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m+g game [★] I LIVED - Printable Version

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m+g game [★] I LIVED - Tena M. - 07-01-2019

Tena Moonspinner
The petite sand cat intended to make the community aspect of Elysium flourish.  A haven.  Not that we wouldn't bite back, Tena muses.  She hardly wanted them to be pathetic pacifists, but she wanted to focus on this first.  She knew she had those around who'd help her establish Elysium's combat abilities.  They remained neutral and untouched thus far, but how long would that last?  And we are meant to be justice-bringers too.  One thing at a time.

Tena liked being social.  She didn't mind being the center of attention and her loud voice certainly could attract attention.  But truthfully... She let no one close.  Always at arm's length.  The Demdji doubted she'd let up anytime soon either, but that'd hardly prevent her from making something akin to real friends.  Besides, you're in charge now.  They look to you for leadership; they need to trust you.

Tena bit the inside of her cheek, her tail tip twitching to and fro behind her.  Well.  She wanted to be a good leader.  A friendly leader.  A just leader.  Brave but not too reckless -- something she'd work on more in the days to come for sure.  Kind but not too forgiving.  A leader they trusted.

And a cat they could call upon to be a friend, regardless of status.  This will be a strong community.

With her bright blue hues gleaming, she found a place in the center of camp.  The mountains felt like home now; how strange for a former desert dweller.  But she smiled, breathing in the air before she raised her voice once more.  "Hey! We're gonna play a game over 'ere!"

"Consider it like a meet an' greet, but we're gonna toss a ball around." The object in question sat at her sandy paws, a colorful beach ball.  "Whoever's holdin' the ball has to state their name, a random fact, and," the fun part, "answer three questions given by your clanmates."

"I'll start us off to make things easy. My name's Tena Moonspinner." Random. "And... I'm the youngest of two."

"Now the group gets three questions; anyone can ask."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: m+g game [★] I LIVED - Straw - 07-02-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The idea of a meet-and-greet game was less daunting to Straw now than it would have been when she first joined Elysium, but the idea of question-and-answer still wracked her nerves. This one hopefully would not turn into another interrogation like the last question session she had held, but the thought remained in the back of her mind as she approached Tena. Tena, at least, would not ask any invasive questions.

  Probably, if the entire group got three questions, each individual should ask only one. That was no problem, as Straw really only had one question- she hoped it wasn't too personal for Tena. Adjusting her mask, Straw asked, "Have you lived anywhere else? Besides Elysium, I mean."

Re: m+g game [★] I LIVED - london r. - 07-03-2019

London had seen a few meet and greets during her time in Snowbound, they were usually pretty awkward in her opinion, but it was nice to put names with faces, and being a new face here, this was a welcome event to partake in. Though the three questions aspect seemed like it could get a little intrusive. Most people had things they would rather not share, the clouded leopard being one of them. Still, this was just a bonding exercise, so it should be harmless and fun.

Tena seemed to be the one to start, a face London had yet to see around, but then again she was a newcomer here, so it wasn't that surprising. And as Straw had only asked one question, London figured she would go ahead and ask another.  "What's your favorite sound?" the girl asked, her British accent lacing her words. She hoped the question was fairly random and impersonal, nothing that could set anyone off. It would suck if she pissed someone off within her first few days here.

Re: m+g game [★] I LIVED - Tena M. - 07-04-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Straw.  Tena felt pleased she could see the red panda growing more comfortable in social atmospheres.  For her, it practically came natural, but she understood others may be more quiet or shy.  Her older brother, while not shy, definitely fit the former bill.  As such, the young Magna smiled brighter, inclining her head lightly as Straw made her inquiry.

Easy.  "Yes."  Elysium was not her birth place.  Let alone her earliest or longest standing home.  "I've lived many places, and I was born very far from here." Her home... Fell under the category of less spoken of topics.  She shifted her paws.  "I was a member of Sunhaven for a short time before the merge with the Ascendants, and Snowbound before that." Many moons ago now.

The snow leopard failed to match to a name in her mind.  A newer member then. Sound?  "Rain drops," she responded easily, ears flicking back somewhat sheepishly.  Rain fell under many favorites, ever since the petite desert dweller found herself beyond the familiarity of the sand.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: m+g game [★] I LIVED - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 07-05-2019

Killua lost track exactly how many peaceful groups he had been in. All of them were somewhat the same, in the fact that they refused to fight when one of them were injured or manipulated in some way. That was how Leigh had been when he was leading Snowbound. Preferring to talk rather than take action most of the time. Killua was starkly different as he was more than likely to accept violence than talking over an issue if there was no use in trying to talk through the situation. The albino serval had no reason to waste time with talk, and would simply get right down to business instead. He was far from a Pacifist as well, having been raised to be an assassin. With the experience that he had with groups though, meet and greets were common place and happened from day to day. It made his day a little bit easier as he didn't have to track strangers down to ask about who they were and what their names were. Although, most of the time he would know who they were before they would even be a meet and greet as he would find them on the border. With nothing better to do, the wildcat thought that he might as well participate in this game, despite not really knowing if the game was going to be fun. It just seemed like a lot of questions were going to be asked, and he wasn't entirely a huge fan of personal questions. If he had to, he would just lie in his answers and be done from there. He noticed that London was there, and that quelled some of his anxiety as he made his way over, stopping next to the albino clouded leopard as Tena began to answer the questions that were asked of her. He had a emotionless look on his face as he sat down with a lollipop in his mouth, trying to think about a question to ask her, one that wouldn't be too personal or weird for that matter. He raised one of his paws and scratched the side of his head before he finally thought of a simple question. "What is your opinion on warbound groups?" Killua asked calmly with a slight Japanese accent. Killua wanted to know whether or not the female was just going to sit around while everyone around her was massacred or take some form of action. Of course, he didn't expect someone to go all out into war, but instead show some form of resistance against attackers. Killua thought most of those that lived in Warbound groups were idiotic and had massive egos that needed to be torn down. Once he asked the question, Killua gave a small nod of greeting to London and Straw, before turning back toward the sand cat.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: m+g game [★] I LIVED - Tena M. - 07-06-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
War.  A relatively complicated reality.  The Demdji never fought directly in one before, but she'd seen war.  Tena flicked an ear, pondering the question.  Elysium was a 'peaceful group'.  At least, as far as first impressions went but justice sometimes meant blood.  They had yet to need to resort to such.

Her bright blue hues regarded Killua.  He was a fighter. Well, Tena knew what it was to run for her life and she didn't ever plan on that again. "War without a purpose is resentful." Bloodshed without just cause... Those were the type of individuals she despised.

"But fighting for something right, is commendable.  So it depends on the group's cause and whether their leader too, is just." A hardness pierced her gaze.  Tena knew unjust.  She remembered all too well the sting of wrongful punishment.  "Morals play a role of course... I knew a cat who honestly thought he was good... But those he supported..." A friend.  A depur. "The misguided still do real harm."

"The only warbound group I have heard of in these parts is the Pitt.  They've not bothered us yet, but I wouldn't put it past them to try one day. If there is one thing I do not tolerate it is slavery, and I've heard they commit the practice." Should they be foolish enough, give them hell.

The Magna smiled sheepishly, her shoulders rolling back in a loose shrug.  She hadn't expected to go down the slightly political route but she understood that perhaps Killua thought the question necessary.  He wouldn't want to sit back if something did happen.

"That makes three, so it's someone else's turn now," she announced with an amused twitch of her whiskers.  That said, she tossed the beach ball with a soft gush of manipulated wind.

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[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free