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kills me every time [joiners] - Printable Version

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kills me every time [joiners] - ninazu - 06-27-2019

Suffering. Uncountable days of suffering lay behind her, but the memories would not let her leave. They tugged at her, invaded her thoughts with pervasive static. Every step brought agony, and with the agony came yet another reminder of all she endured. Ninazu patched herself and Stryker up the best she could, but the torture left wounds too deep to heal properly in such a short time – especially while traveling, never able to properly stop to rest in case Jervis caught the scent.

Yet she pushed on, despite the pain and the memories. Her eyes gleamed with the same ambitious edge as before; she overcame worse than this before. The woman became the leader of a pack of savage slavers to prevent such suffering from happening again, but she would not give in. Ninazu got even with every monster from her past – from the faces she dared not dredge up to the Roseblood cult that sacrificed her – and revenge motivated her enough to keep going.

Even so, she still felt a wave of relief rush over her shoulders once the Tanglewoods’ border was finally within arms reach. The lioness sat down on one hip, minding the ripped flesh and torn muscle tissue of her right hip. But it almost made no difference – the scar tissue on her left leg throbbed with a dull scream at the awkward pose.

Turning over her shoulder, Ninazu watched for Stryker to approach behind her, worry flashing across her face. Despite their equal time in captivity, she had been the one with the magical advantage. No matter how tired, the lioness managed to summon enough strength for a spark or flame to come to her aid when the torture became desperate enough. She worried for him – even almost felt guilty, of all things, that she might’ve emerged out of all that suffering in a far better place than him.


Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 06-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"] Memories of the group they once indulged in were left behind him. There was no looking back for the couple now. Despite there being good memories within The Pitt, the damnation they went through under Jervis' hand outweighed them. Through the rants and torture, the lion could only see what was slowly becoming of the group he once loved. What could of remained a controlled place was now a unhinged and pitiful clan that ravaged against all for what.... revenge? Please. To Stryker it was obvious that it was out of a selfish need for attention and power. A new tyrant had risen.

After being overthrown, he was thrown aside and placed in a cave with Ninazu. Their relationship was strong but since then it had grown stronger. Even so, they took tolls on their own mentality. After all, staying within the secluded, dark cave for so long changed a man. He could barely recall how much time had passed. What felt like years had only been five months. Laying in your bile and blood while being ruthlessly taunted and sliced into pieces had wrecked him.

For awhile he had lost hope. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, figuratively and literally. While Ninazu had her flame, he had nothing but the darkness and her voice to keep her company as they were separated. It pained him deeply. There was a point where he did realize that he did have his own flame though. That, in his mind, was her. An ally for the rest of his life and a true friend. So he waited... and waited... and waited till the time came. Eventually a faulty mistake had been made and allowed them to leave. Ninazu broke free of her imprisonment first, only to let out Stryker following her own escape. Through the night, the Pittians had left the grasps of their apprehension.

Matted mane and tired eyes squinting at the swamp before them, what could be considered a pile of bones trudged along. Scars lined the white lions skinny figure as Stryker walked along. His thighs ached but he knew he had to keep walking for Ninazu and for himself. If they did not escape while they could, they'd be reeled back into the darkness. So he kept moving along.

Though he had fallen behind Ninazu for awhile, Stryker eventually caught up to Ninazu who now laid at the border. Slitted eyes landed on the green territory of Tanglewood, causing the feline to let out a huff of relief. "Finally," his ragged voice muttered. That said, he collapsed by her side. His heavy head rested over his crossed paws, patiently awaiting someone's arrival.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - trojan g. - 06-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px;"]The past few days had been quiet in the eyes of the small fox, which was not something she took lightly. Though the quiet and lack of "things happening" for better words gave the small creature enough time to look around for things in the territory to add to her collection, she got rather bored rather quickly of doing the same thing every day. In the past, her collecting things had always been something that gave her leave from the hectic day to day things that were often done, but now it seemed as though the day to day things were turning into just one thing, and it was something she used to love and hold close to her. Now it was simply getting old. So when there was a strange scent coming towards her, the smell of odd places hinted within it, she couldn't help but perk her ears slightly to listen, eyes flashing with excitement when she began to walk towards to border to where the two injured resided currently.

Padding quickly over to the border did not take long for the fox, though upon seeing the two massive animals - massive compared to her, at least - she couldn't help but slow down slightly, fear now twinging at her mind, causing her to want to flee to get help. But the clans were better than the rouge world, it was something she had noticed at least, and all because one creature was much larger than her - and scarier for that matter - didn't mean that they were going to attack her right away. They looked weary, and they looked injured, so, if push came to shove, she was sure she could outrun the two. Well... she hoped she could outrun the two.

Finally making the final steps towards them, Moth would offer a small dip of her head showing that she meant no ill will before finally opening up her maw to speak. "Hello..." She would offer, eyes darting over the two quickly as she spoke, noticing more wounds than she had initially seen. They were in bad shape too, obviously hungry for one, and likely thirsty as well. "You look like you need help, umm I can try to get you some food, but I'm bad at it?" She would think for a moment before a frustrated puff of air left her nose. She couldn't really do much if she was being honest. "Or I could find some herbs, or, uh, someone who would be more helpful?" Someone would likely come by soon, but it didn't hurt to offer to go find them quicker.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - toboggan - 06-28-2019

//wrote this at 2 am dont hate me or my post

"You ain’t letting ‘em have a single thing, Moth."

Amber eyes akin to an owl’s glanced dispassionately towards the deuce, who brought with them an aura of revulsion - and a stench of the Pitt.

It wasn’t as if the two guests of the hour were random nobodies, however. Before the border stood a weakened Stryker, the soulless individual who allowed his underlings to slaughter as many unwary members of Tanglewood as they pleased. Tangler-killing had become the Pitt’s national sport - and Stryker took the role of head coach.

The lion made the voyage to the swamp with another, however. Next to him lingered an accomplice, she equally as battered and bruised as he. Yellow hues scrutinized her form for clues regarding her identity, but failed. No matter. Just by associating herself with the ex-ardent did she make herself as worthless as a crotcheted pisspot.

The hound had never viewed Stryker in person until the current second, so he couldn’t really say so, but the loathsome creature’s appearance was a tad off from what was told. Settled in ahead of him was not a daunting tyrant, but a pitiful worm. Seeing the oversized feline in this debilitating condition pleased the male, birthing a sick smile among his jaw.

Leroy skulked out from the thicket, his thick set of brows furrowed in undiluted abhorrence. His respiring shook with ill temper, and the breaths only grew hotter as his blood boiled on.

He was should be dead.

Momentarily cutting all attention being paid to the lioness, his heated gaze slithered unto Stryker alone.

”I’d say something cliché like 'you have some nerve to show up', but honestly, ya don’t deserve that level of interaction. Not after the shit you put us through.”

If he possessed the ability to spit, he would have. Though, even then, his expelled saliva would be of higher value than the two fatheads that he currently spoke to.

”Ya think that your li’l scars hurt? They’re nothing, not even anything on the bigger scar that ya left here. Give us a good reason not to bump you both off, or I’ll do away with the both of ya in no time flat.”

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - arrow - 06-28-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Well, well, well. What a surprise. Stryker was the last person she'd expect to see upon Tanglewood grounds, and she didn't trust his companion any less. Perhaps she should let the grudge go, but it wasn't exactly easy to not be a little bitter over the blood spilled during the savagery the Pitt had tormented Tanglewood with for a while. Even beyond that, any normal creature on this god forsaken earth would feel a little disgruntled by the rancid corpse like scent that came with a rather unpleasant experience, one of them threatened to make her into dinner. Maybe, just maybe, she was a little petty, not that she had any intent on changing that.

Now, seeing Stryker in this state was nothing short of absolutely satisfying, and her less than subtle smirk heavily contrasted Leroy's livid tone and expression, though Arrow's body language was more protective as she took a spot near Moth, like she was ready to grab the fox and take off at any moment. Not that she didn't care for Leroy's safety either, but he was a lot tougher than Moth was. "Why ya here, looking like you got your ass handed to you?"

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - beatae - 06-28-2019

the ideology and execution of a war was nothing new to the ex-soldier. mikolaj had participated in it. thrived in it. died in it. watching as countries fell and new ones rose up to claim their place. when the shepherd had heard the announcement of their war against the pitt, allied with the typhoon, mikolaj had felt nothing. he did not feel the same connections leroy or arrow might have. he was not here when lives were lost to stryker's call and demand. even if he were, there was no absolute that he still even would feel something about it.

a pity, though. wasted blood over... what? to show off? it seemed that wars now were just dick-sizing competitions between power-struggles and getting twisted over miscommunications. politicians. presidents. ministers. if anything held power above people, mikolaj had so sympathy for their life. he had seen too many innocent lives caught over ignorant bias and mere discrimination. even if they could successfully keep the pitt from enslaving, it would just result to their extinction. it seemed all the pitt knew was enslaving and living off the backs of forced labor. they wouldn't survive a day having to actually work for what they wanted.

mikolaj simply stood silently behind leroy. his approach was almost silent if it weren't for his breathing coming through his lips in a warning chuff to the ex-prisoners.


Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Crow Roux - 07-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Yes, she is, Leroy," the feline suddenly spoke with authoritative demeanor as he paced up behind the trio of his comrades that managed to beat him to the scene, and he rested the tip of his tail atop the wolfhound's shoulder as if to hold him back, then nervously glanced around at the others. "Moth, you can go get 'em whatever they need. We need to do some talkin'." Crow knew his decision would be met with recoil, but it was obvious the pair of lions at his border had come out of desperation. It wasn't every day two fugitives showed up begging for help, and he knew he could use that as leverage.

They had found themselves at the heart of Tanglewood. What harm could they realistically do?

Crow decided his best course of action would be to address the elephant in the room that was Stryker. All eyes were on the lion, muscles poised, and he could feel the suffocating tension in the air. "You've got balls to come here, pal. Look at all of 'em," he smirked as he gestured to all the concerned faces around him. Moth, a nervous creature, Leroy and Arrow, with months of hatred boiling in their blood, and Mikolaj, a quiet and foreboding presence. "They all know of the crimes you've committed. I could sic all of 'em on you right now, an' you couldn't do a thing about it but sit there an' watch as they tear you apart piece by measly piece. Wouldn' that be real funny, huh Stryker?"

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - Stryker - 07-01-2019

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Weary eyes traveled up towards the small figure that grew near them. Stryker did not bother throwing up any defenses, as he was tired and contempt that his presence was safe here. Despite their past, Tanglewood seemed to rather forgiving. Plus they had a common enemy nowadays. With that in mind, the tired lion just nodded along with Moth’s words. ”You’re too kind,” he warmly mentioned. His eyes shifted over towards Ninazu momentarily, hoping for her acknowledge their acquaintance, but soon returned his gaze to the stranger. ”Anything would be nice really. Your help is greatly appreciated.” Whatever they were given would be graciously accepted. Skinny, worn sown, and beaten, they needed to be replenished in all aspects.

The caring mood faded quick as more grew close. First came Leroy, offering nothing but his doubts and rather cruel opinions. To say that the couple were expecting a backlash would be an understatement, seeing that they were expecting an army on their tail. A few discreet words in their direction was better than being the next head on The Pitt’s border though. Stryker just accepted his cruelty with a smile. Uncaring of what others thought of him as the former leader always was, he just smiled obliviously. ”You night of well remained silent if you were going to speak your mind anyways,” came his cocky remark. ”But please-“ He gestured in a circle tiredly with his paw momentarily, only to lay his head back down it seconds later. ”Continue on with your non-existent reaction.” A sigh left him.

Stryker just rolled his eyes. With the whole threatening speech Leroy made, it just seemed so generic. The similar attitude between Tanglewood and The Pitt approaching their enemies was so cliché. Perhaps engaging in a conversation wouldn’t hurt anyone for once. If necessary, jump to cutting a bitch later. Somehow the two groups were so alike but so different at the same time. ”Do away with me if you’re really intent on it,” he muttered sarcastically. “Not like I could run anyways.” A mere huff left him. ”All I ask of you is to keep this one alive.” Like before, the lion raised his paw to point a claw in Ninazu’s direction.

Arrow’s comment was acknowledged by his ears perking slightly. To the former Pittian and now rogue, Stryker seemed that the answer to their question was obvious. The two that laid on their border needed a sanctuary and a home, not just a field or a cave to lay in while they remained on the run. Now that he had lost a home for the second time, he was looking for somewhere permanent. With The Typhoon’s leader being an enemy of his, Tanglewood seemed like the finest choice with morals that matched his own. They valued retribution and second chances, so why couldn’t he have one?

The one who would decide if Stryker was allowed to have a new life arrived, causing his head to raise up from the ground. He sat as prideful as he could despite his current situation in hopes of persuading their newer leader. Not of his innocence, but instead of his chance of changing. After all, he did not wish for ruthless killing sprees like The Pitt’s current leader did. Stryker’s reign had always surrounded the ideal of fixing what was wrong in the world and being the hammer of justice within the groups. Never had the lion wished for unruly violence. He knew that did not completely excuse his actions though. Morally he had also became one of those people he opposed, causing his own ballad of self-hatred. Yet here he was. Ninazu and him were practically standing trial in front of Tanglewood with Crow being the all-mighty court justice.

And the Tanglewoodian was reasonably distraught. Throughout their frustrated words, the calm lion just remained silent and listened. He only spoke when they were done. ”Two balls in fact,” he joked casually. ”Unless you’d like to include eyeballs in that statement, then make it four.” Unlike Jervis (who now only had one eye), he could say that.

