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smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - Printable Version

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smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - radeken - 04-29-2018

So, she was late with this one, but inspiration was a fickle bitch to grapple with. Eventually, Radeken exercised her pure and utter dogness, and she dug.

The whole was deep only because she was much too stubborn to let it be a shallow, wimpy thing. Her arms were sore, she was filthy, and she would be sneezing dirt for a week, but the hole was big enough for her to be in just over her ears, and still just able to climb out of.

The second step was layering a cover of thin sticks and broad leaves and then dirt and then more broad leaves. She wasn’t sure how much weight exactly would be needed for someone to fall through, but she guessed it would be fine.

The bait was...well, the bait was cruel. It didn’t take long to find a bird and it took less time to sink her teeth into one of the wings, twistng until she heard a sickening crunch. Radeken left the bird - a raven - on the false ground to tempt close either someone looking for an easy meal or someone who felt bad for the twitching, stressed animal. Then she hid. Sure, her scent still laced the area and the dirt and bird in addition would’ve made a suspicious scene, but how many people were honestly expecting to fall into a pit?

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - Suiteheart - 04-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart was never the most observant person, but everyone had come to know that, hadn't they? Maybe it was just in her head though. Surely no one thought that. Suite was just good at keeping up appearances.

Granted, she used to be a lot worse, but her time alone had forced her to sharpen these skills. She had become trained at seeing the hidden. She was good at finding what was wrong with the scene around her. Or, well, she was at one point. Since joining her new home, she had admittedly let go of these skills. It was not that she had meant to, but she had anyway. This place was safe, so why need them?

Perhaps this reason was why Suiteheart didn't think anything of the circle of leaves and sticks. In fact, when she saw the struggling bird, everything else fled from her mind. This poor creature was suffering, and that was no way to be - even for a prey item. The white feline knitted together nonexistent eyebrows and stepped forward. She continued forward until she was next to the bird.

The observer craned her neck to finish the job, but when she did, the floor beneath her wobbled. A few of the sticks and leaves and dirt began falling. Suiteheart froze. 'What the fuck...?' As more and more covering began to fall, she grew increasingly worried. She knew this was a trap, but if she moved now, she would fall through.

"Uh... Can I get some fucking help?" she called, making her voice as loud as she could. Maybe someone would come along.

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - Character Graveyard. - 04-29-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Lunafreya wasn't a big fan of pranks, but if nobody got hurt- pranks were okay. But the prank that Rade would have to do- it was just straight-up cruel and dangerous, or that's what Luna would think.

Upon hearing Hotelsuites' call for help, Luna frowned and headed in her direction. "Um, I might be able to push you and the bird a little bit with my air elemental power, but I'm not sure if it'll work or not."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - radeken - 04-29-2018

Gleefully, Radeken revealed herself (her hiding spot had gotten itchy), and popped a squat right nearby, looking about as pleased as punch with this. “[color=#40bf40]Don’t worry, I barely dug any.” She lied cheerfully, not caring whether her deception was easy to see through (and considering some of the false ground had given way, it very well may have been).

Radeken pouted at Lunafreya, posture drooping forlornly. “[color=#40bf40]And ruin the fun?” she whined, giving her tail a pathetic wag and tipping her head to the side, trying to make her eyes look as absolutely puppyish as possible. Her bottom lip even quivered.

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - BASTILLEPAW - 04-29-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
"Have I mentioned how deranged I think you are recently?" Bastille drawled idly as he suddenly appeared beside Rad, giving her one of those Rad-reserved looks (some disdain, some amusement, some judgment). He eyed the hole with a critical stare, determined that Suite was not injured, and then rolled his eyes. "You're a plague on this society, I hope you know," he added, before he nodded towards his mentor, ignoring Rad's complaints. "Hey, at least it's good practice with your elemental. Might as well try."

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Thank God. Luna. The white feline opened her maw to beg the other girl to help her when Radeken appeared from her hiding spot. At the mention of Luna ruining the fun, Suiteheart frowned. She hated that Radeken was right.

Despite being in this situation, it was funny. Whether she fell or made it out unscathed, it was amusing. Well, it was amusing to those watching; Suite was kind of dying. Just inwardly though, nothing too serious. Her legs were shaking from holding one position for so long. She was too scared to move, for she knew the ground would give way.

"Your call, Luna," she meowed, breathless. "I'm gonna... try." The white feline took a small step forward. Nothing. Then another step. Still nothing.

"Oh, ha! Learn how to make better traps, Rad, and then - !"

The shit-eating grin upon Suiteheart's lips faltered immediately. The ground gave way, and she was sucked down, down, down. She wasn't sure how deep the hole truly was, but she was thankful for the dirt that had broken her fall. Oh, and the sticks. Don't forget about to sharp sticks.

A groan escaped her as she slowly sat up. She was starting to seriously regret giving Radeken this task.

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - Character Graveyard. - 04-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Lunafreya wouldn't exactly call herself a "buzzkill" but she wouldn't also call herself too fun either. The female was about to attempt to push Hotelsuites off the trap when the ground gave way after she took a few steps forward. "Uh, Suite, you alright? We'll find you a rope so we can pull you out. That hole is kinda deep." Luna would look around then her gaze landed on Bastille.

"Hey Bas, do you think you can find a rope or possibly conjure one up, for Suite? It'll take a few of us to probably lift her out though. I'm not the strongest person." She chuckled.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: smokey eyes, are you feeling good // o - task + prank - radeken - 05-01-2018

[color=#40bf40]How’s this deranged? I got a task and I finished it to the best of my ability. That isn’t deranged. That’s model citizenship.” Radeken corrected Bastille proudly, shaking dirt from her coat. “[color=#40bf40]And I snagged the lucky winner a free meal.” She added in reference to the hyperventilating raven. “[color=#40bf40]I think you just don’t know how to have fun.

Radeken sat down close by with a very smug look on her scarred face, something which hid an exorbitant amount of pride. That pride wavered when Suiteheart criticized the trap, pulling a brief snarl onto Radeken’s lips that diminished the instant the cat went a-tumbling down into the wolf-sized pit. Radeken popped up onto her feet triumphantly. “[color=#40bf40]Hah!” She cheered for herself.