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BE SO COLD | torture - Printable Version

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BE SO COLD | torture - gael - 06-26-2019

The name Suvi Kiira Ó Faoláin belonged to the little fox prisoner.  The one that surprised the cross fox by glitching out of the cells.  Part of his mind murmured in uncertainty.  The pup no doubt belonged to his cousin, Raziel.  As a Faerie from Ardis, he might as well be signing a death warrant; Suvi, one of the royal princesses, should be untouchable.

Except Jervis nabbed her from Tanglewood.  The scent of ocean salt still lingered on her, a strange combination with the swamp.  Raziel possessed an unnatural well of compassion, and for that he hesitated briefly in his plans.  A father may go to great lengths for his children -- Raziel's heart may be soft but even Gael suspected this was a line he'd be crossing with dramatic lengths.

Yet Raziel's younger brother swore for Aine's safety.  Gael figured 'Embry' knew not of the timing for the Typhoon Captain and Tanglewood General, but his blood still burned with ice cold rage.  The Captain and General needed to face consequences for the danger Aine had been placed in.  His cousin needed to be tested.  Could 'Embry' handle this? The other fox had, after all, assisted in nursing Suvi back to reasonable health.  Fully knowing I intend harm against her.

Dark hazel eyes gleamed, flashing with icy resolve.  Perhaps he'd let her go after, to send a message.  Perhaps he'd see how his cousin sent his messages to the pirates -- surely he had some method.  I may not be outing you, cousin, but it never hurts to be prepared to.

The arctic fox -- strange in her golden coloration and unusual eyes -- seemed passive to him.  Like her father.  He received no fight or protest as he dragged her outside, to the camp's center.  With a flick of his ear, he shoved her down against the ground, hard enough to scrape her up a little.  "I don't care for fancy, public demonstrations," the vulpine huffed, for any who had been drawn near.  You don't care for hurting children, his conscious muttered downcast.

"..." This child shared his blood -- however distant.  She inflicted no harm on the Pitt directly, especially considering his suspicions of her status as a medic of some sort.  Truly Raziel's daughter.  The king seemed primarily capable of giving rise to pacifistic children.  A sure way to find yourself childless -- he learned the message following Alaire's death.

"But you're the best way to send a message right now, a leanbh.  To both the Typhoon and Tanglewood.An innocent caught in the crossfire.  Gael cracked his neck, regarding her passively as he began manipulating the air around her; the intent to gradually leave her with less and less oxygen to breath.  At least until she almost passed out.

// [member=2344]suvi kiira o.f.[/member]
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / the pitt / lamby
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Re: BE SO COLD | torture - suvi. - 07-01-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
Gael Ó Broin.  Ó Broin.  Something familiar.  Uncertain.  The petite vixen blinked rapidly, unmatched hues flashing with doubt and panic.  He might have told that other fox to treat her but he meant no good will.  He's worse than Jervis.  In a way at least.

She winced sharply as she impacted the ground, scrambling up to wobbly paws as quickly as she could.  Her ears flattened sharply against her skull as he spoke.  Familiar accent.  Wrong face.  Her da ought to be coming for her... Surely.  The sawbone grit her teeth stubbornly, words building on her tongue.  Hopeful.  Maybe she could convince him to talk.  Find out who he was.  What made that name familiar? 

A message?  To the Typhoon?  Tanglewood?  What happened?  "Wai-" Breathe.  The air seemed to be disappearing.  No, no, no.  The fox barely had time to think before her body acted, seemingly dissolving in thin air as she lost corporeality.  Frustration burned in her chest.  "Stop."

Her breath left her in panicked gasps as she glitched only a few feet away, regaining her physical state.  "...He's going to make it worse.  "..." Embry may have nursed her back to health, but only just so.  She didn't know how many more glitches she could take before passing out again. 

Unstable, she snapped telepathically, y̶ou'̀͡r̸͏e ̶m̀͟ak̴̡̨i̸ǹ̢͢g̀ ̷͝it ̴ẃ̕ors̡e̡͡.  Worse, she projected outwardly, possibly inflicting headaches on any in close enough range.

Re: BE SO COLD | torture - SÉAMUS - 07-16-2019

'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The faerie suspected this may happen.  This is your doing in a way.  The swift fox slowly padded forward, an impassive look in his amber eyes.  You doomed her to Gael's wrath the second you decided to help her. She was already doomed, he supposed.  Doomed to malnutrition and dehydration.  Exhaustion and desperation too, from what he'd gathered the day she glitched out of her cell.

