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ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - Printable Version

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ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - beck. - 07-01-2019

    An inferno writhed and danced before him, grimy smoke coiling in plumes to stain the sunset overhead. With firelight reflecting in his unblinking glare, Beck watched his makeshift firewood slowly shrivel and curl into blackened slivers. He always despised cigarette fumes, especially the few times he grew bored enough to bite down on a cancer stick. The poltergeist only caught glimpses of an unfamiliar face and through a little eavesdropping, he could place a name to the doecat. Sam, although it was most likely short for something more. Sam garnered his curiosity,  or at least she would've if she didn't reek of ash and nicotine all the time.

    Naturally, Beck slumped by his rancid fire, burning her stash with little expression shifting his scarred face. A bandaged paw covered his snout as he stifled coughs and wheezes -- admittedly, igniting the stolen cigarettes proved to be a horrible idea. Tossing the pile into a river or even the swamp would have spared him from the inevitable coughing fit he could feel tightening his blood-filled lungs. Unfortunately,  a spark had already swelled into a volatile flame right outside his doorstep. Audrey III was joined at his side, too, albeit with a wide gap between its pot and the fire. It recoiled from the heat, its rows of formed teeth gritted and bared. Beck tilted his head to peer over his shoulder, watching Audrey for a beat before assuring himself that his friend was safe from the fire.

    It would be a shame if his bonfire ended up a waste of his time. Using his free paw to retrieve a firepoker and a bag of marshmallows from his apparition -- it took a minute to fish around for the stashed supplies -- he ripped into the plastic bag, not bothering to check the expiration date. Impaling one of the treats on the firepoker and holding it over the fire as he observed others do, Beck settled back onto his bony haunches and waited in silence.

Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - deimos - 07-01-2019

Sam couldn't conjure them. That was her first clue, the first clue to recognizing that her stash was gone. Who did it, where they were now, that was something to figure out next. She arose from her stalking ground, stepping out of her house, closing the door tightly. Cigarette stink clung to her fur, having finished one recently. Fact was, she couldn't conjure another to her paws, no matter how hard she tried. And that bothered her real bad. Like, really bad. Her eyes were narrowed, fur ruffled and raised and her horns bared for an attack as she stalked the streets.

However, it wasn't long until she found the source- the boy, the menace, the flames. She had found her stash. Unfortunately, she found it too late. Way, way too late.

She staggered to a stop, watching her precious, life saving cancer sticks flame up and roast marshmallows for the stupid fuckhead that started burning them. "Ar.. Are you- what have you done?!" She cried out suddenly, eyes widening and a string of curses following shortly after. Sam leapt towards [member=67]beck.[/member], aiming to grab him by the scruff and fling him away from the flames, a snarl across her face. Something rang out clear in her head, stopping her assault from moving closer to him after flinging him.

Dark. Dark greasy hair, dark ditch. Broken down clinic, stupid truck, stupid high Dean, high Miles. She pressed a paw to the temple of her head again, grimacing and stepping back, her body outlined by the flames. "I can't believe you." She whispered quietly.



Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - beatae - 07-03-2019

the smell of cigarettes was unlikable in mikolaj's own opinion. he certainly had avoided being around sam as much as possible which... wasn't very difficult. the smoky scent lingered around her body like its own cloud. he wondered how she was ever capable of hunting... if she even did that. the doecat was an odd hybrid. the clash of a carnivore and herbivore... still, he found it odd one would even find the act of smoking as a good choice to begin with. especially when the smell averted so many.

mikolaj had been nestled in the neighboring house to becks. ready to relax and keep the day at his own lazy pace. his hunger was starting to step in now that it had been a month since his last feeding. his stomach would twinge from time to time as a reminder to eat something soon. he had yet to find a suitable feed though... which was good. he had come here for the purpose to stop himself from his addictive cravings and act responsible again. it was certainly easier to do so when they had children, ghosts, and all-around creatures that appeared less than appetizing.

