Beasts of Beyond
proud of you // open, joining! - Printable Version

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proud of you // open, joining! - ↝ remy ↜ - 04-28-2018

Remy had been travelling for a very long time. In fact, the boa would go as far as to say that they couldn't remember a time where they hadn't been roaming the planet. Such was just how their life went; they went somewhere, explored the area, ate good, then continued on to find some place new. Of course, all things eventually came to an end.

After a rather unfortunate experience at the last place Remy had visited, they had decided that it might be time to settle down somewhere. 17 years of near constant exploration and wandering, and it had only been a few weeks ago when they first thought that maybe roaming wasn't the best thing for them anymore. The scars on their body certainly helped convince Remy that they should stop wandering. The pain of that experience, the near death, all just because Remy had accidentally entered someone's territory? It was more than enough to convince them they should find somewhere safe to settle down and stay.

And so Remy was here, slithering in the tall grasses of the Ascendant's plains. Well, tall to them. They had been slithering along at a decent pace for a while now, searching for a member of this group. Several animals had told Remy of a group called the Ascendants, and in all the stories the boa had heard, the group seemed to be.. Nice. Certainly not aggressive, at the very least. Remy figured this place was as good as any to try and join, especially considering it had been closest to them of all the groups they'd heard of, and Remy was definitely too lazy to go out of their way to find one of the other groups. This place sounded nice. They hoped the group didn't try to kill them for invading their territory.

When they came upon a small river, they decided to take a break. They dipped their head slightly into the water and drank their fill. Remy then slowly moved to lift their head above the grass, red gaze taking in the area around them. More grass. They thought they could see trees off in the distance, but they didn't rely on their vision alone, for it wasn't the best. Their tongue flickered in and out for a long moment before they swerved around and called out, "Hello? Who's there?"

whats up!! excited to be joining : D also, im used to using he/him pronouns in rp so i might accidentally type he instead of they oops!


Re: proud of you // open, joining! - Margaery - 04-28-2018

The lifestyle of a loner had never been one that Margaery purposefully sought after. No, it had always been thrust upon her at the most inopportune of times, taking away not only the vague sense of home she had but also her sense of purpose: she was not made to wander constantly, aimlessly, with no point in mind. That being said, her journeys had taught her much and succeeded in giving her a new appreciation  for those who did possess a wanderlust in their hearts. It was not easy, being isolated all the time, and many surely would have been driven mad by just the thought. She had decided long ago that natural-born loners might possibly be the strongest individuals of them all.

But despite that appreciation, she was still firm in her beliefs towards the subject and had been beyond glad to have stumbled upon the Ascendants. It was perhaps the metaphorical icing on the cake that Suiteheart had found her way too, causing the pair to finally reunite after a year of separation. Though they kept their true identities hidden away like some sort of forbidden secret, it was no doubt a relief to have a familiar face - her wife, of all people - here with her as well. It made this place, this place that was as far from her old home as could be, a little more bearable... a little more doable.

Presently, the chocolate point was wandering through the field, carrying no intention to do anything but stretch her legs. Most of her day had been dedicated to lounging in the shade or inside the Observatory, the sun much too bright for her fragile skin and eyes. She hadn't anticipated running into a stranger (she shouldn't have been surprised... they had encountered a high rate of joiners recently) and stopped abruptly when she heard a voice. Expecting a feline, or even a canine, to be waiting for her, one could obviously say that Margaery was a bit shocked to be looking down upon a snake. She had seen many creatures from all ends of the world before but, no matter how hard she scoured her memory, she could not recall coming across a snake.

[color=#b14767]"Name and business?" She asked of them, entertaining the very idea of having a reptile join their ranks. It'd be refreshing, she decided, a new face in a crowd of fur and whiskers.

(hey! welcome!! we're happy to have you!!)

Re: proud of you // open, joining! - Character Graveyard. - 04-28-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had seen a uncommon animal to see a few hours back. Arion- Hazel's colt. But she would never except to see a snake but nothing was really impossible, she supposed.

The female had noticed Margaret standing in the fields, her gaze on the ground in front of her. Curious, Luna decided to see what was happening. "Are you alright?" She asked, not seeing Remy in the rather tall grass.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: proud of you // open, joining! - ↝ remy ↜ - 04-28-2018

To say Remy was amused would be an understatement. Not only did the chocolate point cat seem surprised to see them, or perhaps she was surprised they were a snake? It didn't matter, not only did she seem surprised, the other one had yet to even notice them! They knew their scales didn't quite blend in with the grass. Perhaps she could not see very well? They couldn't judge her on that; their own eyes didn't really function as well as most animals' could. They turned their attention back to the first feline, thought on her question for a moment.

"I go by Remy, and I am here to join the Ascendants. Am I right in assuming you two are members of that group? This is their territory, correct? What are your names?" And with that, they lifted themselves up a bit higher to look around some more. They were certain these were the plains described in the passing animals' stories.


Re: proud of you // open, joining! - BASTILLEPAW - 05-01-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
"Yeah, that's us," Bastille supplied as he was suddenly there, teleporting into existence beside Margy and Luna as he studied the newcomer with vague interest. He was too fucking exhausted to be vibrating with the usual anger that had been following him since Luna's return, and at most he simply seemed apathetic as he peered at her -- Remy, she said. "Bast," he added, figuring he'd supply his name since she had already requested the others'. "We can show you around and get you a room and shit. There are maps you can use to explore later, too." A pause, then a delayed, [b]"Welcome, I guess."

Re: proud of you // open, joining! - Luciferr - 05-02-2018

Re: proud of you // open, joining! - Character Graveyard. - 05-02-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Slightly embarrassed by not seeing Remy in the grass, Luna would offer a apologetic smile to the serpent. "I'm Lunafreya, but Luna is okay." The female would pause for a second, so she could offer a nod of greeting to the two that had just shown up. "Welcome to The Ascendants."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: proud of you // open, joining! - ↝ remy ↜ - 05-03-2018

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Bast, Eternal, and Luna. Are the spikes for show, or are they actually useful in a fight, Eternal?" Remy eyed the large tiger, waving slightly in the air as they moved to examine the rest of her easier. That gold color to parts of her pelt certainly was bright.

"Thank you for the welcome. By rooms, do you mean a den? Or is there truly a building here?" They had been a bit skeptical when they had heard of it. Lots of stories tended to be enhanced or exaggerated to make them more interesting.


Re: proud of you // open, joining! - Luciferr - 05-04-2018