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right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Printable Version

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right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Jervis - 06-21-2019

White lighting. Black embers. After that, there was nothing more. Flames encapsulated around the right side of his face, stealing away his vision. The beauty and confidence that came with his glory was forever tarnished during the Typhoon and Tanglewood's clever revenge. Within seconds, all was lost. It was as if once Crow threw him into the fire, his entire demeanor had changed. With plans down the drain and his appearance ruined, the narcissistic vulpine found himself at a fork in the road. Did he continue to put on a merciful facade or was he finally going to unleash hell upon his enemies once and for all? The decision was an easy one.

As Jervis stared into the waters, he gawked in disbelief at the remains of what was left. His paw stroked at the burns lightly. Every slow rub at the wound caused a shiver to run down his spine. It was safe to say that he was in shock. There was no coming back from what they had done to him. Yet there was still hope. This could all be a dream. Another one of his fantasies that had gone wrong.

He had to go on though. A future laid ahead of him of riches and power, yet he felt defeated. The ardent brought a bandage to his eye and secured it around his ear. It was wide enough to hide the burn, but not enough to hide the disappointed scowl. Then he went on with his day. Unlike his usual routine, Jervis avoided the people and kept to himself. Today he did not enjoy the attention. Even so, the spotlight was on him throughout the day. Pittians expected a meeting or perhaps a mutter in response to their wondrous questions, but all they received was silence. Thankfully, his day went quick. Soon enough he laid in the leader's temple, snuggled up in a mossy corner. Exhaustion lowered him into sleep easily.

Morning came quick. The leader rolled out of bed with high expectations, but was met with dismay. A paw raised towards his face and began to cautiously pat. He paused. The wound was still there. Reality had damned him to a sick fate. Jervis pulled his paw away from the blood soaked bandages. His eyes- no, eye- began to water and soon out came the alligator tears that Tanglewood's leader had caused.

Something in him changed though. His trepidation turned into savagery. Through a wave of childish sobbing, he let out a disgruntled growl and soon a stifled cackle. What once reminisced as disappointment became a rage-driven hope for revenge. Those that had wronged him would pay. Without another thought towards his appearance or stature, Jervis rose to his feet.

In a fury, the leader burst out of the leader's den and onto the meeting stage. Out of breath and full of rage, a shrill screech left Jervis. "PITTIANS GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE OR SO HELP ME GOD," came his fiery yell.  Whether this presentation of his ended up as him ranting for an hour or an execution, they better show up. There was a punishment in store for those who didn't.... and they should show up fast. He was already growing impatient.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - teef - 06-21-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


first to appear would be a dark jaguar, white cobwebbing throughout their fur. blind eyes turned to jervis, they silently settled on their haunches, jian strapped to their back in its ornate sheath. they were quiet, amused by his outburst. some of this reminded them of sephiroth, their first love and the one that had broken them with his disappearance. they were hiding their birth form, the true dragon that they were. it was safer this way. "...."

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Kydobi - 06-21-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Wary and tired. That’s all he was. But the commands of Jervis yanked at this soul and could not be ignored. Like the constant and relentless cries of a child mid tantrum.

He sighed and sat, letting his tail brushed past Lynn in gentle and subtle greetings

He would look at Jervis and dip his head. Knowing to not linger into the foxes wounds too long. But the worst injuries were far deeper than physical

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - SÉAMUS - 06-21-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The swift fox trotted forward slowly, humming softly in awknowlegement to the pharoh's call.  He has reached a breaking point, he mused.  Jervis clearly possessed nearly nothing but fury.  Embry joined the gathering quietly, finding a place in the shadows and back of the crowd.

Lightly, he tugged the bond he shared with Keona, conscious that Gael, mad at him, hadn't outed him yet. Regardless of the thin wire the seemingly Scotsman walked, he had a job to do.  Time to listen.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Jervis - 06-21-2019

They were quick to show their faces. Good. Thus the meeting began.

A vicious growl left the impish fox. "EVERYONE GEAR UP." Yes. Everyone. The children needed to mature and begin to grow some balls if they wanted to live through what he had in mind. "I WANT THEIR HEADS ON SPIKES, THEIR BLOOD RUNNING THROUGH THE RIVER, AND THEIR CORPSES TO LITTER THE PITTIAN BORDER." Consider these real additions to the territory. Jervis had a plan to litter their territory with hints of red where they could and this, to him, was the best way to do it. Anything to prove that they were better. "THEY WILL KNOW WHAT POWER WE POSSESS." Jervis was enthralled to hear these words out loud. It empowered him. Though dark times had came, the light on the other side was shining. All he had to do was try.

"CROW, THAT MOTHERFUCKER FROM TANGLEWOOD, ALREADY HAS A SPOT RESERVED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TERRITORY. HIS MASK LIES ON THE RIGHTFUL SPIKE." On the acacia pole laid Crow's old mask that had broken in a previous raid. It was an artifact, but somewhat of a treasure these days. "ANYONE WHO TAKES THAT OPPORTUNITY AWAY FROM ME WILL FACE THE SAME FATE I WAS GIVEN." With, of course, a few more additions. He couldn't let them off that easily. The least they could of done is keep Crow contained until he arrived rather than killing him. "OTHERS THOUGH? GREAT." A smirk met his lips. "KILL THEM. THROW THEIR HEAD ONTO THE POLE AND THROW THEIR CORPSE ONTO THE BORDER." Perhaps even drain their blood out into the river. Whatever cruelty Pittians desired, Jervis would encourage.

Next subject. Calling out those who helped and those who did nothing for the clan. "FOURTHWALL, YOUR ASS IS ON THE LINE," he shouted into the abyss. The hellhound inability to stop what could of happened pissed off Jervis. While the others were fighting back in retaliation and securing the children, he just stood there. Thankfully he tried to attack Goldenluxury... eventually. His attack barely hit too. "THANK GOD YOU ATTACKED THE BITCH OF A PIRATE." That was him projecting his problems on others though. His insults shouldn't be taken personally but as a minor warning for the future. "AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO DIDN'T DEFEND OUR HOME, YOU'RE ON THIN ICE." Thankfully those who didn't bother to lift a paw was a minimal amount.

While he did enjoy focusing on the negatives of the situations and how he could dice up others, Jervis eventually did have to focus on the positive. "KYDOBI, GAEL, AND JERISIDIE, THANK YOU FOR THE ASSISTANCE." There wasn't as much fighting going on compared to saving the children... but he couldn't complain. Even his cruelty couldn't look past that. "Keep it up." That said, his eye was on them. With no successor, the leader was in need of a right hand man.

In a moment of clarity, Jervis let out a huff. By this point he was heaving. All of the shouting left him breathless and exhausted, but as long as his point was being made, he didn't care. "To those joining, you've entered a brand new era," he continued on. There were plenty coming these days. Many others were returning due to raised interest. It was rather pleasing. Jervis was proud to see that their numbers were rising, as they were going to need it. "Take notes." Whatever that meant... "Welcome to The Pitt nevertheless." So far he didn't see any of them here, but there was still hope for them to show their faces.

"We're going to be discussing more in a moment, any questions?" Frankly, though, he didn't care. Jervis wanted to get on with things. There was much more to do than conversing about a small mishap or threat of his.

// up next, raid discussions + more information on the territory + a competition possibly...?
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - ARGUS - 06-21-2019

Pitiful, a young pup cried into the open airs of the desert - screamed and watched as nothing came from such bluster - such blunder. Whisper was born bubbly bright and kind into a world that was wrong. Whisper cried and mourned and sobbed against loss, but somewhere whisper broke - a fracture that never fully healed even as a family surrounded them. Even as Whisper grew - to become something better - someone better - nothing would change could fix the gleaming crack - where infection seeped in - where ssomething took it's rightful place. Somewhere, argus pitties who they used to be . So soft - a small thing that was hardened by the sandstorms until something stronger than obsidian took it's place. Black bleached to a ratty slate grey, trauma on trauma until there is a gaping hole through their throat ( unseen now , but there - just under the surface )

Argus first impression of Jervis isn't one that shouldn't be left. He reminded them of Katastre, at least in form - A silver lupine with buster and a polished personality - but the rot inside of him only weakened him. Only made it so much more satisfying to break him down. Goldenluxuries and Crow pulled of the execution well, only there was no death, a small disappointment - but one that Argus was trilled at the prospect of.  It gave Argus time to watch hi again, winding him up all the while with illusions of grandeur.

The only annoyance-

The leader's screech echoed within the remains of the burning home. The smell of smoke only keeping the lupine within the borders of the clan because it was familiar. It's been so long since argus has burned one of their own homes down - twice it happened by their own paw - and the third by the enemies that once welcomed them with open arms. It was... well, not fitting but certainly ironic.

"a new era, do tell Jer-vis" Argus was bold to talk, their attendance coming late to the party and only hearing the near end of the 'speech' not that they couldn't hear it from across camp, but... it was about principal. But Argus was their own brand of cocky, wing once held together by vines now clung tightly to their side - the set in their shoulders and tone relaxed - easy. Argus looked just as imposing as any pittian. They were interested, of course - but what was a leader without being challenged?

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Kydobi - 06-22-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Blood would run. That was unstoppable.

When praised, if you could call it that, he would give a curt nod. Just doing his duty.

But something has been nagging. He put a lot of time and thought into the situation. So much thought.

”Sir,”, he would say as he got up a steely gaze in his eyes, ”Tanglewood, The Typhoons. Their treachery destroyed the only place I could call home. I want to make sure they never have the power to do that again. Ever. I wish to work beside you as your Vicar. I already have ideas, such as youth training sessions. As well having the more herb ally gifted search for poisons we could utilize for our advantage.... but I wish to speak in private. For perhaps not all the ears hear are true and honest.”

Well for sure there was some sketchy folks. But Kydobi was beginning to feel Goldenluxury had assistance from within. Just a feeling. Either way it was a good precaution to take regarding time of war.

He would continue to stand, looking into Jervis eyes. Let me fight for my home, they would say. Briefly he would turn to look at Bai Shi, ears flattening in guilt. But he felt the only way to keep what was left of the jungle, was to purge it of those trying to harm it.

Perhaps then when all the death and murder had died down, he would at last be free to rest.

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - teef - 06-22-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the world of war was never easy to get accustomed to, and they knew that better than most. they were a representative of war back in their true home, and they were feared for it once upon a time. but this was not their council of war-time speakers, this was this clan's and they were here to help after all.

hearing all speak, they remained silent, approving of what had been said, that it would be a new era. they had sat idle for too long and let someone else take the group that they cherished from them. it was a new leaf, a new time. they wouldn't hold anything against another, this was a different time, and they were returning to their original persona after attempting to mellow out.

"kydobi is right in the regard of letting others who know the herbs to search for them but we have another thing to say. the old territory of the rosebloods, now known as the blackguard, has mostly been destroyed, yes, but there are places to find herbs. why dont we send parties into the old territory to get herbs, or send patrols into the unknown land to find some. and if there's a raid eventually going on against the typhoon, we want in. that tigress has a few wounds with our name on them." they rumbled, unaware that they had started to slip back into calling themselves as more than one being, it was something that they were comfortable with.

they could feel kydobi's gaze on them, and flicked their tail. they wanted revenge for their sight being taken, and they were willing to do anything it took. they knew he wanted peace, but they were a warmonger,  it was their way as they had once tried to explain to him. they realized at that point that they did not truly care what he thought of them at this point. they were here with their own personal plans as most were, and the clan was merely going to be a stepping stone.

Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Crackers - 06-24-2019


Fourth was late to arrive as well, but was that really his fault? The meetings came at random here and this was the most active he'd ever seen the fox be, so it went without saying that he couldn't be prepared for then.  Like Argus, though, it was hard not to catch what was being said when Jervis was screaming at the top of his lungs and he let a dismissive snort escape him when he heard Jervis call him out. What had the smaller canine expected him to do? Sprout a fucking pair of wings and fly after Luxury? At least he had taken a shot at her before she had the chance to take off with Crows body, which was more than most of the other Pittians had done. Kids were important, sure, but it didn't take 10 people to shoo them away, especially when neither Crow nor Luxury would have made them an open target.

"If you want me as a personal bodyguard then promote me to one." Fourth would say, shoulders shrugging as if it were that easy. Perhaps it was bold and blunt of him, but Jervis had done nothing to inspire any loyalty from Fourth and that was nobody's fault but the foxes. Even Kydobi and Aine had made more of an effort to connect with the hybrid and as small as it was it was still more than their Leader. Fourth didn't hate Jervis, but he had never been the sort of guy to sugar coat things for people. If this guy expected him to really put his ass on the line for him when he was in danger or to show a personal interest in their well being then he had to do more than just show up once in a while. Fourth new what a strong, functioning clan looked like, new what a steady and capable leader looked like, and the Pit and Jervis were neither. He liked the place and didn't plan on leaving, but the fact remained that a group could only be as strong as it's leader, and so far the effort he'd seen put out by Jervis had been minimal. Hell,  in the weeks he'd been there he'd only seen 2 meeting go by and this one was the fastest to go up . And in between them Jervis had been scarce at best. He could snarl and scream up there all he wanted but it would never change that.

Still, it was cute of the other to call out Fourth like this. Out of the dozen or so Pittians who had been there standing around, it was Fourth who Jervis was clearly most upset at for not protecting him, and now the rest of the clan new it too. It wasn't the worst idea, to want to hide behind a monster like Fourth. He was experienced and filled with natural ruthlessness, a sort of savagery that Jervis could only ever hope to control or acquire on day. And clearly, his own warped sense of arrogance was impressive in its own right to even think about his public chiding in that way. The only difference was that Fourths careless pride came from another place entirely.

"I'm glad to see you finally coming to your senses, though, Jervis. Our mistake was pretending to be something we aren't.  The Pitt isn't a group that boasts things like compassion to outsiders or peace. We're a warbound clan and acting like we weren't only allowed Crow and Luxury to get cocky. I'll gladly help remind them of their mistake, though. Vengeance is our thing after all, right? " he'd ask with a smirk, red eyes glinting devilishly at the thought of finally having a real war to partake in.

It was exactly the sort of thing that had drawn the hybrid to this place to begin with. Where else was he supposed to go? Elysium?  The Typhoon? Being a pirate might be fun for a while, but they weren't even in the business of keeping slaves so how well could he really fit in there? No. He loved the violence, the chaos.  Only The Pitt could give him everything he needed, and perhaps with this new fire in Jervis, the fox could be the Leader they needed as well.

In regards to Kydobi and his desire to be Vicar, Fourth didn't care enough to speak for or against him. On one hand it would be nice to have an active hp around, but on the other hand the jaguars desire to do everything with cunning left room for desire.  The last thing the clan needed was to turn away from its violent and ambitious roots and he had his doubts that Kydobi would be as quick to crush his enemies as Jervis was being now. The jaguar might convince the fox to backtrack and attempt another image change- a change that nobody was asking for to begin with.


Re: right hand to god || DEVELOPMENT + MEETING - Nari - 06-25-2019

Ah, war.  If anything Nari could just not avoid the subject for has long has he lived. The liger silently walked over hearing the last very snippets of discussion of war talk. The Pitts were a war provoking, war having clan.  Ears just barely twitching, and his own mind traveling back to when times were war was all the present and how excited he felt.  When he was much younger and much more stupid, he was almost more certain that these talks of revenge will come at a price once more.

Everything came at heavy price, and this was dangerous to say at least.  Sure have your revenge, but be more than prepared to have a back up plan when it comes crumbling down. "Forgive me for speaking out of turn. Since I am a newcomer here, and I know not of this group's ways.  Revenge is fine and all, what would you do when it come crashing down onto you? Would you flee or would you fight for the very foundation of what this dastardly group stands for?" Now setting himself down, and looking directly at Jarvis, and the other hellhound.

Heh, he really needed to learn to mind his own business. 
━ [b]Pretending like you had your composure.━