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glitching [★] close every door - Printable Version

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glitching [★] close every door - suvi. - 06-18-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
The burning in her throat seemed a dull ache compared to the splitting headache.  Confusion.  The insistances from two seemingly separate minds.  One.  Two.  Together.  The vixen buried her face in her paws, biting the inside of her cheeks.

Her mitch-matched hues gleamed dully behind them, squinting in the struggle.  Suvi.  Kiira.  Sister and daughter.  Orphaned and alone.  No, someone's coming for me. Then why did she always end up alone? Not me.

Someone was watching over her.  A secret guardian.  Unknown.  Familiar.  I want da... Although the mystery friend's attempts surely helped, Suvi knew she was dangerously malnourished.  Dehydrated. They probably couldn't do enough without notice.

Her head spun as she struggled, sitting up on shaking paws.  Cold now.  Always cold.  Chills raked up her spine.  It's not the starving that kills you.

Her frail body shimmered in the darkness of her cell.  No, no. Like a ghost, disappearing, fading like dust.  Fear brought her back, desperately willing her body to remain corporal.  Even so, she lacked the strength to prevent another type of glitch.  A broken soul without control.

An eye's blink.  A startled guard -- though it was not likely the first occurrence.  Suvi... Kiira... Disappeared, against her own accord.  A number of times in her unstable state, until they finally subsided, no energy left.  Weakly, she dropped to a heap on the ground, her golden fur gleaming in the sun she barely remembered.  The Tanglewood medic, Typhoon child, shut her eyes against the burning light and spinning world.

Like that, still trembling, she fell into fitful sleep. An easy enough prisoner to relocate.

[ Mobile ]

Re: glitching [★] close every door - gael - 06-20-2019

Amidst the day's business, the cross fox almost walked by the unconscious figure on the ground.  Almost, but through his sharp hazel eyes, Gael quickly discovered this face was unfamiliar.  Another little fox, like Aine, but stranger in color -- an arctic fox from what he could tell, with golden fur.  A thoughtful frown spread across his maw. 

Her physical state clearly spoke ill.  We've had a prisoner here this whole time then? Intrigued, the faerie stepped forward, crouching by the youth's side.  Could this be reason for attack? She smelled more of the Pitt from time, but he caught odd traces of the sea and swamp and earth.  You're a strange one.

Gael flicked an ear, deciding to play nice for a moment, for the sake of knowledge.  Gently, he reached out to nudge and shake her.  I have no use for prisoners who can't even stay awake.  She needs a medic. He had a strange feeling she was a medic.  The earthy smell she carried that couldn't be washed away save for a great deal of time spoke of such.

Idly, he rose his head, sighing.  "Anyone know where [member=483]EMBRY[/member] is?" A keen lack of interest -- as if this wasn't at all an interesting situation to say the least -- penetrated his voice as he raised it.  I wonder... If you might know her, cousin, he mused.

He kept the other fox's secret safe, for now.  Yet the vulpine grew restless and angry -- one step out of line and 'Embry' may find himself locked in a cell, or worse.  This youth on the ground however, may not be so safe from his immediate wrath.  First, he wanted to know where she came from. Perhaps even a name.

She'd fail to offer such information lying out cold like this.  She needed medical attention, at least a little.  Enough to provide him something useful.  "You ought to wake up, a leanbh " He spoke soft, as if he were perhaps speaking to Aine, though she seemed to be older than his own child. If she opened her eyes, Gael only wore the minimal, gentle smile.  He cared little for deception in the end, since he had suffered on the receiving end, only hoping to perhaps show the girl he truly intended to help her.  Well, help her some.

// Mobile
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby
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Re: glitching [★] close every door - SÉAMUS - 06-22-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
"An' what do you want from me fae...?" The Scotsman called as he heard his name, blinking.  With furrowed brow the swift fox bounded towards the other vulpine, flicking an ear.  A small pack sat strapped to his back, carrying a small number of herbs.  Embry found reading books all day did little use for everyone else.

Apparently, his medical expertise was being called to action.  Suvi.. He examined the child passively, tossing Gael a quick quirk of his brows.  How'd you get out of...?  Are you still teleporting, child? An almost annoyed huff left him.  Trust Raziel's daughter to be so troublesome.

"She's malnourished." An obvious comment. "And worn from her... Trip outside." He sighed, recalling some NPC guards muttering about her 'glitching'.

With a smirk, he raised his head to the black and red fox.  "Give me a good reason an' I'll patch her up. No doubt the guards are runnin' up 'ere already.  She might not be worth it, friend. Might as well send her back to 'er cell. 'less you plan on keeping her healthy? I don't want to waste supplies should she starve again."

He had some thoughts as to where Gael's mind may be.  Possible plans and intent for harm should the child prove worthy somehow. I shouldn't care. Not my kid.  No offence Raziel. Séamus hoped his cousin realized what sort of wrath he may inflect upon himself should he harm her and made a quick mental note to send Keona a message later.

"You ought to ask Jervis if he knows who she is," he added after a moment, moving to place a paw over her forehead.  She's worse than I remember. "Whether she's valuable." The Ardent took her, that he knew.

"She's runnin' a fever," he muttered.

"Alright," he shook his head.  "Perhaps if we're nice," he smiled wryly, "she'll tell us 'erself." If you'll wake up, child.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY