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I’m my own master now -- injury - Printable Version

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I’m my own master now -- injury - Warringkingdoms - 06-21-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]/tw: burn wounds, blood, death
  /tl;dr at bottom

  The heat was at its zenith, thick and oppressive even on the mountaintop.

  Rin stood at attention, her paws balanced in the snow and dust surrounding them. The sun hung high in the sky, its rays lighting the white dust aflame. The day had reached its peak. High noon, the archetypal setting for a face-off, had arrived.

  Through the white, a scarab beetle scuttled along. Stopping a few feet away from Rin, it stared up at her, clacking its mandibles. In a flash of light, it drew itself to its full height, golden fur with a shock of red sprouting as it grew.

  Bright orange eyes glared down at her as the creature completed its transformation into the recognizable form of a lion, its mane catching the sunlight.

  Rin furrowed her brows. “And you are?” she asked, though she knew the answer already.

  The lion scowled. “I am the Torchbearer,” he answered, unsheathing his claws. “Formerly a being of the sun… formerly a brother to the Huntress.” Entering a battle stance, he bared his teeth. “Both of which I’m here to avenge.”

  He sought revenge for both himself and a family member, as though he and the rest of his cohorts had not brought it on themselves. This was the fabled “cycle of vengeance,” that no amount of debatable morals nor natural law would stop.

  The cycle could only be halted by one side ceasing to exist.

  The light caught on the Torchbearer’s form just so to spark a flame, fire wreathing around his mane and paws. With a roar, he lunged towards Rin, claws outstretched. He had sealed their fates. One of them would die today.

  Rin telepathically removed an arrow from her quiver and jumped back to avoid his lunge, then flung the arrow at his side. The arrow pierced his skin, burying itself up to the shaft- a blow that would almost certainly prove fatal, given the vital organs inside.

  Rage was the best painkiller, though, and he was furious. As he passed by, he swung a heavy paw at her, slamming into her left shoulder and knocking her several yards away. She stuck the landing and skidded to a stop, inhaling sharply through gritted teeth at the pain in her scorched shoulder.

  Her eyes lifted just in time to see him charging headlong towards her, rather like a bull more than a lion. Without hesitation, she bolted out of the way- she had to dodge sooner, further, or his retaliation might prove fatal. As he flew past, she then took an arrow out of her quiver and flung it at him, its tip lancing the front of his leg.

  He pivoted on one paw and lunged for her again, and though she jumped to the side she felt teeth catch on her scruff. She twisted to try and break free, but he shook his head back and forth like a domestic mutt with a chew toy. She could sense herself, then, flying through the air and landing roughly in the snow, but her battered cranium couldn’t place where she was in space. Flames burst against her side, and she was airborne again, the edge of the cliff growing closer and closer as she bounced and rolled across the snow.

  She’d come in with an advantage, but she’d gotten impatient and let herself be careless. For all her lecturing to the Huntress, she mused wryly, she might meet that same end.

  She heard pawsteps thundering and wearily tried to stand up. Staggering slightly, her eyes fell upon the rapidly-approaching Torchbearer, claws extended, teeth bared and bloody, eyes blazing with fury. He had a mind to end the fight here and now.

  Telekinesis had more uses than just throwing arrows, though- she knew that from experience. Springing upwards, she suspended herself in midair just out of the Torchbearer’s reach, just long enough to let him run right over the edge of the cliff. A familiar nausea washed over her, both from how she had learned the technique and who she had learned it from. With a pained swallow, Rin released herself to gravity’s whims and fell to the snowy ground, taking a moment to catch her breath. Using her powers this liberally hadn’t been a problem when she was near its source, but here she had only her own reserves of energy to rely upon.

  She looked up and watched silently as two paws, still wreathed in flame, appeared from below the edge of the cliff. The Torchbearer struggled to lift himself up, scrabbling for purchase against slippery ground, but finally hauled himself onto the peak, breathing heavily.

  Rin took an arrow from her quiver and shot it into his neck.

  An agonized snarl escaped his lips- accompanied by a spout of blood- as his eyes turned on Rin, burning with a hatred she suspected was not solely reserved for her. “You…” he wheezed, dragging himself towards her. “You… you will pay. I’ll incinerate you. You will not get away with this!”

  With a pained screech, he slammed a paw into the ground, causing fire to burst from the snow towards her. Rin casually sidestepped, watching as the flare harmlessly passed by.

  “Don’t give me that,” she hissed, looking back at the Torchbearer. “This isn’t about your revenge, it’s about mine. Your sister paid for what she did, and so will you.”

  He bared his teeth, but lapsed into a coughing fit before he could respond, blood spilling onto the snow. A gust of wind extinguished the fire engulfing his body, leaving what looked like a regular lion. Lifting his head slowly to the sky, he watched a point that Rin could not see.

  He mouthed silently. Selene.

  The light in his eyes vanished, and he slumped over in the snow, the crimson stains expanding towards Rin.