unfortunately his napping had been disturbed when the overflowing smell of smoke crept in through the crevices of his home. mikolaj got up and, groggily, nosed open the window only to be met with it stronger. he coughed, lip curling at the smell and shook himself awake. he stomped outside, heading straight toward the scent and pushed through the door to see... holy-

"gówno." he watched as sam attacked beck, over her burning stash of pocketable murderers. it began to burn his eyes and he quickly ducked down, rushing forward to shove [member=4834]samantha[/member] away from the poltergeist. he coughed, a chill running down his spine from the intense smell as he was now face-to-face with it.

glupi! you are dumb, stupid little girl." he coughed out harshly before turning his attention to beck. "and you. stupid ghost. burning the..." his eyes narrowed, trying to think of the english word for them. he shook his head, continuing along. "now more smoke." the shepherd snarled, the hair on his back standing straight up as he approached every window he could, lifting it up with his nose. the one he avoided was where audrey was, seeing it best not to get his tail bitten off by her.


Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - deimos - 07-07-2019

She definitely didn't expect to see this ever happen. It was burning her lungs sure, but her damaged body had gotten used to it. What she hadn't gotten used to was the fact that somebody would be ramming into her side. She rolled over, landing on her paws and ending up with her ass on the ground and head thrown back. She lowered her head, the green eyes narrowed. That was a shithead move. If this soldier knew what the fuck these things were, he should've understood, even in that fucked up foreign language of his, that this meant bad, bad things for Sam.

"You're calling me stupid, you fuckhead? You think you're any better, just because you don't speak a lot of English and have a bigger body that its fucking okay to push someone once they're already off of the person that offended them?" She opened her mouth, and didn't fucking close it. Someone was going to hear of this, and whether or not it was Beck, Miko or fucking Crow, someone was gonna hear it from her. "I wasn't even anywhere near him, meat head." She spat on the ground, holding her side as she stood back up.

And without another word towards the pair of them, limping- since she was holding her side- towards the fire, trying to find cigarettes that were at the edge of the fire. She put her paw down, body shaking. The anxiety from not having any nicotine to calm said anxiety down was starting to kick in. Sam was gonna panic.



Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - Crow Roux - 07-07-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Aw, what the hell?" the feline coughed loudly, raising a paw to shield his nose from the sheet of smoke that wafted across the ground and into the air, but it did little to prevent the foul tendrils from filling his lungs. Crow could feel his chest tighten with every breath, and he took a few steps back, just far enough so he could suck in air not laden with fumes. "S-Sam, please calm down... I'll get you some cigs. Beck, what the fuck are you doin' touchin' other people's stuff!" he wheezed, eyes narrowing at the poltergeist, and he reminisced on his own run-in with the kid from the previous week. Was there something going on?

Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - arrow - 07-08-2019

"Smells like shit." She had arrived, hold your applause. Arrow was drawn, summoned over by the chaos that was brewing, and the obvious smell of tar and smoke that had crawled upward into her air, like some sort of unholy demon of the scent glands. Yeesh. Her primal instincts told her to turn and run, the most basic fear of fire was not one that was to be brushed aside. She did it anyway of course, because cig smoke and fire smoke were different and she wanted to know why the hell it smelled like a whole pack was being burned at once. And that was, obviously, because that's exactly what happened.

She'd shown her face just in time to see Sam get shoved out of the way by Mikolaj, which would have been a lot funnier if the circumstances were different. Crow's worried reassurance that there were going to be cigarettes soon and Sam's pawing at the fire's edge tipped her off to something being a lot worse than someone just being angry that their cancer stash was burning away. Her face softened a bit, green eyes squinted as they began to water from the smoke. "Maybe you should come take a seat over here, girl. You look like you're hurtin'." Arrow motioned to her own side with a paw to get the point across, but that statement could have easily been applied to the fact Sam was starting to panic without nicotine.

Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - beck. - 07-08-2019

    Impatience was quick to settle in the poltergeist's thoughts, clouding his vision as he vacantly watched the flames engulf the sugary concoction. Before long, his mind wandered to question how exactly marshmallows were created, only to jerk back to reality and find the poor treat incinerated on his fire poker. "Dammit," he hissed, bringing his makeshift stick closer to blow out the fire and examine whether or not the marshmallow was salvageable. Its sticky exterior had been burnt until it appeared more like blackened tree bark than a marshmallow and in defeat, Beck tossed his fire poker overhead before slumping lazily, resting his intact cheek on bandaged paws. A gluttonous Audrey III was more than happy to gulp up his discarded fire iron and marshmallow, teeth snapping the metal pole into jagged pieces and leafy trap tilting back to hork down the remains with all the grace of a ravenous baby bird. When it finished its snack, its pseudo-tongue greedily slid out from behind the lips of its trap to collect any crumbs it might have forgotten. The poltergeist offered a slight grimace at this -- he stole the fire poker from a house he terrorized years ago and now it was nothing more than plant food. His sigh could scarcely be heard over the fire's crackle and he returned to idly waiting.

    The woman of the hour finally decided to appear, more than likely having tracked down his bonfire with the assistance of its noxious smoke. The little feline straightened, pulling himself to lean back on scruffy haunches. While he parted his scarred mouth to speak, he hardly had any time to react as Sam bit down on his mangy scruff and flung him from his small-scale arson. Beck tumbled from the force of the throw, winding up sprawled on his side in shock. Then the pain kicked in. His ribs broken in the same manner Sam just demonstrated, the boy could've sworn he heard the fractured bones shifting and cracking as he hit the ground. Beck instinctively curled, bringing his legs closer to his underbelly while clutching the impacted side with one paw, and did his best to stifle a cry of pain. Mikolaj's scolding fell upon distracted ears as Beck simply lay in the mud, stunned. He wasn't pathetic. He would brush it off. Hissing through clenched teeth, the ghost ignored the buzzing conversation around him, focusing on staggering back to at least a sitting position. Even with his features twisted in old agony and his paw still folded over his chest to grip at his aching flank, Beck glared at his peers from the other side of the roaring fire. His mutated fly trap nudged his side, searching him for possible food before abandoning him entirely, withdrawing its vines into its pot.

    Faces with their noses crinkled in disgust -- disgust at the smell or at him? -- stared back. His blurred gaze sought out the doecat rather than Mikolaj or even Crow, finding her sifting through the bordering ashes of the smoldering cigarettes. With an expression of shame hidden in his face, a pained wheeze escaped him, aimed at the female. "I was -- I was doin' ya a favor." Why did all his good intentions fail so miserably? He only wanted to help her quit the ill-fated habit. Maybe through questionable methods, but the results should have been the same. Beck's frame slouched. Unable to voice his thoughts, he could only sink his claws into his side, his guilt shifting to frustration as he directed his glare from the creatures around him to the ground.

Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - deimos - 07-09-2019

By the time Crow showed up, her chest was heaving and her eyes were starting to water. She coughed, violently this time, before pressing a paw back to her mouth. She lowered it again, ignoring how shaky it was, ears flat against her head. There wasn't any that wasn't burning. The devil of a ghost- what a bad phrase, but she couldn't stop to consider it right now- was good at burning things, it seemed. The smoke that was ghosting her throat wasn't heavy enough to help, either- just fumes thin in enough to irritate her asthma.

When Crow showed up, wild green eyes flicked to him, chewing on her lips by that point. She shivered, nodding gently. The normal, bitch faced and hard headed attitude wasn't here, it was simply only fear and anxiety. Her eyes traced the figure of the flames again, her shoulders heaving. The words Arrow spoke barely reached her, and outlined against the flames the doecat turned her head, her sharp antlers barely alluding to her flattened ears. She hesitantly raised a paw to step towards Arrow, slowly dragging herself closer.