”Sick them on me, it wouldn’t be any more different than the last five months.” What could they do different that he hadn’t already indulged in? The quicker they felt like ending it for him, the better. After all, he wouldn’t enjoy another five months in constant agony, but even that would seem indifferent to his last experience. ”I might even laugh in the meantime. ‘Fraid I might of became a masochist during all of my days in the caves.” Obviously he was kidding. It seemed to be funny in hindsight, but not appropriate at the timing. Seeing that Crow was very serious though, Stryker tried to lighten up. ”But hear me out,” came his pleading. ”I know I am not an innocent man whatsoever, but I see we do have a common enemy and ideals as individuals.” His golden eyes narrowed. If that didn’t intrigue Crow, he wouldn’t know what else to resort to. ”You don’t have to trust me. Hell, you can even make me a slave if you want-“ That’s what The Typhoon and Tanglewood are fighting against though, so he doubted that. ”-but all I ask of you is to have a place for us to say.” Even sleeping in the swamp mud seemed comforting at this point. ”At the very least, have a place for the lady.” Blah, blah... Affectionate bullshit. Might as well tip his fedora already and wander off. After all, the lion technically did have a neck mane bears.

His eyes swerved back towards Ninazu for a second time. ”I’m sure we could make it up to you in chores and the like.” If she didn’t agree, their plan was tanked. Though the female could be stubborn, Stryker knew she had to taken a chance when provided one. ”Fighting in battles, hunting...” He trailed off momentarily. ”Ninazu is a fine healer, so perhaps she can assist the wounded.” Seeing that she had ascended the ranks from an erudite to leader, that had to say something to them. ”Needless to say, we’d lend a helping paw where it’s needed per your orders.” Hopefully their given tasks were fair and honest work, but the lion knew that would be far from the truth.

Now onto something more interesting. Mere tasks wouldn’t make up for their guilty conscience. They had to prove their loyalty to Tanglewood sooner or later and the best way to do it was throwing all former alliances out the window. ”I figure we could also discuss The Pitt’s territorial weaknesses-“ Assuming that they haven’t changed it in five months, that is. ”-and what would hurt them the most.” The lion just craned his head. ”Let’s also say that Jervis liked to rant plenty during his torture sessions also, so some intel may assist you.” That wouldn’t be discussed publicly though.

Finishing off, he mustered up the energy to get to his feet. It put him in a more vulnerable position if they decided to sack him, but he was betting on the bright side of things. ”If you’d have us, you won’t regret it.” Stryker’s confident smile just widened. ”What do you say?” he finally asked.


Re: kills me every time [joiners] - trojan g. - 07-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px;"]Looking towards the lion as he spoke, the female would nod her head before starting to back away to go get some stuff, before she was stopped by the sound of Leroy's voice, telling her that they wouldn't be getting anything. He seemed angry, which caused her to take one more step back - although the other two wouldn't be able to fight back, she didn't want to be in the middle of a fight if she was being quite honest - and she would simply watch and listen, just in case something were to happen and she was meant to go get someone to help break it up, or to bury bodies or something. She didn't know what could happen, and didn't know how adept at fighting her groupmates were, as she had never seen them fight in her time living here. She didn't really want to see them fight if she didn't have to either.

Seeing Arrow come by and sit next to her calmed Moth down slightly, knowing now that with the amount of others that were here - and likely coming - no lasting harm would come to the group members. The more that came, the more the female seemed to calm down, finally calm once Crow was there, telling her to go do what she had begun to do after the first talk of things. Nodding her head towards the leader, the female would stand up and begin to make her way into the territory, catching only the words that Crow spoke towards Stryker as she left, confusion causing her to slow down for a moment before speeding back up once more, making her way into the territory to find a place where she could get something for them to drink - water being a more important thing than that of food at this point in time - only to realize she would likely have to make multiple trips due to the sheer size difference.

Eventually, she returned, a bag over her back, carrying as much water-soaked moss as she could carry, which wasn't much, but putting the bag down and opening up the pocket she would carefully put the moss near the lions before backing up and running off in search of food.

Re: kills me every time [joiners] - deimos - 07-01-2019

When she approached, it was nothing but a tense situation. Her ears were perked as Moss ran past her, Sam stepping up next to Leroy. Her green eyes looked board, looking between the two exhausted lions and the higherups of her own group. She frowned, however, as Stryker stood. Sam wasn't very happy at all about the Pitt. They had hurt the Typhoon's leader, and Crow. She placed Leroy between her and the lion, ears flat.

Sam didn't have a true position, at most a burn of rage at the Pittian's for hurting Crow. But Leroy, Arrow, even Crow, they were all defensive against them. Sam didn't want to fight right now. She looked tired, and as she did, she let her eyes cast off to the side.

