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send me to hell ● joiner - Printable Version

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send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-19-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


what had been was no longer, and what would be, was ever unknown. but alas, the golden dragon had decided after losing time, that they were to pursue something more ... fulfilling here. they knew people here, and while that was nice, they had come with other goals. currently, the oriental beast had taken a lesser-known body, that of a jaguar with a cobweb mutation to the coat, better known as vitiligo.

waiting upon the border with their lips slightly drawn back to bring in the scent of the group before them, they could catch his scent, more faintly, but a good strong taste of their family within this area. ah, what they would do to see their first mate once again. alas, he would laugh at them.

they sat at the border, head slightly bowed as if the battle-seasoned warrior was in thought, their jian strapped to their back, the blade as long as shoulder to hip, their tail longer and fluffier than a regular jaguar, thanks to being a different type of jaguar in main body without the vitiligo gene. if they were to raise their head, one would see their scars, specifically the one across their eyes. They were effectively blind by this point.

Now, they just had to wait.

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Kydobi - 06-19-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile, and would you like a thread with them soon? ]

Naturally, it was Kydobi that would make the first arrival. Ever interested in the folks of his species, the ones with quirks especially caught his attention.

So when he saw the familiar body of kin he would make his way to the stranger. Unaware that this was his dear friend.

As he neared he would catch the scent, Lynn. But he had never heard of them as a Jaguar. Perhaps this cat had come into recent contact with them? If that was the case then their scent wouldn’t be so strong. It seemed to come from the Jaguar.

”Lynn?”, he would ask softly. He looked at the blind eye, searching for familiarity.

Recently Ky had been rendered exhausted. With all the chaos and drama. It was so stressful. Everything weighed on him, and even his posture was beginning to slack s little. His head hung not as high, but it was not for lack of confidence.


Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-19-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


sure thing ^^ glad to have you back -- did everything go well? //

they lifted their head, lips pulling back automatically to display their teeth. crap. their ability to scent wasnt the strongest today. wait. that voice. kydobi.

shoulders relaxing, the jaguar stood, "yes.", they answered in a thick and tired voice. they couldn't see him, but his tone and the way that they heard the world around him ... he was just as badly off as they. "still the first to appear, I see, Péngyǒu.(friend)", they murmur, flicking an ear in soft amusement. "what causes your head to lay low?", they ask, staying in place, not afraid to move, but unwilling to show any emotion toward the other physically after how badly it had went last time.

turning their head to the sky, they drew in scents, "the matriarch of the family has come here, and I have come of my own will. I no longer care to be among cannibals and monsters. if given the chance, I will strike out on my own following this."

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Kydobi - 06-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: it’s alright :/ I gotta get a laptop tho  ]

He sighed, ”Chaos has found us once again. That damned tigress burned the jungle. I knew we shouldn’t have trusted her...”

His home was his well-being and it was not safe and so he would not feel so until it was. It was damaged and it affected his well being. He would not be fully healthy till it was.

”Jerisidie? You mean... I know of him-her.. them.. but it’s good to see a friendly face. I missed you so.

The cat sighed and walked forward, believing that their lack of movement was due to their eyes.

”It would be nice to hold you again.”, he said softly but in a platonic way. It was an offer, he was asking for comfort.

”But there is never time to relax. So what brings you here?

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-20-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


fair fair-- ive been cosplay cramming and stabbed my hand last night so im in a bunch of pain //
anyways! I need the bois scars for his ref hun ///

their blind gaze softened at this point, chuckling softly, "I've come to join, my friend. I have nothing left for me in the blackguard once I lost it.", they rumble as they sensed him come near, breath catching in their throat at the thought that he might be asking for more than just a friendly interaction before they shooed the thought off and relaxed their body.

"of course. we have much to catch up on, I suppose. I thought the land smelt of char.", they murmured as they turned their head around, tail flicking as they lifted a paw to lick and pull over their smarting ears. "yes, jerisidie. the matriarch and remaining patriarch. unique family ties, really.", they murmur.

they bowed their head slightly, indicating that he could move closer to them. they would provide him as much comfort as he could find in their battered body. letting their jian slip from their back with the orb that they carried all the time, the big cat relaxed to allow him in.

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Kydobi - 06-25-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: sorry for delay I’ve been working ]

So that was their business here. Kydobi understood the need for a place to stay, it was what lead him here in the first place. The ebony jaguar smiled and touched his nose to his friends cheek.

”I believe you will be welcome. It’ll
Be nice.”
, he would move to lay across from the fellow feline.

”i never knew you had this body, I rather like it. Not that my preference matters but it’s comforting to see familiar species...” he couldn’t help but look at the eyes. And he was after all a car and so curious would set in.

”whats the story behind this body. The eyes who did that?

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-25-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


its okay!!! //

"I just discovered this body. by accident, rather. the eyes? pissed off someone.", they respond nonchalantly, remaining sitting before sighing and licking their lips.

not a word, nothing about how well, anything was happening. good. "I do have someone who may or may not be following me in. I'm not sure, I can't scent him. he's of no threat. my sister and a kit might be as well." they rumble, informing him. they tried to calm their heart at the mere nose touch to their cheek, head tipped slightly.

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Usagi Smallpaw - 06-30-2019

After a short while a tired looking wolf with two tails walks in, laying down next to Bai Shi but giving the two space as they seem to be very...familiar with one another. An inexhaustible little fox kit follows her constantly bouncing around and having no care for anyone's personal space is jumping over,on and around those laying in the sand, sometimes running off a bit before dashing back and repeating a few times."I appologize for interrupting, i tried to keep her distracted and occupied as much as i could but i have absolutely no clue where she gets all of this energy from *tired sigh* appologies stranger where are my manners im Usagi"

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - teef - 06-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" what do you got to lose? "


upon her arrival with the kit, they gave a breath, "usagi. eclipse.", they murmured, turning their head in the duo's direction before lifting a paw, an indication for the kit to come to them. they wanted to settle the child and she seemed to settle a lot faster around them, "eclipse." they called gently, the jaguar relaxed.

Re: send me to hell ● joiner - Eclipse - 06-30-2019

Upon hearing her name called by Mupa she quickly dashes back, sliding to a halt in front of Mupa's face with a decent sized poof of sand and dust which may or may not get into the jaguar's coat"Yea Mupa? hehehe"quickly running away,blasting a bit of sand into the jaguar's face she runs a slight bit away before turning arround and getting a running jump onto mupa's back and shuffling up to be laying on Mupa's head giggling with laughter as her tail wags a thousand miles an hour