  Rin gazed down at the blood seeping into her paws, painting the white fur red to match the undoubtedly blistered skin on her shoulder and side. The medics would yell at her for sure… actually, there weren’t any medics here, were there? Tena would yell at her instead. That was fine, Rin had given out her fair share of verbal lashings to reckless boneheads that she had to treat. Even if she had to do this, she really ought to be more careful. She could treat herself, but the herb supply here wasn’t infinite.

  With a weary sigh, she walked away from the corpse and towards the edge of the peak, then proceeded down the trail. The pull of muscles against burnt skin elicited a pained wince every so often, and her head was pounding, but she would make it down the mountain. She’d suffered worse pain before.

  Maybe the Torchbearer had found an undeserved peace in his final moments, but she would not see the same luxury until her mission was complete.

  /this is kinda ish but I wanted to post it on the solstice so whatevs
  /tl;dr: there’s a lion corpse on top of the mountain- Rin’s walking away from it with burns on her left shoulder and right side, a mild concussion from being shaken like a ragdoll, and some exhaustion from use of her powers

Re: I’m my own master now -- injury - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-23-2019

Killing was so much easier than leaving someone alive. Leaving anyone alive that either attacked you or someone else was means for disaster. Most animals enjoyed rearing their heads at the worst moment and coming back for a form of revenge. If that animal was dead, it would just mean that they would never be a problem again, and it was problem solved. Besides, killing another being was not all that hard if anyone had basic anatomy or instincts to attack vulnerable areas. Snap of a neck, a slice of an artery, punctured lung, and many more were many ways to kill someone. Killua knew that his older brother actually did prefer to kill his victims by using needles that would impale the enemies body in many ways. The albino serval itself had been a victim to the needles and knew exactly how deadly they could be. He had the scars to prove the damage that they caused. Not only were the massive needles lethal, but they could also be laced with a variety of different poisons. He was fairly certain that his brother changed out what poisons were on the needles after each job he went on, making it extremely difficult to prepare for the other Zoldyck. The assassin didn't really have to worry about his brother's poisons as he was trained to be immune to specialized poisons and poisons that anyone could make. Even now while he lived a somewhat peaceful life, Killua was more than capable of dealing a lethal blow to any animal that he came across. As he suspected, a non-warbound group like the Elysium trusted too many faces. This could easily get them killed if they weren't careful, as he could have lied about being peaceful and destroyed them from the inside out. It was entirely possible for an event like that to appear in groups like this, but the Elysium was lucky in that there were very few conflicts that dealt with them anyway. Before he was even introduced to the clans or tribes, Killua would simply take the life of someone that annoyed him. All it would take was the swift movement of his claws to dispatch any other animal. There were several accounts of the young male killing butlers that turned out to be an annoyance toward him at the time. Sure, he got scolded for killing a butler, but they could always hire new ones and it wasn't detrimental for them to lose butlers. After a while, part of the training to be a Zoldyck butler would be able to realize signs of annoyance from any of the family members so that the butler would know when to make a speedy exit. Even then, it wasn't foolproof and butlers were still killed or potentially even experimented on by his older brother just to test a theory. Killua wasn't really that cruel.

Once he took the jobs in the clans the assassin would immediately threaten the lives of those that he came across as soon as they started asking questions that they didn't need to know. Some instances showed that some of the animals that he ran into said that they recognized him, which was completely impossible because he had never been there previously. This lead to Killua becoming violent with those that he believed to be lying, even pressing his claws against another apprentice's throat as a threat. Yet, the apprentice didn't really seem to care. It was bad for an assassin to kill non-targets, and Killua used that excuse to keep that clanner alive for the time being. The temper that he had now was drastically different from his past self. He kept himself calm in most situations and hid the cruel side of himself away from any onlookers so that they would not grow suspicious. Besides, he was always attempting to keep a low profile in these groups so that his brother wouldn't be able to catch wind of him and figure out his current location. Now that London was back, he has a reason to train and grow stronger to attempt to defeat his brother. His older brother was several years older than he was and immediately had more experience than him. The wildcat had a lot to get done, but they didn't call him a prodigy for nothing. The sight of death did not deter the assassin in the slightest. Over the course of his life, he had seen many horrific scenes, some of which he had created himself. He killed clan leaders. He destroyed smaller groups. As long as they had paid well, Killua was completely up for the job as long as it got him out of the mansion for a while. The albino serval didn't really see corpses all that much as of late, as there seemed to be a time of peace. Killua already knew there was a matter of time before the peace was completely abandoned. Or, until he got himself into trouble which was known to happen from time to time. Especially when it pertained to his mental state, which wasn't in the right place more often than not. The wildcat needed to take more care now that London was around so that he didn't accidentally hurt his one and only friend. Because of the appearance of London, he secretly increased the number of patrols that he had been doing as a means to make sure that nothing happened while he was around.

Usually, in groups, he designated himself as the protector as long as he was taking shelter here. It didn't matter who lived there, he would make sure to protect them no matter what. No, he probably wouldn't sacrifice for a stranger, but he would certainly try his best. Circusclowns teaching always echoed in his head as he patrolled the area. The albino serval was walking around the territory of Elysium, his enhanced senses constantly on to make sure that there was nothing out of the ordinary. Even without the power, the serval had amazing hearing and could even hear movement underground. His metal claws were unsheathed to get a better grip of the mountain. It was only a matter of time before his enhanced senses listened to what sounded like a fight going on. Vocalizations that were made by lions could be heard, which was strange as there were no lions that existed in Elysium from his current knowledge. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed as he attempted to concentrate and find the source of the sound, before hearing it on the top of the mountain. It was going to take him a couple of minutes without his powers to reach his designation, but he did it quick nonetheless. Silently, he came over the edge of the mountain to a bloody scene before him. He looked at a full grown male lion that was laying in a pool of its own blood. There were no scents that he recognized off of the lion if there were even scents at all. In fact, the only scent that he recognized was an Elysium member. His eyes remained narrowed as he came across and inspected the lion's body. There were scorch marks on the ground and melted snow. Signifying that there were probably fire elementals that were used in some way. There were arrows that were embedded in several spots on the lion's body. The lethal blows located on the side of the lion, and through the wildcat's throat. Not exactly the cleanest of kills, but it got the job done. The arrows helped him figure out slightly who did it since there was only one animal that he believed was capable of using arrows. Well, she had only asked about help with a quiver, so there was a small chance that it wasn't her, but the likelihood still remained strong. The albino serval continued to look over the body to make sure that there was nothing else interesting about it. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he noticed bloody paw prints heading down the trail of the maintain.

Turning on his enhanced senses, the albino serval listened for any movement nearby and was able to hear pawsteps moving away from the scene. Interesting. He couldn't identify which individual was by their pawsteps, but they were an Elysium member. Instead of taking the trail, Killua began to walk along the mountainside, picking up the pace so that he would get in front of where he could drop down in front of the animal on the trail from the mountain. Flicking his large white ears, the male would look over the edge that he was on, to notice a familiar figure following the trail of the mountain. Rin. Killua waited a couple of moments, before using his long legs to help him climb down the side of the mountain, before letting himself drop the rest of the way. His legs bent upon the impact of landing on the trail and in front of Rin, his movements making no noise. The wildcat kept a neutral look on his face as he gazed at the domestic cat's condition. Killua easily noticed the severe burns that covered small sections of the domestic cat's body. Burns that would certainly need medical attention, but Killua made no movement to help the female. For all he knew, she could have murdered the lion in cold blood. The burns did go with the use of fire elementals, but it seemed that the lion had those powers and not Rin themselves. After looking her over, the silence between them would finally be broken. "So, what was that about?" Killua questioned calmly toward the domestic cat. To get his point across, the albino serval raised one of his paws and conjured up a regular arrow and twirled it in between his claws. He didn't know the full story and wanted an explanation. Although, it partly wasn't his business. But if this domestic cat was killing animals, it could potentially put his only friend in danger.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: I’m my own master now -- injury - Warringkingdoms - 06-25-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Killing was a complicated issue. From a pragmatic standpoint, it made sense to at least delay your opponent from coming back to get revenge; some people took a trip to the afterlife only to pop back up in the mortal plane before the day was gone, but at least that bought some time to prepare for another assault. It provided time to heal any injured allies, build up any ruptured defenses, and create a plan of attack.

  Rin had killed four people, all in the defense of herself or another ally. One had nearly murdered a friend of hers; one had attacked her with a knife; one had trapped her within the hospital grounds until they dueled to the death; one had attacked her to avenge his sister. In the latter two cases, she had- in a way- invited death upon herself by daring to approach a fallen deity. Nonetheless, the two of them had earned her ire long before, and had gotten what they deserved.

  Killua's voice rang out, and she turned to face him- swallowing back a hiss at the twinge in her side. He twirled about an arrow of his own within his claws, presumably one he'd conjured. Maybe if she practiced her powers enough, she could make arrows appear from thin air as well; until then, she probably ought to retrieve the used arrows from the Torchbearer's corpse, as soon as she treated her wounds. One thing at a time, she supposed.

  As for "what that was about," Rin had to think for a moment before she answered. Explaining that the lion was a former god that had fallen due to a dimension shift, and that the gods had plagued her existence from the very beginning, would both take too long and sound like the ramblings of a sleep-deprived drunk. It was best to keep it simple for now, and if he asked for more details she could give them.

  "An old... acquaintance," she answered, twitching her ears, "that decided I needed to die. He would have posed a danger to the other Elysites had I let him live." That last part was probably not true, but it wasn't completely unreasonable to believe the Torchbearer could have harmed someone else. He was a flame-wielding lion running on rage, so she was within her rights to deem him a threat and neutralize him.