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[joining] An ocean battle - Printable Version

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[joining] An ocean battle - ♛Teatime Roux♛ - 06-19-2019

Mars Roux
The smell of the ocean kicked a bit of salty life into Mars. She smiled, The setting sun glancing off her shiny, pearl sharp teeth. Ah the ocean - how she relised in it. The give and take of the waves. The commanding yet gentle force of the moon. The peaceful nature of it all.
She sat, tail wrapped over her delicate paws as she watched the clouds mingle. Ah what she could do if she could fly. What a world of adventure that would bring. She huffed at her thoughts, returning her eyes to The Typhoon - her home. Raised - but not born - here, the Jaguar was proud to call the group of pirates her home. Even more so, considering it was her blood that kept it in running order. Well, not her directly - but the family blood. A family of pirates! The thought - so familiar and mundane to her, like AC in a room - always ran a tingle down her spine.
She breathed it in- the island smells, the yarn for adventure, for something new, the ocean -, and with a mighty breath, let out a yowl.
"WOO-HO!" Her paws flew into the settled water, sending droplets flying. The sleekly built Roux snorted and giggled and threw herself into the waves. In violent actions, she battles the waves, snapping at the water drops as they flew past her as if the water itself was an enemy.
Laughing and snorting, and generally making very loud noises, Mars continued to battle the waves, only stopping on the shore to catch her breath.
[sorry if there's any confusion, her name is Mars, but I haven't figured out how to change her user on moblie ^^"

Re: [joining] An ocean battle - Luciferr - 06-23-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"I see someone is enjoying themselves" a quiet voice rumbles from the eves of the sheltering frankly massive trees that inhabit the island before one of its many shadows seems to peel off and coalesce into a new shape entirely, free of the dappling silhouettes that obscured him prior.

this one is new, but there is something familiar there "might I inquire a name?"


Re: [joining] An ocean battle - ♛Teatime Roux♛ - 06-24-2019

Mars Roux
Quickly, suddenly, the jaguar turned her head to adress the owner of a new voice. Ah, a dragon, how odd, how intresting. She flicked her tail, a wordless invintation to join her in the waves.
"Only if I get one in return," She smiled, playfully splashing some water his way. "Or do you normally go by shadow-stalker?"