Her breath was starting to wheeze as she made the slow limp there, holding her side again. However, when Beck finally started to stir, Sam's gaze flicked towards him. His eyes were gazing at her, and anger sparked in her vision again, a growl rising from her throat- which made her wince.

She had no respect left for him.

"Do me one last favor, Beck, and don't come near me or my shit ever fucking again." She uttered, eyes narrowed, before turning back towards Arrow and continuing her slow walk. Beck hadn't done her any good by ripping her vice away from her. It was the same as what Dean did to her, burying into her intentions and making her try to change her own life- not that he knew, or that it was his fault. By the time she had reached Arrow, her eyes were stinging. Tears, or just watering from the smoke in her eyes?


Re: ENOLA GAY / cigarette campfire - toboggan - 07-10-2019

One of Tanglewood’s greatest traditions was its bonfires.

There were bonfires for parties, bonfires for feasts, bonfires for games - bonfires for just about anything. Initially, the choking fumes spawned by live flame proved to be fairly harsh at the very least least. For the duration of the first few recreational pyres, the hound desired nothing more than to be a good few miles out of the smoke’s reach. Trailer trash and hillbillies were the only classes that possessed the fortitude to withstand fire’s smouldery vapour, and the city slicker’s status stood above the both of those. Despite the rough first impressions, however, Leroy became more and more attuned to the fires, which eventually grew on him. A little ways down the line, the guardsman would even develop an adoration for them, and the adoration was kindled even brighter each time another one occurred. Whatever transpired that drastically changed his views for the better, he could not recall, but it got to the point where solely the sound crackling flame was enough to completely engulf him in implacable nostalgia. Moreover, smoke bothered him no more; inhaling it even brought pleasing, albeit brief, comfort to his marred cerebrum and aching joints.

As of late, bonfires were more uncommon than ever. The unfortunate circumstance dispirited the hound.


The aroma of flame met his wet nostrils, promptly perking Leroy’s folded ears. Its scent was more of a stench, actually - someone must have been setting something real funky ablaze.

On approach, what met his ears was not sputtering of flame or the sound of people’s content voices. In actuality, it was quite the opposite of the latter.

His arrival came far too late to witness the physical dramatics which had ensued between Sam, Beck, and Mikolaj, though he’d heard a good deal of what went on. Beck’s abashed heave struck a chord far inside the male, whom found himself in situations that practically mimicked the ordeal at hand. Acting on what he saw as correct as opposed to what actually is correct was one of his many flaws, allowing a shred of remorse to be felt for the poltergeist. On the flip side, however, Leroy understood just how important personal belongings are to specific people - him being one of them. You never fuck with someone’s shit; that’s a first-class ticket to scrap city.

Hues in a limpid yellow observed a physically-weakened Sam amble towards Arrow, his icy stare making note of the waterworks present in the young adult’s facial expression. Why she cried couldn’t be discerned simply by glaring, hence he knew not whether her tears were birthed from Beck’s fiery gesture, or by a reaction between her eyes and the smoke. What he did know about the current conflict was that Sam was an upset woman, and upset women were far from his area of expertise. To maintain what little steadiness found in these circumstances, his priority was dealing with Beck.

Carefully slipping past Sam, Crow, and the others who stumbled upon the cigarette blaze, a calm Leroy gradually edged closer to Beck by the second.  "There’re better ways you coulda helped, Beck," he mouthed bluntly, ere explaining in a much more reassuring tone, "but, I’m sure ya didn’t mean for it to end up like this. Ya were only tryn’ta help, after all."

Leroy couldn’t foresee the reactions he’d face as a result of his words. His interactions with Beck usually sustained a mocking undertone, and Sam probably wouldn’t appreciate him aiding the enemy. Though, just like Beck, he was at least trying.