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Sun sick [Joining!] - Nuru - 06-24-2019

[Image: 30c4ef2b08dbff8b2b426cfeeba6fea9.jpg]
Nuru is one of those people you see in passing, and think about for the rest of the day. His body is thinly cut and seems to have very little muscle, this coupled with his abnormally long legs leaves for a striking memory all by itself. His pelt is a sleek jet black, which draws a striking contrast to his golden eyes and to his scar. He bears a strong resemble to his mother, some even mistake him for a lioness due to the soft cuve of his facail features. He has a few scrapes and brusies, but in terms of physical scars he only has the long scar running the lenght of his spine.
[Unsure if I should put this so imma put i anyways~ TW for abandonment & (implied) verbal abuse also, he's not dead, just suffering from major dehydration issues]
Shivering in the sun, the black lion cub glanced around, his whimpers carrying a little too far for his pride. His mouth opened and closed, the thick prickly spines of flowering anxiety seemed to clog his throat, chocking any words from him.
No stop, you have to be strong. You're in the middle of nowhere - focus. What can you do to help yourself, you siviling, honorless, weakling The cub flinched at his own thoughts, though they were softer than the lashing he was used too. The words were dripping in his father's voice. His father, the one that raised him. His father, the one that left him here. His father. Nuru tried to think of him as something different. A monster, perhaps, with large teeth and reptilian skin though he couldn't imagine anything more disgusting than his old man's maw.
Nuru winced, drawing a paw over his own mouth. They weren't...that similar, were they? The cub hoped not. He had once heard his father call him feminine "just like his mother" and he dearly hoped his father was telling the truth. Their mother - he had heard she was a wonderful person. Too bad we had to come along and kill her...
"Gah!" He spat, shaking his head. "No, no, no - sad depressing thoughts - go away-" He shooed the air off to his right. With a huff, he got to his paws and took a deep breath. A new, strange sent smacked him in the face. A small, involuntary whimper staggered it's way out of him. This was the scent that his father - the great and powerful Illusionarycrown - had gotten wind of before he dropped the cub and left. No words. No goodbyes. Just gone.
And a part of Nuru was sad to see him go.
But now that we was here - in the outside world for the first time... Nuru supposed he'd have to fend for himself? His golden eyes flashed with panic.
A quick sniff told him that he was on the border - the divider between the clean air, and the weird smell. A border. He vaguely remembered a group. Snowbound, maybe? Was this where we was dropped off? Snowbound? It wasn't named well, was it? He glanced at the flowers nearby. So hot. I should find some water...
Or don't. No one wants to have you - look at you! So weak you're looking for permission to drink water! Pathetic.
The cub growled, getting to his feet. He didn't ask permission - he wouldn't ask permission from anyone anymore! A paw-step over the border later, and his confidence was evaporating quicker than any water he'd hope to find.
What if he dropped me off here to be killed? A small part of him whispered. What if there are assassins here and they're going to take me out? The thought was sewed into his mind, and the farther and farther into the area he traveled, the more and more the fear began to bloom. What if, what if, what if.
His head spun, the heat of the day pressing down on the cub, baking his skin and burning his scar. With shaking paws, the cub dropped to the ground. Mouth dry as a desert, he tried to call out.
What was going on? Was he poisoned? He knew it - he really was too weak to make it out alive. His father was right to abandon him.
Giving up, the cub just closed his eyes, and let the sun lull him into sleep.

Re: Sun sick [Joining!] - london r. - 06-25-2019

Abandonment was something London felt rather familiar with. Her story was quite different from Naru's, but that base concept was the same. She would never see her family again, just the graves she had dug for them. How strange that she, who was such a weakling in most aspects, had been the sole survivor. She wished that she could see their smiling faces again, and play those silly games they had made up. But the recent events of having visited the place of all those memories reminded her of just how impossible that was. Everything that she had once thought back on so fondly was now tinged in a heavy blue sadness. Her head was filled with 'what if's and 'if only's, it was nice to take a stroll of her new home and clear her mind.

It was warm here, and while the sun felt nice on her back at first, the clouded leopard was starting to feel the heat. If only a cloud could cover the sun for just a minute, or there was a stronger breeze. If nothing else, at least the temperature was a good distraction from the heavy thoughts that constantly rested on her mind. Like a fly buzzing around your head, it was an irksome, but welcome distraction. However, she soon grew distracted by something more attention-grabbing. Something she had seen before when she had lived in Snowbound. How strange that these clans acted like magnets for those in trouble.

"Hello? Are you alright?" the girl asked, her soft voice carrying with it her British accent. As she approached she mentally facepalmed, noticing the scar on this poor, collapsed kid's body. Definitely not alright. Laying around out here when it was this warm wasn't exactly the smartest idea either, especially with such lovely black fur. Conjuring a water bottle, London would aim to pour it gently on his muzzle. It seemed like a good idea to help him cool down. As for the injury, she was no medic. She did know a little though, so with luck that would be enough until someone else came who could help better.

Now where to start? She figured she should try talking to him a little, help him wake up if the water hadn't already done the job. That way she could treat his injury better. "Hey there, can you hear me? I'm London, and I'm going to try my best to help you out. Can you try to wake up for me?" the albino asked. "Is it okay if I tare care of that scar on your back? It might sting a little, but you'll feel better soon." She offered, already conjuring up the supplies she would need once she got a response.

Re: Sun sick [Joining!] - Straw - 06-28-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Separation from family was common here in Elysium- some had been abandoned, some had been chased out, some had left just to see the world. Straw was in the third camp, having sought a greater understanding of herself (as pretentious as that probably sounded). She had had a decent relationship with her mother and sister, at least, enough so that the two of them saw her off and wished her well, and she had wished them well in return. Her father... she didn't like to dwell on that.

  The heat grew more and more oppressive by the day; though her mask shielded her eyes from sunlight well enough, the rest of her baked beneath the rays. She had retreated from her position on the mountaintop and headed for the forest, in hopes that the shade would help. As her eyes swept the landscape, however, she noticed London heading towards a fallen creature. In all likelihood, the stranger needed help.

  Approaching behind London and peering at the cub, Straw twitched her ears. The cub was unconscious, and probably injured given the scar. With the heat, he was probably dehydrated too. Three conditions that were bad enough on their own, but in combination could be deadly. Blinking, she glanced up at London. "What can I do?" she murmured, with a swish of her tail.

Re: Sun sick [Joining!] - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 07-05-2019

Children left on borders of clans or tribes were common. More common than Killua would have liked. He knew that it may be better in certain instances, but most animals wanted to know where they came from and who their parents were. This lead to questions and this often lead to disappointment or depression if the animal was not able to find answers to their questions. Killua lost count of how many times he had found children on the border, and the more distaste he had for adults in who would do something like that. If they really wanted to take care of their child they would have simply joined in the clan if they weren't capable of providing for both themselves and their child. It made absolutely no sense why someone would want to abandon their child in such a way. Most of the time Killua couldn't help but slightly care for those that were just left on the border, either to die or to become abandoned. He never wanted to go through a harsh childhood because no one in his mind really deserved such treatment. Especially since he believed, or learned, that life was precious and should be cherished. One of the many important lessons that Circusclown had taught him right before he died, and lessons that Killua would constantly carry with him. This would also mean that Killua would not tolerate bullying or abuse toward another child as long as he was around. He remembered the instance of the second group that he was stationed in to kill the leader of the clan when he came across some older clanners bullying someone that was younger than them. Resorting to violence rather than talking, Killua at the time sped into them, knocking them several feet away from the victim and into a nearby building. The collision was hard enough to almost crack the outside of the building and knock out the one that was bullying the child. If Killua was any different, he probably would have just killed them, but trying to maintain cover he couldn't do such a thing. The wildcat made sure that the kid was okay, but other than that didn't waste any other time and was on his way soon enough. He also wouldn't stand around to let someone get attacked, even if he didn't know why they were getting attacked. He could easily break up a fight and ask later on. The assassin had been trained to kill, but now he was trying to create a better life for himself and not kill those that were simply an inconvenience or an annoyance. It was a lot harder, but he already knew that the journey that he was on was far from easy.

One instance of this was when London was attacked by a Typhooner named Guru. The caracal almost fatally wounded the albino clouded leopard simply because London suffered from hemophilia and some scratches could potentially end her life. Killua didn't waste any time in attack Guru as she attempted to get away from Snowbound. The male ended up slicing through tendons in the caracal's legs and easily outpaced the slower feline. At that point, he gave her several puncture wounds and knocked her out by slamming her head against a nearby tree with his strength. He really wished that he could have killed her because he knew by her personality that she wouldn't really care about what he had done and continue to try and kill children. Both him and London were younger than. The albino serval then dragged the unconscious body to the Typhoon and demanded punishment be held, but that didn't come till months later, to Killua's anger. This was where his lack of the Typhoon stemmed from, and he knows now that he would kill Guru on sight if he ever saw her again for London's protection. Either way, the former Snowbound deputy still wished that his former home still existed. Instead, when he went looking for it all he found were ashes left behind. It wasn't until he asked someone in Elysium that Snowbound had been destroyed long ago, but he sadly didn't know who did it. Once he did, he would make sure that they would pay for what they did to his former home. Killua was an assassin, yes, but his killing days were supposed to be over and he wouldn't dare touch a child either. Hundreds of scars remained hidden underneath the thick white fur that covered his body. Either way, the former Snowbound deputy constantly patrolled the surrounding areas as a means to protect the residents and keep himself busy. After all, there wasn't all that much that was going on in Elysium, and it was quite peaceful. A time that Killua wasn't exactly used to himself. His movements were completely silent thanks to his air elementals, and his scent hidden by the same power. Koru was around his neck as he walked, the albino black mamba coiled tightly around his neck and trying to seep as much warmth from the serval as much as possible.

But, due to the summer heat, the reptile didn't have to try all that hard to do so. Killua was in the section of Elysium that didn't have any trees, and instead, it was mostly rock and patches of grass here and there. His sapphire blue eyes were constantly on the lookout for any movement near him or near Elysium. His enhanced senses allowing him to hear any distant voices or pawsteps. While he was walking around with his metal claws unsheathed, he heard the sound of familiar voices in the distance and he could hear the concern in London's voice. This couldn't be good. The albino serval used his air elementals to speed his journey toward the voices and skidded to a stop around 10ft away from where Straw and London were. His sapphire blue eyes immediately made sure to see and make sure that both of them were uninjured in any way, before looking at the animal they have hovered over. It looked like a black lion. His attention drew to the scar across the cubs back, causing a scowl to spread across the assassin's face. Killua trotted over toward the side of the group, noticing the water that London had sprayed over the cub's body. The black fur of the lion was certainly unique, but it would be the death of the kid. Raising one of his paws, Killua conjured up an umbrella, immediately opening it up with his claws and sticking it into the ground. It was only large enough to give the cub some shade and not the rest of the Elysiumites, but they were in good condition where the cub wasn't. Carefully walking over toward the cub, Killua would aim to carefully place the pad of his front paw against the neck of the lion cub, making sure the tip of his metal claws didn't knick the cub. He wanted to check the other's pulse, and if successful he would feel the pulsing of the other's artery underneath his paw. This would allow Killua to relax a little bit as it would mean the kid wasn't dead at least. From his observation, the cub didn't look starving, and it was entirely possible that the kid was just suffering from heat stroke or exhaustion. However, they needed the kid to wake up so that he could be questioned, as the shade might not be enough. Conjuring up some peppermint extract, he would uncap the bottle and aim to waft it in front of the cub's nose as an attempt to wake up the lion with the strong smell. During this entire time, he did not speak a word to either of them.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
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Tags | Updated 05/13/19: