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Kagerou days| introduction - Printable Version

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Kagerou days| introduction - Nari - 06-24-2019

This was different.  Of all the possible rebirths that fallen could have gotten through, well no he was Nari here. The man who was stone cold killer, who made his rivals weep blood before him.  That name alone sent shivers the liger's spine, has he wordlessly and soundlessly walked mind lost into the past. There was various things that went through his mind.

So many people that he would have to reintroduce himself to especially one certain person, who wouldn't mind probably hitting him into the middle of next week.  How long has it been since he last saw him? Eons?  His death previous brought more pain that anything, and left a blood soaked crown in addition, and a rife between the courts that was just moments before civil war.

Golden eyes peering over the horizon, and he was not in the dearest of moods for this. For he would rather not be doing this, introductions were his worst nightmares.  He was man of less words and even fewer actions, a skilled warrior sure. But damn this, he would try.

"H-hello?" He croaked awkwardly. 
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - teef - 06-24-2019

jerisidie - the king !
the old memories, fragmented and forgotten, where what kept the old blood demon awake. things he could and couldn't recall. but mainly it was the sounds, the sounds of armored feet crashing across flagstones and down the palace halls, the sounds of swords ringing and the dying breaths rattling in the lungs of the victims of war and rebellion. the sound of his partner's voice as he passed down the crown, a simple thing, but something that he could not recall for the life of him.

it was the heat of the day, when he would normally be asleep in his temple, having laid new vines over the old dying ones on the floor, courtesy of his plant magick. but here he was, the white heavily scarred hellhound wandering out in the shimmering heat of the sun. he was going through his memories as he often did these days, when a voice filtered through his cluttered thoughts.

ah, scent. that was ... a familiar scent? where. where was it from? his mind would work to go back through its categories of catalogues of scents and memories. something bright, something warm ... and something milky. child. a new child. a newborn. three of them.

the memory drifted just our of grasp, supplying a face that he could never forget. his. god-killer. life-giver. kindness-taker. no. wrong. husband. mate. love. father. forever a partner. king. yes. correct. nari. fallen. nari. nari? who was nari? ah, fallen. nari was fallen and fallen was nari. beloved.

his course had changed, the hellhound wearing only a tired yet solemn look on his face. sacred traditions. marriage rites. a kiss under a dying sky, before countless bodies. their marriage. their consummation. their children. their life. their kingdom. home. he wanted to be home. he wanted his husband, not the first, but the second who was the first casualty and the first king and the first to break him.

eons had passed and the children had grown and left home for their own families. he was alone again, left with an iron rusted crown. pain. anger. sorrow. grief. loneliness. neverending cycles. until, hope. brightness. love once more showed up. now.

his walk turned into a jog which turned into a canter which turned into a full-on pelt. he was angled towards that voice, that scent. his. theirs. home. family. mate. husband. love. happiness. companionship. paws skipping over the sandy turf before him, the hellhound panted as he flew across the ground in leaps and bounds, soundlessly aiming to leap at the liger once he came into his view. aiming to burrow into him and rub against him eagerly, greeting him wordlessly, small whines escaping the male.

tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - Nari - 06-24-2019

Truth be told Nari was expected an entire different reaction, something along the lines of insults or something. But not this, not this comfortable remembrance. This was different from all the other various times. Well the first rebirth in like eons, and the liger found himself almost rumbling with laughter at the antics of the other. 

"Don't tell me you got even shorter the last time I saw you?" The liger would tease laughing, and purring returning the gesture warmly.  That statement would get an answer of Jer, never ever mention his height in front of him.  But Nari was a total ass, and he clearly didn't care.  Jer had known him for a long time, and it didn't bother him, to poke fun at the other for as long as it was needed.

━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - teef - 06-24-2019

jerisidie - the king !
pleasure jolted through the male at the familiar contact, albeit different from what he was used to, "don't tell me that your ass got closer to your head, asshole. you're a goddamn giant in every rebirth, not my fault.", he rumbled in irritation before running his head against the others body. "gods, you could just walker over my head, couldn't you? I've missed you. What the hell is with this disappearance act? You die and don't come back for eons, you absolute moron! gods, sometimes you make me wonder why I love you!", he complained, content to rub his flank against his long lost mate's, sounds akin to purrs leaving the smaller male.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - Nari - 06-24-2019

" To keep you on your toes hun. You think coming back looking that this is a easy task? You wouldn't believe how many people begged me not to come back. snorted Nari in response laughing softly still at Jer's snarkish response. He deserved that one, and any other jibes the other had for him. " I get taller and you stay puny." he still remarked unable to stop with the short jokes, and was laughing even more than usual.

" Well for one I keep you on your toes don't I?" in remarks to last outburst statement, and he felt his ego raise ten percent. Nari was nothing without Jer, and likewise for the other to him. How these two went from rivals, to friends, to finally lovers was a dynamic like no other.  They still bickered like there was no tomorrow.
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - teef - 06-24-2019

jerisidie - the king !
"I have toes? I didn't know!", came the response, easily relaxing as the other did, feeding off of his warmth and physical body language. "ugh, yes, you keep me on my toes from stopping you getting into trouble like dying, idiot.", he muttered, leaning heavily against him, happy to share space and scent again.

"dont tell me you started up another harem in the afterlife ... looks like I'm just going to have to find it and destroy it to get them to realize that you are mine. i dont know why they try, unless you got tired of me and egged them on.", he yawned, pressing into his warm flank, "just kidding. we both know that you wouldn't take on another partner unless it was for your own other needs.", he hums, showcasing how much trust he had for the other.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - Nari - 06-24-2019

" Pfftp has if. I am high maintenance, and a luxury that not every one could afford." Nari couldn't stop laughing, he did clearly enjoy the comfort that the other brought, and it didn't stop him from resting his head on the other's flank, with a faint rumbling purr.

" I am more prone to fight these days."
he admitted with a flick of his tail tip and just smiled.  It was the truth, and he welcomed any kind of conflict, after all he was a sadist.
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - teef - 06-25-2019

jerisidie - the king !
"you've always been more prone to fight, you gorgeous stupid man.", he responded dryly, rumbling out his own steady sounds of pleased greeting and affection, playfully wagging his tail yet carefully, mindful of the scar tissue. nuzzling his lover's furry hide, he gave soft groans of happiness, his true inner canine showing its enjoyment of being reunited with his second mate.

"theres a lot to catch up on. for starters, ammon is dead.", thick painful notes of sorrow thickened his voice, close to the tears that he had forced back for such a time now. "things have gone quickly. there have been developments and devastation.", he murmured faintly, moving around nari to try and groom his ear.
tags - white hellhound - the pitt

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - teef - 06-25-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


the scent of nari had warned the jaguar of a visitor, of someone that they knew and missed. for nari was astro's, their deceased first love's, parent and shared a similar scent to him. it was this scent that roused them from wherever they were within the territory on patrol. this scent brought the blind jaguar racing over the open ground in a panicked effort to reach the border where the scent came the strongest from.

arriving breathlessly, they inhaled the scents, and they knew, damn it, they knew that there was no chance that the being at the border with their dame was their beloved. no chance, yet they had to try. the blind jaguar took a lungful of the familiar scent of their long lost mate, voice breaking and cracking, "a-asteri? is that you?", they croaked at nari, ears pinned back and muzzle peeled back in agony.

Re: Kagerou days| introduction - Nari - 06-25-2019

If there was one thing Nari would have wished was that Asteri and he didn't have the exact similar scents, but of course they both did.  Judging from the tone from Bai Shi, it was something bad. Something terrible had happened to Asteri.  Fallen who had went through the loose of many other children before, could feel his own heart come to a complete stop.

What the hell happened this time around? For it wasn't that easy to kill well he wasn't what he was then, and it still was pretty damn hard, even he knew that Asteri was combat trained, even if he didn't use it has much as Bai shi did. " No," came the rumbled response and Nari would still watch the leopard closely.  The grief was still fresh despite it been how many months since Astro's passing. "Wrong person." he murmured feeling that he would have to be filled on how this occurred.
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━