Beasts of Beyond
ah hello there, it's been a while - Printable Version

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ah hello there, it's been a while - axiom - 06-27-2019

hey there! last time i was active on bob was probably around january? yeah, things in life got pretty wild. long story short, i'm now doing good mentally and making monies (but also working 60+ hour weeks lmao)

if any of you remember ninazu and rosemary, i'll probably be bringin' them back.

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - Orion - 06-27-2019

eee axiom! i'm glad you're back. hiya dude <333 if you need an update or anything, let me know!

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - toboggan - 06-28-2019

welcome back, welcome back Wink)

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - spacexual - 06-30-2019

heyyy!! welcome back. excited to see you again. try not to die at work lol

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - stygian - 07-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
quietly yeehaws

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - tricky - 07-01-2019

howdy howdy howdy!!

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - Crackers - 07-11-2019

Hey Axiom, it's been a while! I used to roleplay Chemical Warfare over on FF Smile

Re: ah hello there, it's been a while - Whisper - 07-26-2019

screams in victory

you ever want to plot anythin' out feel free to PM me, welcome back! \(^^)/