were lucky to make it to two. Those four years hadn't been consecutive, granted, but the fact that death's grip was so comparatively loose on her was worth noting nonetheless. Perhaps the gods beneath the surface thought her to be not worth dragging into hell. (They were probably right.)

  Part of her wondered if any of her fallen comrades would make a surprise reappearance right before she gave up hope, or some schmaltzy turn of events like that. Probably not, she figured. She'd run out of any good will she'd had with them, not that she could blame them for growing tired of her failings.

  The sand cat at the border held a strong enough resemblance to Tena to make Rin wonder if they were relatives. She would likely find out soon enough. "In a good mood?" she remarked as she walked over, her eyes catching onto the stranger's smile. Stifling a wince at the twinge in her burnt shoulder- she had patched it up, but bandages couldn't ease pain by themselves- she asked, "What business do you have here?"

Re: where we came from — return - london r. - 07-03-2019

A stranger at the border was a common sight for London, she had been one herself, not too long ago. It was nice to live in a clan again, like her previous home, Snowbound. There were people everywhere, coming and going. Smiling and crying. Everyone within a clan had lived lives so different from the others around them, so many different stories that time had given these people. For the clouded leopard didn't see time quite as mundane as the ticking of a clock, but as a battle against whatever obstacles life threw your way. It shows you what you could become, and where you've been before. And it seemed time had brought this stranger, like so many other, to Elysium.

Seeing as Rin had found this stranger before her, London would enter the scene with a smile and a nod of her head in greeting to the two. "Welcome to Elysium." The albino greeted, her British accent poking through. Rin had already asked most of what needed to be addressed, so there was really nothing else to say.

Re: where we came from — return - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 07-05-2019

Immortality did not exist. Everyone died. Anyone could be killed. That's what his life had taught him very long ago. He quickly learned that anything could be killed, including mythical creatures. No one was exempt from being killed, as there was a way to kill someone eventually even if it took a while. The assassin did not believe that there would be anything waiting for him after death, and that scared him. Indeed, he was scared to die now because he hadn't found the life that he constantly told his family that he was going to find eventually. The albino serval had a life that he wanted to live, and that was difficult when he was still learning what should have been taught to him when he was just a kitten. Killua was a killer, ironically enough, but he was trying to turn a new leaf. This was his fourth try in a clan to try and become a better person than he had been previously. The young male still had a lot to learn, and he was trying his best not to kill anyone that pissed him off.

The one good aspect of living in Elysium now was considering that London now lived here with him. Stark also lived here albeit he hadn't seen the old man in a good while. He had friends that he recognized and he felt just a little bit less lonely now that he had other animals to talk to that he actually knew. It was a nice change of pace, but there was something in the back of his mind that constantly told him that this wouldn't last. An event would eventually occur that would take peace away from a group, as that is how it always happened. There was no such thing as peace. There was such a thing as a peace hiatus. Eventually, someone would want to try to start trouble, and sometimes it was himself that would try to start something simply out of boredom. However, he wasn't going to be the one that would attempt to try to start all-out wars. Too many innocent lives are lost when it comes to war, and he had seen it with his own eyes. Now, his mind was mostly focused on training to be stronger than he had ever been. This meant that he was always practicing his electrical elementals to try and make them stronger and bare the pain more so that he could utilize them to their full strength. Easier said than done with a power that caused him serious amounts of pain.

The albino wildcat constantly patrolled the area when he wasn't training. London lived here now, which meant that he couldn't let any dangers enter the area as long as he was around. Most of the time when he lived in a group, he took it upon himself to become the groups protector, without stating it vocally. He didn't want to see any innocent lives taken, but if someone deserved it he didn't really care. If there was anyone that didn't belong in a place like this based on their background it was certainly him. The assassin's movements remained silent as he began to track the sound of familiar voices that were obviously near the border. They were probably talking to someone that they didn't recognize or know. He flicked one of his large white ears as he leaped from tree to tree, keeping his movements minimum as he had Koru around his neck. He didn't exactly want the albino black mamba to slip from his throat either. The young male eventually found himself on a tree above the group, his sapphire blue eyes trained on the stranger that he didn't recognize. At first, he thought it was Tena, but the scent didn't match, they just happened to be the same species. Maybe they were family, or it was just a coincidence. He had met several servals before that would join the same group that he was in, but none of them were ever his coloration. He wondered if Pierce was still alive. The assassin silently lowered himself onto the branch that he was on, not giving any indication to his presence. His means of greeting newcomers did not change all that much since Snowbound. The former deputy kept an emotionless expression on his face as he kept his claws in the wood of the branch that he was on to keep himself from slipping. Around 10ft up off the ground, he would have plenty of time to react if the sand cat actually turned out to be a threat. "You look like leader lady." Killua partly forgot the ladies name, which happened from time to time. But, names were also important and he wasn't about to give it out to a stranger if they were scouting for information of nearby clans. After he spoke, the albino serval's gaze would look at London to make sure that she was safe before looking at the stranger again.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: where we came from — return - Ebra M. - 07-28-2019

EBRA MOONSPINNER — hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder?
A fairly good mood, they supposed, casting their blue eyes on the first to approach.  "I've heard interesting news about my sister," they offered vaguely with mild amusement.  Politely, they bowed their head, catching another two other felines out of the corner of their eye as they did.

"My name is Ebra Moonspinner, and I'm looking to rejoin -- I was previously a member of Sunhaven."  Thoughtfully, they turned their gaze onto Killua briefly, nodding in affirmation. "Te's my younger sister."