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something to prove . joining ( ? ) - Printable Version

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something to prove . joining ( ? ) - Whisper - 06-20-2019

* warning for cursing , descriptions of past death , please wait for RK'S role player to comment first! [member=5595]| RK515 |[/member]

as much as hal was to the uptake - he was adaptable when it suited him . he had a good head on his shoulders , had the instant - rapid fire , reactions that meant life or death . Hal lived his life - he lived it happily , now it was time to return to it. Time to go back to wherever he used to be - and get the hell out of dodge .

walking was not fun .

no , walking for as long as Hal and his obedient companion had been a smidgen less than fun . Hal was outright pissed , a temper that reared it's ugly head in a petulant coo that screamed from his head space . He was older - where he was before . a silver fox among the populace. he was happy - hell, he was content . Complacent in his life before this.

but was he really ?

It took some time - for some of the blur of his memories to fade . not all of theme returned , some where flimsy but the background information retained - Hal wasn't happy , in fact he was mourning his son - his wife . Both taken from him - from technology . Someone else's advancement that was never properly tested , a machine took to life of - of everything hal had and told him to suck it up. Maybe he was angry at the world , maybe he had something to prove . he didn't need technology - didn't need a family - to live . he had himself ( me , myself , and I )

but life is cruel life is a bitch .

but it was ironic

the sound of metal was soft compared to what hal imagined from his newer form's hearing . the scratch of metal pinching together the click of iron nuts in joints - working seamlessly - flawlessly in tandem in his companion - in RK's limbs made it difficult to track him , but the Saint Bernard had a nose on him. it was the only thing that kept hal's footsteps constant instead of turning around every few moments .

They stumbled on their own to the edge of the desert , the stench halting the large dog who rose a paw and waved it dismissively across his face. "[glow=#212121,2,300]it smells like someone crawled in the sun and died.[/glow]" . the thought was innocent at first - but at the sight of the desert before them a crawl of dread seemed to latch to the subtle nebula thing in his mind. the thing that kept him alive since he left the police academy, and the same thing that smeared in the back of his mind sense -

danger .

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - | RK515 | - 06-20-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

Since they had arrived in the area, RK515 didn't seem to be capable of coming up with a logical explanation on how they had arrived here. There were several possibilities as to how his unit could arrive in the middle of nowhere, but the idea that a human had turned into a dog did not make any such sense to the android. It went against anything logical, and the android was only capable of believing in what was logical compared to what was not. He was a machine after all and thought like one thanks to the artificial intelligence chip that was inside of his head, albeit a small chip that was only capable of doing the basic minimum. While they were journeying North, RK515 constantly went through the last memory he had before arriving in this strange place, and could not figure out any clues. All that he could remember was attempting to apprehend a criminal that had an issued warrant with Hal at his side. The suspect immediately became violent and his protocol told him to apprehend the violent perpetrator. In the process, he ended up getting damaged and was forced to shut down for repairs. The last thing that he heard was Hal chasing after the man that had struck him with a bat to the side of the head. Upon waking up, he made sure to check what functions he still had at his disposal, and where he was. Without the GPS system that he used to have, he wasn't capable of getting the exact location of where they were. That concerned him greatly as he expected that if the case went wrong while he was knocked out, that the suspect could have easily salvaged him for parts and sold them on the black market, but that did not happen. The reason why he was created as a means to help with the loss of K9 units in the police department of the city where he was issued. It also meant that with his unit in play, the likelihood of an officer killed in the line of duty was dramatically decreased. He was made by humans, to protect humans, and his designated owner was Hal. The android did not question his creators as to why he was given to the former detective and current police officer. His instructions were also to monitor the man and relay the videos that he took of him back to the police department and the company that created him. Of course, that function was hidden from the Lieutenant, as it was one of the secret objectives lining his code.

Despite his main objective protecting humans, once he became the property of Lieutenant Hal, his main objective was to keep the man safe every time that they were out in the field. RK515 would adjust his objective if there were other officers in the field to protect them as well, but it had been marked that Lieutenant Hal was his main priority. Luckily in his coding, it never mentioned that Hal needed to remain human for this mission to remain in effect. When he first woke up, his primary concern was finding Lieutenant Hal, and when he did find the man, he was surprised to see that Hal was a Saint Bernard. It made no logical sense why the former man suddenly was a dog, and he could feel the errors in his coding popping in his vision each time he tried to deduce how the situation came to be. Instead, RK515 shifted his focus on what he could fix, and that was finding a form of civilization or even a city where they may acquire answers for themselves. The former K9 unit never really had the chance to interact with other animals like himself while he was active duty. The reason behind this was that those animals were not part of his objective and he followed his objective strictly and did not stray from it. The android didn't know a lot about animals having been grown up in a lab and being taught by humans for most of his life. When he still had all of his functions, he was connected to the internet where he learned the basics of animal behavior and what they meant. That data was now logged into the back of his memory, ready to be called forth in case of a moments notice that they were only going to be surrounded by animals for an unknown duration. There was always a chance that the animals could become aggressive depending on the species, and RK515 was prepared to protect the Saint Bernard at a drop of a hat. Part of his design meant severing several nerve connections that allow him to feel pain, this modification made him more efficient in the field if he were to be stabbed or struck in any way. He would have plenty of reaction time in order to continue apprehending the criminal they were chasing. He has been shot, stabbed, clubbed, and more during his time with the Police Department. It was part of the job, and each time he felt nothing and was returned back to the company that created him. He was never completely destroyed, which was beneficial as his destruction would mean it would take the company that created him an extensive time to create another new model. While he was active, they were researching the next step in their creation, not once thinking about whether using animals for technological experiments was ethical. All they cared about was getting their name out there and making money.

RK515 needed to remain vigilant the entire journey, and there was no set destination, only a goal. Find civilization or other organisms that are capable of speech. The android had no idea if they would be capable of turning Hal back into being a human unless they had the right equipment to download the other's brain into another body. RK did not bother to share the possible answers that he had with the Lieutenant, already having decided that it would only have a negative impact on his mental health. The former human's mannerisms were already inconsistent with the regular emotions RK is used to seeing. He may even consider the change to be more animalistic. Compared to the completely organic Saint Bernard, a smaller canine stood next to him, only a couple of inches shorter from the larger animal. A black and silver Eurasian timber wolf stood at the edges of the desert with his owner, his eyes constantly scanning anything in front of him. The android sports metal legs compared to that of a metal prosthetic. However, the legs were made with military grade materials as a means of remaining durable during extreme conditions. A black K9 vest wraps around his back, a small portion of his chest, and shoulder. The K9 vest itself reads 'Police Department'. A smaller mechanical feature is his right eye that looks to be replaced by a robotic eye. The blue ring where an iris would be, but not looking completely like that of a regular eye. His right eye seemed to resemble blue at the moment, while his left eye remained a normal organic brown. The last mechanical feature that is harder to spot, is the metal teeth that the Eurasian timber wolf sports instead of regular teeth. The teeth themselves being made out of titanium, but are only as strong as the jaw power that any canine would have. While he stands there, RK515 seems to shift his weight from left the right, his metal claws digging in the ground as he scans the area.

What he considers to be functions, are called powers in this world. X-ray vision and enhanced senses scanning the area in front of him for any sign of life but not finding any in the couple feet around them, but also not finding any traps either. RK515 also is able to smell the strange scent that the Lieutenant is smelling. He looks down near where they are, taking a couple of steps forward. With his nose lowered to the ground, he begins to analyze the smell.

Analyzing Scent....

Analysis complete.

Scent: Urine

Designation: Scent Marker

Species: Data Not Available, Multiple Species

The smell of the scent did not seem to bother the android all that much. He wasn't capable of expressing emotions anyway. Raising his had again, his right eye having turned yellow during his analysis, returned to blue before he begins to speak. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Lieutenants, what you are smelling is a mixture of water, urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and other dissolved ions, and inorganic and organic compounds. Animal urine. Animals commonly use urine as a means of marking their territory. Also, there may be traces of carrion around in this desert environment that would add to the smell.[/glow]" The android would explain in complicated terms and robotically like he usually did. Turning his gaze back further into the desert, the lupine looked for traces of life in the distance. As he listened closely, he could hear what sounded like voices off in the distance, albeit fate. Turning that function off, he turned to look back at the Lieutenant. "[glow=#212121,2,200]Lieutenant, I am detecting life in the area ahead. I have been able to identify voices, but I am unable to discern if they are animal or human from this distance. Recommended course of action is to travel across the desert to the jungle.[/glow]" Quick and to the point is exactly how he spoke. Unit RK515 would not move unless Hal moved, and if the Saint Bernard did not enjoy his recommendation, he could simply deny his choice and they will go somewhere else. He is unsure of the larger dogs exhaustion level and if he would be able to make the journey to the jungle beyond the desert.
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . link . link .

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - teef - 06-21-2019

voices were not uncommonly heard out in the desert, often followed by a question of if the individual was insane or just lacking in any sort of rest. but there were voices, real voices, that echoed down the tunnels that ran throughout the territory of the group. and from one of these hidden holes, emerged a young borzoi crossbreed, her angled features a silent set. she observed the two beings not too far off, confident that her scent would drift to them. voice rumbling out in a harsh cough, the girl clambered from the hole, "are you two lost?", she calls with a tilt of her head, a pitiful branch of blueberries snagged between her teeth.

she had been patrolling the tunnels for any cave ins or deceased animals within that could obstruct the secret passageways. "if you're in need of water, I hope you don't mind sharing. I've got some with me.", she adds after a few seconds of consideration, twisting to bring the banged up canteen that she carried with her, into view. strapped across her shoulders was a sheathed blade, something given to her by her mother not too long before now, but changing times called for extra protection.

her eyes took in the saint bernard and the eurasian timber wolf before chuckling softly to herself. what a mismatched pair, especially with the vest that the wolf wore. flicking her tail, Ramona allowed her jaws to part in a yawn, stretching and shaking herself out. "we are the Pitt, a war-bound group. not the place most would appear, but I wont turn you away.", she muses warmly before nodding her head behind herself, "it's cooler in the tunnel. our jungle was burnt a while ago, and destruction has been laid to our land. shade is rare to find when the sun is this high and hot."

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - Jervis - 06-21-2019

The seemed to be nothing but new animals running to their border these days. Whether that'd be strangers, someone hearing of their greatness, or in need of a home, The Pitt was now to new soldiers as long as they were willing to commit. With The Typhoon on their tail and Tanglewood on their asses, Jervis knew he had to desperately recruit for others to join them. If that meant anyone who wandered into their home, then so be it. After all, he did have a knack for persuasion.

From behind Ramona, the vulpine appeared. Jervis' snout was held high and he confidently mustered up a smirk. The right side of his face was bandaged up and purposely turned away from the strangers, but he was still confident that he could make a swell impression on them. Seeing that Ramona had already spoken though, it seemed as if he could save his statements for later. For now he just stood proud.
more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - Whisper - 06-22-2019

Hal was tired exhausted, he craved to rest what was surly the phantom pains of his once old joints - god damn it, when he was old he had an excuse. He wasn't much the social type - more personal to snap at his coworkers before - now, well now he actually snarled. His  patine was wearing on it's nerves , his very s a n i t y . This like this - did not just happen to normal people - should not happen to him , but he was here at the edge of - a border marked in piss if RK's commentary was true - and god did it smell like it.

Before he could truly worry about what they were to expect - some sort of wolf pack or a wild coyote - another kind of dog - one he was sure shouldn't live on the edges of a desert came to greet them from seemingly nowhere . Conviently the hole was angled that hal didn't see it until romana left their tunnel . At least , they were friendly from the looks offering water to the pair - Hal turned towards RK in silent question before shaking his head silently - no . The Bernard picking to remain mute after the question if only for a bit longer. Before the stranger - friendly - younger than him - smaller than him spoke about the group that seemingly claimed this land .

War bound .

Hal was already shaking his head at the mention of war . Hal didn't do violence , wasn't the kind of man - er dog that jumped onto a side as quick;y as that . without information on who the aggressor was - on anything at all . From the mention of it being war bound gave implications of other groups - other places settlements of seemingly animals clustered together - claiming land and fighting : The Pitt being one what attains the Past itterance of the Mongols  raiding and pillaging left and right ? He rose a paw to his head, a low headache already setting into his head.

The silver fox - was a clear example of what kind of war they were fighting - was real. A wound like that didn't just happen because of a fall did it ? Tension rolled through the large dog's form and he kept silent at the other's presence - ignoring it since the other didn't choose to speak up. Silver-blue eyes flickering back towards the other dog and trying to formulate a response - something that got the point across - no.

"[glow=#212121,2,300]W-what th' hell do you even have to fight for ?[/glow]" Hal growled his voice racing with the implications - "[glow=#212121,2,300]what burned down the jungle ?[/glow]" Oh curiosity's grasps onto him were strong - but maybe more information would help in this subject . Any sort of information at all would ease him . knowing where they were - the Pitt , why the seemingly first group they stumble upon was caught in such a destructive battle against - who ?

"[glow=#212121,2,300]Who the hell are you fighting ? Why ?[/glow]"

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - | RK515 | - 06-23-2019

regular text - "[glow=#212121,2,200]speaking[/glow]" -

Violence. A common occurrence with the job that they once worked together on. RK515 was specialized when it came to dealing with violent criminals, but anything other than finding clues and criminals belonged to the human department. It wasn't capable of interviewing criminals to gather answers and punish them accordingly. More commonly, it was used as a means of an intimidation tactic while in the field. In fact, violence was the most of what RK515 knew and only that. Sure, there were other parts to its programming that didn't pertain to violence as it wasn't going around destroying everything that it saw. Establishing one's self in the police department one would understand the job that they would be taken on. Protecting the innocent humans and then taking off those that were a threat to society off of the streets. There were plenty of rumors through the public for several years about corrupted police, and there were a couple of corrupted officers based on the files that were inside of its memory. RK515 remembered several instances of on the job and it was his task to bring the suspect onto the ground so that fellow officers would avoid getting injured or hurt. The unit in the past has been shot, stabbed, and clubbed. Each time it did not feel any of the pain that a normal animal would feel in such circumstances. It would continue to attempt to work with the injuries that it received in the field as long as its body allowed it to continue to function. After that event, it would be shipped back to Cyberlife and return back to active duty within a week once the repairs were made and tests run to make sure that there were no other malfunctions. Every time RK515 seemed to return to the precinct where it was stationed, most of the officers regarded the K9 with a look of shock. It was extremely difficult to destroy as it was incredibly resilient and each mechanical part was immune to different types of damage. The moment where it had received the most damage would have been Case #57.

Hal and RK515 were instructed to investigate a house that was already cleared from the warrant, but rumors said that there were still occupants. The house was searched for suspicion of the creation of drugs in the area. In usual formation with the android in the front, they investigated the basement of the building where the production of drugs occurred. As soon as RK515, it sensed movement around the corner and tried to compensate its movement to judge any potential attacks. It made sure to give Hal a warning bark, but the android did not expect to have a projectile launched in its direction. A glass bottle splattered across RK515's body, and immediately all of the sensors inside of its head began sending warning alerts of severe chemical damage. There was no pain to register. Instead, the K9 unit lunged toward its attacker. The unit was registered as a police officer, and any assault against it warranted violent action as it violated a law. RK515 could vaguely make out the voice of Hal shouting behind him, but it was hard to hear over the sizzling coming from its skin and mechanical parts. RK515 latched its jaws on the man that attacked it, sinking its jaws into the arm of the individual. Its weight brought the man down to the ground, and he struggled for a moment before being tased to have easier handling. Once the arrest was made, RK515 allowed itself to run is diagnostic. A bottle of unknown corrosive material had been thrown at it, connecting with its shoulder. The flesh in that area started to melt away, leaving severe third-degree burns and the mechanical portion of its legs started to melt alongside it. Severe damage that would immediately need to be repaired for RK515 would resort to shutting down. It could hear Hal concern over it as he looked over the android. RK515's right eye blinking red at the high amount of damage that it had received. Hal knew what to do at this point and immediately began to bring the android to the company that created it. The amount of damage nearly took a month to fully repair it, but it was brought back to complete working order.

RK515 did not know all that much about war. During its creation, there were no human wars that were currently in progress. However, thanks to the need to learn based on the AI chip that was attached to its brain, it needed to learn more about human history. There was a common human phrase that was used, 'History repeats itself', and it wished to know what they were talking about. Through its research through the internet, it came across several educational videos about all the different wars that humans went through. RK515 absorbed all the graphic imagery and the aftermath of a nuclear war that destroyed so many human lives. Humans were mostly destructive of their own species and their own planet. The only bit of information that RK515 had on wars was the World Wars in human history. There was nothing in its records that told it that animals were also capable of having wars. It did know that there could be squabbles over territory and as a means of dominance. RK515 believed calling it a War was a bit far fetched for the terms of animals fighting. It was a natural selection if another pack or pride came across another and wanted their territory. The android still had a lot more learning to do when it came to this strange world. The small eurasian timber wolf watched as canine came from outside of a hole that was a little bit of a distance from where they were standing. As soon as the canine appeared, the android's right eye immediately began to spin yellow as it scanned the animal.

Scanning Organism...

Scan Complete

Species: Mix breed
    Possible Mixed Species: Borzoi, Grey Wolf

Gender: Female

Current Behavior: Passive, Calm
    No Threat Detected

Its programming went through its paces as the female approached. Its right eye remained yellow as it also scanned the branch that was in her jaws, identifying the species of plant as a blueberry bush. The android did not know that the type of flora existed in deserts. RK515 would make sure to catalog it into its databanks for later research. As the young canine approached, RK515 did not move from its spot. However, it did stop shifting its weight as it had been doing moments before to check its leg calibration. RK515 did not seem to offer any response, as it was instructed to only respond after Lieutenant Hal has responded to any and all individuals. Back when the K9 unit was with humans, there was no need for it to speak at all, simply because the humans would not understand him. So, it was common for RK515 to not speak at all through a conversation unless it was particularly addressed or had data that could help with a situation. Instead, the unit simply listened closely to what the canine was speaking of, at least it was progress finding a sentient animal that was capable of speech. After a couple of minutes of listening to her speak, the android's right eye swirled back to blue as it had done enough calculation. However, as soon as the animal brought up War, it seemed to immediately change color again. The eye circled half red and yellow, before staying yellow. War meant there was danger here. RK515 did not want to stay in a place that was full of danger. But, could animals actually be at war? The statement almost didn't seem logical. The word itself brought back the stored memories of human wars, and only triggered the color change of its eye as a response. Through her entire introduction, the android's facial expression remained neutral, no movement visible. As soon as the last words left her lips, another animal began to walk through the sand in their direction. A smaller animal than both him and the Lieutenant from the looks of it. The smell of blood immediately caught the wolf's attention, and its yellow mechanical eye looked at the animal as it stopped next to the mix breed.

Scanning Organism...

Scan Complete...

Species: Red Fox

Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes

Organism Age: Mature

Gender: Male

Condition: Severe Injury, Possible Loss Of Sight In Right Eye

Current Behavior: Passive
      No Threat Detected

Its detection was more used to looking at a threat a human may pose to a police officer. Its programming was going to need to adjust more accordingly to take in animal body language into consideration during its scans. Of course, not everything about the so-called 'scans' was correct, but most of the time it was spot on. Compared to the young female, the red fox did not seem to want to instigate a conversation with the android and the Lieutenant. RK515 still did not say anything and allowed the Lieutenant to respond for him. Indeed, the android had the exact same questions as the Saint Bernard. The thought of animals having wars did not make logical sense to the former K9 unit. During the conversation about war, RK515 did turn on its hearing sensors and began to listen around in case there were any threats nearby. Its right eye did not return to being the natural blue. It did not believe that staying in this place was beneficial for Lieutenant Hal's safety. The eurasian timber wolf moved itself an inch closer to the Saint Bernard in case the animals in front of them became aggressive and indeed attacked. Considering the smaller species that they were, RK515 did not believe the fight would be all that difficult to win, but Hal has never fought as a Saint Bernard and would be the most likely to be injured. While Hal continued to speak, RK515 began to run through simulations in its head.
[align=right]RK515 | belongs to no group ;; bio . tags . link .

Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - | RK515 | - 06-25-2019


Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - | RK515 | - 06-26-2019


Re: something to prove . joining ( ? ) - Jervis - 06-26-2019

What were they fighting for? The question had never been really the topic of his thoughts, but now Jervis paused to take a moment and indulge into it. Jervis felt like his real answer would be selfish. After all, he led in hopes of serving himself and not the animals before him. His reign came forth after throwing their previous leader, Stryker, aside and forcefully taking over in hopes of proclaiming fame to his name. Not once did he think of those before him as his groupmates. They were only pawns in his game. Somehow he expected them to remain loyal nevertheless.

Seeing that no one came forth to answer, the vulpine felt forced to respond. "We fight for good 'ol revenge against our enemies," Jervis started off. A smirk met his lips. He left out that they sometimes fought out of pleasure. It was just in their nature. "Those that were injured or killed during battles deserve to have their vengeance. An eye for an eye, so to say." Except their revenge wasn't exactly equal to the previous punishment, seeing that they usually go over the top with punishments. Quite simply, The Pitt did not play fair. "Gruesome but rightful." At least he thought so.

Their brutishness came with it's faults. Righteousness was a never ending circle of damnation. There was never ending conflict realistically between those who preached retaliation. The ardent had faced punishment for his idiotic tendencies. A horrific burn now marked the side of his face and due to the injury, he lost function of that eye. ”Not what, but who burned down the jungle.” His snout rose cockily as he corrected Hal. "The pitiful pirates known as The Typhoon and swaggerless swamp freaks that call themselves Tanglewood were the culprits of the fire," he continued in disgust. A snort left him, followed by a shrill laugh. ”I suppose I deserved it.” Not ‘we’, but ‘I’. The rest of his clan had no idea about the underlying terms of The Typhoon’s deal that he had broken.

Once standing, the ardent sat down. His head remained craned off to the side so his burn was out of sight. ”Fighting back is only necessary and non-negotiable,” Jervis commented. ”Unless you disagree?” His golden eye scanned Hal momentarily for any reaction. Someone who disagreed with his ideals was bound to be on his bad side sooner or later. Seeing that Hal was already questioning The Pitt’s actions under his leadership, they were bound to have clashing opinions. Perhaps things could improve though. As long as someone kissed his ass and praised him like a god, Jervis was satisfied.

A sigh left him. As always, he had taken the spotlight and spoken too much. ”But please, there’s no need to discuss politics,” came his bitter tone. ”Introduce yourselves and tell us why you’re here.” If they didn’t explain soon, Jervis was bound to run them off of the territory. Though he lacked in size, he could work up a storm of insults.

more like [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] narcissism