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PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Printable Version

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PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 06-25-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

Time to get this guy out and about! Meet RK515, a former K9 unit for humans that was killed in the line of duty and was reincarnated into this world. He is almost in every aspect an android, especially mentally. He does not feel pain, and he is incapable of feeling emotions. His current goal is attempting to find any sign of humans so that him, and his partner, can return back to their world. Due to the way that he was built, he is interested in learning, and has never interacted with other animals before, and is more adept to dealing with humans. So, he can be incredibly awkward, and he also refers to himself as 'it', despite inhabiting a male body as it does not believe that its alive in any way. Currently, he does not belong to any group, and is simply roaming around surrounding areas. But lets get to the plotting!

Open to:
Acquaintances (easy)
Friends (Takes some time, as an android it doesn't believe it can make friends)
Conversing about technology
Learning about animal body language/culture of the groups that live in the area
Simple conversation
Finding a mechanic or one that can conduct repairs in case of emergency
A character attempting to get it to have emotions
One-sided crushes (on him)

Closed to:

If you have a plot in mind that is not listed here, feel free to post below!

[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-05-2019


Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Felibri - 07-08-2019

So I'm sort of testing the waters with this character - I like what I've done to him so far but I'd like to play him in constricted threads before settling on a group and actually go into roleplaying him. Here's his work in progress bio

Machiavelli has no interest in machines and probably won't be so bothered that he's talking to an android or listen if they talk technological stuff. However, due to the type of spirit he is, he has a lot of experience and knowledge of human affairs and that could perhaps be something they "connect over"? Like, Machiavelli finds himself in the world, having been banished from his own, and the first person he meets is RK515 and they begin to talk about things for a while.

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-08-2019

(07-08-2019, 11:14 AM)Machiavelli link Wrote: [align=center]
So I'm sort of testing the waters with this character - I like what I've done to him so far but I'd like to play him in constricted threads before settling on a group and actually go into roleplaying him. Here's his work in progress bio

Machiavelli has no interest in machines and probably won't be so bothered that he's talking to an android or listen if they talk technological stuff. However, due to the type of spirit he is, he has a lot of experience and knowledge of human affairs and that could perhaps be something they "connect over"? Like, Machiavelli finds himself in the world, having been banished from his own, and the first person he meets is RK515 and they begin to talk about things for a while.

OOOOOOOOOOoo I love this idea! RK most certainly likes talking about humans more than animals right now thats for sure since he's never had any animal interactions in his life up to this point so he's really awkward when it comes to animals. RK always has a ton of questions for really anyone that he meets bc right now he's kind of in gathering data mode and trying to figure out how to get back to where he's from haha. Who makes? : D And where should it be put?

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - Felibri - 07-08-2019

Haha! Really liking the dynamic they might have over their shared interests of going back to their own worlds - I'm really excited! Machi will probably bug him a lot if they become close, because he's always the stubborn thorn in everyone's side and he really won't mind talking. Would you mind making, perhaps? It doesn't really matter where it is - except for Tanglewood, because I'm thinking of putting him there so he'll find it on his own.

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-08-2019

(07-08-2019, 09:23 PM)Machiavelli link Wrote: [align=center]
Haha! Really liking the dynamic they might have over their shared interests of going back to their own worlds - I'm really excited! Machi will probably bug him a lot if they become close, because he's always the stubborn thorn in everyone's side and he really won't mind talking. Would you mind making, perhaps? It doesn't really matter where it is - except for Tanglewood, because I'm thinking of putting him there so he'll find it on his own.
I can actually potentially seeing these two get close! Or like as close as one can get to a robot that doesn't know what friendship is xD RK is definitely used to reporting information that it knows or finds so the questions would certainly entertain/keep him busy for a good while. I don't mind at all! I'll probably just stick the thread in the neutral territories for now : D

Re: PLOT WITH RK515 | A FORMER K9 ANDROID - | RK515 | - 07-15-2019