He bit back an irritated sigh.  Since when do you inflict vengeance on the innocent, cousin? Since when did he allow it?  Yet the vulpine did nothing, only watched in silence.  Until things began going wrong.  A startled curse in Gaelic followed his flashing eyes when the child disappeared.  Of course.  She barely possessed an ounce of control regarding her abilities and Gael thought this was a smart idea?  If Gael's head felt anything like his, he certainly may be regretting this now.

He crouched low, tossing the other fox a frustrated look before aiming to strike Suvi with a single blast of lightning.  He took care to target nothing vital but fully intended to leave her a nasty burn.  Hopefully, the electricity didn't too much more damage than that.  Embry hoped she'd stay down, rather than force his hand more than once, but he remained nearby, poised to strike again.

"She's hardly any use dead, Gael," he huffed from where he stood.  And if we hurt her any more...  "Personally, I'm more inclined to believe she'd be better put to work." A working healer beside himself would be extremely useful.  Especially if Jervis intends to wage war.  "... An' if she's reluctant..." Well. He doubted that, from the core of his being.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: BE SO COLD | torture - Jervis - 07-18-2019

Skirmishing came from afar, attracting the vulpine's attention. Though the fox was not necessarily concerned with the doings of his groupmates, he wanted to involve himself in every situation so the spotlight was on him. Even so, that was not the case. Upon arriving, the fox was taken aback. While had offered up Suvi for torture, the ardent had never expected something like this. There was already here. They even struck lightning in the direction of the child. Something deeper was afoot.

Not stepping forward just yet, he watched. The hesitance within Gael was concerning, yet intriguing. There was something holding him back from taking the leap, yet Jervis had no idea what it was. Thankfully his restraint was beneficial, as Embry offered a very valid point. The Pitt was in need of more willing soldiers, along with a vicar and erudite.

Finally breaching his silence, Jervis spoke up. "I agree," he enthused. "She's better as a prisoner rather than a nice scarf." From the back, the fox's head craned in interest. What could they do with her in the meantime? Plan to have her as a Pittian or use her as pawn? "They haven't came looking for her just yet though." For such a prideful place, Suvi's group had yet to come to retrieve her. Surprising, but expected. They were ignorant.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: BE SO COLD | torture - suvi. - 07-24-2019

[align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
More out of shock than anything, the petite fox stayed down, blinking.  Something burned and her mind became a whirlwind.  No, nothing's broken -- thought he was nice -- that hurts -- what're they talking about? Suvi grit her teeth and tried to still her trembling body, least she glitch again.  Her ears flattened against her skull as another voice entered the conversation.  H̴̴is҉ ̷҉̨f͜͟ą̀u̶l̸̢͟t͟.̢͘͟

Unmatched hues darted, tracking each speaker, perplexed. Work?  For them? As if.  Certainly not as fighter.  The medic exhaled slowly, wincing sharply.  Her side then.  Flank.  It's just a burn.  Easy to treat.  At the mention of no one looking, she blinked, slowly.  That couldn't possibly be true.  F҉̡̀ó̵̡r̀g̛͡e͜t̷͟tábl̴e̸͝. No.  Da's looking.


Biding time.  They already struck once.  T͜h̷a͘t͢'̨͢s͠ ͢͝wh̷a͘t͡ ̴͜ḿá͝d̀e̡͢ ̶ḩ̨͡i̡m̸ ̡an̸͞͠gr̀y͞͡.̷̢̛


Re: BE SO COLD | torture - gael - 07-26-2019

The fox cursed silently the second the girl moved, remembering with apprehension she struggled with doing just those strange movements -- like glitches.  His ears flattened sharply, but before he could respond in any way, another showed on the scene.  No one other than 'Embry', who acted faster and in a somewhat surprisingly way -- to Gael, who knew his real name.

Luck had it the girl stayed down at least, letting him focus on regaining some cool.  His hazel eyes flashed between Embry, Suvi, then Jervis, as the Ardent made his way over.  If the Fae felt any relief to avoiding any more violence, he did not show it, instead furrowing his brow in thought.  It made sense, to use her for their own gain -- they only had Embry, as far as he knew, among their medically trained numbers.  And we'll see how long that lasts.

Indeed, no one had come for the girl yet -- in any orthodox way, at least.  Jervis knew nothing of her father, or her uncles for that matter -- one of which standing beside him, under his own nose.  Gael knew better to suspect she'd be here for much longer.  No doubt either Tanglewood or the Typhoon had something planned.

He found himself flicking an ear and glancing at her again.  "Then she best work for you, Embry, since she's a medic." Gael planned on winning this little game of chess they were playing -- he held his honor high, resigned not to reveal the pirate himself, but if let his niece go while under his supervision, he'd oust himself.  A test for the other, in a way.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby