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why is the ice so cold || joining - london r. - 06-20-2019

After she'd left so long ago, returning to the clans had been the furthest thing from her mind. She brought damage to everyone she encountered, or so it had seemed. But she never quite forgot the more pleasant experiences she had had in Snowbound. The friendships she'd made. Every now and then she would wonder how they were doing, and if they were happy wherever life had taken them. She sure hoped so. The desire to see them again was strong, but she suppressed it, not wanting to hurt them again. But it seemed her travels just landed her back to the place she didn't want to see again. Or at least somewhere similar. The snowtopped mountains and the scent of many creatures, which should have made her turn away and leave, seemed to only coax her closer.

Just a peak, that's all. A promise that would likely be broken. London was incredibly certain that this was a bad idea. That she should turn around before she even had the chance to regret it. But her paws wouldn't turn and walk the other way, and the way her heart was beating in her chest told her to stay put. Just a little longer. Surely there was a reason she'd been brought back here, fate was trying to tell her something. Usually, she would try to fight fate, but maybe just once it was time to listen.

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-20-2019


Killua blamed himself for the fall of Snowbound. Maybe he had received the ranks that he did simply because everyone trusted him to keep them safe. Killua had tried his best to do just that, but it was never enough. Animals got captured, they were injured, and he was unable to stop any of it but was still there to attempt to patch their wounds and get revenge on those that did such things. In the beginning, most of those that he came across didn't exactly like him all that much and Killua couldn't bring himself to care what other's thought of him. He came to Snowbound with the idea of starting a better life, but dropping everything that his family had taught him was extremely difficult for him to undo. It was nearly impossible, but certain faces helped make it a lot easier for him to get through. Over time, everyone in Snowbound grew used to his antics and didn't really let them bother them all that much, which was nice for Killua because it meant that they weren't scolding them. At this point, he still believed that most groups were naive and stupid and weren't willing to take the risks when it came to battle. To this day, Killua still wished that they weren't cowardly and would stand up for what they cared for instead of just taking constant beatings. The wildcat was more prone to violence than his clanmates, but he had his own reasons to be. He figured that most of those that were in Snowbound didn't know how to fight properly, and he still didn't offer to train any of them. A couple of weeks later he was made deputy of the group, which meant nothing to him as it was just a random title that was going to be given out to someone. He was just around a lot more than most of those that lived in Snowbound after all. The young male did little to nothing with his title and never held it over anyone's head like he planned on doing from the very beginning. The only reason he had been interested in clan and tribe ranks was that if he needed to you could pull the rank card and get away with certain actions.

That never came to be, as being a deputy never really mattered. From there, ranks were changed and Jacob became leader of the Snowbound. Looking back, Killua had to admit that the dog did a pretty good job, but was basically a pacifist, which Killua did not approve of and constantly butt heads with him. He was dropped from being deputy, which again he didn't really seem to care for anyway as he never bothered to create events or anything creative as he did not know how. However, during this time he was starting to establish relationships with a few faces. He was reunited with Stark a couple of months after joining Snowbound and seeing the male certainly brightened his mood immediately. Then there was London, a clouded leopard that had gotten attacked soon after his joining of Snowbound from a caracal that belonged to the Typhoon. He was there to beat the attacking along with the crow he never learned the name of. He made sure to patch London up once she realized that she had the disease of the blood that made her bleed out so quickly, and she apologized for being attacked which made no sense to Killua. Over time, her actions became more and more confusing to the wildcat, as he wasn't entirely sure how to react to them. There was a moment where two corpses laid at his feet, and the clouded leopard wanted nothing more to do but help him and apologize for not being there. Killua felt nothing but guilt after that moment, and she showed care for him while others avoided him. Melantha was close to the same group, albeit the cougar not being the type to show some affection. Mel cared for Killua in some way, and treated him like a friend, and Killua believed her to be one as well, but without any vocal confirmation, he wasn't sure if they were truly friends. London had even gone to the extent of crafting gloves for him to sleep with so that he wouldn't injure himself from his night terrors. Killua still had those gloves hidden away with the rest of his belongings in case he ever needed to conjure them. London was also one of the few animals that ever knew about his past, and wasn't intimidated or ever scared by his presence. Instead, she actually almost seemed to enjoy his presence regardless.

The assassin had nearly been in tears during his confession not wanting the female to get hurt because of him as he didn't know what extent his family would go to get him back and that she might be targetted. London did not miss a beat and again caught Killua by utter surprise by her response. It was at that moment on that they said that they were friends. The first time that Killua had ever exchanged that word with anyone. London meant a lot to Killua, and he would make sure to go through great lengths to make sure that she was okay and that no one hurt her. Eventually, his family found him during his time with Argus. His older brother and the massive beast attacking him to try and get him back. Around that time he didn't know the whereabouts with London and some other faces that he had come to know. His older brother ended up breaking his arm and leaving several gashes across his body. He was barely able to get away back to Snowbound. It was there that he was able to get patched up by Izuku and Mel. The damage was done, and he was immediately instilled with fear. He couldn't stay in Snowbound. His brother knew where he was and would stop at nothing to get his paws on him again. He had to leave. Killua never mentioned that he was going to leave, and left without saying goodbye. It was now that he was able to realize his mistake in doing so. Killua blamed himself for the destruction of Snowbound. Hell, he didn't even know how long ago that the place was even destroyed, and instead had to hear about it from Tena in Elysium. The former deputy didn't have a home to return to after recovering from Illumi's attack. Maybe if he had stayed there, Snowbound wouldn't have burned to the ground and everything would have been fine. Killua still did not have the knowledge of anyone that died in the fire and had no knowledge if his first friend had survived or not. The thought of her being dead crushed his heart, and occupied his mind for most of the day as he tried to figure out a way to redeem himself. Without those that he once knew, Killua felt like he was back to square one and his brother's interference had been worth to break down his mental state even further.

Killua refused to share these thoughts with anyone that was in Elysium, even Stark, as he did not feel like he knew them well enough. Besides, showing any concern or weakness was out of the question. So, to keep his mind from killing him, Killua often went out on patrols that usually never lead to anything and were somewhat empty. He kept to the edges of the territory where there were more trees, using his enhanced senses to listen for anything in the distance that did not belong. He had walked around the entire territory for today, and for once was tired. He wasn't sleeping either, and his current diet consisted of candy. Luckily his thick fur hid any sign of malnourishment. He was scaling up the side of the mountain using the trees when a noise caught his attention. Killua had to stop for a moment on the branch that he was on to listen and make sure it wasn't someone that he knew. So far since he lived here, there were no intruders and no conflict, which left him with almost nothing to do. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he listened closely to the pawsteps that he was hearing. When he lived in Snowbound, he had made it his job to memorize the pawsteps that his clanmates made so that he would be able to identify their approach and where they were located in the territory. As he listened, his entire body stilled, and he held his breath. His eyes slowly began to widen, as he would recognize those pawsteps anywhere. London. It had to be her. It couldn't be anyone else. His head immediately went on a swivel trying to pinpoint the direction of the sound, before noticing that it was in front of him. The albino serval claws ripped through the bark of the tree, but like any other instance of travel, he was completely silent. As soon as he was near the noise, he realized that the treeline stopped here as the mountain grew taller, and so, he dropped out of the tree line. At this point he had been holding his breath, and his body forced him to breathe to take in oxygen, causing him to breathe heavily as he sucked in the needed air. His sapphire blue gaze noticed a familiar figure walking up the mountain, and he felt his throat swell and clench. He has been known to suffer from hallucinations before, but he hoped with his entire being that it truly was her. His appearance hadn't really changed all that much except that he was taller and missing some patches of fur on his right leg that had been broken by Illumi months ago. He seemed older that much was for certain. The former Snowbound deputy seemed to be a loss for words, not sure if the clouded leopard would have been able to hear him breathing so heavily. He was around 20ft behind her after all. "L...London?" Killua questioned cautiously, his usually emotionless blue eyes brimming with thousands of different emotions. Some emotions he had never felt before.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - london r. - 06-20-2019

The memories of snowbound seemed to overflow the girl's senses as she gazed up at the vast expanse of mountains. She'd remembered fondly the fun times, like when they painted cavern walls, and the gloves she'd made for Killua to keep him safe. She wondered if he still had them after all this time. Was he was able to sleep more easily with them? She sure hoped so. Her memories with the albino serval had been pretty wild, ranging from fond memories like looking at the stars together, and rather crazy things like finding him covered in blood, and her almost bleeding out in front of him. He'd been her first friend, and he had trusted her with his secrets. If only she had stayed. That was her only regret, leaving Killua. She hadn't even said goodbye before she left. She was a terrible friend.

Would he even want to see her again? She couldn't imagine anyone would. With her condition, she was a terrible liability, and not to mention trouble seemed to follow her wherever she went, just like it had in Snowbound. Not only had her biological family been wiped out many months before she joined, but misfortune had fallen upon Snowbound too. She blamed herself for the events that had occurred in that place, even if though seemed ridiculous. She blamed herself for not having been able to help, for running away.

But this here was another clan, and perhaps another opportunity. No, London didn't want to get herself involved again. She didn't want her bad luck bringing misery to even more people. Once was enough. The girl was just about to turn around, head away from the mountains until they disappeared behind her. But the sound of her name stopped her. It couldn't be... could it? No, there was no way, fate would not be so kind. And yet, as she turned towards where the sound had come from, she knew. There was no way that she would ever be able to forget that albino serval.

Tears welled up in the clouded leopard's eyes, streaking down her pale cheeks and falling to the ground before her paws. "Oh my god." she whispered, starstruck. It took her just a second and then she made her way towards her friend. "Killua?" She'd missed him so much. She stopped in front of him, suddenly a little hesitant. She wanted to hug him, to tell him how happy he was to see him, but her earlier worries of him possibly wanting nothing to do with her returned and she was unsure how to continue. "I-I'm sorry. I-" she began trying to find the words to say. Somehow it seemed like she was always apologizing. "I've missed you so much!" she finally managed to say. The girl would wipe her tears, a little embarrassed that she'd started crying so easily. This was just a lot for her heart to deal with. 

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-20-2019

Death was nothing new for the assassin. At a very young age, he was introduced to the family business and exactly how far his family was willing to go in order to get paid. It became normal. He believed that families that were different were strange and weird while his were normal. The horrible acts that they forced him to go through were normal for him. This had been engrained in his head for a very long time until the last couple of months when he finally wanted to seek out his own life and make something of himself that wasn't an assassin. Either way, he was able to see death at a young age and talking about it wasn't against a question. He was the type that associated a lot with dark humor that some others may not appreciate. He believed that those around his age were bound to see death at some point and should be introduced to it as soon as possible. That was the way he used to think. After meeting Circusclown, he realized just how scarring it could be for someone young to see death and how it could affect their mental state. When his former mentor had told him that, at first Killua believed that those that were traumatized by death were just weak and needed to be worked to be stronger like he had been. It was as time progressed that he started to care about other animals that he realized that he would never want to show any one of them a corpse because of how horrible it would be for them. Everyone was different and were not raised the same way he was. But, they were all animals and they needed to kill more often than not in order to survive. Sure, most of the prey items that they did acquire were not as sentient as they were, and were incapable of speech. Those that lived in clans or tribes were quick to be trained to hunt and acquire their own food, and technically those skills could be used in battle to kill an opponent. Killua quickly learned that after being around the clans for so long, that killing was frowned upon in most groups. Which made little to no sense to him to this day, as if one wanted to permanently get rid of a threat, one would simply have to kill the enemy and be done with it. Killua knew that reincarnation was a factor to take into account due to his sister having been reincarnated into a small robot upon her death.

At least, he assumed that it was her death anyway. Killua would be more than willing to continue to hunt someone down and kill them enough times that they wouldn't want to come back to life. Also thanks to Circusclown, he realized exactly how precious life was to him. When he had learned that the domestic cat had committed suicide and left him alone, Killua did not shed a tear. He refused to let himself cry fully for his fallen mentor, and was going to follow the note that he had given him long ago and still kept to this day. Killua would give a lot to have Circusclown come back again, missing the former leader. Losing Circusclown was the only account of Killua losing someone that he looked up to. No, they didn't know each other on an extremely personal level, but the lessons that Circusclown taught him stuck with him to this day and he owed the male so much, only to now never get the chance. Killua did not blame London for anything and had no idea that she felt this way either. He knew that she was absent for a small amount of time, but he believed that her presence was still around or that she had something to do. Both Killua and London seemed to leave Snowbound around a similar time. In his mind, he still believed that London was in Snowbound, so when he was given the location of the former territory, he made sure to go take a look to see if anyone had rebuilt the territory to its old glory. Killua tried not to get his hopes up when he arrived at the burnt area of the territory, that there would be someone familiar that was alive and healthy in this place. He held his breath as he investigated the territory before coming to the conclusion that no one was around and the area was almost bare of life. Defeated, he had returned back to Elysium, telling no one about his journey. After that, he kept to himself, rarely talking to anyone else unless he passed by them. He was constantly lost in his own thoughts about how he could be better. The wildcat also never thought of London as a liability. Yes, she had a condition, but that just meant that he would have to protect her, or even teach her how to deal with extensive wounds.

Anyone that touched his friend would meet the fury of his claws and brutal death. He did not judge her for her condition, just as she didn't judge him for his past and all the horrible acts he had done. The assassin watched as the albino in front of him seemed to stop in her tracks. Even if it wasn't London, it was an appropriate reaction to anyone suddenly talking behind them. He was starting to think those that once resided in Snowbound may find their way back to Elysium, as it was currently the only non-warbound group in the area. As soon as the female turned around, he could immediately feel an increase in his heart rate. He was right. London was alive. There were no obvious injuries on her body. She was okay. His friend was alive. He didn't betray her like his brother preached that he would. Killua didn't move from his spot, as again he wasn't entirely sure if the clouded leopard was indeed real or that his sleep-deprived mind was making up an image that he wanted to see. He quickly caught the scent of salt as he watched the tears fall down her face. That was one factor about Killua that had almost never changed, he never liked watching anyone cry. Killua remained silent as she approached him, hearing his name made him perk up a little bit. This couldn't be a hallucination. It just couldn't, because he wouldn't know what to do if it was. As she stopped in front of him, he was actually able to feel her presence, the body heat that she gave off, something that a hallucination would have a hard time creating. Hearing her apologizing almost elicited a laugh from his jaws. She was always doing that, no matter how many times he would say that she didn't need to. Killua's sapphire blue eyes began to glaze over with his own tears, but the tears did not fall from his face. Having yet to say anything, the wildcat would raise his arms and aim to wrap them around the female's neck as he attempted to bring her into a hug. Killua had never initiated any physical contact between the two, as he wasn't great when it came to any physical contact. His skin was almost cold to the touch thanks to his air elementals. Both of them had grown, almost similar in size, although London had a lot more muscle than he did as he was built for speed. If the hug worked, the assassin's grip would be tight and he would make sure that the tips of his metal claws would not come close to touching her. "You're alive." Killua would finally choke out as he kept his eyes close. His first friend was alive. "I'm so happy you're still alive." Killua's voice cracked this time as he spoke, his body shaking in fear of what he would have done if the knowledge that she was actually dead. "I've missed you, ya know?" Killua admitted finally. He was lonely without those that were willing to deal with him. It was strange not having someone to talk to in a casual manner.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - london r. - 06-20-2019

Coming here had first seemed like a mistake, London hadn't wanted to hurt any more people than she already had. But now that she was here, she was glad that she had betrayed those earlier misgivings. Even if it turned out Killua hated her, it was more than enough just to see his face again. To know he was still alive and well. And that he remembered her. That in itself was already a treasure. For him to reciprocate her joy at their reunion, well that was worth more than any treasure. Even though she'd left Snowbound, the friendship she had made with him was something she still held dear. It would be wonderful if they could just pick right up where they had left off. If time and distance hadn't ruined anything. But there was still this nagging fear that it was too late.

She hadn't been hugged by anyone since back when her family was still alive. So to feel the warmth, or in this case chill, of being embraced was almost a foreign feeling. But the contact was quite welcome. It showed that Killua still cared, and it erased all of her trivial worries. London would attempt to wrap a paw around the wildcat and lay her head on his shoulder, reciprocating the hug while still maintaining balance as to keep the two of them from falling over. This was more than she had expected as a greeting. It seemed he had missed her just as much as she had missed him, if not more. That was surprisingly cute of Killua.

To hear him state that she was alive was heartwrenching. She knew she had left Snowbound at a horrible time for people to go missing, but she had never wanted anyone to believe that she had died. Especially not Killua. But there was no need for him to worry anymore because now that she had found him, there was no way she was leaving. Never again would he have to question her wellbeing. She wanted to apologize again, but there's just no way to say sorry for something like making him question her mortality. 'Sorry' just wasn't the right word for that, no matter what adjective was placed in front of it.

Though the comment about him missing her almost made her laugh. His gestures already made that obvious enough, but that he put it into words was sweet. She appreciated it. "I would hope so." the clouded leopard lightly joked. The fact that they could talk so casually was something she had rather missed. It was nice to have that again.

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-21-2019

Physical contact was a new development for the albino serval. He seemed to be more open to it, although he usually avoided it in public if he could. The first time that Stark arrived in Elysium, Killua was so glad to see his father figure alive that he couldn't help but hug the man. Of course, the man was somewhat startled since Killua didn't say anything when he jumped on him. The wildcat probably should have warned him what he was going to try and do, but he had simply forgotten and got lost in the moment. The physical contact that he was used to feeling resulted with him getting severely injured. It was all that he came to know. The numerous scars that covered his body showed exactly the tortures that his family had put them through, never receiving a scar from the likes of a clanner or tribe member either. In the beginning, he thought that all the groups were weak and were nothing to them, but instead, he learned that they could teach him important values and not all of them were the same either. The assassin thought about what it was like to hug others, as the last time he hugged someone was probably Amorette. His sister had given him a hug after he had woken up from a night terror and came across him in tears in the middle of the territory. Killua was too emotionally distraught to think about what his body did, but he was really glad that he did. It was strange to feel any sort of warmth against his body. Since he was just a kitten, his body had been fairly cold compared to that of a regular mammal. His air elementals were under his control, yes, but it was exhausting to constantly have to monitor them, so Killua simply let his air elementals do whatever they wanted so that he wouldn't have to. This resulted in the air in his vicinity to become increasingly colder as he grew up. Maybe it was a response from his mind trying to push anyone from getting close to him. Those that he came to befriend were not judgemental of his cold skin if they ever got a chance to touch his body anyway. The assassin kept his distance from those that h didn't know, and didn't dare physically touch them unless he needed to, such as saving their life. He remembered grabbing a lion that had fallen in the lake in Snowbound and teleported him to safety. Every instance of physical contact up to recently had simply felt wrong and always would cause him to flinch. That response has not completely disappeared from his mind, but it has settled somewhat as to not completely control his reactions. Killua often wondered what his mother and father would think of him if they saw him now. Would they disappointed in their son? Most likely. But why did he get the feeling that his father would be proud of him? He didn't betray his friend like his family constantly taught him that he would, and he didn't kill her either. Despite the happy moment that they were going through, the albino serval could feel the ghost of pain on his forehead and a presence in the back of his mind. Killua knew that it was his brother's influence, and his influence had also caused his body to start shivering slightly as if he was cold, which he never was. He'd fight his brother again if he made an appearance. He would protect London with his life if he had to.

Another fear had slithered its way into his brain at the thought that he may just one day end London's life and there would be nothing he could do about it. He remembered having his night terror where he did indeed kill London, and it was one of the worst nightmares he ever had. It made him remember that there was almost no escape from what it was as long as his brother was determined to find him and drag him back to the family. He was going to eventually need to come up with a plan, and maybe there was a chance he could train London. But, his brother commonly used poisoned items if he was going to end up killing someone, and unless they made an antidote, which again was impossible as he changed his poisons too many times for each job, the effects may take far too long to take effect and keep London from dying. If his brother managed to gain influence on his body again like he did the time where London found him around the two corpses of the innocent animals that he had slaughtered, Killua wasn't sure if he would be able to snap out of it. However, he did remember when London spoke to him, he was knocked out of his trance for a small moment as she apologized for not being there to help him at all. The guilt was enough to allow him some control as he walked away from the scene, and slightly after he came to the full realization of what he had done. The trauma he had caused Ivylee. The fear that the others would have of him. The clans and tribes always surprised him, as those that came across the gruesome scene, only felt the need to help Killua and his injuries that he inflicted himself. There was a threat right under their noses and yet they continued to treat him like he was one of them. It went against all logic. Killua had guessed by now that logic wasn't the main reason why the groups acted the way that they did. For now, he was probably safe. His brother's failed attempt at capturing him while he was with Argus would certainly be a small blow to the tiger's pride. Besides, the large wildcat would have to go report back to the family and more than likely take up a couple of jobs to keep the family business working while the heir was away. This would give the albino serval a little bit more time to get back to his training. Without any battles that were around Elysium, he felt as if he was growing rusty in his fighting skills. No one would probably be willing to spar with him, and he didn't necessarily blame them. Most of the times in the groups that he took shelter in, he was considered to be one of the strongest fighters that they had to offer. How long would the peace last though? Usually not long before groups poked their heads in business that didn't pertain to them.

Feeling the albino clouded leopard reciprocate his hug caused him to relax a little bit. He slowed the breathing that had just been moments before became ragged. It was almost an odd feeling, as it had been when he hugged Stark. He could feel her head on his shoulder, and god he was just glad that she was safe. The albino wildcat enjoyed the warmth that her body offered, although it still felt strange to feel in the first place. Hearing her speak again, Killua couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape from his jaws and rumble in his chest. Before he answered, he undid the hug that entwined the two, setting his paws back down on the rocky ground. The hug was short, but there was plenty of meaning and emotion that was behind the gesture that was incredibly rare for the wildcat. The grin he had on his face turned to a neutral expression when he began to speak again. "Where did you go?" He wasn't accusing her, and he wasn't upset with her disappearance. In fact, his tone almost sounded curious. Killua would never explain that he didn't even look for his friend when he was fleeing the area, simply out of fear that if he strayed from his path that he would come across his brother again. Killua also was concerned about how long London had been safe while he wasn't around if she hadn't been injured. His sapphire blue eyes seemed to glance across her body to check for any injuries or scars that were not here before. He didn't see any. Killua remembered staying in some abandoned human structures several miles away from where they were now, a several day journey. "How have you been? I hope you didn't run into any trouble on your way here, the Typhoon still exists sadly." Killua had so many questions. How many months has it been? Both of them had obviously grown somewhat, and he wondered if there were any happy moments she experienced while on her own. A small grin spread across his face as his short tail swayed behind him. "Oh, you probably don't recognize this territory. This place is called Elysium, and its a mixture of the Ascendants territory and a group that was around when we left. So they still have the observatory if you still like looking at the stars." Killua knew the moment that he landed on Elysium ground that he wanted to gather as much information as possible. He did not have any idea that London knew what had happened to Snowbound, and refrained from telling her the tragic news if he could. He guessed that London would be confused as to what happened to the clans and tribes in the area as he had been. Now that he had most of the answers, he would be more than willing to answer her questions.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - london r. - 06-21-2019

It was nice to not be alone anymore. It was nice to feel wanted and missed. Technically it was her own fault for leaving, but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate how it felt to be reunited with someone she had dearly missed. The comfort of a hug was something she hadn't felt in a long, long time. Probably since her mom was still alive, though the circumstances back then had been much different from now. More of a 'we will get through this' and less of an 'i'm so glad to see you again' kind of vibe. This was a lot less hollow, and much more pleasant.

London noticed the change in Killua's breathing, something rather obvious when the two were so close to each other. It was odd, but she wouldn't question it, knowing that if something was wrong he would end up doing so sooner or later. At least she hoped he still trusted her enough to do so. There was no undoing the few months they had been apart, but then again they had never hugged before so maybe the distance hadn't shattered anything just yet. They could continue right where they had left off, as friends.

Where did you go? That was a question she should have expected. "I visited my old home. Tied up some loose ends." There was so much more she should say, but now was probably not the time for that. Her time away hadn't been too happy for the most part, unfortunately, but she had grown from it. She was able to smile at the bittersweet memories, even if it still hurt to have yet another family member robbed from her as suddenly as he had appeared. At her friend's concern, she couldn't help but think of her late father. He had been the same when they met. "I've been okay, and I didn't run into any trouble on the way here." If he'd asked if she had run into any trouble while she was gone that would have been a different story, but all those scars had healed now.

To hear him say that the typhoon still exists was puzzling though. Did clans ever disappear? She hadn't heard of it before, seeing as she still had very little knowledge about clans, but it made sense. Disasters happened, like when Snowbound had moved to a different territory. Was that place still around? Were Atbash and Izuku and everyone over there safe? She really should never have left, but it was too late to change anything now. To hear about this clan was a welcome distraction. The Ascendents' observatory was something he had mentioned before, it seemed he had remembered her love for the stars. "Lovely, I'll have to go see it soon then." the brit mused.

One thing that stuck out though was that Killua had said 'when we left.' That meant he must have disappeared too. She wondered what had happened to make him leave, probably nothing too pleasant. "What about you, how have you been?" she asked. The girl was curious to hear what her friend had been up to. A lot had happened in her life in those few months they were apart and she could imagine he probably felt the same.

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-21-2019

The feeling of loneliness was always crushing. It was what he felt when he was just a kit in the mansion that his family resided in. The feeling wasn't immediate, because he loved his family. He enjoyed training with his older brother and talking with his father. His mother was a little bit grating in the way that she talked, but it was bearable as long as he wasn't stuck talking to her for hours. The albino serval became lonely when he realized that he didn't want to stay with his family anymore. He was still young when the feelings started to blossom in his mind, which one may consider being odd considering how much he had with his family. They had butlers that would move to their every whim, they had those that tried to kill them on a daily basis that were just target practice, they had animals that he could interact with which were their guard dogs. There were plenty of other things that he could be doing, such as playing with his siblings. However, they never really got along after it was revealed that he was going to be the heir of the family business rather than the rest of his older brothers who thought they were going to hold the title and inheritance. The assassin didn't want the family business, and there were several faces that knew this now. More often than not, he found himself just staying in his room messing with his yo-yo's or eating the candy that was brought to him. He could always talk to the butlers, they were trained to just agree with everything that they said and most were afraid of him. The conversation would probably end up with Killua annoyed and telling the butler to go away or simply killing them, meaning that he would be scolded by his father because they would have to hire and train another. The wildcat needed something to do, but when he wasn't allowed outside of the estate meant that there was really nothing he could do. Days passed as he was stuck between just sitting in his room and going to training with his older brother. He was pretty sure that a part of his brain had died of boredom during that time and it started to drive him crazy. Eventually, he was finally given jobs that were outside of the estate where he could make a profit for his family. It was finally while he was in the clans where he had jobs to kill their higher ranks that he realized he could be so much more. He never needed to be a killer. What his family did was not normal. Despite all of this, Killua did love his family. He did not wish them any ill will, because it was what his father had planned for them.

However, he did still wish that his family would just leave him alone and honor his wishes. If they wanted someone that wanted to be heir they should just choose one of his other brothers. Probably Illumi, not Milluki since he was just obsessed with computers and nothing else. The young male was still not used to those that were wanting to help him. He was far too used to just working things out by himself and never asking for help. Yet, there were several faces that would offer their help without a moments notice, even if they had no idea who they were. In the clan that he lived in before Snowbound, he was seriously injured by his older brother, more than he had been previous times. His brother dumped him on another clans borders, leaving him there to die, and yet the residents of the clans that knew him to be a common visitor came to his rescue and kept him from dying. Killua didn't quite understand why the clan was so ready to use their herb supply on him when there was a chance that it would be wasted if he were to die. All of them stated that they wanted to take care of him, and he remembered the medic at the time saying that they didn't want anyone dying on their borders when they could help. Were all medics like this? Jacob was very similar in the way that his morals were set. He had also learned this from Circusclown, as he had come across an injured apprentice that was on the verge of death and had been about to put him out of his misery. Circusclown stopped him, saying that it wasn't his decision whether or not it was the apprentice's time to go. It took several moments of realization for Killua to fully understand his words, before finally offering to help as he was his own medic after all. The wildcat had grown from that point, and now he would be more than willing to help a strange in need if they landed on the border of the tribe or clan that he was with. Life was precious after all, and they needed to keep living in order to enjoy it and to keep the memory of those that were lost. It might be fate that Killua had come across those that were willing to teach him life lessons. Maybe they were more willing because to them he was just a normal child that had a lot of things to learn, things that should have been taught to him a long time ago. The assassin would remember anyone that had a major impact on his life and make sure to remember their faces at all costs. Killua also knew that there was a chance that if his family did capture him, it would be easy for them to wipe his memory of all that he had. He would never remember his friends, those that he considered being his new family, and more. The thought of losing such precious memories nearly brought a shiver down his spine, but after stifling the fear that he constantly had all this time, he made sure that it wouldn't show outwardly so other's wouldn't worry about the action.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't know anything about London's past. Except that it probably wasn't the best whenever she thought back to it. So, Killua had never really needed to know and never asked about it before. When he heard that she was there to tie loose ends, Killua's mind immediately went to the dark business that he used to partake in. At least, that's what he was used to the phrase meaning, but he was fairly confident that she didn't go back to her old home to kill someone. Killua knew what it was like to kill someone to tie loose ends, and most of the time it made him relieved and felt like a chip off of his shoulder. Maybe she felt the same way, but without the violence. Killua wasn't going to ask what her home was like, and instead just offered a small nod of his head toward the albino clouded leopard in understanding. In response to saying that she wasn't attacked on the way here, a relieved sigh escaped his jaws and he seemed to relax considerably. He didn't want to have to go out and threaten someone for hurting his friend, especially since a scratch was almost enough to kill her. "That's a relief to hear. Elysium is pretty peaceful, but I'm not entirely sure the surrounding groups are really all that nice." Killua would state with a huff. Warbound groups were all the same, and they were all just as annoying. He didn't have any grudges against them as he did with the Typhoon, but he refused to go visit the Typhoon for the time being. A grin reappeared on his jaws at the mention of her wanting to take a look at the observatory. He had been in it once himself when the Ascendants were still around, and it certainly looked different than it was back then. "I don't think anyone really uses it, but I'm pretty sure we'd be able to figure out a way to get it up and running." Killua stated confidently. If he remembered correctly, the observatory had a generator that kept all of the lights on. A decent jump of electricity should be enough to spark the place back up life again, at least for him. The last question that London asked probably would have been enough to cause someone to stiffen, but all that changed in Killua's body language was that his grin seemed to falter, and his left paw glanced over his right arm where there were patches of fur still missing due to the scar tissue. "Been pretty fine so far, if boring as nothing really goes on in this place. Stark is also around if you remember the old man! He's around here somewhere. I... uh ran into my brother a couple of months ago, although I don't know where he is now. Honestly not much has really happened, mostly just trying to find something to do." Killua lied and talked in a casual manner while keeping the grin on his face. He was far from fine, mentally and physically. He mentioned his brother offhandedly, hoping that London didn't remember the horrors he talked about when he did mention him when he confessed his past. He certainly wasn't fine if the last time he slept was almost a week ago.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19:

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - london r. - 06-22-2019

If only there was a way to make someone's worries disappear. Because it seemed like Killua was always concerned about one thing or another, especially when it came to her health. London already knew she was pathetic, but she had survived okay so far, aside from that one time in Snowbound, but even that wound had healed by now, only a sliver of a scar remained. Besides, she was trying to become stronger, she'd even learned a couple of moves to better defend herself if something of the like occurred again. And running away was something she seemed to be good at, seeing as to how she had fled her home after her family died and then Snowbound too. Ouch, that was a bad joke.

To look at the stars from an observatory, London couldn't imagine what that would be like. Up until now, she'd just been using her cheap gas station telescope. She wondered how much more she would be able to see through the observatory's telescope. How many more stars she would able to see. She might even be able to get a closer look at Mars, how cool was that? Just the thought of it was enough to excite her. They would only need to fix it first. "I hope so, that would be cool." Though Killua said that no one here uses it. That's pretty sad, they were missing out. Well, as soon as they fixed it, London would have to try to find someone to share her hobby with. Sure, she could always stargaze with Killua, but he didn't really seem like the type to get passionate about astronomy. She didn't want to force him into a potentially boring situation when there were tons of other things out there that they could do together that he would probably appreciate more.

There was something that London found quite fascinating about her friend, and that was that he seemed unwilling to show weakness. She had to really observe him, all the minuscule, unobvious details that betrayed his true feelings. It was honestly impressive how guarded he constantly was. Though with the kind of life he had lived, it was no surprise he was this way. How could he just mention meeting his brother like it was the most casual thing in the world when London knew he had injured his family so that he could run away from his previous home? It was honestly impressive. Meanwhile, London was practically the opposite. Her emotions tended to leak out in the most obvious ways, besides the few occasions where she managed to keep them in check.

And so, when he said this, her shock and concern became evident. It seemed like he would rather not like to share the experience with her, and she didn't want to push him either, seeing as he hadn't pushed her about what she had been up to during the past months. Instead, she just opted to attempt to wrap her paws around Killua's neck in another hug. Even though he was smiling, seeing his brother was likely not something he was happy about. London knew she wouldn't be glad to see her uncle ever again, even if he was her only known living relative, so she could relate a little.

Re: why is the ice so cold || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 06-23-2019

The albino serval constantly needed to remain vigilant. If he didn't, he was fairly certain that he could end up dead in a matter of moments. One of the first lessons that he was taught was to absorb every detail and think about the worst case scenarios so that he could prepare actions appropriate to the situation. This training had saved his life several times before, and he wasn't about to let that training go to waste. He was a strategist, and this meant that he always had several different thoughts going through his mind of the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario now that London was back in the picture, was his brother finding him and taking London hostage to use as a bargaining chip. Yet, no matter what decision he would make, he was fairly certain that London would end up dead anyway so that his brother wouldn't have any loose ends to tie up later on. It made perfect sense, and it was strategically sound. He couldn't afford to make up any slip-ups when his family was in play, but when it came to the other groups he could lax a little bit. Living in the clans taught him to expect the unexpected as there could be a day where they simply find a corpse on the border with no sign of what killed them. That was exactly what Killua had done before when he was taking up jobs. There was no point in hiding the corpses that he created, as he needed the word to spread so that the client would know that the job was done. He would get paid, and he would move on. Before living in Snowbound, he lived in another clan that was relatively peaceful especially with other groups. Nothing really happened so this lead Killua to go travel around the area for something to do, which he still does to this day. Either way, a corpse ended up landing its way on its border along with a note of the revival of another group. To Killua, it was obviously a threat, and he wasn't going to let that threat stand. Without telling Amorette or anyone else in the clan, Killua immediately tracked down the scent to the headquarters of the place. It was here that he came across three individuals and that was it.

The leader of the group pleaded that he was the bad guy simply because they hadn't done anything wrong. They seemed to have forgotten that they left corpses on the borders which were obviously killed by their paws. Killua distinctly remembers removing the eye from a domestic cat and knocking out the leader with almost ease. No, he didn't kill any of them. All of this had happened after Circusclown, and so he knew he should try turning over a new leaf and not constantly be killing all of the time. It was tough for him, but he left them alive. From that moment, the assassin did not hear from them again. This was one of the many reasons why the assassin constantly was on patrols so that he wouldn't miss anything and always keep track of who left and entered the clan. It made his job a lot easier to have as much information as much as possible. The only time that he ran away from battles though, were if they were with his family. Any other battle he would make sure to pick out his opponent appropriately, and then commence an attack. Injuring someone to the point that they would give up was a lot more difficult rather than just killing them. This was the price that needed to be paid in order to live a better life. There were plenty of activities that Killua found trivial. He did not see the need to garden or create something from arts and crafts. But, he probably needed a hobby. He worked himself to the bone and then when he didn't have anything to do he just kept patrolling. Killua did enjoy nighttime more than during the day, but maybe that was because he was so used to working at night that he enjoyed it more. It was also cooler during the night hours compared to the heat of the summer sun during the day.

The albino serval was curious about the stars, but like most children, his attention could only be held for so long before he got bored and wanted something to do. Killua had hoped that London hadn't been able to pick up much on the mention of his brother. He probably didn't give the albino clouded leopard enough credit for her detective and observation skills. The assassin kept his smile on his face, but he could easily tell during the little speel of what he had been up to, that London showed concern across her face. He wanted to tell her that he was okay and that there was nothing to worry about. Compared to the time she gave him the gloves that he still uses, it was odd for someone to show obvious concern for him. Stark did the same as well, as his father figure seemed to fuss over him from time to time. Before he could reassure her, the female wrapped her arms around his neck again, causing him to straighten his posture slightly. This hug was different from their first one. It wasn't at all unpleasant, but it was filled with warmth. He was slightly caught off guard and didn't return the hug immediately. He forced his body language to relax, a common feat he was used to doing, and the smile turned to a shy grin. A low chuckle would escape his jaws as he raised one of his paws and wrap it around her shoulders. "I'm fine. I promise." Partial lie and partial truth. The injuries he once had no longer inhibited his movements. He had been in far worse conditions than this, and could easily handle himself. He wasn't about to show weakness just yet, as there was always an opportunity for other Elysium members to approach a scent that they did not recognize.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 05/13/19: